
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Aug 3, 2017
    Marela's exploration and experimentation as an artist will be key in sustaining what is hopefully a long career for this talent. However, it yields a follow-up release slightly less impressive than its predecessor.
  2. Aug 3, 2017
    Call It Love is an enticing work, but despite its many pleasing qualities, it doesn't quite stand out from the oversaturated electronic dream-pop scene.
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  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Dec 8, 2017
    Sometimes love can feel like a dream. At one moment, those attachments and bonds are the realest aspects of life that matter and in the nextSometimes love can feel like a dream. At one moment, those attachments and bonds are the realest aspects of life that matter and in the next moment there’s little to know sign that they ever existed and finding context for what made the time special becomes harder and harder to gather. Whilst embraced in those euphoric experiences you share with special people in your lives there above floats an air of endless emotions. It’s hard to hold on to just one emotion, cause before you know it, the relationship could all be over. This is where we find Briana, conflict within the fray, and ferociously lost within it.
    Guided by the attractive inviting aura of early love she’s desperately trying to let her feelings be felt and heard. This sentiment is hit on the top of our heads with the endless echoes of ‘Give me your love, I want it all’s’ on ‘Give Me Your Love’ and ‘I love You’s’ on ‘I’m Sorry’. The front half of the project is placed in this dazzling atmosphere of swirling smooth synths and chiming bells, complemented by radiant beaming background vocals.
    By the midpoint these once cozy feelings start to unravel. The environment is suddenly menacing, with bright synths clouded by their darker counterparts, building anxiety across the sonic landscape. Briana even starts ‘Quit’ by explaining how she woke up one day and ‘things were not the same’. The growing ambiguousness of the relationship leaves a lot of boundaries unclarified. We’re lead thereafter to the center piece of the project in ‘Call It Love’ finding Briana questioning assumptions on where she and her lover stand in the relationship. The production blasts and waves with the fervor of a miserable subject. This much unsureness has begun to weigh down on her emotional and mental state, doubly drawing on the strings of her self-esteem, compromising her genuine happiness.
    This sudden dream turned bad storm lead us to tracks which showcase Briana coming to terms with herself and what gives life meaning outside of how others view her. We hear this in ‘Rise’ where she feels lost both in the world and in herself. Existential crisis’s are more apparent in this digital age of instant gratification and thin-layered happiness. Briana has to come to terms with living in a state of self-appreciation, so that any positive output towards a lover has legitimate backing to it. Only then will she and her lover both ‘Call it Love’, and hopefully, for life.
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