• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Apr 12, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 136 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 136

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  1. JonathanH
    Apr 16, 2005
    This is the year of Garbage! This album is exceptional. None of the tracks have anything wrong with them, but major points are 'Bad Boyfriend', 'Run Baby Run', 'Bleed Like Me', 'Happy Home', and 'Why do you love Me'. While it may look as though critics are divided over this album's quality, one must remember that these are only the This is the year of Garbage! This album is exceptional. None of the tracks have anything wrong with them, but major points are 'Bad Boyfriend', 'Run Baby Run', 'Bleed Like Me', 'Happy Home', and 'Why do you love Me'. While it may look as though critics are divided over this album's quality, one must remember that these are only the opinions of 12 people. What ultimately matters is your own opinion, and the simple fact is that people who actually like the band and aren't biased contradictionary morons looking for an excuse to shit on someone- really love 'Bleed Like Me'. Expand
  2. CarenT
    Apr 17, 2005
    This is a great album! I highly recommend this album (and all their previous albums) to anyone who enjoys good music...unlike some of the critics i've read on here. Garbage is brilliant.
  3. victora
    May 30, 2005
    This albums Rocks!!
  4. EmilyG
    Jul 8, 2005
    The thing I love about every Garbage album is that they are albums - and great ones at that - becuase you can listen to them all the way through and end up never questioning whether one of the songs should have been left out. There were times during beautifulgarbage when I wasn't convinced by a song but Bleed Like Me is certainly a return to the glory of the first 2 albums. I love it!!!!
  5. Poldo
    Apr 12, 2005
    This album signs the return of Garbage in the world of music. I think we've been very lucky to have the opportunity to listen to this record, due to internal scissions of the band and Shirley vocal chords. I do not think the album is excellent, but I do think it's quite a good welcome back lp. Metal Heart rocks, Run Baby Run has its own special rhythm, It's all over but the This album signs the return of Garbage in the world of music. I think we've been very lucky to have the opportunity to listen to this record, due to internal scissions of the band and Shirley vocal chords. I do not think the album is excellent, but I do think it's quite a good welcome back lp. Metal Heart rocks, Run Baby Run has its own special rhythm, It's all over but the crying is the unmissable melanchonic ballad which makes me always cry... This album has the potentiality to climb up the music charts of the whole earth. I cannot believe the reviews up to now didn't catch the substance of this really good cd... Expand
  6. WS
    Apr 12, 2005
    Version 2.0 remains my favorite, but this album while not spectacular is a good effort, and a good effort from Garbage far exceeds the other crap out there
  7. Colleen
    Apr 13, 2005
    Best comeback album in years...I don't understand the mixed reviews at all.
  8. JoshG
    Apr 13, 2005
    Very good. Goes back to the debut days.
  9. LakeishaJ
    Apr 14, 2005
    This is one of the best albums of the year! I have listened to garbage since their first self titled album, and this is the best one since then. Many people think that they have this trite hard pop sound, but I feel like over the years, Garbage has really defined their own niche. Go Shirley and Butch!!
  10. TimS
    Apr 14, 2005
    To malign the band for sounding like.. the band is ridiculous. The Stones sound like the Stones, U2 like U2, etc. All bands have a basic formula. BLM takes the basic Garbage formula and tries to subtract the rampant samples and glossy production values to create what is, at best, a brilliant rock record. This is the band relying on their abilities to play the guitar, beat the hell out of To malign the band for sounding like.. the band is ridiculous. The Stones sound like the Stones, U2 like U2, etc. All bands have a basic formula. BLM takes the basic Garbage formula and tries to subtract the rampant samples and glossy production values to create what is, at best, a brilliant rock record. This is the band relying on their abilities to play the guitar, beat the hell out of the drums, and sing anthemic rock tunes, without twiddling too many knobs or overanalyzing the tunes. Simple and direct... exactly where the band needed to go. Expand
  11. Brett
    Apr 15, 2005
    It has the edge of the first album, the brilliance of the second, and the glamour of the third. I think it is the best album I have heard all year; As for the critics, they are clearly missing the message and have no concept of this album's magnitude. Adding to the fact that Garbage is phenomenal in concert, I think this is the best things to happen to music in a while.
  12. BrennaF
    Apr 19, 2005
    I'd take more stock in these critics if they hadn't decided that Mariah Carey's latest slice of melba toast is one-third better than Garbage's heavy box of big beats, giant hooks and day-glo melodies.
  13. kennyboy
    Apr 25, 2005
    This is a very good, catchy album. I am getting really tired of the snob appeal from the "critics." As soon as an artist reaches critical mass, they its time to slam 'em....sad, really sad. I say get the album, and enjoy.
  14. StephanieM
    May 4, 2005
    I can't stop listening to this album! I am addicted to it. The songs are well worth listening to. When I first listened, it took a couple of times for the music to hook me, and then you find favorites that you didn't think would be in the first place. There is probably only one song I skip..Sex Is Not the Enemy. It sounds dull and boring to me. All of the other songs blow my I can't stop listening to this album! I am addicted to it. The songs are well worth listening to. When I first listened, it took a couple of times for the music to hook me, and then you find favorites that you didn't think would be in the first place. There is probably only one song I skip..Sex Is Not the Enemy. It sounds dull and boring to me. All of the other songs blow my mind. This CD rocks! Expand
  15. SDS
    May 6, 2005
    Best CD of the year so far. Garbage has returned with a CD that is more true to their live show. Shirley Manson's vocals are in top form - she is "The Queen"!
  16. kateg
    May 9, 2005
    this cd has not left my car stereo since it's release in april...i absolutely adore it.
  17. PhilL
    Jun 14, 2005
    For those who love good hard rock music this is worth getting. Despite the criticisms, it's still one of the best albums to come out this year. In fact, I think it's the best rock album to come out this year. Sure, many compare this album with their first two which isn't as good but nobody can constantly follow-up each album's success Garbage fans will definitely fall For those who love good hard rock music this is worth getting. Despite the criticisms, it's still one of the best albums to come out this year. In fact, I think it's the best rock album to come out this year. Sure, many compare this album with their first two which isn't as good but nobody can constantly follow-up each album's success Garbage fans will definitely fall in love with this the minute they listen to the first 5 tracks which are clearly better songs than their entire last album combined. My recommedation is go buy the CD because they only sold like 400,000 so far and it deserves higher sells than that. If you're not a Garbage fan, it's still worth getting because there hasn't been a good rock album this year with more than 2 good songs in them and this one succeeds over that with 8 ( in my opinion). Overall, it kick's ass, sounds like a mix of their first two albums, somewhat like Everecence, but most importantly, you get your money's worth! Expand
  18. jimmyjimoneb
    Jun 9, 2005
    I was sooo dissapointed by beautiful garbage... and i'm sooo happy with this return!! very simple yet efficent rock
  19. Fiona
    Aug 28, 2005
    This is the best record of the year hands down. They've evolved so much as a band, first the electro rock of 'Garbage', the techno rock of 'Version 2.0', the pop of 'BeautifulGarbage', and now the guitar rock of 'Bleed Like Me'. Shirley Manson's lyrics have never been political, but 'Metal Heart' and 'Sex is not the This is the best record of the year hands down. They've evolved so much as a band, first the electro rock of 'Garbage', the techno rock of 'Version 2.0', the pop of 'BeautifulGarbage', and now the guitar rock of 'Bleed Like Me'. Shirley Manson's lyrics have never been political, but 'Metal Heart' and 'Sex is not the Enemy' prove she's just as good at channeling frustration as Maynard James Keenan and Chris Cornell, while the rest are easily relatable and impactful. It's amazing that anyone could criticize this album; the music is so hook laden you'd be hard pressed to find one song that doesn't present a hint of the perfect radio single, and Manson's vocals are so well delivered that you believe every word she says. And every word is worth listening to if you take the time to see what they mean. Expand
  20. [Anonymous]
    Sep 18, 2006
    It's perfect despite the critics. It's like a good wine. Perhaps it's too fine a wine for some people's taste.
  21. SteveR
    Apr 12, 2005
    The album is definetly a comeback for Garbage, and I feel this album will do MUCH better than the previous album BG. Can't wait to see them on tour!
  22. DaveB.
    Apr 12, 2005
    What a great album! All the tracks kick a**! Have been waiting for this album for years and my prayers have been answered. Can't wait to see Shirley and the boys live in T.O.
  23. samg
    Apr 12, 2005
    bleed like me is great! garbage has been gone for a while, but i'm glad they are back, and the album was totally worth the wait.
  24. RandyB
    Apr 12, 2005
    It's fairly early in the year, but this is already one of the best of the year. Amazing, and their best since '98's 'Version 2.0'
  25. JamesS
    Apr 12, 2005
    I've listened only once so far, but I'm LOVING it!
  26. TerryMitchell
    Apr 13, 2005
    This album sounds like the Garbage I fell in love with so many years ago!
  27. SCOTTS
    Apr 13, 2005
    A solid rocker after the too diverse Beautiful Garbage CD. Bad Boyfriend is irresistable and should have been the first single. Most of these songs should be very appealing live and we can only hope for a long overdue Live Garbage DVD. The slower Bleed Like Me and It's All Over But the Crying are the best Shirley has sounded yet. This new CD is a must for those who loved A solid rocker after the too diverse Beautiful Garbage CD. Bad Boyfriend is irresistable and should have been the first single. Most of these songs should be very appealing live and we can only hope for a long overdue Live Garbage DVD. The slower Bleed Like Me and It's All Over But the Crying are the best Shirley has sounded yet. This new CD is a must for those who loved Garbage's first two albums. Expand
  28. BadBoyfriendOnIce
    Apr 13, 2005
    In a world of "Simple Plans", "Blink 182's", and many wannabe rock bands there's Garbage! Bleed Like Me was everything I wanted in a Garbage Album! From the pounding, aggressive Bad Boyfriend to the deep lyrics of It's All Over But the Crying to...well I just love every track on the album - Garbage's best album to date hands down! Thank you Garbage for producing In a world of "Simple Plans", "Blink 182's", and many wannabe rock bands there's Garbage! Bleed Like Me was everything I wanted in a Garbage Album! From the pounding, aggressive Bad Boyfriend to the deep lyrics of It's All Over But the Crying to...well I just love every track on the album - Garbage's best album to date hands down! Thank you Garbage for producing another gem, easily the brightest! Expand
  29. MattB
    Apr 14, 2005
    The album has ups and downs, but the ups are way up there. The title track is "Walk on the Wild Side" for the 21st century. "Boys Wanna Fight," "Sex Is Not the Enemy," "Bad Boyfriend" and "Why Do You Love Me" showcase a much purer version of Garbage than on the largely over-produced Beautiful Garbage. Still, the album may be late, but it reminds fans of why they listened in the first The album has ups and downs, but the ups are way up there. The title track is "Walk on the Wild Side" for the 21st century. "Boys Wanna Fight," "Sex Is Not the Enemy," "Bad Boyfriend" and "Why Do You Love Me" showcase a much purer version of Garbage than on the largely over-produced Beautiful Garbage. Still, the album may be late, but it reminds fans of why they listened in the first place - because everyone is f***ed up in there own special way. Expand
  30. BrandonS
    Apr 14, 2005
    The thing about Garbage for me is this: since they produce or overproduce everything, there are always elements in the mix waiting to be discovered even years after you first listen to the album (I still hear something new every time I listen to Garbage or Version 2.0). Every time I've listen to Bleed Like Me, it's gotten better, the mix has made more sense, and the overall The thing about Garbage for me is this: since they produce or overproduce everything, there are always elements in the mix waiting to be discovered even years after you first listen to the album (I still hear something new every time I listen to Garbage or Version 2.0). Every time I've listen to Bleed Like Me, it's gotten better, the mix has made more sense, and the overall feeling has come through a bit more. I'm not in love with the album, and I think Garbage needs to return more to their remix-with-the-song strategy on more than just a couple of songs, as they do here. But I do like it quite a bit, and I hope we don't have to wait another few years for another album. This band is still vital and versatile (at one point sounding like classic Garbage, Collective Soul, and the Cardigans in the span of about ten seconds), and Dave Grohl should get a grammy, an emmy, and an oscar for his drumming on the first track. They've turned into a great arena-rock band. So what if it's not a masterpiece? Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 18
  2. Negative: 2 out of 18
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Humongous hooks. [15 Apr 2005, p.77]
  2. The first two-thirds of Bleed Like Me is easily the best sustained run of studio Garbage since the opening half of their 1995 debut.
  3. While Manson's changeling vocals are always worth listening to, Garbage's songs often aren't.