• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Nov 3, 2009
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 131 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 3 out of 131

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  1. Dec 20, 2011
    Struggle against the truth all you want. This band, influential and huge as they were, shreds. Just shreds. So much so that they caused poor imitators 20+ years later. I feel bad for this generation who had bands like Nickleback in the foreground. I feel that "Rockfan" is one of those people. Or a juggalo perhaps. Either way, you missed a chunk of history, my friend.
  2. Mar 29, 2011
    I love this first album from Nirvana. Some of the songs on this records are awesome from Negative Creep, School to Love Buzz. Most of the songs are great and should be addressed as one of the greatest records ever made.
  3. Dec 3, 2011
    Great album gets a much needed sound mastering. This isn't easy to digest after first listen, but the reward is awesome - you get to discover something new after every listen. You could sense the genius in Cobain's songwriting, there are some incredible songs here, just the sound and production were very raw (obviously, everyone knows this album was made for $600). However, the songs areGreat album gets a much needed sound mastering. This isn't easy to digest after first listen, but the reward is awesome - you get to discover something new after every listen. You could sense the genius in Cobain's songwriting, there are some incredible songs here, just the sound and production were very raw (obviously, everyone knows this album was made for $600). However, the songs are very passionate and engaging, you could almost tell that Kurt was going through some hard times. When I need a break from all the beautifully crafted "commercial" records such as say U2 or Pearl Jam, this is what I reach for, intelligent, tense and raw. Not to mention this deluxe version gets a bonus disc with a great early live gig wth a very good sound. Amazing are those early live gigs from Nirvana, is like someone knew they gonna be big and made soundboard recordings. Try finding early Smashing Pumpkins concerts with such a good sound! Expand
  4. Apr 8, 2014
    the best nirvana album, the begin with no end, with classic songs like About a Girl, an classic of nirvana, and many greatest songs of the greatest debut album all time
  5. Mar 16, 2015
    Muito mais barulhento. Esse álbum soa como se fosse perfeitamente várias demos (ótimas diga-se de passagem) e uma transição para o estrelato, como se fosse um "teste', o álbum soa como mais pessoal de Kurt, menos "perfeição" e mais rock!
  6. Jul 18, 2020
    I Love this album! I really like how this is their first album and it was destroyer. I really like "Mr. Moustache", "Floyd the barber", "Love buzz" and "Swap meet". Those are the songs that loop on your head, over and over.
  7. Oct 25, 2021
    My first love in music. Nothing groundbreaking but almost a premonition to what was to come.
  8. Aug 7, 2021
    I think this album is great.
    Best songs: About a Girl, School, Love Buzz
    Worst songs: -
  9. Mar 7, 2012
    The first half of this record is really good, has some really strong songs that give a preview of the type of material that would turn Nirvana into a household name. That said, I do prefer the live versions of a lot of these songs. The production and recording isn't great but apparently the album only cost $600 to record so you have to bear that in mind. The remastering goes someway toThe first half of this record is really good, has some really strong songs that give a preview of the type of material that would turn Nirvana into a household name. That said, I do prefer the live versions of a lot of these songs. The production and recording isn't great but apparently the album only cost $600 to record so you have to bear that in mind. The remastering goes someway to overcoming that but not really. The second half is a bit sludgy and comes too close to metal for my liking. For me, there's not much on "side 2" that really stands up and grabs you and it's mostly of the same standard as the stuff on Incesticide (which was a blatant cash in on the bands post Nevermind popularity) Expand
  10. Jan 11, 2016
    Bleach é o álbum mais fraco da banda, mas é bom e marcou época com seus hits. Mostrando ao público como é um grunge bom, Kurt consegue encantar com seu vocal meio distorcido.

    Pontos Altos: School, Love Buzz, About a Girl
    Pontos Baixos: Floyd The Barber, Paper Cuts, Sifting
  11. Apr 10, 2021
    this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 10

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. This is a test
  2. That Nirvana sound forceful isn't a surprise, but they also sound surprisingly tight--a little bit looser than they would sound within a year, but they're clearly marshaling their forces, gaining strength and skill.
  3. Bleach showed instances of promise and a few songs went on to become some of the best they ever wrote, but in comparison, it pales to the band’s later work. So take it all in stride because Bleach is surely for fanatics but certainly not for everyone.