• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Dec 13, 2013
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  1. Aug 22, 2022
    El álbum que cimentó el título de leyenda para Beyoncé. Dejo de ser una artista más con muchos hits o que no deja de sorprender con sus vocales a pesar de hacer coreografías impresionantes. Si no que fue más allá, deslumbró visualmente, sorprendió en cuanto a marketing y cambio la industria musical con un álbum arriesgado al menos en su formato de lanzamiento y promoción, pero que estabaEl álbum que cimentó el título de leyenda para Beyoncé. Dejo de ser una artista más con muchos hits o que no deja de sorprender con sus vocales a pesar de hacer coreografías impresionantes. Si no que fue más allá, deslumbró visualmente, sorprendió en cuanto a marketing y cambio la industria musical con un álbum arriesgado al menos en su formato de lanzamiento y promoción, pero que estaba destinado al éxito por su contenido. Expand
  2. Dec 23, 2013
    I have to say that as a big Beyonce fan, I am a little miffed at this album. I always knew Beyonce was capable of greatness but I had no idea that she was capable of such greatness as is this. This album eclipses all of the previous ones as Beyonce's most frank, candid and honest body of work throughout her entire career. What I love most about Beyonce is the experimental nature of theI have to say that as a big Beyonce fan, I am a little miffed at this album. I always knew Beyonce was capable of greatness but I had no idea that she was capable of such greatness as is this. This album eclipses all of the previous ones as Beyonce's most frank, candid and honest body of work throughout her entire career. What I love most about Beyonce is the experimental nature of the production and her voice. Though not as vociferous as its predecessor, 4, BEYONCE is Beyonce's most dynamic vocal performance. Her voice is light and airy on tracks like Ghost, powerful on the amazing Pretty Hurts, evocative on tracks like Heaven and No Angel and soulful like gems Rocket and Superpower. With an all star list of collaborators, perhaps the most heartfelt belongs to her own daughter, Blue Ivy Carter. The track, Blue, is an airy pop ballad that showcases Beyonce in a more delicate light than the one we're used to with her dynamic stage persona. Essentially, this is perhaps my favorite release of 2013 and I'm excited to see where Beyonce's artistry will take her next. Expand
  3. Dec 22, 2013
    This surprise self-titled release by Beyonce is arguably her best work. Beyonce has a voice that of her own signature connotation and no one can really impersonate her. She uses this to her advantage in this latest problem, exploring matters such as her baby daughter in soft drumming rhythms and crooning voice and lyrics. One of the best albums of the year, and an R&B venture that is aThis surprise self-titled release by Beyonce is arguably her best work. Beyonce has a voice that of her own signature connotation and no one can really impersonate her. She uses this to her advantage in this latest problem, exploring matters such as her baby daughter in soft drumming rhythms and crooning voice and lyrics. One of the best albums of the year, and an R&B venture that is a cut above the rest. Expand
  4. Dec 19, 2013
    this album has been vastly overhyped in every possible way.she used a really clever market strategy to sell this product ..kudos 4 this she has a great team behind her..About the music she's experimenting a little more than her usual standards here but the fact that this record has a media of 85/100 on here is totally laughable ..with all the new alternative R&B movement coming out( thethis album has been vastly overhyped in every possible way.she used a really clever market strategy to sell this product ..kudos 4 this she has a great team behind her..About the music she's experimenting a little more than her usual standards here but the fact that this record has a media of 85/100 on here is totally laughable ..with all the new alternative R&B movement coming out( the weeknd, frank ocean, miguel, janelle monae, etc) beyonce wanted to keep up with the new trends( miguel and ocean actually wrote some tracks in this album)but at the same time she wanted to sell to the rihanna's and miley's markets.The result is a mediocre record with an over sexualized beyonce talking about blow jobs and about having sex with her husband in every possible way for at least 8 songs in the project ,all expressed with DREADFUL lyrics..like everyone could write those lyrics..really terrible! and her fake feminist ANTHEM inserted here, the sequel of indepedent women and single ladies is actually worse than the previous attempts.. that bow down verse inserted in a song with an actual speech made by a real feminist makes everything worse..( actually that verse was the original part of the song the speech was added later because she received a lot of criticism so she decided to insert a real feminist speech to try to make the track sound more feminist and improve it but it didn't happen) Expand
  5. Jan 31, 2014
    I was told to listen to it because ITS SOOO GOOOD apparently, no beyonce album has bored me like this one, overrated crap imo. Everyone has become complacent towards her and its obvious
  6. Mar 21, 2015
    Probably,Beyonce's the best album.No traditional R&B like in previous albums.A lot of genres in album-R&B,pop,dubstep,soul,hip-hop,chillwave,trap...Supports her title "R&B-diva".
  7. Jan 16, 2016
    By far her best album ever released. She has improved so much and "BEYONCÉ" is full of great and interesting beats. Her vocals are incredible, as always, but mature as never were before
  8. Apr 28, 2016
    BIBLIA VISUAL! Oh meu Deus, Beyoncé é tão revolucionária em lançar um álbum visual de surpresa com uma sonoridade maravilhosa como é o BEYONCÉ. Parabéns!
  9. Jan 4, 2017
    The grand album of the year 2013. This era Beyoncé the most interesting and "Delicious". Tracks are very different, but the video unites them. Beyonce blew late 13th and early 14th year!
  10. Jun 17, 2017
    i love this album so much... it is amazing.. almost the haters here just don't like Queen B, but this album it is amazing i love it . my second best album for life... But lemonade it is my number one.
  11. Jun 15, 2018
    Álbum incrível! Essencialmente R&B, mescla com um pop e hip-hop, um dos melhores álbuns de 2013/2014.
  12. Jun 20, 2018
  13. Jul 20, 2019
    Beyoncé é definitivamente a maior artista de todos os tempos. Trabalhos coesos e com tamanha importância cultural.
  14. Aug 30, 2019
    আমার মাথা হাত দিয়ে কাটনা হয়, আমি সারাংশ নিষ্কাশন করা
    মাছি আমি ঘুমিয়ে পড়া না করার চেষ্টা করে.
    এটা আসলে অন্যান্য পালক - রং শিশির দিয়ে ঢেকে দেওয়া হয়... হাতের কাজ দুর্দশা আমি জানিনা আমি কার ডাকছি. এটা কি স্বর্গ? কোন বৃত্ত? একদিন আপনি খুঁজুন, প্রিয় বন্ধু. আপেল, অন্তরে সব রাতে চোট না, রহস্য কে শীতল, মোমবাতি পোড়া. টুইট থেকে লিংক কপি করুন এবং ঘটনাক্রমে " প্রেম বাদ."
    আমার মাথা হাত দিয়ে কাটনা হয়, আমি সারাংশ নিষ্কাশন করা
    মাছি আমি ঘুমিয়ে পড়া না করার চেষ্টা করে.

    এটা আসলে অন্যান্য পালক -
    রং শিশির দিয়ে ঢেকে দেওয়া হয়...

    হাতের কাজ দুর্দশা
    আমি জানিনা আমি কার ডাকছি.

    এটা কি স্বর্গ? কোন বৃত্ত?
    একদিন আপনি খুঁজুন, প্রিয় বন্ধু.

    আপেল, অন্তরে সব রাতে চোট না,
    রহস্য কে শীতল, মোমবাতি পোড়া.

    টুইট থেকে লিংক কপি করুন
    এবং ঘটনাক্রমে " প্রেম বাদ."
  15. Jul 29, 2022
    Her best album..there's no argument..her best with visuals, lyrics, every single thing
  16. Nov 12, 2022
    Esse álbum é magnífico, esse álbum é a própria perfeição! O melhor que já escutei até hoje. Poucos álbuns tem o poder de fazer a gente escutar todas as faixas seguidas, uma atrás da outra.
  17. Dec 14, 2013
    Beyonce is definitely a woman who truly knows who she is and is not afraid to take charge. Her self titled "Visionary Album" "Beyonce" is an instant masterpiece, showcasing her divine talent and vocal prowess. She needs no gimmick and a whole team of publicity, all she needed is to put her name and everyone take notice. The album is simple with so much soul and passion.
  18. Dec 14, 2013
    Melhor álbum de Beyoncé maduro e inovador, diferente de tudo que ela já fez ao longo da carreira,
    Beyoncé se mostra verdadeiramente uma "Grown Woman" nesse novo trabalho, que sabe o poder de sedução que tem e está disposta a usá-lo.
    Agora sentar e aguardar os Grammys!
  19. Dec 13, 2013
    Beyoncé's self titled fifth studio album comes as a big surprise but a good surprese the cd is amazing, the songs are sweet and pretty! The best cd of the year, good album, amazing songs and amazing videos!
  20. Jan 4, 2014
    Intresting way to promote a production but lets be honest, we can not say the same about music. Just repetitive black-female power with hi-cost production from Beyoncé, nothing revolutionary or even well-writtened. Mainstream can do incredible stuff, but not when your resource for doing it is your previous musical failures merchandasing succes for having a fenomenal production. I reallyIntresting way to promote a production but lets be honest, we can not say the same about music. Just repetitive black-female power with hi-cost production from Beyoncé, nothing revolutionary or even well-writtened. Mainstream can do incredible stuff, but not when your resource for doing it is your previous musical failures merchandasing succes for having a fenomenal production. I really think Beyoncé biggest participation in this LP is her name at the cover. (sorry for ortography, im mexican) Expand
  21. Jul 17, 2014
    OMG, this album sucks, is the same freaking kind of R&B, nothing change about influences or beats, it's all the same. Is so easy make money like this.
  22. Jul 11, 2014
    I think this is the best album of Beyoncé. She can go from calm and lovely song even more powerful song, taking his impeccable voice without losing control of your tunes.
  23. Feb 2, 2015
    A completely overrated album, few good songs, nothing impressive or good at all I think this is her most overrated album of all time, actually beyonce have better ones.
  24. Nov 6, 2015
    Esse sem duvidas é um dos melhores albuns da história da musica e com certeza o melhor da década. Com toques de Urban barroco com pitadas de rococó, Beyoncé provou que ainda não vai deixar de reinar no mundo da musica tão cedo, e espero que não mesmo, não podemos perder uma das artistas mais importantes do mundo.
  25. Jan 16, 2016
    Beyonce never sounded so mature in any of her previous releases. The album seems so weel constructed. It tells her story and the real beyonce that not everybody knows.
  26. Jan 16, 2016
    She has always been called queen, but never showed a queen material. This has changed when this album was released, bu far her most mature and well produced album
  27. Jan 31, 2016
    Horrible album. Beyoncé does nothing new except use the same R&B/Pop blend that she has been overdoing for the past couple of years. The gimmicky surprise release only adds to the desperation that Beyoncé needs from critics, along with the general public, and it comes off nothing more than just sad and pathetic. Beyoncé has really outdone herself with this one, not only did she make one ofHorrible album. Beyoncé does nothing new except use the same R&B/Pop blend that she has been overdoing for the past couple of years. The gimmicky surprise release only adds to the desperation that Beyoncé needs from critics, along with the general public, and it comes off nothing more than just sad and pathetic. Beyoncé has really outdone herself with this one, not only did she make one of the worst albums of all time, she completely destroyed her credibility as an artist. Expand
  28. Oct 26, 2016
    Lacrou beyonceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  29. Jul 25, 2017
    Второсортная херня для больных на голову людей, преступников из гетто и одиноких, брошенных феминисток. с этим альбомом и началась у блядонсе открытая мания величия, хотя с чего это она появилась - не очень-то и понятно. Синглы жутко флопнулись, альбом кое-как бултыхался в биллборде, не считая первой недели - оно и понятно, не зря же ее называют певицей одной недели в одной стране - сшаВторосортная херня для больных на голову людей, преступников из гетто и одиноких, брошенных феминисток. с этим альбомом и началась у блядонсе открытая мания величия, хотя с чего это она появилась - не очень-то и понятно. Синглы жутко флопнулись, альбом кое-как бултыхался в биллборде, не считая первой недели - оно и понятно, не зря же ее называют певицей одной недели в одной стране - сша (откуда, собственно, и родом ее основная аудитория), на грэмми опозорилась, тряся своим целлюлитным задом и открывая рот под фанеру. только с туром и повезло - но и тут можно объяснить, откуда же такой спрос на это жуткое шоу. дело в том, что ее муж - гей зи, в прошлом занимался преступной деятельностью, а то есть - резал людей и насиловал несовершеннолетних. получается, что у него есть связи с точно такими же грязными людьми, как и он сам. ну и понятное дело, что деньги за такой позор своей женушки нужно было отмыть, вот он и нанял людей, чтобы те заставляли туда ходить других. а делать-то на таком мероприятии нечего, да и уходить нельзя - может караться смертью, но люди же умные, в отличии от этой семейки орангутанов - они нашли, чем заняться - ловить покемонов. И правильно делали, хоть время с пользой провели!
    Ставлю заслуженную и аргументированную оценку этой дряни - 0.
  30. Sep 28, 2018
    An unexpected album to save the music industry and once again tell the world that she is the reigning Queen of Pop Music. Best entertainer ever.
  31. Jul 25, 2020
    this album is soooo good, she break the internet and stop the world when it was surprisely release. it's not album of year, it's the album of millenium!!!!!!!
  32. Jan 10, 2020
    this album is perfection. Beyoncé outdid herself. she took a risk and it payed off. what many people don’t realise is how vocally amazing this album is. every song is beyond amazing. a true body of work.
  33. Aug 5, 2020
    Revolucionário, Visionário e Inovador!!!! O impacto desse album foi muito importante para a industria fonográfica, desde a forma como foi lançado ao conceito do album q ousava em trazer um clipe para cada faixa, sendo lançado de surpresa mas vendendo horrores kkkkk Foi realmente um marco para o cenário pop e sempre será lembrado pela sua influencia!!!! RAINHA
  34. Aug 10, 2020
    ATEMPORAL!!!! O album q, a partir do seu lançamento, moldou a industria fonográfica para nunca mais ser a mesma. Se isso n for impacto nada mais é kkkkk O impacto da Beyoncé na musica está sendo cada vez mais presente e notório, fazendo com q ela se torne uma artista memorável, e ela merece muito. RAINHA!!!!!
  35. Mar 22, 2021
    she is talking about sexuality and stardom and motherhood. remember this was made after she gave birth to her first child and the industry really doesn't encourage mothers to be stars so this an album for women and mothers, in general, to feel okay in their bodies
  36. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is perfect. Her vocals are amazing and this is such a cohesive album. Thank you Beyoncé for this masterpiece !
  37. Dec 13, 2013
    She has truly outdone every prior album with this work. Her work flows so effortlessly and the visual accompaniments add so much value to the work as a whole, nothing looks or feels forced. I hope everyone looks past their personal biases about Beyonce and let the MUSIC speak for itself.
  38. Dec 13, 2013
    No announcement. No single. No hype. No nothing. Just her name, her talent, her vision, her music, her voice. Today will be seen as an historic day, mark my words.
    Back to this project. Incredible productions, amazing vocals, "Beyoncé" is such a great record. And on top of that, you can actually SEE what the artist meant and wanted to share. Double experience.
    I always wonder "how can
    No announcement. No single. No hype. No nothing. Just her name, her talent, her vision, her music, her voice. Today will be seen as an historic day, mark my words.
    Back to this project. Incredible productions, amazing vocals, "Beyoncé" is such a great record. And on top of that, you can actually SEE what the artist meant and wanted to share. Double experience.
    I always wonder "how can Beyoncé top her previous effort?" and she always, ALWAYS, comes through, surprise her, and redefine music.
  39. Dec 14, 2013
    The most urban album of Beyoncé's career. The biggest surprise of the year. The most incredible music videos of B are here. An evolution in your music, style and attitude.
  40. Feb 27, 2014
  41. May 23, 2014
    6 months after the release, I am still charmed by it.
    experimental sounds are mesmerizing!
    this record is the least commercial of her, ba a large margin and I lvoe it!
    well done bey!
  42. Jun 3, 2014
    Great album! The videos, the songs, the surprise release ... I like the simplicity of the songs. Here Beyoncé sings about personal things like relationship between mother and child, death, sex (in a romantic way), relationship problems, etc..

    Highlights: Jealous, Pretty Hurts, XO, Flawless and Blow.
  43. Jun 15, 2014
    Ich hätte von beyonce ein besseres Album erwartet statt dieser Mainstream Electro-RnB, und Pop album......vorallem verstehe ich nicht wieso sie jetzt so viel Sex in dem Album hat, und einfach einen Feministischen vorwand dafür benutzt, sie hat es nicht nötig ihren Körper so billig zu präsentieren, sie ist nicht Miley, Rihanna oder Lady Gaga. Beyonce hat so viel mehr talent als die dreiIch hätte von beyonce ein besseres Album erwartet statt dieser Mainstream Electro-RnB, und Pop album......vorallem verstehe ich nicht wieso sie jetzt so viel Sex in dem Album hat, und einfach einen Feministischen vorwand dafür benutzt, sie hat es nicht nötig ihren Körper so billig zu präsentieren, sie ist nicht Miley, Rihanna oder Lady Gaga. Beyonce hat so viel mehr talent als die drei zusammen....aber sie hat anscheinend gemerkt das sich ihre alben nicht mehr so gut verkaufen, aber dan gleich auf Sexsells zu setzten???.......auch wenn einige Lieder gut produziert sind, so enttäuscht sie mich mit ihrem Album, das ist leider das bisher schlechteste von ihren 5 alben Expand
  44. Nov 30, 2014
    The self-titled album from R&B/Pop Superstar Beyoncé is a terrific effort. Each song is perfectly crafted and lyrically fenomenal. With songs like "Pretty Hurts," "Heaven," and "Blue," Beyoncé really delivers her vocal talent. Beyoncé also dabbles in some urban style on songs like "Flawless," "No Angel," and "Drunk in Love." The visuals on this album are an added bonus. The album itselfThe self-titled album from R&B/Pop Superstar Beyoncé is a terrific effort. Each song is perfectly crafted and lyrically fenomenal. With songs like "Pretty Hurts," "Heaven," and "Blue," Beyoncé really delivers her vocal talent. Beyoncé also dabbles in some urban style on songs like "Flawless," "No Angel," and "Drunk in Love." The visuals on this album are an added bonus. The album itself could have stood alone without the videos, and it would have done just as great. 10/10. This album is great in every way. Expand
  45. Apr 30, 2018
    I feel like this album solidified Beyoncé's icon status as it showcased her artistry more compared to her previous albums. Arguably one of the best R&B albums of all time, though it is obvious that there are many genres mixed perfectly in this excellently cohesive record.
  46. Feb 8, 2019
    Sin lugar a dudas, BEYONCÉ cambió el mundo de la música en 2013.
    El concepto visual que ya lo había explorado con B'DAY y luego lo perfeccionaría con LEMONADE y la manera de lanzar por sorpresa, fueron los nuevos parámetros para otros artistas.
  47. Jul 19, 2019
    Thats amazing! Beyoncé changes the whole music industry with this album. With it she becomes a legend who can't be stopped. After ali these years she still make such PERFECT things. Beyoncé is ART
  48. Jul 26, 2019
    This album allowed the music industry to rethink their methods. A genius! Beyoncé did THAT!
  49. Apr 3, 2021
    Epitome of a great visual album. A cultural reset. The Queen of iTunes. The Greatest Of All Time.
  50. Mar 27, 2020
    Beyoncé’s self tilted album is her best body of work. From start to finish she delivers amazing vocals, beats that make you want to dance, while also giving meaning to the words that are being sung. Packaged with a video for each song adding another layer to the genius.
  51. Jul 25, 2020
    Game changing album! This album speaks volumes with so much lyric diversity and the visuals were by far the best about the album.
  52. Jul 27, 2020
    Self-Titled was revolutionary in the way it was dropped by complete surprise by a major artist, and Bey sent the WORLD into a spin. The album is also still incredible years on.
  53. Dec 11, 2020
    One of the greatest pieces of work i’ve ever heard... Every song tells a different story and the opening of the album is perfection.. Beyoncé did amazing as always
  54. Jul 29, 2022
    My favourite Beyonce album of all time. Haunted and Partition are some her best work EVER
  55. Mar 7, 2023
    Beyoncé has just changed the course of the music industry, with each work she delivers, she shows more and more that she is a music legend. I have nothing else to say but thank you Beyoncé for giving us the surprise gift of this incredible album.
  56. Dec 15, 2013
    "Beyoncé" isn't perfect, but its imperfection is what makes it special. This is very much different from everything Beyoncé has done before, although B'Day comes in as the closest body of work. However, the matureness and musical independence that Beyoncé shows in her fifth album is thrilling and embracing. In short words, "Beyoncé" is, definitely, Beyoncé's equivalent to Frank Ocean's"Beyoncé" isn't perfect, but its imperfection is what makes it special. This is very much different from everything Beyoncé has done before, although B'Day comes in as the closest body of work. However, the matureness and musical independence that Beyoncé shows in her fifth album is thrilling and embracing. In short words, "Beyoncé" is, definitely, Beyoncé's equivalent to Frank Ocean's "Channel Orange". Hands down, thumbs up for Queen Bey. Expand
  57. Jan 7, 2014
    I have always appreciated Beyonce as an artist, however, honestly I never looked to her for intellectually stimulating organic music. I figured we only had Janelle Monae achieving any greatness in the R&B/electronic realm. With this record I stand corrected. It is a beautifully expressive piece of work. It's not perfect, but hey it's pop at it's finest. This album will be rememberedI have always appreciated Beyonce as an artist, however, honestly I never looked to her for intellectually stimulating organic music. I figured we only had Janelle Monae achieving any greatness in the R&B/electronic realm. With this record I stand corrected. It is a beautifully expressive piece of work. It's not perfect, but hey it's pop at it's finest. This album will be remembered years after any of us are around. I really hope she continues to experiment because we need more artists willing to do more than make an extra dollar. Expand
  58. Dec 14, 2013
    Its a good album. but of course with every album they are the letdowns or the songs that provide a poultry deliverance..But i love this album the songs,pretty hurts,XO,partitions,Mine,Drunk On Love,Flawless,Heaven,Haunted and Jealous are really good... so Queen B, just put the middle finger to all the haters well done
  59. Dec 15, 2013
    I never used to listen to Bey like that before, she didn't appeal to me that much. But with the hype surrounding this album and an attempt to broaden my horizons, I decided to give her a try with an open mind and see what happens.

    I was surprised. Very surprised. This album's DOPE. I never expected something like this, she's really got her experimental hat on but at the same time not
    I never used to listen to Bey like that before, she didn't appeal to me that much. But with the hype surrounding this album and an attempt to broaden my horizons, I decided to give her a try with an open mind and see what happens.

    I was surprised. Very surprised. This album's DOPE. I never expected something like this, she's really got her experimental hat on but at the same time not going so far out there as to alienate the fanbase I am completely aware she has. A truly brilliant album.
  60. Dec 24, 2013
    If someone had told you in 2011 that the next Beyoncé release would be the most "independent" album of 2013, would you ever have believed them? I readily admit, such a comment would have elicited little more than a scoff from myself. Yet, a down-to-the-buzzer contender for album of the year, BEYONCE seems to rely more on DIY aesthetic than any other major release seen this year. Singles?If someone had told you in 2011 that the next Beyoncé release would be the most "independent" album of 2013, would you ever have believed them? I readily admit, such a comment would have elicited little more than a scoff from myself. Yet, a down-to-the-buzzer contender for album of the year, BEYONCE seems to rely more on DIY aesthetic than any other major release seen this year. Singles? Nope. Months-long promotional gimmicks? No press at all (lookin' at you, Yeezus/Reflektor/Shaking the Habitual). Touring? BEFORE the release of the album? Hell, yes ("I don't trust these record labels I'm touring", she sings on "Haunted"). BEYONCE is a vital assertion of individuality and artistic integrity from an ARTIST (and by this point, she has inexorably earned that title) whose royal status intrinsically invites stagnation.
    A decidedly experimental album, unconventionalities of pop music abound: extended intros, outros, spoken word interludes, movements, and any other indulgences present are earned over and over again. And despite a seemingly sudden awareness of her own illustrious status, the album is also her most emotionally frank, putting herself in a particularly vulnerable position. It's altogether a risk of gargantuan proportions and it pays off beautifully, somehow endearing Mrs. Carter-Knowles to her audience more than she already is.
    Though you probably won't find many of these songs with much radio time, the album displays an even broader range of styles and themes that we've come to expect from a typical Beyoncé album. Within BEYONCE, you'll find: explorations of her marriage (with Jay Z, who quests on "Drunk in Love"), both ups ("Blow", "Partition") and downs ("Jealous"), criticism of body image attitudes ("Pretty Hurts"), statements of supremacy ("***Flawless") and self-awareness ("No Angel), heartfelt farewells to lost loved ones ("Heaven"), odes to motherhood ("Blue"), and, of course, one big group-hug sing-along anthem that you swear could solve every major world problem ("XO"). And despite its grandiosity, it culminates with a general air of restraint (hear how spare that production is) and control (check how exclusive that guest list of producers and guest vocals is) with few exceptions, a feat no one other than the Queen Bey herself could carry out. Bow down, indeed.
  61. Dec 13, 2013
    This is by far Beyoncé's best album. It is amazing, the production is so clean and top notch, and the lyrics and melodies are genius. Partition is my favorite song! So good! You MUST buy this album!
  62. Dec 14, 2013
    The fifth studio album from Beyonce may be her best and my personal favorite. With her surprise release, Beyonce abstains from the pop fodder and chants to bring us the moody, hypersexual yet uplifting and message filled self titled album. One might ask why would Beyonce name her fifth body of work after herself? This is her definitive album. Most thought that 4 or B'day really definedThe fifth studio album from Beyonce may be her best and my personal favorite. With her surprise release, Beyonce abstains from the pop fodder and chants to bring us the moody, hypersexual yet uplifting and message filled self titled album. One might ask why would Beyonce name her fifth body of work after herself? This is her definitive album. Most thought that 4 or B'day really defined Beyonce, but this album has managed to incorporate every essential influence, moment and definition of Beyonce. The album plays on her sexuality confidently and explicitly without a care on songs such as Rocket and Partition. A star less confident than Bey, would worry about jumping to such overt sexual references and moans so quickly after her last chilled album, but not Beyonce. Not only did she do so, she made videos for the songs and showed you how confident she feels in herself. Her new found confidence shines through in the Flawless while interweaving another essential theme of Beyonce's music: female empowerment. Her influences,from Madonna to Prince to DeAngelo, are heard throughout the album, however Beyonce has finally taken these influences and formulated them into something that can only be associated with her.

    The high points of the album include the roller disco bop 'Blow', The anthemic "XO", and the club banger "Partition". Bey not only manages to incorporate the themes of hypersexuality, feminism, and unconditional love into this album but she also manages to try something new. The sounds of this album are unlike anything she's ever done before. She touches on an electro, almost tribal sound with "Haunted" and gives us a soulful electronic R&B ballad with "No Angel". Upon first listen, the album is overwhelming. It's boisterous, heavily produced and raunchy in areas. However, upon further listening and analysis of the album, I found it to be everything that a pop star and Beyonce has grown to be. She's sexy, empowering, sweet and she always has a message and her album truly reflects that.The album manages to maintain some cohesiveness while implementing varying sounds and styles. She shows her personality and shows that even though we take her super seriously, she knows how to have fun.

    The album is raw in areas and her vocal performances reflect that. She is a vocalist at the top of her game, managing to go from melodic rapping to operatic soulful adlibs to sugary pop musings in the matter of seconds. The lyrics and production her are among the best of the best and she chose songwriters/producers that really brought out her essence over her career and a few new ones that have helped to craft this eventful album. I can honestly say that this is her highest quality/best body of work. Beyonce has finally shown us Beyonce. Quite a surprise this truly was Giselle...
  63. Feb 12, 2015
    Brilliant album! Not only did the Queen defy the tradition and shatter records, this album is a visual and artistic masterpiece! She truly understands that music is a whole experience, for the ears and the eyes!
  64. Dec 18, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sem dúvidas ela a melhor!! Ela foi uma Naughty Girl e aos poucos foi se tornando uma Grown Woman, esse album concluiu que não existe nenhum artista mais completo que Beyoncé!! Ela quase tão boa e revolucionária quanto Michael Jackson, PARABÉNS Beyoncé Knowles, realmente, entre todos os "artistas" atuais, você a UNICA que merece o prêmio de artista do milênio!! Expand
  65. Jul 13, 2015
    Some songs are very good, others are boring . I love tour Mrs Carter, who was antecedent to this album , however this album promo tour with her husband of the singer, Jay Z , was a bore !
  66. Sep 7, 2015
    horrible album, make me sleep, the only song that's good, is Pretty hurts, the others make me sick, please, back to sasha fierce, is your only way to be great again
  67. Apr 28, 2016
    Primeiro álbum visual de Beyonce não poderia ter sido tão bom quanto a altura do talento dela. Cheio de músicas provocantes e gostosas de se ouvir, esse álbum se torna um dos melhores de sua carreira.
  68. Feb 2, 2018
    Melhor álbum, impecável, músicas perfeitas, letras maravilhosas e visualmente maravilhoso. Beyoncé Rainha!
  69. Jun 20, 2018
    MERECE A NOTA MÁXIMA DO MUNDO, grammy chora por não ter dado AOTY pra essa bíblia
  70. Jul 31, 2020
    Um dos melhores e mais revolucionários projetos da última década. E só Beyoncé pra fazer. Ela é mestra
  71. Jul 23, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O melhor álbum de 2013. A Beyoncé foi altamente estrategista em lançá-lo de surpresa. Além disso, há novidades sonoras, como em No Angel e vídeo para cada uma das faixas. É um álbum de excelente qualidade. Um dos melhores de sua carreira. Expand
  72. May 29, 2020
    La renaissance de Beyoncé en 2013 ! Cet album a révolutionné la musique moderne.
  73. Jul 10, 2020
    Un álbum que nos hace sentir la experiencias de Beyoncé, sensualidad, amor, etc. Uno de los mejores álbumes de la historia.
  74. Jul 25, 2020
    This album revolutionized the entire music industry. After that album the "visual album" became popular and surprise releases started to happen
  75. Jul 25, 2020
    Amazing! This was a perfect way to change the music industry again! Too much a star power.
  76. Jul 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse é um álbum para ser usado como referência de qualidade! Muito obrigado por isso Beyoncé. Expand
  77. Aug 2, 2020
    this album changed the music industry base, revolutionary! girl, don't have words how i freaked out when she realese it surprisely.
  78. Aug 29, 2020
    Beyoncé's fifth studio album is by far her best album ever released. It shows how diverse she truly is.
  79. Oct 31, 2020
    A pop-culture phenomenon and cultural reset for the fans who said Beyoncé was “over.” This album literally broke the internet. The Surprise Album was born. The industry new album release date was changed to Fri bc of this album. It is unmatched and undeniably amazing.
  80. Dec 13, 2013
    Beyonce has created one of the best albums of the year. Not only did she defy all that we know about how to make and release an album, but she came up with a completely new platform of the "visual album". It's crazy how much time and effort went into producing her best album yet, and then to surprise it upon us without any notice, is pure genius. She is relying on her strength of an artistBeyonce has created one of the best albums of the year. Not only did she defy all that we know about how to make and release an album, but she came up with a completely new platform of the "visual album". It's crazy how much time and effort went into producing her best album yet, and then to surprise it upon us without any notice, is pure genius. She is relying on her strength of an artist instead of pop propaganda. She is her own hype, no marketing needed. All Hail Queen Bey! #bowdown Expand
  81. Dec 18, 2013
    This album is something completely unexpected from Beyoncé. You can see that she's really musically evolved with this album and it's refreshing to see. Whilst there may not be any obvious 'smash hits' on the album, I think it flows beautifully and is very well constructed. I absolutely adore it and definitely recommend it.
  82. Dec 15, 2013
    All I can say is wow. Beyonce really brought it with this album without hype of promo! Every single song is special in its own way. I really cannot fault anything on this album.
  83. Dec 13, 2013
    The album keeps a lot of the simplistic yet cleverly engineered beats from her previous album 4, yet the production quality and tunes improve significantly, making it a much better effort. The best songs on the album are 'Haunted', 'Drunk In Love', 'Blow', 'Partition', 'XO' and 'Flawless'. Still, the real way in which BEYONCÉ outdoes itself is innovation: from the secret, non-promotedThe album keeps a lot of the simplistic yet cleverly engineered beats from her previous album 4, yet the production quality and tunes improve significantly, making it a much better effort. The best songs on the album are 'Haunted', 'Drunk In Love', 'Blow', 'Partition', 'XO' and 'Flawless'. Still, the real way in which BEYONCÉ outdoes itself is innovation: from the secret, non-promoted surprise release to the 'Visual album' concept to the fiercely bold lyrics and experimental craft, which is almost always enjoyable. Collapse
  84. Dec 14, 2013
    I've been a loyal Beyoncé fan since '03. First off, I could have never fathomed this level of cohesion or creativity. Clearly, self-management has amped her quality of music and her extension of her artistry. The album as a whole is nothing like anything in her catalogue.
    The material is daring, both lyrically and sonically. Staying true to her R&B roots, songs like 'Pretty Hurts',
    I've been a loyal Beyoncé fan since '03. First off, I could have never fathomed this level of cohesion or creativity. Clearly, self-management has amped her quality of music and her extension of her artistry. The album as a whole is nothing like anything in her catalogue.
    The material is daring, both lyrically and sonically. Staying true to her R&B roots, songs like 'Pretty Hurts', 'Blow', 'XO' and 'Drunk in Love' stand out immediately. The former, which features her hit-making husband Jay-Z, is mind-blowing and delivers the hype and execution that always comes along with a Bey&J collaboration.
    Released as a visual album, the album includes 17 videos, one for each of the songs and an extra three for 'Ghost', 'Yoncé' and immediate fan-favorite, 'Bow Down'. The level of execution and the vision that develops throughout the collection of videos is immediately reminiscent of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'. The amount of creativity it may have taken Queen B and her team to successfully seam such an incredible visual is without a doubt unparalleled by her Pop peers.
    Likewise, the lack of notification and promotion aid the excitement of the new material from the Pop Queen. It's clear that NEW RULES have been established in the music industry by way of Kanye's 'one month' notification of 'YEEZSUS', Jay-Z's 'two week' notification of 'Magna Carta: Holy Grail' and now Beyonce's 'BEYONCÉ'. Move over music executives! Music royalty seems to be overtaking the industry and doing things with NEW RULES!
  85. Dec 14, 2013
    The beats are harder than before, the songs are sexy than before and it is still just as soulful as the Beyonce we know and love. It has everything you could want. Simply ***Flawless.
  86. Dec 13, 2013
    Beyoncé proves again that she is unpredictable, that's something that makes her bigger than other artists. She's always showing something new and this surprise album is one of the best things that happened this year.
  87. Jan 21, 2014
    B put her foot into this one. This is all I am listening to right now. Videos are beautiful, she is beautiful, her baby is beautiful. I was just a regular fan before she dropped this album but I am now a full blown stan. Best album of the year!!
  88. Dec 13, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum perfeito, como sempre ela conseguiu se renovar e surpreender todos os seus fãs. Todos os clipes e músicas são surpreendentes algo jamais feito na carreira dela, com certeza ela mostrou quem a Queen B. Expand
  89. Dec 13, 2013
    This visual album has changed the game. That's all Beyonce does.. set the standard for others to follow. The music is incredible and the videos are awesome! She shows she cares and gets IT. Not piecing together a bunch of throw-a-way singles no one will remember 10 years from now, but a cohesive collection of hard work and dedication to mastering one's craft. My favorite song changesThis visual album has changed the game. That's all Beyonce does.. set the standard for others to follow. The music is incredible and the videos are awesome! She shows she cares and gets IT. Not piecing together a bunch of throw-a-way singles no one will remember 10 years from now, but a cohesive collection of hard work and dedication to mastering one's craft. My favorite song changes by the hour. I love them ALL! I've been on cloud 9 for approximately 19 hours lol no sleep. I can't stop listening to the music and watching the videos. Expand
  90. Dec 13, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Damn! For this I didn't expect, for those who loved reclaim Beyoncé do the same things, move your butt or making music with repetitive rhythms... Good, then this cd was a slap in the face of haters, burial. With a R&B/Urban style, showed that Beyoncé is a multi-genre singer and creative. What she did, no one ever will. Expand
  91. Dec 13, 2013
    After a lot of buzz, Beysus has surpresed the world releasing a surprising maste piece of an album. More than just music, the avant-garde project propose to bring together one video for each music. The result was a intense frenesi and aclamation. This is the most consistent material in her hole career,
  92. Dec 13, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Beyoncé foi simplesmente espetacular nos mínimos detalhes, trazendo para 2013 um álbum que realmente vale a pena perder horas e horas apenas curtindo a vida e ouvindo este som tão bom Expand
  93. Dec 14, 2013
    Perfect queen B is back to top, O álbum está maravilhoso, os vocais como sempre estão IMPECÁVEIS. Sem contar que já vem com todos os clipes. sem comparações estamos falando da RAINHA Queen B.
  94. Dec 14, 2013
    Beyonce' fans all over the world have been waiting for her fifth album, and it doesn't disappoint. The theme of equality is apparent throughout the album. Beyonce' has one of the best voices in music, and uses it in many different ways. This is a true Hip-Hop/R&B album.
  95. Dec 15, 2013
    This album is masterpiece that could change the history if music. And everybody giving it a negative or even mixed review is a hater... this album is a 10.
  96. Dec 16, 2013
    Only someone who has a really great feel for their work can release it with ZERO fanfare and such confidence and that comes from a lot of passion and hard work which is very evident here. My first Beyonce album but so totally worth it!!!
  97. Dec 16, 2013
    Beyoncé's self titled fifth album is a work of art. Its beauty lies in its concern not to necessarily produce standard pop hits, but to make good music, no matter how seemingly obscure the sound may be. Every song on this album is excellent, and as a whole, this is a very cohesive piece of work it's just really great. "Blow" "Rocket" and "Pretty Hurts" are my favorites.
  98. Dec 16, 2013
    It's new Beyoncé for this time.She made a change for the game,a story with each song.She doesn't only make music,but tell a story to us this time.One album,whole story for her life so far.Inspiring,Fantastic,and touching my heart.Thank you,Beyoncé.
  99. Jan 4, 2014
    Esperava um álbum muito melhor da Beyoncé, e ela lança este comprimido para dormir. Senti falta de músicas dançantes, há algumas músicas boas mas o resto não se aproveita. A melhor coisa do álbum mesmo o conceito.
  100. Jan 5, 2014
    as a surprise album with no promotion it could've gone either two ways, which it ironically did, as breaking records in America and barely reaching the same chart position as her lowest charting album in the UK. However this is a valiant effort for someone hailed the queen when really people have had better success than her. the uptempo (blow, drunk in love, xo, partition) are great butas a surprise album with no promotion it could've gone either two ways, which it ironically did, as breaking records in America and barely reaching the same chart position as her lowest charting album in the UK. However this is a valiant effort for someone hailed the queen when really people have had better success than her. the uptempo (blow, drunk in love, xo, partition) are great but the down tempo songs leave me wanting something more to happen, and sometimes it feels like two songs have been stuck together with the awkward pauses, nevertheless a valiant effort, but maybe pushing the boundaries too far, i doubt the singles will chart high without promotion and videos already out there Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. Feb 14, 2014
    At its dizzying zenith, Beyoncé is a loaded fusion of generosity and self-empowerment. or perhaps, more accurately, it finds self-empowerment in generosity.
  2. Mojo
    Feb 11, 2014
    It's this continued need to feed her multi-platinum beast that stops the album from being the post-modern wheeze it could have been. [Mar 2014, p.94]
  3. Jan 23, 2014
    Though there are a million details about BEYONCÉ to examine--from the release strategy to the visual aspect and more--the strongest ideas are still found solely in the music. She addresses topics like beauty, body image, miscarriages, jealousy, sexuality, marriage, motherhood and self-worth.