• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Apr 12, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 136 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 136

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  1. Mar 23, 2014
    I love it! They definitely redeemed themselves after "Beautifulgarbage." Shirley's vocals are great, and the songs are catchy. The best songs are "Bleed Like Me," "Sex is Not the Enemy", and "Why Don't You Come Over."
  2. Nov 13, 2013
    The first half of this album is amazing, well produced and a classic. Around track 7 (Sex is not the enemy) things start to wobble and we lose that amazing energy seen in such classics as "Why do you love me", "Bad Boyfriend" and "Bleed Like Me".
  3. Jan 10, 2013
    I personally think this album is the closest you could get to 1995's "Garbage." Extremely well written and well performed. A fantastic album. Garbage always will keep you entertained.
  4. Jan 1, 2013
    Once you get into the core of the album, it's really hard to understand why this is deemed to be the Garbage's "weakest" record, as nothing of it is bland and it's clearly one of the band's most powerful records. The album lacks the electronica and loops that characterized the band's previous works but it has instead really pure guitars and "raw" drums. Add to that that Foo Fighter's DaveOnce you get into the core of the album, it's really hard to understand why this is deemed to be the Garbage's "weakest" record, as nothing of it is bland and it's clearly one of the band's most powerful records. The album lacks the electronica and loops that characterized the band's previous works but it has instead really pure guitars and "raw" drums. Add to that that Foo Fighter's Dave Grohl provides drums on tracks "Bad Boyfriend" and excellent drummer Matt Walker on the rest of most tracks. This album is explosive! Expand
  5. May 17, 2012
    Garbages 4th album goes against the individuality they are reknowned for, and blends largely into generic pop rock. It is still a very listenable and melodic collection, it is just a little bland compared to previous albums. Standout songs are Bad Boyfriend, Why Do You Love Me? And Metal Heart.
  6. Mar 19, 2012
    Amazing album! Garbage once again proves critics wrong! This album to me is a masterpiece. Shirley Manson sounds and looks as better than ever. Great album!
  7. [Anonymous]
    Sep 18, 2006
    It's perfect despite the critics. It's like a good wine. Perhaps it's too fine a wine for some people's taste.
  8. SeanD.
    Jan 4, 2006
    Brilliant, a wonderful change from the also sheer bliss that was beautifulgarbage. A splendid mix of their past efforts placed into one album, with the raw intensity of mid 90's rock.
  9. ChrisS
    Dec 31, 2005
    Every single song on this CD is good from start to finish.
  10. mikeh
    Dec 17, 2005
    It sounds dated and when it rocks it sounds more awkward than rocking. The other three albums are more worth it; this was made more for touring's sake.
  11. JonA
    Nov 2, 2005
    just flat out sucks!!, nothing more needs to be said
  12. Fiona
    Aug 28, 2005
    This is the best record of the year hands down. They've evolved so much as a band, first the electro rock of 'Garbage', the techno rock of 'Version 2.0', the pop of 'BeautifulGarbage', and now the guitar rock of 'Bleed Like Me'. Shirley Manson's lyrics have never been political, but 'Metal Heart' and 'Sex is not the This is the best record of the year hands down. They've evolved so much as a band, first the electro rock of 'Garbage', the techno rock of 'Version 2.0', the pop of 'BeautifulGarbage', and now the guitar rock of 'Bleed Like Me'. Shirley Manson's lyrics have never been political, but 'Metal Heart' and 'Sex is not the Enemy' prove she's just as good at channeling frustration as Maynard James Keenan and Chris Cornell, while the rest are easily relatable and impactful. It's amazing that anyone could criticize this album; the music is so hook laden you'd be hard pressed to find one song that doesn't present a hint of the perfect radio single, and Manson's vocals are so well delivered that you believe every word she says. And every word is worth listening to if you take the time to see what they mean. Expand
  13. RomanS
    Jul 14, 2005
    OMG, I've been waiting for this album for soooo long, just like all Garbage fans... And what was released sounds like hastily-made record. Sad sad sad...
  14. PaulH
    Jul 11, 2005
    such a obvious attempt to try and reclaim the success that they once had. as bad as beautifulgarbage was at least they tried to do something different, to change things up. listening to this album puts you in a timewarp to 1996, it sounds so badly dated before the album even ends. I can't even believe i use to like this band.
  15. EmilyG
    Jul 8, 2005
    The thing I love about every Garbage album is that they are albums - and great ones at that - becuase you can listen to them all the way through and end up never questioning whether one of the songs should have been left out. There were times during beautifulgarbage when I wasn't convinced by a song but Bleed Like Me is certainly a return to the glory of the first 2 albums. I love it!!!!
  16. JPTee
    Jun 19, 2005
    Just seems so darn tired, really.
  17. PhilL
    Jun 14, 2005
    For those who love good hard rock music this is worth getting. Despite the criticisms, it's still one of the best albums to come out this year. In fact, I think it's the best rock album to come out this year. Sure, many compare this album with their first two which isn't as good but nobody can constantly follow-up each album's success Garbage fans will definitely fall For those who love good hard rock music this is worth getting. Despite the criticisms, it's still one of the best albums to come out this year. In fact, I think it's the best rock album to come out this year. Sure, many compare this album with their first two which isn't as good but nobody can constantly follow-up each album's success Garbage fans will definitely fall in love with this the minute they listen to the first 5 tracks which are clearly better songs than their entire last album combined. My recommedation is go buy the CD because they only sold like 400,000 so far and it deserves higher sells than that. If you're not a Garbage fan, it's still worth getting because there hasn't been a good rock album this year with more than 2 good songs in them and this one succeeds over that with 8 ( in my opinion). Overall, it kick's ass, sounds like a mix of their first two albums, somewhat like Everecence, but most importantly, you get your money's worth! Expand
  18. alexd
    Jun 13, 2005
    Not as good as Garbage or Version 2.0, it is a great answer to the pop experiment of beautifulgarbage (which i think got a bad wrap). Bad Boyfriend, Why Do You Love Me, Bleed Like Me and Happy Home stand out. Garbage may not be at the top of thier game, but they still have it, unlike half the rock-lite groups out there.
  19. jimmyjimoneb
    Jun 9, 2005
    I was sooo dissapointed by beautiful garbage... and i'm sooo happy with this return!! very simple yet efficent rock
  20. WaleedS
    Jun 1, 2005
    It's a good album, not as great as Version 2.0, but I like how this site doesn't bother to put up the Amazon and Billboard reviews of the album both of which are very favorable but they put both of those company's reviews up for Mariah Carey's new album which came out on the same date. How stupid.
  21. victora
    May 30, 2005
    This albums Rocks!!
  22. WillS
    May 26, 2005
    Love it, absolutely love it. Such a great collection of catchy tunes. I haven
  23. JessicaB
    May 24, 2005
    their best album to date. ignore the blog critics. it's the album of the year.
  24. MatthewS
    May 13, 2005
    This album is spectacular. I've had it since early April and sounds truly nice pumping at a high decibel from the car stereo. I have removed it from time to time to play Fionna's 'Tidal', or the Smashing Pumkins...but for some reason I keep wanting to play this album, even more so than the prior 3 by Garbage. It's just that good in the car. Also, the tracks have This album is spectacular. I've had it since early April and sounds truly nice pumping at a high decibel from the car stereo. I have removed it from time to time to play Fionna's 'Tidal', or the Smashing Pumkins...but for some reason I keep wanting to play this album, even more so than the prior 3 by Garbage. It's just that good in the car. Also, the tracks have simple choruses, but thats the appeal, they leave you thirsting for more and wanting to hear them and belt along with Shirley all the way through. Way to go Garbage. 4 Spectacular albums, is no small feat. Great show @ the Warfield in SF too btw. Expand
  25. RonW
    May 12, 2005
    Simply .... superior.
  26. V.Z.
    May 12, 2005
    It's very unfortunate.
  27. Matt
    May 10, 2005
    Garbage again makes a great album - they changed things around just enough to have it sound fresh.
  28. NoahE
    May 10, 2005
    Garbage deserve credit for one thing in particular; remaining true to their roots. However, that may also make it the primary weakness of this record as well. Shirley Manson and Co. have always ventured into the metaphoric dirt under their fingernails and incorporating these themes of heartbreak, betrayal and coping into the songwriting, with the meaty hooks. "Bleed Like Me" continues to Garbage deserve credit for one thing in particular; remaining true to their roots. However, that may also make it the primary weakness of this record as well. Shirley Manson and Co. have always ventured into the metaphoric dirt under their fingernails and incorporating these themes of heartbreak, betrayal and coping into the songwriting, with the meaty hooks. "Bleed Like Me" continues to walk upon that familiar territory, though the production is more polished than ever before. However, many of the songs alone, despite some effort, end up sounding cliched or formulaic, adjectives Garbage have never really been equated with. Garbage remain one of the better Alternative artists out there, but this is their weakest of their four releases to date and if they want to maintain that early integrity from here on, perhaps the advice to them would be to not just dig under the fingernails and write of the dirt, but mature on and write of the learning experience from it. Expand
  29. AndreaH
    May 9, 2005
    This is a horribly bland and tired album. Wake me up when it's over!
  30. kateg
    May 9, 2005
    this cd has not left my car stereo since it's release in april...i absolutely adore it.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 18
  2. Negative: 2 out of 18
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Humongous hooks. [15 Apr 2005, p.77]
  2. The first two-thirds of Bleed Like Me is easily the best sustained run of studio Garbage since the opening half of their 1995 debut.
  3. While Manson's changeling vocals are always worth listening to, Garbage's songs often aren't.