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Generally favorable reviews- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 61 out of 81
  2. Negative: 13 out of 81
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  1. Feb 4, 2016
    Wow.... Speechless. I highly recommend you do not listen to this "music". A couple of songs have promising melodies but apart from that it's really not worth wasting 54 minutes of your life.
  2. Jan 8, 2016
    One of the most horrid pieces of pretentious garbage ever created. To make things worse, it's a big love letter to Avatar the movie. This person should not be allowed to make music.
  3. Jan 9, 2016
    Short review;

    I will at least give props to Willow Smith, the girl behind "Whip My Hair", for not going for the sounds most girls around her age tend to follow. Instead of catchy pop tunes, Smith plays around with more heavier experimental sounds. But when that experimentation gives us these "barren wasteland", dime a dozen soundscapes with angsty teen truthbombs, that will even
    Short review;

    I will at least give props to Willow Smith, the girl behind "Whip My Hair", for not going for the sounds most girls around her age tend to follow. Instead of catchy pop tunes, Smith plays around with more heavier experimental sounds.

    But when that experimentation gives us these "barren wasteland", dime a dozen soundscapes with angsty teen truthbombs, that will even make Hopsin blush, thrown at us at rapid fire speeds, I just can't... I can't.

    At least Willow and her producer made sure that the album was somewhat listenable and cohesive. More so than a couple of other "left-field" projects that were released in 2015 that were absolutely despicable. *cough Cudi *cough Miley *cough

    Ardipithecus could have been so much more if Willow and her producer took some more time and effort in better songwriting and dynamics

    Fav Tracks: None
    Least Fav Tracks: That "My Generation"-track. It's the intro
  4. Apr 7, 2022
    I tried listening to this album more than once but it didn't convince me; and just like her brother's debut album "SYRE", "ARDIPITHECUS" is dull and long, very long. I feel like this could have been a little bit less terrible if she had made the track-list shorter. I was actually very excited to listen to this album as I enjoy alternative music so much, but listening to this album wasI tried listening to this album more than once but it didn't convince me; and just like her brother's debut album "SYRE", "ARDIPITHECUS" is dull and long, very long. I feel like this could have been a little bit less terrible if she had made the track-list shorter. I was actually very excited to listen to this album as I enjoy alternative music so much, but listening to this album was just disappointing. Some songs are boring, some should have been left out, and some others have unnecessary changes in the production that completely ruined the song for me. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Jan 13, 2016
    So much of listening to Ardipithecus feels immeasurable by good or bad. Ardipithecus fails as a pop record, because it’s barely aware that it’s a part of that conversation.
  2. 60
    This is a record that never stops threatening to be dull--in the way that Miley Cyrus’s record of mind-blurt autonomy from this year was dull--but rarely is, except when others try to streamline a lumpy aesthetic.
  3. Jan 8, 2016
    So much of Ardipithecus is impenetrable, even distancing. The album is a headscratcher, one that shows plenty of promise but also a personality abstruse to the point of mystification.