• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Jan 14, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Mar 12, 2024
    Sitting somewhere between say Beyoncé’s auteur-like use of collaborators on ‘Lemonade’ and how Grimes’ ‘Art Angels’ saw the contrary Canadian flex shimmering, glossy pop nous, ‘Caprisongs’ has twigs throwing out hooks left, right and centre.
  2. Mar 12, 2024
    In a discography saturated with ambient anthems and frenetic energy, CAPRISONGS brilliantly brandishes the talent of an artist constantly looking for her next high.
  3. Feb 10, 2022
    Small blemishes aside, CAPRISONGS is cool, calm, composed, and immediately apparent.
  4. Feb 4, 2022
    If MAGDALENE was an encapsulation of FKA twigs’ internal storm, CAPRISONGS is the sunrise after the fact, brilliant and vibrant as ever.
  5. Jan 26, 2022
    It may lack some of the avant-garde experimentation and concepts of her full-lengths but after all she’s been through and all that she’s given us, CAPRISONGS feels like a victory lap.
  6. Jan 21, 2022
    The way Barnett shares tracks and experiences on Caprisongs makes it a more diffuse listening experience than her past releases, but it also brings a galvanizing openness to her music -- and suggests pain doesn't have to be her only muse.
  7. Jan 21, 2022
    The album is not only one that fans will cherish for years to come, but it will surely be the record that draws a whole new generation of fans into her deeply personal, and always captivating, world.
  8. Jan 18, 2022
    The diversity of styles on CAPRISONGS would likely end up a disjointed mess in any other hands, but with twigs (and her stacked team) on hand, it all sews together brilliantly. It bounces back and forth from outwardly confident to more stately anthems of self-love, and even songs that might seem throwaway in isolation are key in sequence.
  9. Jan 18, 2022
    "pamplemousse" and "which way" serve as the purest evidence of the freedom achieved on this mixtape. These experimental sketches are delightful in their rejection of seriousness.
  10. Jan 18, 2022
    Caprisongs is the sound of twigs in the driver’s seat as she traverses her own curiosities and instincts; there is no man looming over the music, no weighty public narrative dictating its terrain. It is intrepid and light, the image of a woman attuned to planetary alignments but casting her own fate.
  11. Jan 18, 2022
    Caprisongs collates a set of more ephemeral pop tunes in which twigs broadcasts selfhood 17 ways, finding unexpected common sonic ground with artists such as Grimes, Charli XCX and Self Esteem.
  12. 70
    As emotionally sharp as ever, and as easily vulnerable but with some fierce love in her corner, this is the sound of twigs really loving what she does and putting herself at its core.
  13. Jan 14, 2022
    Whilst it’s nice to hear a change of pace for twigs (and to, on occasion, genuinely hear her laugh), there’s not as much focus on experimentation and expression, which could disappoint some exacting fans.
  14. 80
    After pouring her darkest moments into ‘Magdalene’, this varied and playful mixtape represents a moment of release, though it remains to be seen whether Barnett will head further into this direction, or enter a new album era recharged.
  15. Jan 14, 2022
    CAPRISONGS is light on its feet and more accessible than her tricksier electronic work but, whether she's delivering dancehall, hip-house, afrobeat or drill, almost all of these are songs which could only have twigs' name on them – take the glitchy, snatched vocals on 'ride the dragon' or the elegiac harp at the end of 'lightbeamers', mixed among the sub-bass and the hi-hats. CAPRISONGS is a testament to twigs' voice.
  16. Jan 13, 2022
    CAPRISONGS might not be as immediately arresting as twigs’ previous work, but it shouldn’t have to be. ... Instead, it acts as her stepping stone towards recentering herself — and that journey alone should be applauded.
  17. Jan 13, 2022
    Caprisongs is her most buoyant, she doesn’t sacrifice her creative nonconformity or intimacy. She strikes a careful balance, akin to perfecting an arabesque on a razor blade, as she revels in production that’s carefree, cathartic, and completely life-giving.
  18. 80
    Given time and careful attention, CAPRISONGS unfurls to reveal the richest and catchiest melodies twigs has written so far. Its mystique melts into you.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 104 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 93 out of 104
  2. Negative: 2 out of 104
  1. Jan 14, 2022
    an overall nice album, which was really powerful at times. however, i think that she has the potential to do a lot more. definitely worse thanan overall nice album, which was really powerful at times. however, i think that she has the potential to do a lot more. definitely worse than magdalene. Full Review »
  2. Jan 14, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. CAPRISONGS (mixtape) by FKA twigs has a spirit of "pop" that retains all of her eclecticism and sadder undertones. Her lyricism and poetry edges to the brink of the mainstream but leaps back into experimentalism before getting too close to ordinariness. Sonically speaking - this mixtape is a combination of alternative r&b, (hyper)pop, electric and experimental. The production is at buoy of taking the risk and still sounding with creativity. Definitely, an upbeat and grower! Full Review »
  3. Jan 15, 2022
    Whilst I felt this release was much different from Magdalene, I still really enjoyed this release. I also felt the wide variety ofWhilst I felt this release was much different from Magdalene, I still really enjoyed this release. I also felt the wide variety of collaborations was a nice edition, something that she has not done often before. The production was great, she just keeps doing amazing on each project! Full Review »