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Breach Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews What's this?

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 28 Ratings

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. On the surface, there's not much different between this album and its predecessor, but the songs are stronger, sharper, and the performances are lean, muscular, and immediate.
  2. There's one big knock to be made against ''Breach'': It lacks the spark of the new, the original. Both lyrically and musically, Dylan works within traditional forms rather than pushing at boundaries... Dylan is more craftsman than innovator (in this way he resembles John Mellencamp), and some listeners will be put off by the feeling they've heard it all before.
  3. 80
    Jakob Dylan and his team have fashioned an album that's longer on big guitars, crunchy grooves and cool changes than overt confessionals. All told, Breach is a subtle, seamless effort with nary a lull or misstep -- in contrast to its multiplatinum predecessor, the second half of which suffered from a series of pedestrian songs.
  4. 70
    Breach is equal parts likeable, lyrical jamming, and inflated mediocrity. The Wallflowers achieve their most noteworthy moments in their uptempo, instrumentally thick songs, such as the first track, "Letters from the Wasteland," and "Sleepwalker." When the band leans hard on lyrics as the primary stability of a song, the album falters a bit ("Witness," for example, is slow and tedious).
  5. Fans will be happy to find Jakob more upfront, and keyboardist Rami Jaffe utilized, but differently than past straightforward organ parts.
  6. Q Magazine
    Generic, maybe, but very nicely done. [Nov. 2000, p.117]
  7. 20
    Breach is a dull affair of humdrum tunes, mundane performance, and lyrics which lose themselves in vague imagery as if Dylan were actually evading the chance to express himself.

See all 16 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. AmandaS.
    Aug 19, 2001
    Definitely better than the first album. Every single song is great!
  2. adreas
    Sep 14, 2005
    an amazing cd! Still love it years later!
  3. KateR.
    Sep 22, 2001
    Anyone who doesn't appreciate the Wallflowers is an idiot.
  4. KelleyW
    Apr 25, 2005
    The best of the four Wallflowers albums. Highly recomended.
  5. DavidR
    Jun 21, 2005
    This is one of the best albums I have heard in a long, long time. Muscular, lean, and forward-driving. No excess. This is a musician's This is one of the best albums I have heard in a long, long time. Muscular, lean, and forward-driving. No excess. This is a musician's album, not a pop-radio album. Reading some reviews leaves me feeling like the world is full of idiots. Collapse
  6. TaniaG
    Aug 27, 2005
    That s because the purpuse of this album is quite different to Bringing down the horse. The first 4 or 5 songs are the strongest part of it. That s because the purpuse of this album is quite different to Bringing down the horse. The first 4 or 5 songs are the strongest part of it. And of course Baby Bird, if I could I ll rakn it on 9.5 Bird, a lullabie Expand
  7. j30
    Mar 22, 2012
    The Wallflowers will always be one of the unsung heroes from the 90's. With Breach they took a lighter approach rather than a more rock feelThe Wallflowers will always be one of the unsung heroes from the 90's. With Breach they took a lighter approach rather than a more rock feel from their previous record Bringing Down The Horse. Expand

See all 10 User Reviews