
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. 80
    It’s obvious that under the production guidance of Andy Sneap, the band have been pushed on every level. The result is one of the best metal albums of 2016--one that proves Testament can match anyone.
  2. 80
    Thrash metal is in the middle of a huge revival. Testament is a major part of it, joining Anthrax, Death Angel, DRI, Megadeth, Metallica and Suicidal Tendencies just to name a few. All have put out crucial new material 30 years into their careers. Add Brotherhood of the Snake to the must have thrash releases of 2016.
  3. Kerrang!
    Nov 4, 2016
    There's no softness or subtlety here. Just venom-tipped steel. [29 Oct 2016, p.52]
  4. Nov 4, 2016
    That one track ["Canna-Business"] aside, Brotherhood of the Snake is not only on par with Testament's best records during the millennium thus far, but ever.
  5. Nov 4, 2016
    Although there are moments that show cracks, such as the uneasy, meandering riffs on "Born in a Rut" and the ridiculous chorus of "Canna Business," the majority of the straightforward thrash songs here demonstrate that Testament's magic has yet to fade.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mar 20, 2017
    This was actually pretty damn good. I liked it better than Dark Roots of the Earth and it might even be better than their first three albums.This was actually pretty damn good. I liked it better than Dark Roots of the Earth and it might even be better than their first three albums. Skolnick's solo work is some of the best I've heard in thrash metal. Chuck's vocals were amazing on this record. The bass and drums were thrillingly intense when needed, but also very solid to allow the guitars to shine during some parts. The riffs were generally pretty good, but at times it was a bit slow. The title track had such an intense intro but the main verse was slow and lost a lot of the song's energy. The verse from "The Pale King" was also rather slow compared to the rest of the song. There are some parts that are slower in a good way, but some parts were stuck in mid-tempo and underwhelmed. The album overall was very aggressive, yet melodic and beautiful. One of the few new albums released by old bands that I've really loved. 9/10 Full Review »
  2. Nov 19, 2016
    Cool album. Reminds of previous Dark Roots of Earth, but heavier and much more aggressive. Old Papas of trash know what to do. Recommend forCool album. Reminds of previous Dark Roots of Earth, but heavier and much more aggressive. Old Papas of trash know what to do. Recommend for all fans of Testament. Full Review »