• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Dec 11, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Dec 11, 2015
    Big Grrrl Small World is an intentionally intense listen – Lizzo’s physical presence (a black woman,“statuesque and big as hell”) is placed meticulously front and centre.
  2. Mojo
    Dec 10, 2015
    Persuasive R&B with strident lyrics and sharp sonics. [Jan 2016, p.98]
  3. 80
    Big GRRRL Small World is a decidedly broader and more mature offering than 'Lizzobangers', and, in terms of Lizzo's long-term appeal, that can only be a good thing.
  4. Dec 15, 2015
    Hip hop needs a strong female voice today—one that matches the pop magnetism of Beyoncé, but with the political and social awareness of Killer Mike. With Big GRRRL Small World, Lizzo seems primed and ready to fill that spot.
  5. Dec 10, 2015
    It's all delivered with sheer glee, and some of it is among the most wicked fun committed to record in 2015.
  6. Feb 23, 2016
    She sells her message with having mad skills and swagger to spare.
  7. Dec 10, 2015
    Big GRRRL Small World sounds like the work of someone too tireless to limit herself to genre lines or defined boxes, and it’s hard work resisting rap’s numerous pigeonholes.
  8. Dec 17, 2015
    This is an album that sounds ready to take on the world.
  9. Uncut
    Jan 12, 2016
    The record as a whole is an energetic, infectious romp through trap, Auto-Tune, West Coast soul and warm balladry. [Feb 2016, p.78]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. May 28, 2020
    In this album, Lizzo show that she is a strong vocalist as she is a rapper. And all i can say about this album is based on her statement,In this album, Lizzo show that she is a strong vocalist as she is a rapper. And all i can say about this album is based on her statement, "You can wake up and change many things about your appearance, but the inevitability of waking up in your skin is what unifies us." Full Review »
  2. Mar 1, 2016
    Lizzo may not be the next great rapper, and it's often about "me" and womankind here, but she knows how to be a strong enough lady withoutLizzo may not be the next great rapper, and it's often about "me" and womankind here, but she knows how to be a strong enough lady without leaning on stereotypes, and a few moments have quite good messages. Full Review »