
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Aug 4, 2017
    Bundick says the LP was born out of a growing discomfort with fame. If so, he masks it well--listening to its gorgeous, woozy pop is like lying in a Radox bath.
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 3, 2017
    Immersive and enigmatic, it's the work of a singular talent. [Sep 2017, p.116]
  3. Jul 21, 2017
    Boo Boo is pulled in many different directions. Bear’s style is eclectic by nature, however, and he manages to seamlessly assemble his influences and the thematic content within a frame of synthpop and smooth, often funky R&B.
  4. Jul 13, 2017
    At its peak, Boo Boo is Toro Y Moi’s most luxurious, if not remarkably lush effort since 2011’s Underneath the Pine.
  5. 83
    It might take you a couple of spins to fully appreciate Boo Boo. At times, it’s very slow-moving, and some of Bear’s experiments don’t land. ... Don’t let the more experimental qualities keep you from listening to the record, though.
  6. Jul 11, 2017
    The momentum generated by “Mirage” and the equally limber funk workouts that bookend Boo Boo end up compensating for the tedious midsection of neither-here-nor-there experimentation.
  7. Jul 7, 2017
    While these 12 tracks are typically lush, they also reveal him to be a pop singer and songwriter of endearing plainspokenness, capturing the intense introspection and confusion of a breakup.
  8. Jul 5, 2017
    All of this means that, in spite of the anguished self-interrogation that went into its making, this still sounds exactly how a Toro y Moi album should sound. However, Boo Boo feels like what we might call a coming-of-age album.
  9. 65
    Though melodically not as rich as his previous offerings, Boo Boo is just as considered and stylistically coherent as you would expect from a Toro Y Moi record, which, given that it was born out of an identity crisis, is a continued testament to its creator.
  10. Jul 5, 2017
    It’s not just that Toro y Moi is becoming more sonically ambitious with each album. He’s getting better, too. With Boo Boo, even retreading old ground is somehow an exercise in innovation.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Jul 8, 2017
    When I saw the title of this album, I expected something completely different.. a crappy rap album was what I expected. Instead, what I gotWhen I saw the title of this album, I expected something completely different.. a crappy rap album was what I expected. Instead, what I got was an interesting electronic hip-hop (R&B is a better term for it) album with long instrumental breaks, lyrics that are self-less (When I expand my vocabulary, I promise to come up with better words to describe lyrics) without becoming self-deprecating and unrelatable. The singer has a voice that sounds childish and young, and it completely contrasts with the surprisingly mature lyrics and interesting "conversations" that it tests the limits of how much every instrument and singer has to blend together. For now, I don't have much to say about this album, but I can say that as of right now, it is in the right place at the right time in my opinion.

    Final Score: 9/10
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