• Record Label: Partisan
  • Release Date: Jun 25, 2021

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Sep 13, 2021
    Despite its occasional uneven moments, Boy from Michigan is a frequently brilliant album from a gifted stylist and songwriter who never stops challenging himself or his audience.
  2. Jun 24, 2021
    The material on offer ranges from the piano balladry of ‘The Cruise Room’ to the ‘80s synth pop of ‘Best In Me’ - in other words, every flavour John Grant has to offer. And that’s an exciting prospect on paper, so it’s a shame that the record frequently suffers from songs too long by half.
  3. Mojo
    Jun 21, 2021
    Boy From Michigan is Grant in panoramic mode, looking back and looking forward to create his biggest picture yet. [Jul 2021, p.86]
  4. Jun 23, 2021
    Boy From Michigan is not an easy album to get to grips with, nor is it one for background listening. For those willing to put the work in, this is another invigorating missive from one of music’s finest minds.
  5. 80
    By the end of the record he’s dissected that toxic old institution with the wit, eloquence and beautiful musicianship. It’s an album that does not only confronts the cult of masculinity and its endless tentacles, but ultimately overcomes it.
  6. 100
    A record that finds the 52-year-old Grant on his most romantic, melodic form, as he looks back on the pleasures and fears he faced growing up as a gay kid in America’s Midwest. ... A lovely, generous album.
  7. 80
    Boy From Michigan is an intense, involved listen that is bizarre and wonderfully playful even in its most traditional moments.
  8. 60
    Boy from Michigan doesn’t quite stick the landing as Grant forgoes his customary high-wire balance of wit and wry emotion for a more direct style. But it’s rich in bittersweet beauty and surreal levity.
  9. Jun 21, 2021
    Boy from Michigan is an unhurried, loping listen; sprawling over 75 minutes with sumptuous synth and a ten-minute tirade on Trump’s America (The Only Baby). Sometimes the laconic style feels repetitive, but there are plenty of perfectly formed moments to bring the album back into focus.
  10. Jun 25, 2021
    There’s real genius at work here – but it’s so effortlessly delivered, you might almost take it for granted.
  11. Jun 21, 2021
    If Grant’s recent output veered toward the unnecessarily quirky, this new record restores focus. It’s as unsettling as 2013’s Pale Green Ghosts and – in its own way – as alert to the shoddy stitching in the stars and stripes as Randy Newman’s Good Old Boys, Phil Ochs’ Rehearsals For Retirement or the queercore of Dicks and MDC. [Jul 2021, p.20]
  12. Jul 13, 2021
    It just may not be an album for beginners, or for those not patient enough to enjoy its subtle rewards.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Jun 27, 2021
    Just brilliant album. Only one mistep My Portfolio which really should have been left off the album. Apart from that definitely the rightJust brilliant album. Only one mistep My Portfolio which really should have been left off the album. Apart from that definitely the right combination of soundscapes, melody and often personal lyrics. His voice is also in fine form. Full Review »