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Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 45
  2. Negative: 3 out of 45

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  1. Liam
    Nov 22, 2008
    Great, this is probably my favorite Dino jr. record and the only one that stands up to You're Living All Over Me.
  2. RachaelG.
    Nov 9, 2007
    Amazing ! I picked up this cd from the library and fell in love, my dad actually saw them in concert ( jealous ) of course I hope they come to Ohio, I saw on their page they have some shows coming up ! I first heard about them from another band.
  3. PaulW
    Aug 7, 2007
    A solid return. You would be mental to turn your back on this album,
  4. RaelT.
    Jul 17, 2007
    Mascis at his best, back to the great song writing and playing of Bug You're Living All Over Me. Really great!
  5. PaulS.
    Jul 15, 2007
    Well well well! I saw the band here in Australia in '90. Minus Lou. J had Donna (from Black Flag's touring outfit of the time) on bass. They were good. They were very good...the night made me a D Jr fan for life. Slipped in and out of everything after where you been. But this album, and to see it and songs like "Out There" & "Feel The Pain" performed by the original gang (that Well well well! I saw the band here in Australia in '90. Minus Lou. J had Donna (from Black Flag's touring outfit of the time) on bass. They were good. They were very good...the night made me a D Jr fan for life. Slipped in and out of everything after where you been. But this album, and to see it and songs like "Out There" & "Feel The Pain" performed by the original gang (that never made it here "back in the day") Was a blast! Lou B is a bass god. To fill the void beneath J when he skyrockets is a masterful effort. Murph does it all on a minimalist kit. Great album. Lou's songs are a terrific balance and its like having a Sebadoh Dinosaur Jr double play. Expand
  6. ChrisN.
    Jun 21, 2007
    I bought this record out of nostalgia, but I can't stop playing it. The songs grow on every listen and the way Mascis lets himself go on the guitar is a joy. Maybe its as good as anything they've done
  7. GuyH
    Jun 8, 2007
    Yee haw this rawks! I don't know what more you'd have to say to sell this to people...
  8. BenjiD
    May 31, 2007
    Exactly what a Dino Jr album should be. Totally unexpected, in a good way, this album is one of my favorites of the year so far. Ok, so the songs are a little repetitive at times. So what? Anyone who's a fan of the band have to pick up this album.
  9. ELVERg
    May 21, 2007
    el grunge ha vuelto con mas fuerza!!!!! The grunge is back and stronger!!!!!
  10. GregorM
    May 19, 2007
    This is the album Dinosaur Jr, and their fans, have been waiting for for years. I don't think any of their albums have been terrible, but this is definately their best in what, 18 or so years? Up there with YLAOM, for sure. Brilliant. Mascis' guitar sounds fantastic, his playing has just improved more and more, and the rhythm is so tight. Best album I've bought in a while.
  11. OC
    May 18, 2007
    Amazing guitarplay....Welcome Back!!
  12. PatF!
    May 15, 2007
    I'm a slight bit disappointed by how clean the production is, but either way, it's still a killer album. It's nice that these guys still crank out incredible tunes almost twenty years after they disassembled. This is a great album, through and through. It just has a bit less of an edge than I wish it did at times.
  13. ChrisT
    May 13, 2007
    Crumble Track # 2 is Kick ASS as well as Track 11
  14. mikes.
    May 8, 2007
    A refreshing album. It is nice to hear a band bring back the 90's era grunge again. It comes across as original because no one is making this music anymore. Songwriting is solid and the cheap, raw production, compliments this true indie band one of the best of the 90's. This kind of group is what indie is all about.
  15. DonJ
    May 6, 2007
    This is the album that Dinosaur Jr fans have been waiting for. It's the closest thing to bliss on a piece of plastic as you're going to get. J is the best guitar player you will ever hear in Indie Rock. Lou's bass playing has only improved in the 19 years since Bug's recording. The second song made me wonder if the album could ever reach the legendary strides of This is the album that Dinosaur Jr fans have been waiting for. It's the closest thing to bliss on a piece of plastic as you're going to get. J is the best guitar player you will ever hear in Indie Rock. Lou's bass playing has only improved in the 19 years since Bug's recording. The second song made me wonder if the album could ever reach the legendary strides of You're Living All Over Me. Then the third song started (Pick Me Up), and I was lost in a time when I had lived for bands like D.J., Sonic Youth, Pavement, to name a few. I was in heaven. By the time that the guitar solo ends at the end of the song, you find yourself asking: "Why woould I ever listen to anything else?" I am biased, since Dinosaur Jr has been my favorite band since I was 16 (I am now 32). I've always liked YLAOM the best of all their albums. (although Bug, Gren Mind, and Where You Been are worthy of mention). THis album may surpass even YLAOM though. It's balanced, and the sense of cohesion between the members (even Murph) is amazing. It's energetic despite J's typical slacker style of whining the words out (which I have always liked). This is definitely the best album I bouth this year, and may be the best thing in 16 years that I've bought. Yes More Light was a good rock album by J, but this trumps it in every manner. If you like guitar focused, post-punk with a folk influence thrown in for good measure - PICK THIS UP IMMEDIATELY!!! Expand
  16. chrisa
    May 6, 2007
    A Classic Dinosaur Jr. Album.... in 2007.
  17. AdamW
    May 5, 2007
    Why do we love rock and roll? It's so simplistic, a few guys making loud, visceral music. It might make us deaf, but it will have been worth it. It rarely sees anything new, but yet we love it so. Dinosaur Jr. certainly didn't make a 'new' sounding album, but with so many imitators out there (BRMC, Ponys, Warlocks I'm looking at you) these guys came back and Why do we love rock and roll? It's so simplistic, a few guys making loud, visceral music. It might make us deaf, but it will have been worth it. It rarely sees anything new, but yet we love it so. Dinosaur Jr. certainly didn't make a 'new' sounding album, but with so many imitators out there (BRMC, Ponys, Warlocks I'm looking at you) these guys came back and showed what rock and roll is all about, and what real talent for their craft is. Most of all, they showed they're major league rockers and that so many bands these days are just hopeful minor leaguers. Expand
  18. Mr.Hankey
    May 4, 2007
    I didn't expect such a brilliant album but here it is. Beyond is one of the most surpringly consistent efforts of the year with gut-wrenching guitar hooks, beautiful lyrics, and the lo-fi rock sound Dinosaur Jr. is famous for. This may actually be my favorite album of the year, it's just so darn good.
  19. CorpoG
    May 4, 2007
    This album is it's own and compares to anything they've done. Best album in years. Can't stop listening to it and can't wait to hear it live.
  20. EdL
    May 3, 2007
    Great Album
  21. DCyr
    May 3, 2007
    Blows me away. It's like having a couple of beers with long lost friends. The album gets better with every listen. That's why I have to give it top notch. Oh, and PLAY IT LOUD!
  22. AndyW
    May 3, 2007
    I want to give this a 10 since they are my favorite band but I have to be at least a little honest. This isn't a perfect record by any means but it's the best thing from J Mascis in at least 10 or 12 years.
  23. StevenG
    May 2, 2007
    J. Mascis is my favorite songwriter. This album is way better than I ever could have imagined. Lou Barlow's two songs are also amazing. Call it Sebadoh, Jr. if you want. I call it just plain awesome.
  24. AlexW
    May 2, 2007
    It rocks...
  25. JI
    Apr 18, 2007
    The best alternative band of all time! That
  26. RH
    Apr 8, 2007
    How did they manage this? Much more than a reunion album, a work that tops half of their previous recordings.
  27. [Anonymous]
    Mar 31, 2007
    strong, strong album

Awards & Rankings


Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. These 50 minutes of music are as cohesive as they are conquering.
  2. Under The Radar
    With a sound closer to the Sire output than their SST days, Mascis throws around his best set of songs since Where You Been. [#17, p.84]
  3. Urb
    Beyond doesn't break any new ground, but... it's as refreshing as anything you're likely to hear all year. [May 2007, p.93]