• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2004
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 246 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 7 out of 246

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  1. Lucky
    Apr 24, 2007
    Way better than TOTBL! It's more solid, organic and alot more epic. "Not Even Jail" is the best song they've written so far in there career, it's so goddamn beautiful! This is what great music is all about.
  2. BlakeD
    Apr 27, 2007
    Another great album by the best band in the world! Brilliantly crafted, delivers in all the areas. Even though, I still prefer TOTBL but Antics isn't too far behind.
  3. ThompsonJ
    May 21, 2007
    Pretty freaking amazing! Antics is another solid effort by Interpol. Proving why there one of the few genuises working in the music industry, right now. All there songs are epic and beautiful especially, Take You on a Cruise and Next Exit. God I love this band! Bring on there third album, already.
  4. SteveJ
    Dec 23, 2008
    Surprised by the other comments to be honest. the album is fairly poor with only a couple of songs able to hold any sort of attention. I have been listening to this off and on for two years and my opinion hasnt changed. For a similar sort of mood, Boxer by The National is far far superior.
  5. SA
    May 23, 2009
    I am in love with the album. I have been listening to it for the past 2 years and I just can't stop. It never happen to be before. some people might call it obsession but It makes me happy.
  6. GregorO
    Dec 31, 2004
    A very impressive second outing from the New Yorkers.
  7. Jan 5, 2011
    Though a handful of great songs lurk on this album, the rest of the tracks are disappointingly lackluster. The mood of the album is also lighter, which feels awkward instead of serving as a nice contrast to Interpol's very dark debut. Disappointing after Turn On the Bright Lights, but good enough for fans of the band to check out.
  8. Mar 23, 2011
    Antics is a really good album. The tracks are catchy, the lyrics are dark, and Paul Banks voice is haunting. "Evil" is just a wonderfully dark song about a girl named Rosemary and what not, easily the stand out song on the album. Every other track sounds really good. All In All, Antics is a good punk rock album. B
  9. Nov 21, 2012
    Antics is a perfect album. No weak songs whatsoever, it just thumps and pounds in it's own dark way from start to finish without skipping a beat. Most Interpol fans would offer up their debut album Turn On The Bright Lights as the band's masterwork. For me, it's definitely Antics.
  10. Mar 19, 2011
    'Antics' has not nearly the amount of depth of emotion that The Bright Lights carried. However, tracks such as Evil, Slow Hands and Not Even Jail keep the listener wanting more. It is a pity the rest of the album does not deliver this. I often found myself losing attention.
  11. May 10, 2011
    The good: These songs are all very catchy, some even have a great mood and build up. The band is also really learning to pick up the pace instead of being moody all the time.

    The bad: Paul's lyrics are pretty awful most of the time and the songs make less sense than a Pixies song. Naming imagery is cool and can paint a picture but these days only the mars volta can get away with that
    The good: These songs are all very catchy, some even have a great mood and build up. The band is also really learning to pick up the pace instead of being moody all the time.

    The bad: Paul's lyrics are pretty awful most of the time and the songs make less sense than a Pixies song. Naming imagery is cool and can paint a picture but these days only the mars volta can get away with that kinda stuff while maintaining an entertaining narrative.

    Also, this production BLOWS. It sounds like it was recorded into a seashell, then transported through a campbell's soup can through yarn into another soup can into a studio microphone.
  12. Jun 4, 2011
    This as to be my favorite album of the past decade. I'd say this one is even better than Turn on the bright lights because the songs are weirder, maybe a bit less dark, truly original as a whole. I absolutely love Paul Banks lyrics and voice, I don't think it's too much "Ian Curtisesque", or if it is well he did a better job. Same thing with the absurd Radiohead comparisons, I still can'tThis as to be my favorite album of the past decade. I'd say this one is even better than Turn on the bright lights because the songs are weirder, maybe a bit less dark, truly original as a whole. I absolutely love Paul Banks lyrics and voice, I don't think it's too much "Ian Curtisesque", or if it is well he did a better job. Same thing with the absurd Radiohead comparisons, I still can't find anything in common with those two bands. Enough with that. Antics is truly a masterpiece and an easy 10. Collapse
  13. Oct 23, 2017
    Even if "Antics" wasn't quite the epic that was "Turn On the Bright Lights", it is a serious record and a very impressive follow up to it all the same. The bands biggest hit "Evil" really drove this album on commercially but there are plenty of better songs on here. The arrangements are complex with the various elements of the songs all going off in different directions yet ending up atEven if "Antics" wasn't quite the epic that was "Turn On the Bright Lights", it is a serious record and a very impressive follow up to it all the same. The bands biggest hit "Evil" really drove this album on commercially but there are plenty of better songs on here. The arrangements are complex with the various elements of the songs all going off in different directions yet ending up at the same destination. It's still got the dark feel of TOTBL but doesn't have the same atmospheric feel, the panic in the vocals for example set Interpol's debut apart. In my opinion Interpols first two records are flawless and it's a pity what followed after this wasn't quite up to scratch. Despite a resurgence with their last album, they've been in the shadow of these records since they were released. Expand
  14. Apr 3, 2013
    Perhaps the most upbeat album conducted by Interpol. If you are to introduce someone to this band, this is the album that you must show them to get them hooked.
  15. Jul 26, 2015
    Brilliant absolutely brilliant. It's a Godfather Part 2 type of 2nd album, it's absolutely amazing, a slight shift from Turn On The Bright Lights but still great. 11 years still this album and it couldn't be any better. Kudos Interpol.
  16. Jul 9, 2020
    Man, what a great album. I've been listening to it for 16 years and I still haven't gotten tired of it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. 100
    There's something totally irresistible about Antics: The air of mystery, the bleak but hopeful arrangements and the melodies so sharp and moving that they might inspire a night of heroic partying.
  2. New Musical Express (NME)
    An album scored through with a vehement beauty that, with each listen, becomes all the more acute for its unwillingness to shy away from life's bleaker, more painful moments. [25 Sep 2004, p.62]
  3. Q Magazine
    Antics is ridiculously good. [Oct 2004, p.112]