• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2007
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Universal acclaim- based on 974 Ratings

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  1. Dec 27, 2013
    Baby One More Time is her best album, just because is her debut album but this is definitely her most personal album, Britney Jean is just a waste of time... This is a truly comeback.
  2. Feb 1, 2016
    Simply put, her most bold, edgy and dark work yet, he employs a wide spectrum of glorious synths and goes from an electronic, processed vocoder effect on some songs, to showcasing her amazing vocals effortlessly on others, like Gimme More.
  3. Aug 26, 2016
    I really love this album is my favoriteeeee from britney, i think she make the pop better and she always save the pp with her music's e reallyyy loooove
  4. Jan 19, 2020
    bible of pop ok? who voted lower than 10 didn’t listen to the album
  5. Jan 23, 2020
    o maior e mais influente album dos anos 2000. felizmente a princesa do pop, a surra na gorduxa que só tem 2 albuns verdinhos
  6. Mar 2, 2020
    Blackout é um cd muito divertido com ótimas composições um dos meus trabalhos preferidos.
  7. Mar 29, 2011
    Ok I'm looking at Britney's past albums to see how people reviewed them and I'm really confused. People are giving Femme Fatale great reviews, but Blackout has almost 50 negative reviews? That's just not right. I'll keep this short. Blackout forever changed the playing field for pop music. I can play it from start to finish without skipping a single song. This is the Britney that I love.Ok I'm looking at Britney's past albums to see how people reviewed them and I'm really confused. People are giving Femme Fatale great reviews, but Blackout has almost 50 negative reviews? That's just not right. I'll keep this short. Blackout forever changed the playing field for pop music. I can play it from start to finish without skipping a single song. This is the Britney that I love. Ahead of its time, but it's a uniquely Britney album. It's Britney, **** Expand
  8. Apr 25, 2011
    THIS IS SO OUTTA THIS WORLD THE BEST BRITNEY ALBUM EVER AND FEMME FETALE IS SO GOOD TOO!!!!!! the songs so amazing were Perfect Lover, Piece of Me, Toy Soldier and Gimme gimme more gimme more!!!!!!
  9. Feb 27, 2019
    Best album Britney has ever recorded. Every single track is a standout except for Everybody, which is only a bonus track. Most songs are some of the best dance tracks you will ever find in a pop album. This is the album that Lady Gaga and others looked up to for their releases. Favourite songs include Gimme More, Break the Ice, Heaven on Earth.
  10. Jul 27, 2014
    After a three year hiatus amid a mental breakdown, Britney Spears proved that she was still reigning pop royalty. Each track has its own unique sound, propelled by inferior production. By far her most adventurous work to date!
  11. Jul 9, 2020
    a timeless album way ahead of it's time which paved the way for a lot of music nowadays!
  12. May 19, 2020
    Her best album ever! It's so underrated. Advanced produced and nice melody and vocals
  13. Oct 30, 2020
    Genuinely an impactful and solid pop album. Every song is great. The production is amazing and quite varied, as well as the vocal performance. Looking back it’s apparent just how impactful this album was. It ushered in a new sound to pop music, paving the way for artists like Lady Gaga, Kesha, Carly Rae, Dua lipa, etc.
  14. Apr 4, 2021
    blackout is called the bible of pop for a reason, it brought something new to the pop scene and completely revolutionized pop music, there’s no skips at all on this album.
  15. Mar 9, 2022
    Para mim, este é o melhor álbum dela, ela trouxe músicas maravilhosas e que você não cansa de ouvir.
  16. Feb 21, 2022
    It’s the bible of pop, literally pop perfection, the best ever created! Britney did a great job as executive producer and she didn’t miss!
  17. JaredM
    Jan 20, 2008
    One of the best albums of 2007. I've never much cared for Britney Spears and her "Music" but this album has proven me wrong. Even if she didn't write most of the tracks (A smart business woman knows when to start and better yet stop). This killer dance album floored me. It will definitely be remembered years from now, for having some of the best dance tracks of the last decade.
  18. DH
    Nov 1, 2007
    I think it's great! Fun and consistent. Love the album cover. The whole album has energy. Everybody lighten up.
  19. BillZZzzzZZZzzz
    Nov 5, 2007
    This is horrible. I can't listen to this. I don't want to dance to this. I won't.
  20. SammyJ.
    Dec 23, 2007
    Great album. Britney is back. Gimme More is hot. Piece of me the video is awesome!
  21. MarkM
    Oct 30, 2007
    Surprising! I'm really amazed because this album is very electronic-pop and I'm loving it! I also love the personal lyrics althoguh she did not penned them nevertheless this is a bold move for more!
  22. CarlosA.
    Feb 9, 2008
    I had to give a 10 'cause since I got the album I can't stop listening to it, I know her life's been a trouble and that she's going through a lot of things related to her kids, the way she drinks and if she's on drugs.. but the album is really good...is electropop mixed with r&b and brit did a great job, that's the reason why she sold a lot albums around the I had to give a 10 'cause since I got the album I can't stop listening to it, I know her life's been a trouble and that she's going through a lot of things related to her kids, the way she drinks and if she's on drugs.. but the album is really good...is electropop mixed with r&b and brit did a great job, that's the reason why she sold a lot albums around the world. She is one the best sellers ever! at least in the USA. I just hope that everything is gonna be better and that she will realize that the night life and the drugs are not the best! I just hope that one day she will return to music and will do it great as she's done it before! that's why we love you Brit! get well soon! Expand
  23. angelm.
    Nov 1, 2007
    this is a very good album, fresh, pop, dance, maybe is no the best of britney but i love it
  24. ChrisNYC
    Nov 1, 2007
    Britney is back!!!!....The album gives awesome dance tracks from start to finsih......say what you will about her personal life, but let the music speak for itself......and it delivers, time and again!
  25. AriffM
    Nov 20, 2007
    I was never a fan, except for the bounciness of Toxic & the pathos of Something, I never gave much thought about Ms Britney, that is, until she shaved her head. What a great show of defiance! Can you imagine Nelly Furtado or any of the top 10 female pop performers doing the same out of some bizarre emotional self-confrontation? As for the album - if you're a fan of Ladytron-Depeche I was never a fan, except for the bounciness of Toxic & the pathos of Something, I never gave much thought about Ms Britney, that is, until she shaved her head. What a great show of defiance! Can you imagine Nelly Furtado or any of the top 10 female pop performers doing the same out of some bizarre emotional self-confrontation? As for the album - if you're a fan of Ladytron-Depeche Mode you'd be pleasantly surprised. Expand
  26. CaesarC.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Great album, Britney improved her music since In The Zone.
  27. ManuelV.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Well, it could be worse.
  28. Britney'sV.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Some of my best work y'all!
  29. TreyceF.
    Nov 5, 2007
    I thought it really expressed how she felt. Piece of me and Why should I be sad are awesome.
  30. joeiU.
    Nov 6, 2007
    Consistently a good album but how could one say this merits a 10?? or even a 9, 8, 7?? I laugh at those who hail this as her best cd ever! None of her albums are worthy of critical acclaim nor of contimplation of merit. Why do we even care to vote or review such albums as BLACKOUT. Spears is the epitome of what's wrong in music now-days.. She had only one thing going for her in the Consistently a good album but how could one say this merits a 10?? or even a 9, 8, 7?? I laugh at those who hail this as her best cd ever! None of her albums are worthy of critical acclaim nor of contimplation of merit. Why do we even care to vote or review such albums as BLACKOUT. Spears is the epitome of what's wrong in music now-days.. She had only one thing going for her in the past, her dance moves.. All she does is lip-sync and hardly does anything worth praising, musically. She is as lame and lifeless as a plastic barbie doll except barbie is easier on the eyes. Now that she cant even dance-lyp-sync in her performance (mtv vmas 07) she is nothing! Her handlers-producers are the only ones we should be merriting on BLACKOUT.. i give the production an 8.. however britneys lifeless robotic chants bring this album to a non-reputable place, unworthy of her possession.. Its sad really to think that this lady here gets money from these lost gay men and lost little teenage girls who know nothing better then to listen to this iconic repression of real talent, Ms. Spears.. aka no talent, period! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 24
  2. Negative: 2 out of 24
  1. The biggest failure of these songs, and the most confusing thing about this album, are the melodies.
  2. Poetry it's not. Still, there is something delightfully escapist about Blackout, a perfectly serviceable dance album abundant in the kind of bouncy electro elements that buttressed her hottest hits.
  3. For every hot, of-the-moment track, though, there's something like the nonsensical 'Hot As Ice,' which was co-penned by the thoroughly talentless T-Pain and might have worked two albums ago but just sounds retrograde here.