
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jan 4, 2023
    It plays to her strengths with an ideal balance of solid craft and relatable humanity, and it's a more than welcome return from a singer and songwriter whose every release feels like a gift.
  2. Nov 18, 2022
    CAZIMI, Rose’s long-delayed third record, makes a complete song cycle out of those entanglements, with each cut reflecting the proper amount of neon.
  3. Nov 17, 2022
    A startlingly confident and welcome comeback for Rose.
  4. Mojo
    Nov 16, 2022
    The pop and alt-country arrangements shine throughout, with all concerned inspired and on point. [Dec 2022, p.85]
  5. Uncut
    Nov 16, 2022
    A brave, thoroughly welcome comeback. [Dec 2022, p.28]
  6. Nov 16, 2022
    While the characters on CAZIMI aren’t always at peace, it sounds like Rose is. Even as she experiments with new sounds, textures and situations, the country-rock queen remains a reliable source of genuine stories.
  7. Nov 16, 2022
    She sings the melodies (mostly) without catchy hooks so that the lyrics float on top of the instrumentation without giving the listener something on which to grab. The effect purposely blurs the distinctions between what is sung and what is heard. Think of the result as sort of a sonic impressionist painting. The blurring is intentional and purposeful. That said, a lot is going on in the music.
  8. 70
    Rose is at her most confident and relaxed, navigating country-and-pop-inflected hooks while addressing a range of perennial themes, including love, uncertainty, and the need for self-care in a world gone mad.

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