• Record Label: A&M
  • Release Date: Jun 5, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 123 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 78 out of 123
  2. Negative: 37 out of 123

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  1. jamest
    Jun 5, 2007
    First Audioslave, now this. He is out of gas! Hang it up Chris.
  2. JPublius
    Jun 6, 2007
    Soundgarden were always fake--second rate metallers playing at alternative and writing some of the biggest, dumbest songs of the era. Black Hole Sun, anyone? Now we see why: at heart, Cornell is a middle-class dad-rocker and always was, which is why SG lacked the substance of bands that actually had something to say back then.
  3. mikes.
    Jun 6, 2007
    An absolutely horrible album. What was chris thinking? Atrocious singing and terrible lyrics. Production and musically uninspired. Chris is still stuck in the 90's' and in this case, it is most certainly a bad thing.
  4. patsyd
    Jun 13, 2007
    Easily CCs worst work to date. I love Euphoria Morning, TOTD, all Sg and most of AS. This is bland. It sounds like most of the unforgettable pop rock hits of today.
  5. IanC
    Jul 11, 2007
    I've been a huge Chris Cornell fan, but the new album is what Revalations made me fear would happen. It's a disaster. Most songs are tuneless, and the ones that aren't were already available. The bond theme and disappearing act were for soundtracks, and you can get Billie Jean on the unplugged in sweden downloads. He still has an all time great voice, but this album I've been a huge Chris Cornell fan, but the new album is what Revalations made me fear would happen. It's a disaster. Most songs are tuneless, and the ones that aren't were already available. The bond theme and disappearing act were for soundtracks, and you can get Billie Jean on the unplugged in sweden downloads. He still has an all time great voice, but this album doesn't show an ounce of it. Expand
  6. brianp
    Jun 9, 2007
    I liked him better when he was drinking or what ever it was he was doing. This album has his voice in it, but i really don't hear any artistic vision. He goes where he has been before with acoustic guitars and smokers rasp, there is no new ground covered. I wounder if any of the people that have been giving it a 10 really listen to Chris. I find it hard to believe if liked this album I liked him better when he was drinking or what ever it was he was doing. This album has his voice in it, but i really don't hear any artistic vision. He goes where he has been before with acoustic guitars and smokers rasp, there is no new ground covered. I wounder if any of the people that have been giving it a 10 really listen to Chris. I find it hard to believe if liked this album that you liked his previous work. Lyrically it is bland and unimaginative and that is very not Chris. I hope he remembers that pain is still a part of human life even when your not drinking or doing "what ever". That is how he connected with his market, not every one can be as happy as a rock star...... Expand
  7. MikeJ.
    Jun 22, 2007
    I was really disappointed with this album. I am a big fan, Chris Cornell is one of my favorite artists, but this album lacks substances. It is a whole bunch of radio friendly music that has nothing good about it. Even his cover of Billie Jean sucked, the live acoustic version was so much better.
  8. MikeD
    Jul 6, 2007
    This record is a complete disaster, and he owes me an apology for buying and spending 45 minutes listening to this crap. Is he trying to appeal to Chris Daughtry's audience? All I can think of is Kim Thayil or Eddie Vedder listening to this and either a) laughing or b) crying at what their friend/bandmate has become. What a disgrace. Probably, the worst CD I've bought in the This record is a complete disaster, and he owes me an apology for buying and spending 45 minutes listening to this crap. Is he trying to appeal to Chris Daughtry's audience? All I can think of is Kim Thayil or Eddie Vedder listening to this and either a) laughing or b) crying at what their friend/bandmate has become. What a disgrace. Probably, the worst CD I've bought in the last 10 years. Expand
  9. jamesonc
    Jun 18, 2007
    chris cornell what the hell did you think you were doing when you wrote this crap???
  10. pg
    Aug 1, 2007
    i just saw him play live in nyc last night.... it was the worst concert i've ever had to see. he should be embarassed at what a poser he is. if you bought this album, maybe you should have saved a little longer and got yourself some taste instead. sheeeesh.
  11. JoeriV
    Jun 5, 2007
    So disappointed with this. To be honest, I might've given this a 4 if this was his debut recording, but for a man with such a fantastic body of musical work behind him (all his pre-Audioslave work) this is just ridiculous. Generic pop-rock, is that really the best you can do Chris? The songs just don't go anywhere and have nothing to make it interesting. Sure, there are short So disappointed with this. To be honest, I might've given this a 4 if this was his debut recording, but for a man with such a fantastic body of musical work behind him (all his pre-Audioslave work) this is just ridiculous. Generic pop-rock, is that really the best you can do Chris? The songs just don't go anywhere and have nothing to make it interesting. Sure, there are short moments where his voice impresses you, but overall this is just a bad record by a man that I believe still has some great records in him. I just hope they come out next time. Expand
  12. CrisC
    Jun 6, 2007
    I always liked Soundgarden's music and I also was a fan of Audioslave but this was the BIGGEST letdown I've heard from an album in a long time. I saw that it was only $9.99 at Best Buy so I picked it up and it was the worst way to spend $10. There was literally not even one song on this cd that I enjoyed. Terrible. If you're reading this and haven't bought it yet, DON'T!
  13. KyleM
    Jun 6, 2007
    better than Audioslave, but that's like saying eating poop is better than drinking piss
  14. ChristopherW.
    Jul 17, 2007
    So, I'm listening to this new Cornell album for the first time right now at this very minute. Uh, just a second. (Checks portable CD player) I forgot the 'hold' button was on. Ok, where's that 'stop' button. That's enough of pathetic desperation for one day. Tomorrow, I'll have much better taste. I promise! :)
  15. AngieLG
    Jun 6, 2007
    Cornell used to be so good. His work with soundgarden, totd, and even his first solo release Euphoria Morning were brilliant! Then, he went through some midlife crisis. Audiolsave sucked balls. Just not very good. Veeeery generic. But I figured, hey, maybe he'll come back around with his solo record. Who knows, maybe its the Rage guys holding him back. Well after listening to this Cornell used to be so good. His work with soundgarden, totd, and even his first solo release Euphoria Morning were brilliant! Then, he went through some midlife crisis. Audiolsave sucked balls. Just not very good. Veeeery generic. But I figured, hey, maybe he'll come back around with his solo record. Who knows, maybe its the Rage guys holding him back. Well after listening to this record its clear that Cornell is washed up. Nothing memorable except that its boring and trite. Expand
  16. KeithC
    Jun 11, 2007
    This album is teh Sux0rz!111
  17. RobertC
    Jun 6, 2007
    Soundgarden is where its at man Cornell needs to stop with this pussy shit
  18. GeorgeF
    Jun 6, 2007
    Cornell is capable of so much more! For him to be putting out this mindless junk is such a shame! This stuff reminds me of Huey Lewis and the News...wtf?!
  19. ReneM
    Jun 6, 2007
    Cornell covering Billie Jean? WTF. Completely lame
  20. AngelaS
    Jun 6, 2007
    Maximum Let Down!
  21. GabeM
    Jun 6, 2007
    This album is horrible. If you want to listen to a proper Chris Cornell album, check out Euphoria Morning. Cornell sounds lost and without directoin on Carry On, resulting in meandering, unfocused, unoriginal material. He needs a better producer or co-writers like his collaboration with Eleven.
  22. MelG
    Jun 6, 2007
    Garbage. Cornell should stick with a band or have a co-writer. This stuff is shite
  23. JuanE
    Jun 6, 2007
    This album is Yuckers
  24. ALG
    Jun 6, 2007
    Very disappointed. And very bad. Cornell needs to be an alcoholic again, this shit is just that...shit
  25. LeeS
    Jun 6, 2007
    This album is bad! Some of these tracks sound like crappy versions of crappy 80s songs. There were a few times I could have sworn it was Robert Palmer or 80's Steve Winwood singing. Lame
  26. SoniaO
    Jun 6, 2007
    Una mierda. Solo puedo decir que Cornell ya no la tiene. Es un viejo chocha. Que pedo
  27. cc.
    Aug 1, 2007
    sorry i made such a crappy record. my wife likes to spend money and kids are expensive nowadays. i needed money and i just figured you guys would buy any old piece of junk i put out so i could keep living large... thanks suckas!.... don't forget to collect your two dollars back when you drop this off at the used cd store.... if they'll take it. p.s. my kids now get to wear sorry i made such a crappy record. my wife likes to spend money and kids are expensive nowadays. i needed money and i just figured you guys would buy any old piece of junk i put out so i could keep living large... thanks suckas!.... don't forget to collect your two dollars back when you drop this off at the used cd store.... if they'll take it. p.s. my kids now get to wear designer jeans thanks to you. Expand
  28. JT
    Jun 6, 2007
    What a shit album. Long live Audioslave!
  29. GRM
    Jun 6, 2007
    Cornell never sounded as washed up as he does now.
  30. TJHooker
    Jun 6, 2007
    Carry On is garbage. As a follow up to Euphoria Morning, even more so. What has happened to this guy? Mid life crisis for sure!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. No less than a half-dozen songs have hit potential.
  2. Blender
    When Cornell strains for significance, he squeezes the life out of his music. [Jun 2007, p.105]
  3. There is nothing wrong with a calmer, mellower Chris... But it's hard not to pine for the old fire.