• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Mar 27, 2020

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. 90
    Uninspired choice of featuring artist aside, the artistic breadth and depth of this project speaks to Reyez’s position as an emerging, formidable artist in her own right - someone who knows exactly what a good song, let alone a good R&B song, should sound like.
  2. Apr 2, 2020
    Although it's all over the place, Before Love Came to Kill Us radiates conviction from front to back, and is without doubt a true representation of its creator.
  3. Apr 2, 2020
    What’s most satisfying about Before Love Came to Kill Us isn’t that Reyez whizzes across multiple genres—these days, who doesn’t?—but the skill she displays at each. No matter the arrangement, she powers across it at full force. ... Like many recent pop records, the album is overlong, and the extraneous material tends to be the kind of filler that Reyez is well above.
  4. Mar 27, 2020
    Extraordinary . ... A defining work from an exciting new star … even if it’s landing in a world very different from the one in which it was created.
  5. Mar 27, 2020
    The fearless formula, the genre-blending, the artistic craft on display marks Reyez's latest as one of the better albums in an already interesting 2020. Before Love Came to Kills shines a light on homegrown talent done great.
  6. Q Magazine
    Mar 27, 2020
    The album's deft genre-hopping is navigated with a confidence that comes from clearly hard-won experience. [May 2020, p.110]
  7. Mar 27, 2020
    ‘Before Love Came To Kill Us’ has a number of strong tracks and is an excellent debut. Jessie Reyez appears to be in total control of this record and shows off her versatility, as well as her rage.
  8. 80
    For the most part, ‘Before Love Came To Kill Us’ is a beautiful, heart-wrenching debut that sees its creator come good on her early promise.
  9. Mar 27, 2020
    There are so many good tracks on here that you want to say there is not a bad track on this outrageously fine pop record. But there is. Love in the Dark is a flaccid ballad [...] that almost undoes all the powerful work Reyez has done thus far. Almost, but not quite.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 64 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 64
  2. Negative: 0 out of 64
  1. Mar 27, 2020
    Jessie Reyez voice is definitely something unique and soulful, her songwriting skills also is something to appreciate during the album'sJessie Reyez voice is definitely something unique and soulful, her songwriting skills also is something to appreciate during the album's journey. Simply amazing. Full Review »
  2. Mar 29, 2020
    Una obra maestra de principio a fin, Jessie nos dio uno de los mejores álbumes del año, merece mucho más reconocimiento
  3. Mar 27, 2020
    As Lady Gaga always says: "Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completelyAs Lady Gaga always says: "Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it." Full Review »