
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Aug 14, 2020
    Candid feels cozily at home with Whitney’s own material and given the undercard picks they chose to cover most listeners will be none the wiser.
  2. Aug 20, 2020
    Candid's mellow transcriptions and restrained approach may or may not draw praise from admirers of the source material, but they're a must for fans of the group's distinctly reflective demeanor and bubble-wrapped ambiance, which, guided by Ehrlich's soothing presence, succeed in making each version their own.
  3. Aug 14, 2020
    Candid not only keeps their hands in the game but provides the kind of light-hearted recording schedule bands need from time to time. They may be treading water, but if their music remains as well-made and appealing as it is, they may just be able to make a career out of it.
  4. Aug 14, 2020
    While Candid's tracklist might be diverse on paper, it makes sense when considering the foundation of Whitney's sound: there's slow-burn R&B, rootsy Americana, and slightly-askew pop, all of it connected by the songs' reliance on melodic hooks. It's not hard to picture the band studying what makes these songs work during these sessions.
  5. Aug 18, 2020
    For the most part, these covers are faithful, fine-tuned, and sound great. No track on Candid warps its original in a particularly wild or ambitious way; Whitney are more concerned with nailing these takes respectfully than fundamentally reimagining them.

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