• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 841 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 50 out of 841

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  1. KyleM
    Feb 26, 2009
    American Idiot is one of this decades greatest CD's. Although the music may not sound like it did 15 years ago on Dookie, it's still got a lot of punch to it. This and Warning are albums Green Day have released to prove they've grown up, you can play the same exact thing for 20 years and expect to keep on living. American Idiot is Green Day's biggest risk, and biggest success.
  2. BenC
    Feb 11, 2009
    If you hate this album then, A. You have no taste and listen to modern rap and pop crap. B. . You are stupid enough to think that Green Day is anti-American. American Idiot is one of the few albums of the century with a point. Rock formed on the basis of protest, with roots in the blues and continuing with the anti-war classics of the 60s and 70s. It is a protest against the amazingly If you hate this album then, A. You have no taste and listen to modern rap and pop crap. B. . You are stupid enough to think that Green Day is anti-American. American Idiot is one of the few albums of the century with a point. Rock formed on the basis of protest, with roots in the blues and continuing with the anti-war classics of the 60s and 70s. It is a protest against the amazingly screwed up American pop culture after 9/11. The songs tell a cohesive story with some of the best lyrics I've heard ever, and is backed ub with solid instrumentation. In a world where corporate bigwigs are taking all of our money and underpaying poor laborers in China, and the government takes away citizens rights one by one, American Idiot uses Jesus of Suburbia show how messed up this current system is. Expand
  3. VonC
    Jan 14, 2009
    Fantastic album with well-written lyrics and hilly emotional ride from start to finish. It's funny to see the low scores with nothing but deflection and scorn from, I guess, two-time Bush voters! Someone actually used the term "moonbats"! What's this? A political forum? LOL! Billy must have been signing about those dead-enders.
  4. Mike
    Nov 3, 2008
    This CD is BAD. Seriously. Have you ever listened to their older stuff? They went from amazing to crap in a matter of a few years. If you like this CD, then you're probably a 10-year-old goth kid who thinks they're being rebellious. There's nothing "hardcore" about this album They went from being smart and catchy to stereotypical and cliche. If you listened to any albums This CD is BAD. Seriously. Have you ever listened to their older stuff? They went from amazing to crap in a matter of a few years. If you like this CD, then you're probably a 10-year-old goth kid who thinks they're being rebellious. There's nothing "hardcore" about this album They went from being smart and catchy to stereotypical and cliche. If you listened to any albums before Nimrod, then you will agree that this CD is just horrible! Expand
  5. Dave
    Aug 28, 2008
    Green Day hate what U.S. soldiers are trained to do, and yet they filmed the "Wake Me Up When September Ends" on a real American military training base. Green Day smoke so much dope that they shouldn't be allowed to have opinions on politics or the military.
  6. MattM
    Jul 28, 2008
    A great album with powerfully organized and well-written songs, and great lyrics. The best songs on the album Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, She's a Rebel, Extraordinary Girl, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Homecoming, and Whatsername.
  7. alexa
    Jun 18, 2008
    Sub-sub-par Green Day at best. So much of it is forced and reachy, musically and lyrically. The well is tapped I'm sad sad sad to say; I'm the biggest GD fan there ever was...was.
  8. NourezRl
    May 25, 2008
    Simply Amazing. This is not anti-american, its at worst, anti-commercialist and anti-isolationist. The big theme of the album is feeling isolated in the world around you, not being able to connect and relate with all the people you know. And about the fact that the guitar is simply one or two repeated chords, Green Day is still at it's core a punk band, and the repeated chord Simply Amazing. This is not anti-american, its at worst, anti-commercialist and anti-isolationist. The big theme of the album is feeling isolated in the world around you, not being able to connect and relate with all the people you know. And about the fact that the guitar is simply one or two repeated chords, Green Day is still at it's core a punk band, and the repeated chord structure is a facet of punk music. Even if you go back to bands like Sex Pistols and the Buzzcocks, you'll see the same repetitive structure. Expand
  9. TomP.
    May 5, 2008
    Honestly, I've barely even listened to this album, I just wanted to comment on how Jon C. may just be the most ignorant person to ever listen to a CD.
  10. SMT
    Mar 22, 2008
    Anyone giving this album a 0 should really consider their taste in music. This is by far the best album, the reason they're anti-american is because there are so many problems in America. Not because they're promoting terrorism, music needs some political influence as they need to get out the message to some people who believe the world is perfect. Rock on Green Day, one of the Anyone giving this album a 0 should really consider their taste in music. This is by far the best album, the reason they're anti-american is because there are so many problems in America. Not because they're promoting terrorism, music needs some political influence as they need to get out the message to some people who believe the world is perfect. Rock on Green Day, one of the best albums of all time! Best songs; Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Give Me Novacaine and Wake Me Up When September End. Collapse
  11. MelissaB
    Mar 16, 2008
    It honestly completely changed the way I felt about music. The first album I've ever completely fallen in love with -- it opened so many doors to different bands for me and, almost 4 years on, 'Whatsername' still blows my mind every time I listen.
  12. GavinB
    Feb 23, 2008
    After listening to this album twice I heard it playing in a second hand clothes store in Camden and found I could sing along to every track. Speaks for itself really. Occasionally cringeworthy lyrics fail to sabotage an incredibly punchy album of hookladen songs delivered with incredible energy.
  13. DaleF
    Dec 26, 2007
    3 years after the release of this CD and it's still in my player constantly. Incredible CD.
  14. Dan
    Dec 25, 2007
    Although heavily commercialized, there is no doubt that American Idiot is still a great punk rock album. Each of its song plays a part of an overriding story in the album, and reflects America in its modern age. Its riffs, although relatively simple, are catchy nevetheless, and are certainly catchy enough to hook any punk rock fan. Aside from its obvious commercialization and change, Although heavily commercialized, there is no doubt that American Idiot is still a great punk rock album. Each of its song plays a part of an overriding story in the album, and reflects America in its modern age. Its riffs, although relatively simple, are catchy nevetheless, and are certainly catchy enough to hook any punk rock fan. Aside from its obvious commercialization and change, American Idiot is a superb album and another good step for Green Day. Expand
  15. DesmondH.
    Dec 2, 2007
    If you think they are anti-America, you are an idiot. GD are anti-war, idiots.
  16. JA.
    Nov 12, 2007
    It's funny how the people who are praising this album, are the same people being criticised on it.
  17. JonC.
    Oct 28, 2007
    There's so many reasons to not like this album. First off, Green Day is just plain not talented, playing beginner guitar player's style power chords and lazy riffs that turn into the same hooks in every song. Also, it's anti-American. They're basically make a statement that America sucks, and that everybody should just leave it, which is pretty much a terrorist's There's so many reasons to not like this album. First off, Green Day is just plain not talented, playing beginner guitar player's style power chords and lazy riffs that turn into the same hooks in every song. Also, it's anti-American. They're basically make a statement that America sucks, and that everybody should just leave it, which is pretty much a terrorist's point of view. Don't support this trash, or else more and more bands will get political and it'll just ruin music altogether. Expand
  18. MusicLover
    Oct 21, 2007
    This album was sort of just a plain rock album. Don't get me wrong: it had good songs on it. I loved how they had medleys like "Jesus Of Suburbia" & "Homecoming", but it didn't offer something totally new. It almost turned me off from Green Day, but I still love them.
  19. pauld.
    Jul 15, 2007
    by far there best album
  20. BernS
    Jul 15, 2007
    I'm normally annoyed by the user votes being averaged out from some people voting 0 and the rest 10, but this is one of my favourite albums ever, so... Apparently it's not punk, but that means nothing to the likes of me. It's all very accessible pop-rock, and just plain pleasant to listen to. It's not often I can say that I love 11 songs out of 13.
  21. KeilaT
    Jul 9, 2007
    OK so this is like 4 yrs after Aerican Idiot was released but I still adore this album with every fragment of my teenaged soul. I wish that everyone could comprehend the brilliance and underhanded eloquence of this organized rave! Green Day is impeccable hands down.
  22. andiev
    Jul 2, 2007
    this album literally rocks. i love his angry lyrics and the way joe picks at political matters, american idiot was the best song on the album, and also holiday, it just makes you wanna snarl at the government and scream, "cafeteria food freakin sucks!!!" okay, well, i was just getting carried away...but anyway, this album kicks ass
  23. jam
    Jun 19, 2007
    i think american idiot rax and the thing is it shows what green day think of the world 2day such as american idiot. I personally love holiday, bouvlevard of broken dreams, wake me up when september ends and a few more, but thing is if there band hadn't hit the charts i would have never gotten in2 green day and other rock/punk/heavy metal bands. Personally i prefer the album Dookie to i think american idiot rax and the thing is it shows what green day think of the world 2day such as american idiot. I personally love holiday, bouvlevard of broken dreams, wake me up when september ends and a few more, but thing is if there band hadn't hit the charts i would have never gotten in2 green day and other rock/punk/heavy metal bands. Personally i prefer the album Dookie to this 1 though o n green keep on making music Expand
  24. flabslab
    Jun 8, 2007
    Gee, there sure must be a load of American Idiots out there. I can only assume that the moonbats who like this simplistic dross were no more rthan a gleam in their mummy's pantie's in the late 70's when true punk bands like the Pistols, Stranglers and Clash were reinventing rock, Listen young guys, when are you going to stop copying my generation and come up with some Gee, there sure must be a load of American Idiots out there. I can only assume that the moonbats who like this simplistic dross were no more rthan a gleam in their mummy's pantie's in the late 70's when true punk bands like the Pistols, Stranglers and Clash were reinventing rock, Listen young guys, when are you going to stop copying my generation and come up with some musical and political ideas of your own. Both the Jim's and John are dead, and so is the mass murdering concentration camp commander Che. Get over it and move on. If you like this you are indeed an American Idiot. Expand
  25. maplejet
    May 25, 2007
    Don't get me wrong. This isn't a bad album, but it ain't GD's greatest. Their previous albums are better and should be given a listen. As for GD haters, go listen to you generic Led Zeppelin and be a poser
  26. Sam
    May 13, 2007
    So the comments look like this is a "love it or hate it" album. I'm a "love it." The overused Boulevard of Broken Dreams aside, there are some awesome and unappreciated tracks on here. "Jesus of Suburbia" and "St. Jimmy" are two of my favorites, for the exuberance of the music and singing. And of course the infectious "Holiday." Find me a catchier guitar strain. Love it. Some of the So the comments look like this is a "love it or hate it" album. I'm a "love it." The overused Boulevard of Broken Dreams aside, there are some awesome and unappreciated tracks on here. "Jesus of Suburbia" and "St. Jimmy" are two of my favorites, for the exuberance of the music and singing. And of course the infectious "Holiday." Find me a catchier guitar strain. Love it. Some of the music is deep enough to be thought-provoking. However, it's not unavoidably deep. If the politics of the music aren't your thing, it's still possible to look past the tones of the message and appreciate the great tunes and musicianship for what they are. Expand
  27. meganr
    Apr 6, 2007
    I love American Idiot because it tells about what is going on in the world today and the war.
  28. kadek
    Mar 24, 2007
    This album is astonishing! I don't understand how some people can not like it. I have followed Green Day from the start, And I love 90's "Dookie" as much as I like this album. I mean cmon people look at what your sayin when you say, "American Idiot really sux" the album won 14 Grammy's was also labeled a 10x Platinum Album. One of the grammy's being "Best Rock Group"! This album is astonishing! I don't understand how some people can not like it. I have followed Green Day from the start, And I love 90's "Dookie" as much as I like this album. I mean cmon people look at what your sayin when you say, "American Idiot really sux" the album won 14 Grammy's was also labeled a 10x Platinum Album. One of the grammy's being "Best Rock Group"! I mean, i guess it depends on who you are... as in like the lyrics in "American Idiot" are politically charged and have extremely good meanings to them, you just have to look beyond the outside stereotype of "anti-american emo's" because if you do the research before you judge you would know that green day is not out to destroy the goverment, they are just trying to expose the things that the "Bush Admin." would rather brush under the carpet. Green Day has really grown up and impressed me greatly. I hope they continue the streak. P.S. If you are totally against volitle music that challenges the american government... you think green day is bad? hahaha go listen to "ANTI-FLAG"s albums and talk to me again. GREEN DAY ROX!!! :) Expand
  29. BenN
    Mar 23, 2007
    I would be an american idiot if i did not like this album
  30. eskildb
    Mar 19, 2007
    This album is the greatest ever! I mean look at the songs. They are so good. And Tre Cool, is so funny. And Billy is so good and cool.
  31. AaronH
    Mar 11, 2007
    Green Day is an embarrasment to Punk. Punk died with Joe Strummer.
  32. ToddH
    Feb 25, 2007
    Awsome album that continues to be amazing even 2 1/2 years later. It will be a classic that will be refered to for many years to come.
  33. KickerTom
    Feb 14, 2007
    Green Day are an embarrassment to music. The greats are rolling in their graves.
  34. mirandas
    Feb 9, 2007
    I love this cd.
  35. PepS!
    Feb 7, 2007
    One of the best albums ever! I can listen to it over and over again!
  36. ericr
    Feb 3, 2007
    can you say BEST CD EVER!??!
  37. ggjujuewqtq
    Jan 12, 2007
    is exellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  38. uber
    Jan 5, 2007
    This is equal to Dookie at least. The concept is well thought out and delivered
  39. AaronS
    Jan 1, 2007
    The best Green Day to date! For those of you thinking that this album was written for TRL, you're MISTAKEN! This statement goes to show that you don't understand Green Day's symbolism nor their sarcasm within this alblum. As for their "slower" songs on this album, apperently you aren't much of a Green Day fan. They have made MANY ballads that aren't exactly "punk The best Green Day to date! For those of you thinking that this album was written for TRL, you're MISTAKEN! This statement goes to show that you don't understand Green Day's symbolism nor their sarcasm within this alblum. As for their "slower" songs on this album, apperently you aren't much of a Green Day fan. They have made MANY ballads that aren't exactly "punk rock." Have you not heard "Macy's Day Parade," "Minority," or "Time of Your Life." This album is a statement to the American people that all is not well with this country. We still have oppression, hate, and corruption in this land. Green Day at least has decided to call out the government for this and all those who believe in the policies that continue this way of thinking. Some call them Un-American. Even Wal-Mart has banned this album from their stores for this very same reason. Yet I can't help to think, the America that Green Day sings about sounds more like the America as it should be, a FREE LAND. Not some politicians version, but one that truly allows all of its citizens the same security, freedoms, and oppurtunities that everyone else is allowed. Each song on this album holds a message for us; it's just up to us to decipher it. Green Day wants us to think about whether what our country is doing is in the right or wrong. At times they are blatantly honest (mostly in the form of sarcasm) about what is wrong with this country, in others you must think about what has transpired and why the lyrics really say what they do. For example, "When September Ends" has a deeper meaning than what you think. It's there, you just have to find it! Expand
  40. chadw
    Dec 17, 2006
    I don't know why people say that this is awful. Everybody who listens to this record should like it.
  41. SamI
    Dec 13, 2006
    Hands down my favorite album of 2004. The songs don't really work alone, but as a whole the album is magnificent. A great example of how an album *should* be made, the sum being greater than its parts.
  42. JonathanH
    Dec 9, 2006
    Do you know what, I would of paid more attention if Billie Joe had written "Brian Stew" and dedicated it to George Bush! Now that would of been dangerous (eh Billie) But i guess whining about not wanting to be an AMERICAN IDIOT does the job and makes people pay attention eh?
  43. Simone
    Nov 15, 2006
    Green Day is best and this album is truly purfect
  44. ACDCritic
    Oct 27, 2006
    I don't understand the great reviews this CD's gotten. Green Day have become political and boring. So many songs on this CD are so slow that they might as well be pop music. Very few intelligent lyrics, and, most importantly, very few catchy songs. The only bright spots on the CD include the epic 2nd song as well as Broken Dreams and Holiday, although even that latter is stopped I don't understand the great reviews this CD's gotten. Green Day have become political and boring. So many songs on this CD are so slow that they might as well be pop music. Very few intelligent lyrics, and, most importantly, very few catchy songs. The only bright spots on the CD include the epic 2nd song as well as Broken Dreams and Holiday, although even that latter is stopped in its tracks by a pace-killing political agenda in the middle of the song. Much of the CD is basically slow songs. Even in the fast ones, though, the lyrics just are not interesting. It's like Blink 182 (their excellent final CD aside,) but without any of that band's hooks or personality. Just...not a good CD. On another note, if anyone thought Green Day was punk, this CD should erase that thought. Songs like Extraordinary Girl, She's a Rebel, Wake me up when September Ends, Are We the Waiting, and Rock and Roll Girlfriend (among others) are practically written for the TRL countdown. Expand
  45. ShellK
    Oct 23, 2006
    This CD Rocks
  46. jackie
    Oct 3, 2006
    billie joe is hot
  47. DaveN
    Sep 22, 2006
    This easily the best CD Green Day has released since Dookie.
  48. SunnyG
    Sep 18, 2006
    Always best and rocking one. Best album
  49. DaveyB
    Sep 15, 2006
    Average at best. Greenday employ the oldest "reinvented" trick in the book and fool every freshman in the world. As a massive greenday fan since 2031/smoothed out/ slappy hours, I was bitterly dissapointed. Typical greenday, well have to wait 3 years for another album too. The promise of the title track squandered at the expense of selling a mythical rock opera!! One word to describe Average at best. Greenday employ the oldest "reinvented" trick in the book and fool every freshman in the world. As a massive greenday fan since 2031/smoothed out/ slappy hours, I was bitterly dissapointed. Typical greenday, well have to wait 3 years for another album too. The promise of the title track squandered at the expense of selling a mythical rock opera!! One word to describe it... Pants!! Expand
  50. HannahF
    Aug 14, 2006
    One of the best records of all time.
  51. hannah
    Jul 19, 2006
    Amazing!!!!! best band ever!!!!
  52. Dylan
    Jul 17, 2006
    I give it a nine, the songs are very creative and talk about the real world, but 10 minute songs that sometimes go on and on about the same thing dragged the score down. Songs like "Jesus of Suburbia" and "Home Coming" are one of their longer songs,though they do give a message about America today. I give "American Idiot" a great 9 out of 10
  53. kyliet
    May 11, 2006
    this album is brill i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
  54. dex
    May 7, 2006
    This album has no inventiveness, its a typical sell-ot album. There old stuff was reasonable but they have got considerably worse with this album.
  55. bw
    May 5, 2006
    Why is this cd NOT AVAILABLE without cursing? you can't but it edited anywhere. I love to rock, my kids love to rock, but without the profanity. It is a great CD. There's not an edited version out there anywhere. I can usually depend on wal-mart for edited versions of cd's, but they don't carry it edited because it doesn't exist. It gets played on the radio Why is this cd NOT AVAILABLE without cursing? you can't but it edited anywhere. I love to rock, my kids love to rock, but without the profanity. It is a great CD. There's not an edited version out there anywhere. I can usually depend on wal-mart for edited versions of cd's, but they don't carry it edited because it doesn't exist. It gets played on the radio without cursing. At least greenday (or the record label) could offer an edited version for those of us with kids. P.S. Leave out the politics and Billie Joe-take it easy on the eye liner. Expand
  56. Scott
    Apr 20, 2006
    This albums rocks. One of the best rock albums so far this decade
  57. greendaysucksyuptheysuck
    Apr 6, 2006
    i personally wish i could give a negative score on this vote but unfortently 0 is as low as it gets, green days old stuff was alright but american idiot is exactly that stupid as shit
  58. DanielS
    Mar 30, 2006
    Green Day is, in my opinion,the best band in the world!!
  59. Mike
    Mar 17, 2006
    To me, this album did for music what Lord of the Rings did for movies. Almost everything else seems petty by comparison.
  60. earl
    Mar 15, 2006
  61. BrandonS.
    Mar 13, 2006
    Oh my god, this shit is horrible. I can never trust the critics again.
  62. MichaelS
    Mar 11, 2006
  63. joel
    Mar 11, 2006
    it's not their best album but its ok.
  64. mirandas
    Mar 6, 2006
    I love this cd.
  65. Wayne
    Mar 3, 2006
    In my top 20 albums of all time, and I'm hard to please. Will be remembered as a classic American rock compilation. A thematic rock opera with no soft spots; there are no tracks to skip on this disc. Green Day has made its undeniable influence on all American rock-n-roll bands with this masterpiece, and the genius is that its derived from the simplicity of a 3 peice band. Its a In my top 20 albums of all time, and I'm hard to please. Will be remembered as a classic American rock compilation. A thematic rock opera with no soft spots; there are no tracks to skip on this disc. Green Day has made its undeniable influence on all American rock-n-roll bands with this masterpiece, and the genius is that its derived from the simplicity of a 3 peice band. Its a blueprint for young songwriters, even those without the punk edge Green Day offers. It has everything that composers strive for: catchy melodies, "in your face" lyrics with a story to tell, and raw energetic sound. A "must have" for those that appreciate contemporary American rock music (yes, it still exists...thank you for reminding me Green Day). This album comes just when some of us questioned who will be the next artist to step up and and prove that rock and roll will last forever. Thanks to American Idiot, I have faith. Expand
  66. JamieP
    Mar 3, 2006
    bloody brilliant album
  67. BrianM
    Mar 2, 2006
    Pretentious, overblown, and boring. You can hear all the chords and harmonies in the music from musicians that pioneered the sound in the 70's. Skip this record, it's nothing new.
  68. joec
    Feb 26, 2006
    enough said
  69. kitb
    Feb 20, 2006
    thank god i found this site i was doing a speech on green day cuz i love em to death and i needed reviews to show thier the fuckin best!!!!
  70. Ace
    Feb 18, 2006
    A bunch of idiot drugies! A flash in the pan pathetic group!
  71. TheBlob
    Feb 5, 2006
    I was a huge Green Day fan in 1994 when Dookie came out. This album was THE reference in punk-pop style back in the days. Then i grew up and stop listening to this band cause it sounded way too "childish" to match my new musical tastes, music for teen and not much. And they strike back with American Idiot. This band is still alive, no doubt. I must admit that i'm really impressed by I was a huge Green Day fan in 1994 when Dookie came out. This album was THE reference in punk-pop style back in the days. Then i grew up and stop listening to this band cause it sounded way too "childish" to match my new musical tastes, music for teen and not much. And they strike back with American Idiot. This band is still alive, no doubt. I must admit that i'm really impressed by this album. I'd never thought that such a thing was possible from Green Day. Wow, a punk-pop opera rock from the band i used to idolized more than 10 years ago. Congrats guys, great career! Expand
  72. KonalD
    Jan 23, 2006
    Awsome , this is Green Day's best album to date.It's a stunning experience to listen to these meaningful songs.
  73. AshD
    Jan 22, 2006
    I've never been into punk music but when I heard 'Boulevard of Broken dreams', I was just drawn in so much by Green Day. I love this album and all the songs sound completely different from eachother and are so unique that you will love every single song off it for different reasons. Definitely the best album of the year.
  74. kockmunchy
    Jan 18, 2006
    Fuck yeah! Green Day is da SHIT!!!
  75. ExecutionerJones
    Jan 13, 2006
    A masterpiece.
  76. Kirsten
    Jan 8, 2006
    I love this CD!! I never get bored of it! It's brillient and amazing. The storyline is interesting, the lyrics are powerful and meaningful and its very catchy. It deals with actual problems with government, media and life. Everything is put together perfectly. And i can't wait to see the movie that they are supposed to start filming sometime in 2006. EVERY SONG IS AWESOME!! The I love this CD!! I never get bored of it! It's brillient and amazing. The storyline is interesting, the lyrics are powerful and meaningful and its very catchy. It deals with actual problems with government, media and life. Everything is put together perfectly. And i can't wait to see the movie that they are supposed to start filming sometime in 2006. EVERY SONG IS AWESOME!! The concerts are just as incredible! I LOVE THEM! THEY ROCK! Expand
  77. AlexG
    Jan 6, 2006
    one of my all time fave albums althought hated on alot,
  78. KyleN
    Jan 6, 2006
    Pure genius this album really shows that the government are totally wrong
  79. Jake
    Dec 31, 2005
    An absolute masterpiece.
  80. JonG
    Dec 28, 2005
    Honestly i think this is a good album, but. The songs kinda get old after awhile and it gets to the point where you just don't wanna listen to it anymore. But all in all this is a pretty good album, and i suggest if you don't have it to go get it because their always crankin out new hits from the album.
  81. RickH
    Dec 23, 2005
    American Idiot really holds together and strikes a chord with anyone who was raised and conditioned to what we should believe and then later finding out that we nee to follow our own path, both the postive side as well as the destuctive side, in order to become who we really are.
  82. GreendayRocks
    Dec 23, 2005
    I'd personally take on anyone who say's greenday is boring or annoying. This album is easily their 1st to 3rd best album. Every song has it's own brilliance. Also this album is very political. From boulevard of broken dreams to american idiot to jesus of suberbia this album stoops nowhere below brilliance. Two words 'Get IT'!
  83. killermonkey
    Dec 13, 2005
    this is one of the best punk albums ever when this came out i bought it right away i love green day and always have billie joe armstrong is my idol this cd is awesome and even has a storyline i wouldn't say it's their best cd (dookie is their best) but pretty close and extremely far from their worst anyway be sure to buy this it should be at a store for like 13 dollars anyway this is one of the best punk albums ever when this came out i bought it right away i love green day and always have billie joe armstrong is my idol this cd is awesome and even has a storyline i wouldn't say it's their best cd (dookie is their best) but pretty close and extremely far from their worst anyway be sure to buy this it should be at a store for like 13 dollars anyway i'm out cya Expand
  84. kayliep
    Dec 12, 2005
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i can relate to it in so many ways. i fell in love with this album the moment i heard it. 10!!!
  85. theyrock
    Dec 12, 2005
    this album rules.
  86. RudyRules
    Dec 11, 2005
    The best pop punk album yet.
  87. Somebody
    Dec 9, 2005
    Meh. Green Day redefines what is known as "generic punk-pop." I have been trying to hear a song on this CD with "mature lyrics," but all I manage to hear is Green Day.
  88. douglasm
    Dec 2, 2005
    An absolutely complete and stunning album, it doesnt get much better than this!
  89. gfhfghfhgfhf
    Nov 28, 2005
    awesome cd...very mature themes..green day has grown up!!!
  90. benm
    Nov 22, 2005
    it sucked....period
  91. marc
    Nov 17, 2005
    Wow..... ............Yet another cardboard cut out punk album with Green Day getting 'all mature' by having a pop at George Bush and his cronies. Punk has all been done before (in the 70/80's and it was much better then too) its about as relevant now as last years lottery results!!!!
  92. Lt.Drebin
    Nov 10, 2005
    Their best album...and that's saying a lot.
  93. greendayfreakjelato
    Nov 4, 2005
    THE best band, THE best album, would travel the world 2 see green day!! they ROK!!! the american idiot is ma life saver. green day rules
  94. glenng
    Nov 2, 2005
    Sets the standard in the 00s!
  95. HelenB
    Oct 22, 2005
    Fantastic work! The best rock album i've ever known.!
  96. RonL
    Oct 14, 2005
    Insane good. One of the best albums to come along in years. It's a total wake up call for all the junk that seems to make it's way on to the american airways.
  97. mattr
    Oct 9, 2005
    One of the best rock abums i have er heard defintly greendays best
  98. Rev.Rikard
    Oct 7, 2005
    Most bands struggle to write songs combining hard edged rock and melodic hooks. This album is the best in years at ensnaring the listener with blistering energy, relevant cultural observations, and melodies that "stick" in one's ear. "Novocaine" is indicative of this album's strength: its soothing melody allows the angst-laden lyrics to catch us off-guard, like the unexpected Most bands struggle to write songs combining hard edged rock and melodic hooks. This album is the best in years at ensnaring the listener with blistering energy, relevant cultural observations, and melodies that "stick" in one's ear. "Novocaine" is indicative of this album's strength: its soothing melody allows the angst-laden lyrics to catch us off-guard, like the unexpected stick from a dentist's needle as we sleepily listen to piped-in music. If a person wants to be awakened at the "end of September," they should give American Idiot a listen. Expand
  99. SamD
    Oct 2, 2005
    Wow. And I thought Dookie wasd tops. Music is finally edgy as opposed to grungy and the lyrics are AMAZING plus its fun to listen to the story line. love whatsername and letterbomb, while st. jimmy pushes the limits between punk and pop a little far lost a little bit of the green day charm with the edgy music, though... still awesome!
  100. EliYoudon
    Sep 30, 2005
    This is a good album overall, but it isn't ALL GOOD. Wake Me Up When September Ends is basically the one I'm not crazy about. Otherwise though, it's good stuff, if just a tad lengthy.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. It is exactly what the band needs to boost itself to the next level of pop-punk prowess.
  2. There's still plenty of spunk in to be found in this Sgt. Pepper-lite.
  3. Not only does it contain Green Day’s finest songs (and choruses) to date... but it also scratches at the surface of political dissatisfaction with nails sharp enough to leave a nasty scar.