• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Apr 22, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. 60
    In the quest to make overly bronzed twentysomethings sweat, this endearing pseudo–rebel loses much of the little–sister angst that made her so appealing in the first place.
  2. She's got an album which for all its sing-along moments is neither catchy nor extreme enough to be exceptional.
  3. No matter how glossy the production, it’s impossible not to notice that Simpson can’t sing well enough to carry an album, while her peppy, Avril-lite personality comes off as contrived and as obnoxious as Lavigne’s.
  4. Predictably, adhering to the tacit rules of pop (succinctness, all star production, glossy sound and packaging with twist of street styling) has not produced any surprises but has instead cemented her position in the realm.
  5. On her third album, Simpson skillfully shifts her crunchy, guitar-driven pop to Eighties-influenced electro-rock with the help of Timbaland and the Neptunes’ Chad Hugo.
  6. Bittersweet World is another step in the right direction for Simpson; now if only she'd learn that real rule breakers don't write songs about it.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 66 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 66
  2. Negative: 19 out of 66
  1. Sep 10, 2022
    We need to revisit this album. It came a year after Timbaland dominated the pop scene with Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake (2006-2007),We need to revisit this album. It came a year after Timbaland dominated the pop scene with Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake (2006-2007), but it can very much be regarded as the younger cousin of Furtado’s Loose. The 80’s references, the spectacular opening number, the strength of Timbaland’s production - this was a well-made pop album. While it doesn’t end as strongly as it begins (though the closing track is pleasant), tracks 1-8 are as strong as any pop album from this era. “Boys,” “Rule Breaker,” “No Time for Tears,” “Ragdoll,” “What I’ve Become” - all gems. Full Review »
  2. Mar 18, 2015
    Track by track review:
    1. Outta My Head (Ay Ya Ya) 10/10
    2. Boys 10/10 3. Rule Breaker 10/10 4. No Time for Tears 10/10 5. Little Miss
    Track by track review:
    1. Outta My Head (Ay Ya Ya) 10/10
    2. Boys 10/10
    3. Rule Breaker 10/10
    4. No Time for Tears 10/10
    5. Little Miss Obsessive 10/10
    6. Ragdoll 10/10
    7. Bittersweet World 10/10
    8. What I've Become 10/10
    9. Hot Stuff 2.5/10
    10. Murder 5/10
    11. Never Dream Alone 9.5/10

    Highlights: No Time for Tears, Boys
    Potential singles: Never Dream Alone, Boys
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 7, 2011
    One incident on lip-syncing and people are still hung up over it... seriously people, that was 7 years ago, I don't she she has lip-sycned ever since.