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  1. Dec 27, 2015
    Este álbum de Lady Gaga es muy especial tanto sus letras como sus melodías, de verdad este es el mejor álbum que escuchado de Gaga ya que todas las canciones de este álbum son muy buenas y no hay rellenos.
  2. Nov 21, 2015
    Writing a review 4 years later. If there's one thing at least everyone can agree on regarding this album, it is that for a pop album, it sounds NOTHING like any other pop album, both in 2011, before that and up till now. Lady Gaga is simply one hell of a songwriter and artiste. This album made such a grand statement in it's artistry I can confidently say it is her best work. First time IWriting a review 4 years later. If there's one thing at least everyone can agree on regarding this album, it is that for a pop album, it sounds NOTHING like any other pop album, both in 2011, before that and up till now. Lady Gaga is simply one hell of a songwriter and artiste. This album made such a grand statement in it's artistry I can confidently say it is her best work. First time I heard it, I heard lots of fillers. however, over time, i came to see what gaga was envisioning when writing these songs and arranging this album. 9/10 without a doubt (Previously 7/10) Expand
  3. Nov 4, 2015
    Album of the decade, right? This album and so great that in my design and one of the biggest and best albums of the decade. The album is encouraging and has a lot of bravery and consequently a lot of criticism of religion. This makes it is large, it means that taca the nail on the head of thousands of religious, encourages young people to take risks and find himself. Talk about love,Album of the decade, right? This album and so great that in my design and one of the biggest and best albums of the decade. The album is encouraging and has a lot of bravery and consequently a lot of criticism of religion. This makes it is large, it means that taca the nail on the head of thousands of religious, encourages young people to take risks and find himself. Talk about love, acceptance to seem cliché, but for this album which is far from being an ordinary album. Very personal and at the same time it goes to people feeling that millions of people go every day for, days, months, years, decades. The sound and lyrics are of an exceptional quality music with elements of the band Queen and saxophones make this more masjestoso album. This album came world almost called "classic was born." Album with various influences, the best possible, that opens the album for example is a hymn of the 90 decade in the 2000s, has music inspired by the euro pop, has electric guitar whole chills you, you punk, has religious symbolism, speaks of Latino immigrants in the US. There is no right word to name this album. Born This Way is the album of the decade when referring to Pop / Punk / Rock / Art / Feelings. Expand
  4. Oct 23, 2015
    11/10 to be honest. She called it the album of the decade and it truly has become that. Right up there with 1989 and 21, this album will be looked at as Gaga's first major artistic evolution.
  5. Sep 1, 2015
    An amazing whirlwind of an album that's hinted with 80's dancepop and rock cheese with a true and deep connection hidden below the surface. It will take you to church, take your virginity and get you drunk all at the same time. Such an amazing album by the Queen, Lady Gaga.
  6. Jun 10, 2015
    magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent
  7. Apr 12, 2015
    Four years have passed and this album remains solid. The best of Lady Gaga is found here. The perfect mix between Lady Gaga who writes pop hits of The Fame Monster and The Fame (with lyrics not necessarily interesting ~~eh eh eh eh eh stop telephonin ' meeee~~ ) and the Lady (Stefani) more introspective along with great vocals and her influences. Go from Michael Jackson to Madonna withoutFour years have passed and this album remains solid. The best of Lady Gaga is found here. The perfect mix between Lady Gaga who writes pop hits of The Fame Monster and The Fame (with lyrics not necessarily interesting ~~eh eh eh eh eh stop telephonin ' meeee~~ ) and the Lady (Stefani) more introspective along with great vocals and her influences. Go from Michael Jackson to Madonna without lose credibility, from Queen to Bruce Spreengsteen without lose her pop touch. In addition of course to send a strong message of her visions to the fans.
    Born This Way is without a doubt one of the best pop albums delivered in years, a summary of what Lady Gaga means to pop culture, to the fans and to herself. Gaga congratulations, you got it.
  8. Apr 3, 2015
    This album really lies between The Fame and The Fame Monster. It's a good album with a positive message and great production. The only concern I have about Born This Way is that the music gets repetitive after a while. This album earns a B from me. Highlights: "Born This Way", "The Edge of Glory", "Government Hooker". Worst song: "You and I"
  9. Mar 28, 2015
    This creation evokes specific time periods. The production was all intentional, but it didn't sound like what any other pop star was doing, or has done. The vocals, if you analyze them more closely, are also produced in a very intentional way (in part to evoke, again, a certain time period, and in part to be louder, more harsh, and more direct), The production is just fine and techniquesThis creation evokes specific time periods. The production was all intentional, but it didn't sound like what any other pop star was doing, or has done. The vocals, if you analyze them more closely, are also produced in a very intentional way (in part to evoke, again, a certain time period, and in part to be louder, more harsh, and more direct), The production is just fine and techniques and sounds have not substantially changed since its creation. It is unique in its soundscape and it is a necessary step in her musical progression. with Rock and hilarious ballads moments this Pop album it's another dark record that founds itself attached to the very best 80's inspired-production. Expand
  10. Mar 16, 2015
    Track by track review:
    1. Marry the Night 9/10
    2. Born This Way 2/10 3. Government Hooker 10/10 4. Judas 10/10 5. Americano 0.5/10 6. Hair 0.5/10 7. Scheiße 9/10 8. Bloody Mary 9/10 9. Bad Kids 9/10 10. Highway Unicorn 1.5/10 11. Heavy Metal Lover 7.5/10 12. Electric Chapel 8.5/10 13. You and I 9/10 14. The Edge of Glory 0.5/10 Highlights: Judas, Government Hooker.
    Track by track review:
    1. Marry the Night 9/10
    2. Born This Way 2/10
    3. Government Hooker 10/10
    4. Judas 10/10
    5. Americano 0.5/10
    6. Hair 0.5/10
    7. Scheiße 9/10
    8. Bloody Mary 9/10
    9. Bad Kids 9/10
    10. Highway Unicorn 1.5/10
    11. Heavy Metal Lover 7.5/10
    12. Electric Chapel 8.5/10
    13. You and I 9/10
    14. The Edge of Glory 0.5/10

    Highlights: Judas, Government Hooker.
    Potential singles: Hair, Judas, Government Hooker, Born this Way, Bad Kids.
  11. Feb 25, 2015
    Gaga is an easy target for haters. She is an outspoken woman who sticks up for a community whom many in this country would deem worthy of nothing. She has no problem telling you that she is a talented musician and that she makes good music, so she can come across as full of herself. And yes, she does take much influence from pop icons of the past, especially Madonna. All of these factorsGaga is an easy target for haters. She is an outspoken woman who sticks up for a community whom many in this country would deem worthy of nothing. She has no problem telling you that she is a talented musician and that she makes good music, so she can come across as full of herself. And yes, she does take much influence from pop icons of the past, especially Madonna. All of these factors cause many to just dismiss her all together, and the hype that the media and Gaga herself have generated leading up to the release of "Born This Way" may have actually caused a backlash against her more than anything else. So why I am discussing all of these things instead of the music itself? Mainly to point out all of the things that have come in the way of the music itself, which, in the case of "Born This Way," is almost uniformly fabulous. Gaga took several decades of popular music, filtered it through her unique point of view, and made her magnum opus. I believe it is the exact album she wanted to make, and that type of artistic integrity is hard to find in pop music today. "Marry the Night" gets the album off to a rocking, rousing start, building up to its climatic ending which is pure dance-pop nirvana. "Born This Way," the hit first single, does indeed take major influence from Madonna's recordings of the late 80s/early 90s. Its like she took "Express Yourself" and "Vogue," compressed them, and then shot them out of a laser gun. Its a thrilling sound with beautiful lyrics, totally deserving of its six-week reign on top of the U.S. charts. "Judas" takes large influence from both "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance," and while I don't personally think its up to the level of those two hits, its still very memorable with its biblically-based lyrics. "Hair" is one of my personal favorites; its a beautiful, heart-wrenching dance-rock ballad, kissed with a saxophone, for anyone and everyone who feels less than "normal." "The Edge of Glory" sounds in a similar vein, cranking up everything to a euphoric explosion. Its pure cheese, but its very tasty. Expand
  12. Feb 1, 2015
    This album is her's masterpiece. Her magnum opus. Born this way has lyrics extremely well wrote and lady gaga's vocals just makes everything even better. instrumentals are great and mixed with the vocals perfectly. Lady gaga just stayed it
  13. Jan 21, 2015
    This album is simply for everyone; From catchy hooks that are Judas, The Edge Of Glory, You and I & Born This Way, to rock/pop influences such as Heavy Metal Lover, Electric Chapel, or Bloody Mary. Overall a well structured album, a great production, and great vocals from Mother Monster. What else could we expect? Positively one of the best albums released between 2000-2011.
  14. Dec 17, 2014
    Durante la era Born This Way, Gaga re-invento los estándares de la música pop desde sus bases con melodías pegajosas, memorables y cantos llenos de energía.
  15. Dec 16, 2014
    The best of her album, all the songs are good, literally all, an album with quality and great vocals, the pop world needs more albums like this, so good I have no words to say about it.
    Highlights: Scheibe and Government Hooker
    Lows: Bloody Mary and Black Jesus Amen Fashion
  16. Oct 4, 2014
    ıst so bıt hc yen hsyeha jdjhsad kjashd asdba rıaj asdjh kad asdb asjruwe kahwje hjakerwjhea jawkehjasjhdasjdaskjdhlhlreau hjwehjwqeasdwhqjeawsdsanbdabn jhdsad
  17. Sep 30, 2014
    Incredibly, deeply-thought and catchy anthems for the bullied and abused age. Born This Way serves right for humanity, with genres spinning along like a gyroscope.
  18. Sep 26, 2014
    Certainly not an average pop album.
    It has soul, it has a meaning, a purpose,and damn, Gaga sings in each and every one of these songs. It might seem weird for people to actually take some time and pay attention to what a pop album has to say, but once you comprehend Born This Way and its message, you see how this is definitely a great mark on pop music.
  19. Sep 26, 2014
    prometeu álbum da geração e cumpriu, rainha do pop é assim mesmo amore. não esperava menos, tem mais qualidade que toda a carreira da doceira sem grammys
  20. Sep 25, 2014
    The power anthem. Definitely one of Gaga' best album. You guys should really check it out. It helped me alot in my troubled times. I hope the album will do the same to you too!
  21. GlM
    Sep 24, 2014
    Anthems, talent, chart toppers and genuinely good music. What more could Mother Monster deliver with her latest effort? 'Born This Way' successfully uses Rock, Pop and Dance to spread messages of self acceptance and love and further connect to fans all around the world, whilst also elevating Lady Gaga's pedestal of fame further. Hidden gems 'Bloody Mary', 'Heavy Metal Lover' and 'Scheiße'Anthems, talent, chart toppers and genuinely good music. What more could Mother Monster deliver with her latest effort? 'Born This Way' successfully uses Rock, Pop and Dance to spread messages of self acceptance and love and further connect to fans all around the world, whilst also elevating Lady Gaga's pedestal of fame further. Hidden gems 'Bloody Mary', 'Heavy Metal Lover' and 'Scheiße' are just as brilliant as chart toppers 'Judas', 'Yoü and I' and title track 'Born This Way'. Expand
  22. Sep 24, 2014
    In this album Gaga shows the world that she is not only a pop singer, she can sing rock and more, she shows that she is a complete artist, THE BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR
  23. Sep 24, 2014
    Back in 2011, this album was undoubtedly one of the best album of the year. It shines between all the other generic, mediocre albums. It was a fresh breath of air.
  24. Sep 23, 2014
    This will be the anthem of a generation. I just can't describe how perfect this album is, from the first lyric to the last beat. This makes Little Monsters proud.
  25. Sep 23, 2014
    Gaga is peeerrrrrrr-feeeect yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas gaga yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss you sound soooooo goooooooooooooooooooood!
  26. Sep 23, 2014
    A very strong effort. It goes in a lot of different directions. Gaga is clearly still trying to harness her creativity, and she's getting there slowly but surely. The sheer amount of new music here - over 70 minutes with the bonus tracks - is impressive, and there are no filler tracks. She misses the mark a couple times (Bad Kids, Hair), but she scores many more times (Marry The Night,A very strong effort. It goes in a lot of different directions. Gaga is clearly still trying to harness her creativity, and she's getting there slowly but surely. The sheer amount of new music here - over 70 minutes with the bonus tracks - is impressive, and there are no filler tracks. She misses the mark a couple times (Bad Kids, Hair), but she scores many more times (Marry The Night, Government Hooker, Americano, Scheibe, Electric Chapel). Highly recommend for any pop/dance music fan Expand
  27. Sep 23, 2014
    this girl work so hard ... OMG THIS WORK IS AMAZING... Keep doin it gurl u know ull be the new Gaga... I love the way u ork keep working amazing work... You and I is the best :)
  28. Sep 23, 2014
    This album is so different of everything that Gaga did and it's awesome. She can sing Rock/Jazz/Pop. She is a singer, She is a true Artist. And I'm very proud =)
  29. Sep 16, 2014
    A good album but not as good as The Fame Monster. There is a good variety of tracks on the album. For me the best tracks are Marry the Night, Scheiße and Edge of Glory. Overall there are more decent tracks than awesome tracks but it is still worth your and my money.
  30. Aug 26, 2014
    One of the best albums ever. Amazing climate, instrumentals and lyrics. My favorite songs - The Edge of Glory (the best on the album), Marry The Night, Bloody Mary and Heavy Metal Lover.
  31. Aug 10, 2014
    Born This Way came out in 2011 and it's still one of the most polarizing pop records in the '10s, Lady Gaga channels her inner Bruce Springsteen on an arena rocking scale, Queen on a campy scale, and Madonna on a musical scale and, well, everywhere else -- "Born This Way" comes close to being hailed as one of the greatest remixes of "Express Yourself" to date. But although herBorn This Way came out in 2011 and it's still one of the most polarizing pop records in the '10s, Lady Gaga channels her inner Bruce Springsteen on an arena rocking scale, Queen on a campy scale, and Madonna on a musical scale and, well, everywhere else -- "Born This Way" comes close to being hailed as one of the greatest remixes of "Express Yourself" to date. But although her gender-f***ing emulation might be her trademark, Lady Gaga certainly is an icon in her own right and has her own emulating pop stars to increase her impact in terms of influence in the mainstream music industry.

    Notably, BTW is musically, vocally, and conceptually about whatever the hell it wants to be: Gaga sings in French, Italian, Spanish, and faux-German gibberish -- she "Doesn't speak German, but [she] can if you'd like" -- to dance-pop gloss covered in influences of EDM, country, rock 'n' roll, heavy metal, and in "Americano"'s case, mariachi, while turning sex, race, religion, immigracy, and LGBT rights into 16 of the catchiest pop songs of the early '10s, whether any of it feels natural or not. And although there are times when she takes herself way too seriously ("I'm gonna marry the night/I'm not gonna cry anymore"), Gaga is also a songwriter of epically goofy proportions, spouting some very, very memorable lines: ("Fame hooker, prostitue wrench, vomits her mind"), ("I don't speak German/But I wish I could"), and the most grandiose of them all ("I want your whiskey mouth all over my blonde south").

    The highlights on BTW come from the latter end of the disc: "Heavy Metal Lovers" sure ain't metal on any musical level, but it has leather-stutted-gay-haus-dancing-in-the-dark-dirty house music down to an art; "Electric Chapel" is an ethereal electronic rock song that's more ABBA than ABBA's cover group A-Teens (who were one of my guiltiest pleasures ever, by the way); "You & I" features former Queen guitarist Brian May on the electric guitar that'll be the first and last country rock ballad dedicated to the state of Nebraska; and at last, "The Edge of Glory" is an '80s wannabe arena pop stomper that was written about the death of her grandfather in 2010, which not only shows off Mother Monster's vocal pipes, but it's also a highlight in the '00s' era of electronic music, topped by an unnecessary yet nonetheless epic saxophone solo from the late legend Clarence Clemons.

    In retrospective, Born This Way very well could have worked as a successor to her most recent ARTPOP, because it's the Gaga we fell in love with during the 21st century. It's compositional pretentious never fails to rival of the heart that Gaga injects into it. It's not a masterpiece more than it is an admirably cohesive pop collection of songs that show just how inspirational top 40 music can be. It's not as if we all have to like it -- it's drained of innovation on a technical scale and we're still waiting to meet Stefani Germanotta when she's not in make-up or meat dresses. But whether it's for her commandment on the dancefloor, her wild, Bjork-esque fashion choices, or her support for the LGBT community, you got to respect on some sort of level.
  32. Aug 1, 2014
    The album of the singer sensation of 2010.

    Marry The Night: A great song, the album started very good, far better than the second album. (9/10) Born This Way: A cool song, the only fault is being too repetitive. (besides resemble a Madonna song) (8/10) Government Hooker: The album starts getting darker, a song with a dubious production is lost in the powerful lyrics. (4/10)
    The album of the singer sensation of 2010.

    Marry The Night: A great song, the album started very good, far better than the second album. (9/10)

    Born This Way: A cool song, the only fault is being too repetitive. (besides resemble a Madonna song) (8/10)

    Government Hooker: The album starts getting darker, a song with a dubious production is lost in the powerful lyrics. (4/10)

    Judas: The height of the darkness of "Born This Way", well produced music and controversial lyrics. (7/10)

    U.S.: Strong and cool music. (6/10)

    Hair: The third best song on the album, it would be # 1 in 2010 (9/10).

    Sheibe: A messy and fun music. (5/10)

    Bloody Mary: The repetition of Jesus annoys me, Madonna or Lady Gaga? (4/10)

    Bad Kids: The worst song on the album, sounds like someone trying to do something new. (0/10)

    Highway Unicorn: The album back to get interesting. (7/10)

    Heavy Metal Lover: The album is really getting back cooler. (5/10)

    Electric Chapel: guitar again, Lady Gaga is so rock, we want her back! (Notice the similar vocal with Madonna) (3/10)

    You And I: SHE IS BACK! The best music career of Lady Gaga. (10/10)

    The Edge of Glory: This song is so good, so Lady Gaga. (8/10)

    The album is good, with a few flaws but with some adjustments.
  33. Jul 10, 2014
    De Gaga son mejores los vídeos que las canciones. Siempre. Este disco es otra muestra de ello.
    Aparte, cada vez viste mas ridícula y extravagante, dentro de 5-10 años no sé que mas va a hacer...
  34. Jun 25, 2014
    This album is unique and perfect. Born This Way saved so many lives around the world because of your message. In short, it's an album full of responsibility!
  35. Jun 20, 2014
    O melhor album da Gaga e O MELHOR ALBUM QUE JÁ OUVI,a Gaga traz músicas sombrias,felizes e dançantes,ela consegue celebrar a aceitação de todas as formas possíveis,ela te lembra o lado negro de ser você e o lado arco-íris.
    Pena que não levou 1 Grammyzinho.
  36. May 27, 2014
    After singing about all the sights of fame, Lady Gaga starts to find another themes to sing about in her second album "Born This Way" and I agree that she does it mostly great and incredibly amazing like she did it before.
    The album starts with the highlights like "Marry The Night" and "Born This Way", asking us to turn off our cell phones and start thinking about who we are. Then she
    After singing about all the sights of fame, Lady Gaga starts to find another themes to sing about in her second album "Born This Way" and I agree that she does it mostly great and incredibly amazing like she did it before.
    The album starts with the highlights like "Marry The Night" and "Born This Way", asking us to turn off our cell phones and start thinking about who we are. Then she begins to talk about politics in dirty manner ("Government Hooker") and love/religion betrayal ("Judas"). After such an amazing start she makes her first fail in the album with "Americano". Although, the song is about immigration and law, it feels like a banana ice cream from diner without a cherry on its top. But after that she turns back showing that the lyrics are not the main thing in songs ("Hair", "Schiebe" and "Bloody Mary"). And after a minute with sad story ("Bad Kids") she takes us in the second part of album with strange ("Highway Unicorn" and "Electric Chapel") and excellent ("Heavy Metal Lover") songs. And here comes the end with "You and I' and "`The Edge Of Glory".
    Musically album looks like a trip on the famous Route 66, because each song sounds like being influenced on the old Rock n Roll in the new/POP meaning.
  37. May 23, 2014
    5. Political statements and complex themes run throughout this hour long magnum opus of mother monster. Her manifesto unfolds like a blurry autobiography, with pounding synths affirming her resolve - baby, we were Born This Way. This album was a risk, and especially so early in her career. But now, we realize the true triumph of the record - seventeen tracks riddled with religious and5. Political statements and complex themes run throughout this hour long magnum opus of mother monster. Her manifesto unfolds like a blurry autobiography, with pounding synths affirming her resolve - baby, we were Born This Way. This album was a risk, and especially so early in her career. But now, we realize the true triumph of the record - seventeen tracks riddled with religious and political imagery, giving birth to an undeniable gay rights anthem and a new generation of Little Monsters. Gaga's ability to craft songs of self empowerment and her usually club bangers shines here. It may be one of the most influential and important albums of the decade thus far. Expand
  38. Apr 30, 2014
    It's good, and unique, and artistic, and good. But was there really a need to make such lyrics for Government Hooker? Was there a need to stray away from the inspiring, individualistic nature of the album itself? And the filler tracks were fillers.
  39. Apr 21, 2014
    When Gaga is not singing her heart out in this album, she is singing beautiful, relatable poems in form of a Pop song. Born This Way is not only lenghty and Pop Fantastico, but it is also Gaga's best album yet.
    Just look at the love Gaga gives to its little monsters with this album. Songs like "Born This Way", "Hair", "Bad Kids", "You & I" and "The Edge of Glory" offer a connection with
    When Gaga is not singing her heart out in this album, she is singing beautiful, relatable poems in form of a Pop song. Born This Way is not only lenghty and Pop Fantastico, but it is also Gaga's best album yet.
    Just look at the love Gaga gives to its little monsters with this album. Songs like "Born This Way", "Hair", "Bad Kids", "You & I" and "The Edge of Glory" offer a connection with the artist no other pop albums out there can do. The best of the bunch are definitely "The Edge of Glory", with its 80s Nostalgia fusion of techno and pop, "Hair", with its profund lyrics, and "Bloody Mary", with its soft rythm and mesmerizing beats. The rest of the songs are also very good (Except "Heavy Metal Lover", which is avoidable). There are some similar songs that ring familiarity, like "Americano" (Alejandro) or "Judas" (A sicker "Bad Romance") but the overall experience is so gratifying. If you love Gaga, go buy this album right now. It takes everything you love about "The Fame Monster", extends it, makes it darker, more personal and more poetic, and with Gaga's signature weirdness you will not have a bad time ever.
  40. Feb 23, 2014
    Born This Way does have a couple of problems. Perhaps the lyrics are not always perfect, and perhaps the songs start to feel a little more dragged towards the end of the album, but who cares, this is Lady Gaga's standout album, where, as she does borrow a lot of techniques from Madonna, there appears to be nothing other than general power and the need to stand out, and this comes fromBorn This Way does have a couple of problems. Perhaps the lyrics are not always perfect, and perhaps the songs start to feel a little more dragged towards the end of the album, but who cares, this is Lady Gaga's standout album, where, as she does borrow a lot of techniques from Madonna, there appears to be nothing other than general power and the need to stand out, and this comes from Gaga's determined voice and her loud, drilling dance music. Expand
  41. Feb 18, 2014
    Well, this album has an odd collection of tracks. I enjoyed some of the songs while others dragged on. Disliked the remix of 'Born This Way'. I'm not quite sure of what Lady Gaga's aims were for this album. The album fails, but does it in the most interesting way.
  42. Feb 3, 2014
    In her violent dance / pop music, Lady Gaga never gives way to subtlety. "Born this way" is like a wrecking ball with monumental beats, disco chorus without any originality and empty and demagogic lyrics. Lady Gaga concept : or you love, or you hate, or you just don't give a damn about it; personally, that's my case.
  43. Jan 31, 2014
    I love that it continues the dark theme of the fame monster, this is an awesome album, overall, my highlights are judas, government hooker and the edge of glory. this album deserves more recognition just a shame she went for marry the night as the final single instead of something like scheibe or bloody mary.
  44. Jan 12, 2014
    Wonderful self-empowerment album!Born This Way song itself proved that even music can make you feel stronger and be more tolerant!Really amazing vocals!
  45. Dec 30, 2013
    This album is almost perfect. Cool rhythm that make me dance between the strange lyrics. I see a woman who can't stop composing for the music and enjoy each minute doing her job. She still fresh, with imagination and with a powerful voice. Most recommended songs are "Born This Way", "Hair", "Yoü And I" and "The Edge Of Glory".
  46. Dec 21, 2013
    THIS is an album! I never tire of hearing him is so magical! In this era, Gaga spared no talent, performances and lives were perfect. Very proud of what she has become, how much she has matured in so little time, musically speaking. ILY!
  47. Dec 15, 2013
    Lady Gaga´s best album to date (including Artpop). Crazy production, lots of good and different songs, her best recorded vocals to date. And that so much needed 80s throwback music was needing in this era where superficial stuff sadly shines the most on radio. With this one she proved she is really above her pop peers on every front and became an albums artist, unlike her way less talentedLady Gaga´s best album to date (including Artpop). Crazy production, lots of good and different songs, her best recorded vocals to date. And that so much needed 80s throwback music was needing in this era where superficial stuff sadly shines the most on radio. With this one she proved she is really above her pop peers on every front and became an albums artist, unlike her way less talented competition (Katy Perry, Rihanna, Milye Cyrus and the likes). Amazing album. A little bit over produced but kind of epic. Expand
  48. Dec 4, 2013
    Perfect dark album of pop, her songs sounds incredible black jesus is perfect
    judas is a polemic song, and the born this way have a messege super important for the people
  49. Nov 29, 2013
    With Born This Way, Lady Gaga has shifted from producing pop hits to writing songs with immense depth. There's a distinct difference in sound and feel from her Fame era, with this album exploring dark and thought-provoking themes that are seldom delved into in the music industry. This includes the likes of homosexuality, religion, acceptance, death and even human rights. The overall appealWith Born This Way, Lady Gaga has shifted from producing pop hits to writing songs with immense depth. There's a distinct difference in sound and feel from her Fame era, with this album exploring dark and thought-provoking themes that are seldom delved into in the music industry. This includes the likes of homosexuality, religion, acceptance, death and even human rights. The overall appeal of the album is intentionally not meant for a particular audience, but takes an individualistic approach that has each song garnering favour from different crowds of people. Near-ballads such as Hair, Yoü and I & The Edge Of Glory certainly show her vocal range, and at the same time broaches different topics that come in life. The album also takes strong influences from Whitney Houston, Madonna & Bruce Springsteen and the genres range from heavy metal to electropop to eurodance. Despite scooping in much success as an album, the singles didn't fare as well on the Billboard Hot 100. Diverting from the typical pop mould may not have brought her the success that the Fame albums did, but she has intricately infused many layers of messages for listeners to extract.

    Personally, I'm not so much a fan of this album. There seems to be too many themes being explored at a go and some of them hinge on blasphemy, irreverence and unfamiliarity, which has caused her to lose many of her initial fans. Fortunately, the music she's produced this round has won her new fans with the strong message of acceptance in various aspects. Her passion for music and musical tributes are apparent, and is definitely admirable. However, she might want to tone down on the heavy tunes and strong background music that seem to engulf the lyrics and clarity that made the Fame albums strong. Hopefully, the forthcoming 4th album will redeem her as a true pop artist, with better choice of singles and a vocal range that will stun the masses. Hmm, but with Lady Gaga, honestly... What's surprising? ;)

    Standout Tracks: Hair, Scheiße, Yoü And I, The Edge Of Glory
  50. Nov 25, 2013
    It is a very good album, but she can do way better! She still has time to grow as an artist but on her second album, she proved she could drop an album, and what an album! She's far far beyond artists like Katy Perry or Rihanna who makes only singles (but the album sucks). ARTPOP is not as good as Born This Way, but I feel we didn't hear the last of her.
  51. Nov 16, 2013
    This album revitalized Pop music and added something darker and more interesting to an otherwise boring and bright genre- and this album does exactly what needs to be done- to take pop music down a notch and get filthy with guitar riffs and crazy metal drums. The perfect rock and pop harmony occurs in a beautiful orgasm of music and it is certainly one of the best albums of the decade.This album revitalized Pop music and added something darker and more interesting to an otherwise boring and bright genre- and this album does exactly what needs to be done- to take pop music down a notch and get filthy with guitar riffs and crazy metal drums. The perfect rock and pop harmony occurs in a beautiful orgasm of music and it is certainly one of the best albums of the decade. With standout tracks like Government Hooker, Electric Chapel and the almost perfect Heavy Metal Lover- Born This Way will continue to be a beacon in the history of music. Gaga shows us yet again that she'd rather irrelevant and be herself than be like Katy Perry making boring pop music just because it sells. As for The Born This Way Ball- a masterpiece of modern showmanship that takes the average concertgoer into another dimension. Expand
  52. Nov 14, 2013
    Born This Way was such a double-edged sword for Gaga. Things started out so well, with one of the biggest singles of her career and an amazing 2 million copies sold on the first day worldwide, including 1.1 million in the US alone. But then, things started going wrong. Polarising single choices, overexposure and too much weirdness all caused the album to die a slow death. By the time theBorn This Way was such a double-edged sword for Gaga. Things started out so well, with one of the biggest singles of her career and an amazing 2 million copies sold on the first day worldwide, including 1.1 million in the US alone. But then, things started going wrong. Polarising single choices, overexposure and too much weirdness all caused the album to die a slow death. By the time the tour began nearly a year after release, it was only the fans that cared anymore. Despite this, she managed to pull in a $181 million grossing world tour and had her final dates not been cancelled due to her hip injury (the icing on top of a terrible year), the tour would have been her second consecutive one to hit the $200 million mark. But the public still looks upon the album as a failure which is frankly baffling.
    So, why is the album looked upon so negatively? Because I think it's brilliant. Gaga really showed her diversity with this mesmerising body of work that has shades of light and dark, positivity and sadness. We get uplifting tracks about acceptance with Born This Way, Bad Kids, Hair, ScheiBe and Highway Unicorn. We get sexy songs like Government Hooker and Heavy Metal Lover. We get dark, spooky songs with Bloody Mary and Electric Chapel. We get religious commentary with Judas and Fashion Of His Love. We get deeply personal songs for Gaga in the form of Marry The Night, The Queen, Black Jesus/Amen Fashion and You And I. And we get the astonishing power ballad tour de force that is The Edge Of Glory. It's hard to find a pop album is deep, diverse and personal as this. It should be a pop classic but unfortunately will likely by filed under "under-rated diamond in the rough." I hope it hasn't ended Gaga's career for good because it's evident from this album that she has so much more to give.
  53. Nov 12, 2013
    The good in Born This Way heavily outweighs the bad. The songs are fun, and Lady Gaga cranks out some catchy melodies and solid beats. Gaga also branches out and experiments with genres and styles. Sometimes it really works, sometimes it doesn't. Some songs are forgettable and become victims of generic pop trends. Standout tracks are "Marry the Night", "You and I", "Edge of Glory", andThe good in Born This Way heavily outweighs the bad. The songs are fun, and Lady Gaga cranks out some catchy melodies and solid beats. Gaga also branches out and experiments with genres and styles. Sometimes it really works, sometimes it doesn't. Some songs are forgettable and become victims of generic pop trends. Standout tracks are "Marry the Night", "You and I", "Edge of Glory", and possibly "Hair". "Judas" and "Born This Way" are the 'controversial' tracks, but they both serve as enjoyable, catchy dance tunes with a little bit of a message. Gaga's voice is definitely a strong asset, and it accompanies the rich synths and melodies very well.

    I'm writing this after having also listened to her new ARTPOP album, which was disappointing. Hopefully her next projects follow in the footsteps of Born This Way, as Born This Way shows musical growth and maturity. Not perfect, a little underwhelming or generic at times, but definitely a step in the right direction I believe.
  54. Nov 11, 2013
    I'm thoroughly surprised at the quality brought before me, as I was originally turned off by the Arcee inspired art and overproduced nature of the first two singles. This just proves that (and I know it's hard to except) that I can be wrong, but at the end of the day folks (dare I end it on such an obvious note, ah what the hell) I was born this way.
  55. Nov 10, 2013
    I love Lady Gaga, but this was not her best album. It's still really good however. I believe it's an underrated album. Because it has a lot of really good songs. I personally like them all though. I can go through all the songs and sing them all word for word. The album has a nice tone and meaning but is not quite up to par with The Fame and The Fame Monster.
    My Personal favorites: Born
    I love Lady Gaga, but this was not her best album. It's still really good however. I believe it's an underrated album. Because it has a lot of really good songs. I personally like them all though. I can go through all the songs and sing them all word for word. The album has a nice tone and meaning but is not quite up to par with The Fame and The Fame Monster.
    My Personal favorites: Born This Way, Judas, Edge of Glory, Marry The Night, Schibe, Heavy Metal Lover, and Bloody Mary.
  56. Nov 7, 2013
    A mixture of several styles, Gaga always changing and evolving in a manner inexplicable. Born This Way and many surprises! I WAS BORN THIS WAAAAAAAAY!!
  57. Nov 6, 2013
    This album is a hypocrisy. She needs to stop forcing be epic and come back as in The Fame and The Fame Monster. Born This Way is a great song, but the only. Judas was the worst single of her career. Ever.
  58. Nov 5, 2013
    Como amo este album! es el mejor que he escuchado de Gaga, en este album fluyen muchas emociones al pasar por las canciones, sin duda un album epico que no pasa desapercibido! Good Job Gaga
  59. Nov 4, 2013
    My main problem with born this way is the fact that it consists of some of her greatest songs like The edge of glory and some of her worst. If The queen, highway unicorn and black jesus were cut this album would be higher for me.
  60. Nov 3, 2013
    De verdad pienso que es uno de los discos más menospreciados de esta nueva era.
    BTW es el epítome en el momento de la globalización. Aquí se reúnen grandes sonidos y géneros al rededor del pop.
    La voz de Gaga está en su mejor momento. Es variado, lleno de momentos grandes... en ningún instante de da un respiro. Y de eso se trata, de cantar a todo volumen las letras. Es el album más
    De verdad pienso que es uno de los discos más menospreciados de esta nueva era.
    BTW es el epítome en el momento de la globalización. Aquí se reúnen grandes sonidos y géneros al rededor del pop.
    La voz de Gaga está en su mejor momento. Es variado, lleno de momentos grandes... en ningún instante de da un respiro. Y de eso se trata, de cantar a todo volumen las letras.
    Es el album más emblemático de los últimos años.
  61. Oct 23, 2013
    definitely a slight disappointment, this record is all over the place and the rock-european pop crossover just feels wrong and overproduced. Lady gaga is a very capable vocalist but her vocals get drowned in the very uninspired production. Bloody Mary, government hooker and heavy metal lover are actually good-quality tracks, but the rest feels just like album-fillers...
  62. Oct 20, 2013
    This album was amazing! Not only inspiring, but it was out of this world. I've never heard an album with such deep lyrics, combined with great production.
  63. Oct 17, 2013
    Lady Gaga already had his moment of fame, the singer keeps the same beat and the same elements "crazies" who put her in the spotlight, the only difference is that now tired and unfortunately no longer works, and for what seems, we can not rely in her new album artpop being different, when I heard some songs already gave it to note that it will be more of the same. Who else had the wisdomLady Gaga already had his moment of fame, the singer keeps the same beat and the same elements "crazies" who put her in the spotlight, the only difference is that now tired and unfortunately no longer works, and for what seems, we can not rely in her new album artpop being different, when I heard some songs already gave it to note that it will be more of the same. Who else had the wisdom to see how GUY has parts similar to Alejandro? fully modified with voices and lyrics negligible. Expand
  64. Oct 17, 2013
    born this way is one of the best albuns ever, it´s so experimental and dark, with a good message of love, peace, it´s a fantastic invite to love yourself celebrate who you are and follow all your dreams, to make them come true, gaga shows her many ways to make good songs there are amazing tracks and fantastics productions, it´s the best album of the year
  65. Oct 13, 2013
    Lady gaga explora nuevos sonidos fuertes desde el rock, hasta pequeñas partes de opera, una verdadera artista que se dedica a revolucionarse musicalmente, a buscar sonidos extraños y arriesgarse en crear un fantastico album.
  66. Oct 8, 2013
    Amazing, Strange but very good, The lyrics and the message of the whole album is incredible, the sounds are so diferent and wear but so so amazing. I can't say anymore, it's excelent, exceptional, I can't say perfect beacuse it isn't but it comes near.
  67. Sep 28, 2013
    Nostalgic. Born This Way refers to religious themes, the darkest thoughts of our souls and the desperation for wanting to reach paradise, reshaped a texture that only art gaga is able to achieve. Incredible and amazing!
  68. Aug 15, 2013
    My favorite CD from Lady Gaga. "Born This Way" is creative and different, and an icon in pop music. The best songs are "Americano", "Bloody Mary", and "Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)".
  69. Jul 22, 2013
    BTW is a truly underrated album. It combines many different music gernes from rock to opera and gives you the illusion that you live on another world were unicorns and electric chapels are real. Gaga 's vision is more clear than ever now. It'a a really brave move and an important chapter to pop history.
    Gaga has proved that she doesn't care about negative critisism and she dares to
    BTW is a truly underrated album. It combines many different music gernes from rock to opera and gives you the illusion that you live on another world were unicorns and electric chapels are real. Gaga 's vision is more clear than ever now. It'a a really brave move and an important chapter to pop history.
    Gaga has proved that she doesn't care about negative critisism and she dares to challenge music. "In the most biblical sence I am beyond repentant, fame hooker, prostitute wench vomits her mind'' Lady Gaga Judas
  70. Jul 4, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is easily one of the worst pop albums ever it's beyond boring and all songs sound the same Lady Gaga has lost this album is so bad in one word awful Expand
  71. Jun 15, 2013
    Now I know I might be a little late to the party but better late than never. So what can I say about Born This, especially with a two year perspective now? I can tell it is one of, if not the best album I've heard in my life. From Marry the Night to The Edge of Glory the energy does not let up. Her vocals are stronger than they ever have been, and the culmination of her past experiencesNow I know I might be a little late to the party but better late than never. So what can I say about Born This, especially with a two year perspective now? I can tell it is one of, if not the best album I've heard in my life. From Marry the Night to The Edge of Glory the energy does not let up. Her vocals are stronger than they ever have been, and the culmination of her past experiences along with new ideas (both sonically and thematically) along with new producers breeds her most mature album to date. Some lyrics are cheesy and at times the production takes you back to a time of nostalgia, but that's what it's all about. It's inspired by the 80's for a reason, this was Gaga's childhood, her birth moments, of course an album with such a title will be inspired by the things that inspired her as a child. Fans across the globe have responded to the messages contained within these songs and have responded with strength and hope at the new found belief within themselves to accomplish anything. For many people, this is war cry album. We will not be confined to what society thinks of us, we are our own destiny. Even now, 2 years later, I can still listen to the whole thing straight through and feel that passion within me that the album lends along with it's ability to sound just as fresh as the day I got it. Don't let the negativity surrounding the comparisons made by those out of jealous and bitterness deter you from giving this album an open-minded chance. It is a beautiful collection of music, one that will certainly more appreciation in the years to come. Expand
  72. Apr 26, 2013
    Horrible album. I did give it a 1/10 because Government Hooker is among the best songs she's ever done. Other than that, nothing else is really great (or even good).
  73. Apr 10, 2013
    What a masterpiece we have into this amazing album. This album has so great musics, i can listen to this all day. And the songs are very ecletic, it has until Spanish songs lol. Bloody Mary is the best!!
  74. Mar 24, 2013
    Every Song Is Amazing And Unique In It's Own Way! Almost Every Song Off The Album Could Be A Single! This Album Does Not Suck As Many Reviewers Stated... Possibly The Best Of 2011!
  75. Mar 24, 2013
    I don't think anybody saw it coming when Lady Gaga changed her genre slightly to show of the amazing vocals that most people never thought she had in the first place. Her songwriting talent shone on this album as well. My one comment would be the use of auto tune that can be found on a few tracks. Other than that, the Grammy-nominated album was one of the best of 2011.
  76. Mar 17, 2013
    Wow! It was easy to only put on the great songs on The Fame Monster. But here with Born This Way, Lady Gaga managed to have a full-length album with almost only monumental pop records. Unlike her previous album, here we can really feel what is the Lady Gaga style in the music and the lyrics. Born This Way is one of the greatest album in modern pop music. The only thing that it misses is aWow! It was easy to only put on the great songs on The Fame Monster. But here with Born This Way, Lady Gaga managed to have a full-length album with almost only monumental pop records. Unlike her previous album, here we can really feel what is the Lady Gaga style in the music and the lyrics. Born This Way is one of the greatest album in modern pop music. The only thing that it misses is a ballade and some calm and relaxing songs. Born This Way is a little bit too much energetic, it should have contained one or several breaks. Expand
  77. Mar 11, 2013
    It seems that with every album she just grows stronger vocally, lyrically, and melodically. There's so much depth to this and her if you bother to dig past her image.
  78. Mar 9, 2013
    Gaga transformed every fail, every good thing in a unique album, lots of people say that is repetitive. When I listened to this for the first time, it was looking repetitive, but after I found the lyrics, and keep on listening, I treated every song different, with distinct ways.
  79. Jan 30, 2013
    'Born This Way' is hands down one of the best album ever. Gaga's vocals, amazing instrumentals thanks to greats producers such as RedOne, Fernando Garibay and Paul Blair aka DJWS, all the songs are worth listening. Gaga strengthens us with Marry The Night and Born This Way, makes us dance with Government Hooker and Scheiße and takes us to darker places with Bloody Mary. Lyrics makes'Born This Way' is hands down one of the best album ever. Gaga's vocals, amazing instrumentals thanks to greats producers such as RedOne, Fernando Garibay and Paul Blair aka DJWS, all the songs are worth listening. Gaga strengthens us with Marry The Night and Born This Way, makes us dance with Government Hooker and Scheiße and takes us to darker places with Bloody Mary. Lyrics makes senses since she tackles self-confidence, "tottering" love, and even immigration. It also deals with her past and how she always tried to keep her head held high. This is real POP. Expand
  80. Jan 24, 2013
    This is an amazing album. yeah the sound is different for Lady Gaga but the songs are really really great. it does not sound like the other generic **** out there at the moment. this album may not be to ever bodies liking, especially if you LOVED her other albums, but trust me, its great just give it some time. Stand out tracks: Marry the Night, Born this Way, Scheibe, Judas, Hair, theThis is an amazing album. yeah the sound is different for Lady Gaga but the songs are really really great. it does not sound like the other generic **** out there at the moment. this album may not be to ever bodies liking, especially if you LOVED her other albums, but trust me, its great just give it some time. Stand out tracks: Marry the Night, Born this Way, Scheibe, Judas, Hair, the end of Glory, You and I, Government Hooker, Highway Unicorn, Bad Kids! such a good over all album and the concert is absolulty AMAZINGGGG! Expand
  81. Jan 16, 2013
    The best of the year 2011- 2012 is just perfect, something never seen before, something innovative, new & unique. Lady Gaga as always surprising us with music that no one would imagine could exist.
  82. Jan 7, 2013
    Being a Pop Singer is never just about the voice. It's about the whole package and how his / her image is presented for the public's consumption. In an age of rampant piracy and declining album sales, Gaga is one of the most versatile. She embraced controversy like a blanket, communicating with her fans through social media. Born This Way is more of a product than an artist's expression,Being a Pop Singer is never just about the voice. It's about the whole package and how his / her image is presented for the public's consumption. In an age of rampant piracy and declining album sales, Gaga is one of the most versatile. She embraced controversy like a blanket, communicating with her fans through social media. Born This Way is more of a product than an artist's expression, but that's fine by me. It's slickly produced and Gaga has a natural talent of knowing what melody that's catchy and which hot 'topical' buttons to press. Like it or not, she is here to stay and one of the finest Pop Singer in the market today. Expand
  83. Dec 15, 2012
    Lady Gaga is not one of the best artists in the world, but this album was a good surprise. Gaga is a powerful and brilliantly original pop performer and some songs of Born This Way are very good. For me the biggest triumph of the album is You And I, a simply stunning pop rock song. Songs like Born This Way and The Edge Of Glory are very good as well, but I think that Lady Gaga wastesLady Gaga is not one of the best artists in the world, but this album was a good surprise. Gaga is a powerful and brilliantly original pop performer and some songs of Born This Way are very good. For me the biggest triumph of the album is You And I, a simply stunning pop rock song. Songs like Born This Way and The Edge Of Glory are very good as well, but I think that Lady Gaga wastes sometimes her talent and her beautiful voice in obvious and uninteresting pop songs. Born This Way is in my counts, the 3rd best album of the year. Expand
  84. Dec 5, 2012
    Obviously it's not the best album of the decade, best Gaga's album but it's realoly good anyways. This is incrible because she shows hard that powerful voice. There's a similar sound in Hair/The Edge Of Glory but both are great and the meesage that this songs try bring to us
  85. Nov 19, 2012
    An Amazing Album, for real it's her best work to date.. I heard the album for the very first time 2 weeks ago and wow I was impressed didn't expected this to be this good, well done GaGa! The Edge of Glory, Born This Way, Hair, Bloody Mary, Heavy Metal Lover, You and I and Black Jesus are my favorites, I can't wait for her next project.
  86. Oct 29, 2012
    AMAZING album. I know all the lyrics and the choruses are really catchy. Every song has a beautiful story or a strong self-empowering message. Truly one of the best pop albums of all times!
  87. Oct 15, 2012
    I love it!! While some of the songs are not good, a lot of them are. My favorites are The Edge of Glory and Sheibe. I love this album so much!! And it brings new sounds to the scene!!
  88. Oct 15, 2012
    My favorite album by Gaga! I love the different genres Gaga explores in this album, flaunting her musical diversity. There's not one song from the 17 tracks on this album that I DON'T like. Give it a listen, you won't regret it!
  89. Oct 15, 2012
    This album (though it was over-hyped before it came out) is fantastic. The production for most of the songs is similar, but they in no way sound the same. It's quite a versatile album in both sound and meaning actually. I have a feeling that in 10 years, people will look back and regret that they gave this album such little recognition. The fact that Born This Way has a lower userThis album (though it was over-hyped before it came out) is fantastic. The production for most of the songs is similar, but they in no way sound the same. It's quite a versatile album in both sound and meaning actually. I have a feeling that in 10 years, people will look back and regret that they gave this album such little recognition. The fact that Born This Way has a lower user score than her first two albums at the moment is unbelievable. This is a far more mature album, both lyrically and musically, yet perhaps even more fun and carefree in a sense. Expand
  90. Oct 15, 2012
    I can see how this album would confuse many people. It has several tracks which bring back classic sounds, but it also, at the same time, has tracks that sound modern and tracks that sound like nothing that would ever be on the radio. Lady GaGa is brilliant in being able to master all of these sounds and using her vocal capabilities to make these tracks sound both complete and fresh. SheI can see how this album would confuse many people. It has several tracks which bring back classic sounds, but it also, at the same time, has tracks that sound modern and tracks that sound like nothing that would ever be on the radio. Lady GaGa is brilliant in being able to master all of these sounds and using her vocal capabilities to make these tracks sound both complete and fresh. She uses the sounds of the eighties in songs such as "Born This Way" and "Fashion Of His Love," but despite this, the songs sound very modern and would still sound good on radio today. Tracks such as "Bloody Mary" and "Heavy Metal Lover" would never be played on radio, but again, they sound great on this album of 2011. Lady GaGa knows what she is doing, and this album is definitely not a mistake, and it rises above the mediocre level of many of today's albums. Expand
  91. Aug 4, 2012
    An excellent album, although on the whole I feel it's a bit weaker than The Fame Monster. There are some songs that get tiring to listen to too often - Highway Unicorn and Bad Kids are almost TOO full of happy pop "be yourself" vibes, and Government Hooker's beat is so dirty that it can only be tolerated in small doses. This is more than balanced out by the absolutely incredible Marry TheAn excellent album, although on the whole I feel it's a bit weaker than The Fame Monster. There are some songs that get tiring to listen to too often - Highway Unicorn and Bad Kids are almost TOO full of happy pop "be yourself" vibes, and Government Hooker's beat is so dirty that it can only be tolerated in small doses. This is more than balanced out by the absolutely incredible Marry The Night, Electric Chapel, and Scheisse - Marry The Night may be the only one of those to get any single play, but they're all beautiful examples of what Lady Gaga is capable of. The rest of the album isn't a slouch either. The sounds have more variety than The Fame Monster while still having a consistant euro-inspired feel to the dancey tracks, and a whole lot of Gaga's soul on the more emotional tracks. Expand
  92. Aug 3, 2012
    Lady Gaga focused on quantity over quality, which caused a few bad fillers to make the album (Bad Kids/Americano), but there are some really great songs, like Judas, Marry the Night, and Edge of Glory. I would have preferred her to focus less on the "be yourself" message, and instead just focus on the music, since the better songs on the album are the once that aren't all preachy. ThereLady Gaga focused on quantity over quality, which caused a few bad fillers to make the album (Bad Kids/Americano), but there are some really great songs, like Judas, Marry the Night, and Edge of Glory. I would have preferred her to focus less on the "be yourself" message, and instead just focus on the music, since the better songs on the album are the once that aren't all preachy. There are some great songs though. This could make an excellent album if a few songs were removed. There's something for everyone on Born This Way. Expand
  93. Aug 3, 2012
    Tired, repetitive, generic album. The only people who can enjoy this terrible album are her Little Monsters. The only song that keeps me from giving the album a zero is The Edge of Glory.
  94. Jul 3, 2012
    Was a very enjoyable album! all the songs are catchy but arn't very special or memorable, however all the singles are brilliant (Excluding marry the night) and throw gaga and pop into new territory especially the track you and i, The reason im so fond of gaga is she sounds very pop, but at the same time she is completely separated from artist such as rhianna and Katy perry.. her musicWas a very enjoyable album! all the songs are catchy but arn't very special or memorable, however all the singles are brilliant (Excluding marry the night) and throw gaga and pop into new territory especially the track you and i, The reason im so fond of gaga is she sounds very pop, but at the same time she is completely separated from artist such as rhianna and Katy perry.. her music just seems more real.

    Overall the album is fun and compared to the pop around today the album is a saviour to pop music.
  95. Jun 26, 2012
    A formidable effort by Lady Gaga. While the hype of the "Greatest Album Of The Decade" may not prove to be true, Gaga produced a rock-thrilled album where each song is brought to perfection.

    Songs that stood out for me were Edge Of Glory, Marry The Night, and Bloody Mary, while Bad Kids seemed a bit out of place. Nonetheless, some songs come over a bit too overproduced, however the
    A formidable effort by Lady Gaga. While the hype of the "Greatest Album Of The Decade" may not prove to be true, Gaga produced a rock-thrilled album where each song is brought to perfection.

    Songs that stood out for me were Edge Of Glory, Marry The Night, and Bloody Mary, while Bad Kids seemed a bit out of place.
    Nonetheless, some songs come over a bit too overproduced, however the album's shining moments cloud over anything.

    Definitely worth a listen to, or even to put on repeat, and I am looking forward to listening to her next album.
  96. May 28, 2012
    A Powerful Album!
    Unforgetable This Album Has Gotten Slammed Alot! I Have No Clue Why.. Its Simply Amazing
    Hair Should Be A Single!
  97. May 19, 2012
    Wonderful! There are som many gems on this album, and some of them are the ones I didn't expect to love, they just snuck up on me. Many of the singles seems to be my least favourites at this point: they are easily learned but also easily forgotten. Some of the songs can last fresh longer: I never grow bored with Heavy Metal Lover or Electric Chapel, where as Born This Way felt a bit oldWonderful! There are som many gems on this album, and some of them are the ones I didn't expect to love, they just snuck up on me. Many of the singles seems to be my least favourites at this point: they are easily learned but also easily forgotten. Some of the songs can last fresh longer: I never grow bored with Heavy Metal Lover or Electric Chapel, where as Born This Way felt a bit old already when released. Expand
  98. May 4, 2012
    Lady Gaga's second attempt to a full-length album is extraordinary powerful, unique and interesting. "Born This Way" is a prayer to self-loving, tolerance and not being afraid of you really are, with a hint of glitter from the 80s while partying with heavy metal lovers. I believe it to be a stepping stone for future artists, a stimulus to try something new and different.
  99. Apr 29, 2012
    Compare Lady Gaga's career to the Bible, 'The Fame' being Christmas (birth), 'The Fame Monster' being Easter (resurrection, but nobody died) and 'Born This Way' being The Second Coming. This album is so important, so grand, so good, so well made and so meaningful to millions it really is Biblical.
  100. Apr 26, 2012
    I realllllyyyyy just didn't like this album. There are some songs on here that are just really "ok". She lost her style on this album. She experimented where she didn't need/ or have to. "Marry The Night" is the best one. Otherwise, I'm not sure how to classify this utter mess.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
  1. Sep 25, 2014
    Lady Gaga promised her fans (perhaps a tad prematurely) that her new album would be the greatest of the decade. But even if the next nine years bring something better, we're unlikely to hear anything bigger than Born This Way.
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 8, 2011
    Born This Way feels like the first proper Lady Gaga album. [Aug. 2011, p. 114]
  3. Jul 6, 2011
    Gaga has always been able to anchor her haughty conceptual undertakings with simple, catchy tunes, but with Born This Way, the persona and the message are starting to bleed into the songs. It's not a good look.