• Record Label: LaFace
  • Release Date: Dec 14, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
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  1. 80
    Celebrity, commodity, singer, sex object, cyborg - Ciara just about fuses all of them on Basic Instinct, her fourth studio album.
  2. Dec 13, 2010
    It's one of the few effective Euro-flavored club numbers to be fronted by an R&B artist. Altogether, this is one of 2010's finest pop-R&B albums -- Ciara's best yet.
  3. Dec 13, 2010
    Suddenly, the underachieving diva starts to look like real competition for crossover starlets like Rihanna and Leona Lewis.
  4. Dec 10, 2010
    It's come late, but Basic Instinct is one of the best RnB albums of the year.
  5. 83
    Always a strong singles artist, Ciara has struggled to find enough memorable material to fill an album. She comes closer than ever on her fourth full-length, Basic Instinct.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 79
  2. Negative: 26 out of 79
  1. Dec 23, 2010
    Congrats Critics, yet another overrated Album. Unless you are a Hoodrat that can easily mistake a fast food place for a 5 star restaurant thenCongrats Critics, yet another overrated Album. Unless you are a Hoodrat that can easily mistake a fast food place for a 5 star restaurant then this isnt for you. Not 1 song is beyond mediocre & most are just plain bad. Even her counterpart Keri hilson's album is better & atleast she can hold a half way decent note & a cpl good songs. Full Review »
  2. Dec 15, 2010
    I love this album. There aren't many misses on this album, and Ciara played to her strengths. Vocally she's not the strongest, but the songsI love this album. There aren't many misses on this album, and Ciara played to her strengths. Vocally she's not the strongest, but the songs are catchy and memorable anyways. She is finally sticking to her strengths of being a pop singer in a R&B shell. I particularly love "Speechless", "Yeah I Know", and "Turn It Up." I hope that "Turn It Up" is the next single and that Usher does make an appearance on the video. I think this will cement her place with artists like Rihanna, Beyonce, and Katy Perry. Full Review »
  3. Jun 25, 2021
    It's a great classic album I love Ciara and Basic Instinct is a great album and the songs are awesome and great to dance to! I’m a huge fan ofIt's a great classic album I love Ciara and Basic Instinct is a great album and the songs are awesome and great to dance to! I’m a huge fan of Ciara and my favorite songs are Ride, Heavy Rotation, Speechless, I run it, and Gimmie Dat Full Review »