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  1. Sep 4, 2021
    Nothing special. same staff over and over again. He can make HUGE hits but not a good album.
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    Nothing new from drake on this album. Same lyrical topics and themes. Flows and melodies we have heard before. I do enjoy some of the production but is super lackluster and bloated. Considering we waited 9 months for it.
  3. Sep 3, 2021
    I’m a big Drake fan and has him in my top 15 favorite music artists/acts of all time. But it pains me to say that never has an album that has disappointed me while I had little to no expectations. CLB is the worst Drake’s album I’ve ever listened to. Even to the point where I kinda hated this album, not because it was horrible, but because it’s the same old Drake. I was bored to the pointI’m a big Drake fan and has him in my top 15 favorite music artists/acts of all time. But it pains me to say that never has an album that has disappointed me while I had little to no expectations. CLB is the worst Drake’s album I’ve ever listened to. Even to the point where I kinda hated this album, not because it was horrible, but because it’s the same old Drake. I was bored to the point of frustration, most of the features felt wasted (especially Future and Travis Scott), and even some of the songs would have been better if Drake was left out because the features were giving more than he did, there are no bangers, and the same stuff Drake has been talking since I was in middle school. Maybe I’m just really spoiled by Drake’s music from 2009 to 2015, but this album ain’t it and the weirdest part is that I kinda hated CLB so much that it made me appreciate Views and Scorpion more and I didn’t like those albums. Expand
  4. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake stuck in his comfort zone... CLB sounds like a 3rd disc from Scorpion, which already sounded like a 2nd disc from Views. Evolution is necessary for an artist like Drake, who is at a crossroads at this point. Either he heads in a new direction sonically and thematically, or he will become a parody of himself. All in all, CLB is a bad album, which at a first listen, sounds like youDrake stuck in his comfort zone... CLB sounds like a 3rd disc from Scorpion, which already sounded like a 2nd disc from Views. Evolution is necessary for an artist like Drake, who is at a crossroads at this point. Either he heads in a new direction sonically and thematically, or he will become a parody of himself. All in all, CLB is a bad album, which at a first listen, sounds like you heard it all before. Shame... Expand
  5. Sep 3, 2021
    There is maybe 1 or 2 songs at best, that i want to come back to and play multiple times.
    Such a disappointing album.
  6. Sep 3, 2021
    Boring. Bland. Cudi’s feature is great, but not him, nor Baby, Travis Scott, Durk, or even Wayne can save this album.
  7. Sep 3, 2021
    Beat choice was great, flows were odd to say the least some lyrics are just comically bad “she said she was a lesbian, me too”. some features phoned in their bars or just took over the song completely. The two songs that shined above the rest would be yebbas heart and IMY2, but that’s mostly because of the energy and heart of the featured artists.
  8. Sep 3, 2021
    m i d
  9. Sep 3, 2021
    Disappointed to say the least.
    Not sure if its because im not in love nor hate my ex but its been the same ol thing.
  10. Sep 3, 2021
    Am not the biggest Drake fan out there, but expect a level of quality that just wasn't there. After a disappointment from Scorpion, this brought Drake to new lows. Tracks like way 2 Sexy seem catered towards TikTok viral videos - reminiscent of "Ringtone Rappers". The features from Cudi, Thug, Jay Z, and Travis are easily the highs of this album. The lows are the misogynistic lyrics, theAm not the biggest Drake fan out there, but expect a level of quality that just wasn't there. After a disappointment from Scorpion, this brought Drake to new lows. Tracks like way 2 Sexy seem catered towards TikTok viral videos - reminiscent of "Ringtone Rappers". The features from Cudi, Thug, Jay Z, and Travis are easily the highs of this album. The lows are the misogynistic lyrics, the length without a cohesive purpose and lack of memorable songs. Somehow Drake put out a 21 song album without any club hits. One where any of the "best" songs wouldn't feel out of place on any of his previous albums. A star like Drake not creatively progressing at all in his career shows a lack of care, or interest in the music world. It is clear money is the goal - there's nothing wrong with that, but its a disappointment to fans of good music. Expand
  11. Sep 3, 2021
    an album for which we waited a long time and it is not the result I expected, the collaborations are good and honestly they are the ones that save the album, similar songs and nonsense
  12. Sep 3, 2021
    I’m a Drake stan, and I hold the 6 God to a much higher standard, considering all the delays, all the GOAT talk, and all the hype leading up to the album release date. What’s up with this cringe cover art? Looks like a 5 year old designed this crap. Most of the songs are boring, lazy, and uninspired. Champagne Poetry has one of the most annoying samples ever. And what’s with Way 2 Sexy andI’m a Drake stan, and I hold the 6 God to a much higher standard, considering all the delays, all the GOAT talk, and all the hype leading up to the album release date. What’s up with this cringe cover art? Looks like a 5 year old designed this crap. Most of the songs are boring, lazy, and uninspired. Champagne Poetry has one of the most annoying samples ever. And what’s with Way 2 Sexy and Knife Talk? Those two songs shouldn’t have even been on the album. There’s a bunch of mid filler type songs such as Get Along Better, and Fountains. The Jay-Z feature was a complete waste. First 5 tracks on the album are a snooze fest. There’s also a bunch of mixing issues on this album. Drake’s vocals on Race My Mind are low, and the outro is much louder. Fair Trade was good, but it did not need a Travis Scott feature. The song should’ve been a solo Drake song. I also wasn’t a fan of the Cudi feature, it sounded weird. The Ross and Wayne feature was okay, not much replay value in my opinion. The outro was also quite boring, as it sounded similar to March 14 and Views. All in all, there were many more lows than highs. Most of these tracks are completely forgettable. I really hope Drake actually puts out something cohesive and concise on his next album. This one is all over the place Expand
  13. Sep 3, 2021
    Tiene dos que tres tracks recatable, lo demás es igual, sin reinventarse y sonar siempre igual
  14. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake missed for the first time ever. To be clear, I'm not trashing the album because I'm a Kanye fan boy. I was in the top .08% listeners to drake last year on Spotify. He's my favorite artist between him and the Weeknd. This album was painful. There's no way drake listened to this and thought it would be good. I feel like he's trolling us. Even Dark Lane Demo Tapes was better than this,Drake missed for the first time ever. To be clear, I'm not trashing the album because I'm a Kanye fan boy. I was in the top .08% listeners to drake last year on Spotify. He's my favorite artist between him and the Weeknd. This album was painful. There's no way drake listened to this and thought it would be good. I feel like he's trolling us. Even Dark Lane Demo Tapes was better than this, and that was a mixtape technically.

    There was no meditative, introspective drake. No 6pm in New York. No NWTS vibes.

    This album was dull and weird. Between the Jamaican dancehall sound with the Nigerian artist, and the ridiculous amount of features, for the first time in my life, I heard a bad drake album. There were some tough rap songs like Knife Talk. But where were the "Jaded" or "Not You Too". Where were the "Tuscan Leather" or "Furthest Thing"

    Really, really disappointed in this.l "album" if you want to call it that. End of an era. Makes me sad for real.
  15. Sep 3, 2021
    The production on this album is amazing, and I like the samples. Drake has some great rapping but this seems overshadowed by very distracting corny bars. While a lot of the songs are catchy and have good vibe to them, for some reason they are not hitting the same. There is no real substance to the album, and I feel as though we have not gotten to see drake grow as an Artist. This album isThe production on this album is amazing, and I like the samples. Drake has some great rapping but this seems overshadowed by very distracting corny bars. While a lot of the songs are catchy and have good vibe to them, for some reason they are not hitting the same. There is no real substance to the album, and I feel as though we have not gotten to see drake grow as an Artist. This album is bloated, and it feels like many songs were just thrown on for the sake of it. Expand
  16. Sep 4, 2021
    Certified Lover Boy starts off solid enough—both "Champagne Poetry" and "Papi's Home" are highlights upon first listen—however, the album immediately nosedives after these two tracks. Whereas these tracks sound grand and thematic with soaring production, the same cannot be said for a majority of the 20+ songs here. The production here is absolutely numbing and sleepy. Boring, really. OneCertified Lover Boy starts off solid enough—both "Champagne Poetry" and "Papi's Home" are highlights upon first listen—however, the album immediately nosedives after these two tracks. Whereas these tracks sound grand and thematic with soaring production, the same cannot be said for a majority of the 20+ songs here. The production here is absolutely numbing and sleepy. Boring, really. One has to ask what he kept postponing the album for when the finished product feels so bloated and unfocused.

    Highlights: Champagne Poetry, Papi's Home, Way 2 Sexy, TSU, Pipe Down
  17. Sep 3, 2021
    Thank him now ‘cus if you’re reading this it’s too late for him to have taken care on the most mid album going. Makes you wonder what the 9 month postponement was for really? Drake does Drake... again.
  18. Sep 3, 2021
    After scorpion I was really hoping to see Drizzy do something new. And while it’s not terrible it’s just kinda boring. The rapping is some of drakes better but that’s about all that’s interesting here, surrounded by cheesy poppy chart targeted music
  19. Sep 3, 2021
    Very repetitive and boring album, carried by production at points. Some features come through but drake throughout the project to me is lackluster
  20. Sep 3, 2021
    This album might as well be called Scorpion 2. Very bland and boring with some decent features saving the day. It’s nothing too bad to listen to just nothing special enough that rewards the hype towards the Album. Meh.
  21. Sep 3, 2021
    this album is so boring and underwhelming.
    i mean it’s drake what do you expect.
    maybe like 3 out of the 21 songs were good.
  22. Sep 3, 2021
    Not the best album of his. not many good beats and slow flow on most of the songs
  23. Sep 3, 2021
    Same old nonsense from a Mans who music hasn’t evolved in almost a decade
  24. Sep 4, 2021
    Same thing as the last album, Drake sounding criminally repetitive. Unacceptable for a artist of this dimension.
  25. Sep 4, 2021
    pas de musique marquante, aucune prise ds risque, cover décevante. du gâchis vu le casting que présentais l’album. ou est l’ancien Drake?
  26. Sep 4, 2021
    Yeah, we should all appreciate J. Cole much more. CLB doesn't have radio/playlist "hits", nor any substance. Why did he release the 3 songs earlier, those 3 good songs could have turned this from below average to average. Maybe they didn't fit into CLB's concept...CLB's concept being: boring/trash/pointless
  27. Sep 5, 2021
    CLB is more geared towards this Back Outside Movement Nothing really stuck to me personally but a few joints. (IMY2,No Friends in the industry, Champagne Poetry & Way 2 Sexy ) Just because its a funny playful record. i Have much respect for Drake but respectfully this doesn't top Scorpion. Waiting For The Next Drop......
  28. Sep 7, 2021
    Provavelmente o pior álbum dele

    Pouco efetivo, mais do mesmo. O problema é que isso já faz 5 anos que lança a mesma coisa com nomes diferentes

    Pior ainda é a critica amaciando pra forcar que essa bosta é melhor que o Donda
  29. Sep 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Easily Drake's weakest album. It's almost sad to see how someone who has gone from covering Lykke Like songs, is now sprewing "Say that you a lesbian, girl me too." Some songs are bangers, some are fun to listen to, but the whole album sounds uninspired. Expand
  30. Sep 6, 2021
    Simply basic album. Which is far from what I expected. there are so many weird lyrics that i can't describe
  31. Sep 7, 2021
    the return of the 6god!!! except it's like a stinky pile of leftovers from the culmination of views and his more recent projects, except more bland, uninspired, less creative, and overall just plain lazy. drizzy drake is carried by featured and it does have a banger or two for sure, but overall pales in comparison to just anything in the industry is just boring, sleep-inducing, and not histhe return of the 6god!!! except it's like a stinky pile of leftovers from the culmination of views and his more recent projects, except more bland, uninspired, less creative, and overall just plain lazy. drizzy drake is carried by featured and it does have a banger or two for sure, but overall pales in comparison to just anything in the industry is just boring, sleep-inducing, and not his best in terms of productions. scary hours and dark lane demo tapes are levels above. the only industry this would survive in is for sedatives. this will most likely age horribly and will be outshined by his next project, in which the 6god will hopefully actually try to do something new. Expand
  32. Oct 7, 2021
    Drake is a lesbian.
    But for real tho, this album feels so underwhelming it's not worth hearing it if you are not searching for the most generic rap pop hip-hop out there, it's been some time now since Drake stopped trying and I was certainly hoping for a better comeback, I don't know if Drake will ever try again and I doubt it, Drake is so comfortable releasing stuff that will make number
    Drake is a lesbian.
    But for real tho, this album feels so underwhelming it's not worth hearing it if you are not searching for the most generic rap pop hip-hop out there, it's been some time now since Drake stopped trying and I was certainly hoping for a better comeback, I don't know if Drake will ever try again and I doubt it, Drake is so comfortable releasing stuff that will make number that he refuses to make something that resembles his beginnings, the first two tracks of the album gave me hope, but the rest of the album is so predictable and empty, is music without a soul or real feelings, he now writes songs that are unremarkable, forgettable and lazy. Lacks a lot, but specially quality, for me it feels like listening to some random generic rapper who makes bland music. If you like Drake, listen to Nothing was the same, because he was damn right.
  33. Nov 1, 2021
    Had like 2 good songs. Fair trade was saved by Travis Scott, and Get Along Better is Ty Dolla $ign’s song. Album is bloated with Ghost writing and generic trap beats. Album cover is lame
  34. Nov 4, 2021
    The only thing i like about this album is probably the future and the travis scott features. It feels like an repetitive audio book on most of its run time. Just drake being mid nothin new.
  35. Nov 18, 2021
    It demonstrates how sonically rigorous even the most casual, tossed-off Drake songs are. But its storytelling doesn’t always hold up to strict scrutiny. «Certified Lover Boy» is his least musically imaginative album, the one where he pushes himself the least in terms of method and pattern.
  36. May 26, 2022
    Drake doesn't seem to have found a direction on this one. He's been sticking to the same damn sound since 2015, and this album is almost no different from his previous in terms of sound. However his features, especially Kid Cudi, Travis Scott and Rick Ross perform great on this album, which is why I'm bumping it up a bit. However to be able to listen to Drake's performance I have to bringDrake doesn't seem to have found a direction on this one. He's been sticking to the same damn sound since 2015, and this album is almost no different from his previous in terms of sound. However his features, especially Kid Cudi, Travis Scott and Rick Ross perform great on this album, which is why I'm bumping it up a bit. However to be able to listen to Drake's performance I have to bring two energy drinks on the bus with me. The ride takes about 15 minutes. This album is not good. Expand
  37. Jun 10, 2022
    Gets washed by every feature. 0 cohesiveness on the album and is a retread of all of his old stuff but just done really badly.
  38. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album ruim, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  39. Sep 3, 2021
    This album lacks any kind of innovation. Even the good songs feel like they've been done better before by Drake himselft. Another lazy and long record by drake just to pull in streaming numbers.
  40. Sep 3, 2021
    All hype, with nothing to show. The album was a slog to listen to. Nothing but disappointing tracks with a flicker of greatness to be extinguished the next track. Incredibly dissapointing.
  41. Sep 3, 2021
    Very boring, no hits. Such a disappointment, was looking forward for this album.
  42. Sep 5, 2021
    Literally just scorpion minus the bangers Unbearably corny writing makes drake look like a fool more often than not.
  43. Sep 3, 2021
    Dudes been doing the same **** since 2015, same beats, same lyrics, same flows, same repetitive drake. Pure snooze fest.
  44. Sep 3, 2021
    Whole albums feels like a Drake fan tried to make their worse self made Drake style album with none of the skill Drake used to have.

    From the first song in the album Champagne Poetry, Drake seems to just sew together two different songs into one big song? Its very off putting and seems like a mistake as separately the songs would be good. The album continues at an okay pace with pretty
    Whole albums feels like a Drake fan tried to make their worse self made Drake style album with none of the skill Drake used to have.

    From the first song in the album Champagne Poetry, Drake seems to just sew together two different songs into one big song? Its very off putting and seems like a mistake as separately the songs would be good.
    The album continues at an okay pace with pretty average songs and then Love All with Jay Z comes along and ruins it. The main song performed by Drake is fine but verses with Jay Z are truly terrible, Boring and uninspired lyrics delivered like he just wanted to get them done and leave.
    Way 2 Sexy is an awful song. Using the "I'm too sexy for my shirt" sample as a hook was a terrible idea, an absolute crash and burn.
    After yet more mediocre songs 7am On Bridle Path seems somewhat better, still extremely familiar but a nicer well crafted song than the rest.
    But ultimately that's where the album ends in terms of any redeemable songs. The entire album suffers from awful beats, terrible hooks and any lack of vision.
  45. Sep 3, 2021
    really gave fame to those who don't deserve it. There is NOTHING good on this album.
  46. Sep 5, 2021
    Personally this album was trash compared to Donda, Donda was over hyped and was as good as I hope but this was a dumpster fire the raping was crap. He can’t rap all songs we’re bad except IMY2 that was pretty good but the rest
  47. Sep 3, 2021
    When “Certified Lover Boy” was announced last year, many drake fans were overjoyed by the potential. Than after a few delays, we were finally treated to a release date, and eventually the cover art. That’s where the problems began. The cover art is bland and boring. It doesn’t even seem like they where going for a “unique” or “artistic” cover art, rather slapped some emojis together andWhen “Certified Lover Boy” was announced last year, many drake fans were overjoyed by the potential. Than after a few delays, we were finally treated to a release date, and eventually the cover art. That’s where the problems began. The cover art is bland and boring. It doesn’t even seem like they where going for a “unique” or “artistic” cover art, rather slapped some emojis together and called it a day. Hell, Kanye’s plain black cover is better than this. Just like the cover, the songs itself are just, boring. He didn’t try anything new, or attempt to create a new sound, but rather slapped some lyrics on plain trap beats. It seems like it was rushed to challenge Kanye’s recently released “donda” and it shows. The features aren’t anything special. the Travis Scott feature was ok, and Kid Cudi putting a end to the long beef with drake was cool, but other than that, there’s no stand outs. I’m not sure what Drake was doing in the 7 months since the announcement, but it obviously wasn’t working on the album. This could’ve been a classic, but now all we have is a playlist of wasted potential. Expand
  48. Sep 19, 2021
    It’s hard to enjoy an album even the artist clearly doesn’t enjoy. Drake sounds so bored and tired the whole album. This is by far one of his laziest bodies of work yet. Most of the features are half-assed, and most of the production is lazy and identical throughout the entire project. And it’s hard to enjoy an album that has someone whining and complaining about the same stuff the entireIt’s hard to enjoy an album even the artist clearly doesn’t enjoy. Drake sounds so bored and tired the whole album. This is by far one of his laziest bodies of work yet. Most of the features are half-assed, and most of the production is lazy and identical throughout the entire project. And it’s hard to enjoy an album that has someone whining and complaining about the same stuff the entire 1hr and a half run time. There are very few good/decent songs, one of them being a song Drake isn’t even on—thankfully. Save yourself from falling asleep in boredom. Save yourself from wasting your time, and don’t listen to this half-assed, lazy, sloppy garbage. Expand
  49. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. CLB is the same old Drake we’ve been getting for the last 10+ years, except this time it’s only staler and more watered down. Simply put, Drake’s lack of progression and experimentation greatly hinders this album. More so, the lyrical content is nearly identical to what was expressed in Scorpion (except maybe more Kanye subliminals) except the actual bars are somehow lazier and less thought out (For example “Said that you a lesbian, girl me too”). However unlike Scorpion, the songs definitely stand out from one another and don’t all lump in together, which is something that Drake and his team deserve some props for. But other than that, this album is a complete flop that won’t stop millions of people from playing this crap all over the country the next couple weeks/months.

    In terms of his personal battle vs Kanye, which is something everyone is currently invested in right now, Donda is the superior record by a long shot (Like it’s not even close). Even with all of Donda’s flaw and controversies, there are plenty of great, emotional-driven, and experimental tracks that paint Mr. West’s vision beautifully, something I definitely can’t say Drake had on CLB.
  50. Sep 5, 2021
    Soooo boring. This isn’t the Drake we all know, specially since the album was pushed back many times.
  51. Sep 3, 2021
    This album starts out very weird. The 1st track has an awkward beat, and Drake's flow certainly does not help at all. The next couple of tracks contain corny lyrics, horrible choruses, and very questionable songwriting. The lyrics by Durk on track 4 are extremely underwhelming and Drake's oddly sudden switch in his vocals is very unpleasant to listen to. Track 6 has okay lyrics. I enjoyedThis album starts out very weird. The 1st track has an awkward beat, and Drake's flow certainly does not help at all. The next couple of tracks contain corny lyrics, horrible choruses, and very questionable songwriting. The lyrics by Durk on track 4 are extremely underwhelming and Drake's oddly sudden switch in his vocals is very unpleasant to listen to. Track 6 has okay lyrics. I enjoyed Drake's soil bar, however the beat is very bland and boring. Travis Scott comes in extremely weak, sounding like he's going to fall asleep. Track 7 is just an absolute joke. The sample in the beginning is just dumb, and Future's lyrics are just so corny to the point where it's nearly unlistenable. Young Thug comes in and unfortunately does not help either, bringing questionable lyrics as well, like "Red diamonds, spaghetti" and "I pray to the chopper under my pillow, tooth fairy". Moving onto track 8, the sample in the beginning is a PAIN to listen to. The strings, however, are a nice little addition, but they quickly go away. The odd beat switch in the middle of the song is very sudden and really just not clean at all. The production on this track is very, very low effort.

    Getting near the middle of the album, there is a glimmer of hope. The production on track 10 I enjoyed, and the songwriting somewhat improved. From here on out, the production improves and the album is listenable. However, that only lasts for a moment. Track 13 goes back to very bad songwriting. "No capper" and "Booty clapper" are some of the lyrics 21 Savage somehow thought would be good on this album. Unfortunately, he'd be wrong. The chorus on this track is also nothing to write home about. It's boring, repetitive, and bland. Track 16 is alright, but the little snippets of piano are unnecessary and awkward. As this track goes on, the more and more boring it gets.

    Moving toward the end of the album, we get a Cudi feature on track 19. I was excited to see what Cudi had to offer, but unfortunately, I was not really blown away by his verse. This track, in my opinion, was plain and underwhelming. Track 20 and 21 were an absolutely horrible way to close out the album. These two tracks were an absolute drag to listen to, and by far the most yawn-inducing tracks on this LP. The production is extremely plain, and Drake's rapping is even plainer.

    In conclusion, this is what I expected from Drake's LP. Yet again, another album where he talks about how rich and horny he is. I hate to say it, but I don't think we're going to get another good album from Drake in a while, especially if he keeps this up.
  52. Sep 3, 2021
    The features carried the album. I waz really excited for this album but it just feels very lazy, especially from an artist like drake
  53. Sep 3, 2021
    Better having no cover at all than this hideous atrocity, this sin against humankind, this disrespectfulness against everything that the lord holds sacred, this monstrous attempt of doing something funny and clever. I’m a centennial and seriously can’t comprehend Drake’s sense of humor or lack of taste. If the album sounds as bad as de art looks, this might be a solid 3 AT ABSOLUTE BEST.
  54. Sep 3, 2021
    This feels like Scorpion without hits. i give a 2 just cuz of some features on the album.
  55. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake once again comes through with an album that at its core is perfectly fine, if he hadn't already released it 2 times before. While most of the songs on this thing are decent and exactly what you would expect from a drake album, the fact that he hasn't innovated or tried doing anything new in years speaks to his artistic integrity.
  56. Sep 3, 2021
    Same Drake since 2016 full of corny ass bars and the same dull repetitive track... I just want Thank Me Later Drake back
  57. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. All that hype for nothing,same flows same cadence same slowed reverb to rapping songs..a couple switch ups and a few redeemable songs but for the most part it’s average..these songs sound like I could have heard them before…Do better Drake. Expand
  58. Sep 3, 2021
    Not progressing from the format or sound of his previous work, Drake has yet again managed to add a safe and disappointing record to his discography. Has Drake forgotten how to make a piece of art rather than a product?
  59. Sep 3, 2021
    This man has been on cruise control since Views. Consistently mid. Probably a few songs that will get radio play but nothing new or exciting.
  60. Sep 3, 2021
    From a Drake fan I found it painfully, and I mean painfully boring. Girls want girls fun and catchy. No Friends only track that had any decent lyrical content. Knife Talk hard but only because it sounds like a Savage Mode 2 leftover. Other than that 70% of this album is indistinguishable from each other, just the same Take Care style flow. Also he’s still rapping about **** “tings” andFrom a Drake fan I found it painfully, and I mean painfully boring. Girls want girls fun and catchy. No Friends only track that had any decent lyrical content. Knife Talk hard but only because it sounds like a Savage Mode 2 leftover. Other than that 70% of this album is indistinguishable from each other, just the same Take Care style flow. Also he’s still rapping about **** “tings” and sending them back to Metro housing. So **** lame. TSU lyrics have to be some of the worst Drake bars in a hot minute. And it credits R. Kelly so **** Drake for including that. Working on Dying beat incredibly disappointing. Scorpion was better. Expand
  61. Sep 3, 2021
    I expected there to be a few bangers that can act as a single, turns out all the songs are mind-numbingly bad, with the same beat, same flow while the features (Travis and Lil Wayne) did well they could not overcome those basic ass beats.
  62. Sep 3, 2021
    Im dissapointed in what Drake did I feel like in 1 hour and 40 minutes Drake did not have single good bar.
    Beats are good but I still almost fell a sleep when Drake was rappin.
  63. Sep 3, 2021
    'CLB' is the most BORING, UNINSPIRED album drake has ever made. managing to eclipse the steaming turd that was scorpion. i was expecting something more along the lines of 'Take Care' but this album hasn't even got an ounce of the same substance or feeling behind any of the songs (probably because abel didn't write them) drake doesn't make music like he used to and over time his albums just'CLB' is the most BORING, UNINSPIRED album drake has ever made. managing to eclipse the steaming turd that was scorpion. i was expecting something more along the lines of 'Take Care' but this album hasn't even got an ounce of the same substance or feeling behind any of the songs (probably because abel didn't write them) drake doesn't make music like he used to and over time his albums just seem to be getting worse. the album has next to zero replay-ability, the beats are BORING! and the bars a sub standard. Expand
  64. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Oof

    Well let's start. Firstly I would like to say the album cover doesn't bother me in the since that it attempts humor and fits the vibe. However that may be the problem. The humor here (She say she a lesbian, well me too) is, at the very least hit or miss. The vibe and humor can't carry itself over its long length even with it's amazing features (Scott, Project Pat, Jay-Z), and the bars, although they flirt with classic status, never really reach the mark. The beats (seriously lacking 40s touch) are actually really nice, but nothing trailblazing.

    Now let's talk the beef. Being neither Team Kanye or Team Drake seemed like it would benefit me in this review but honestly makes it harder. With Donda was misshapen, flawed, cconfusing and over long, CLB seemed like a clear cut winner before the rope was cut. However it seems that CLB not only follows suit and falls to same traps that Donda does (minus controversial features), it also is just as self indulgent. The subliminals here grow as stale as they did on Donda. Drake and Kanye need to get a room already. But instead of engaging in tantric sex, they should Collab again. All things said and done, CLB, in all respects and fairness is a very very VERY average Drake album. Which is a disappointment considering anything average from Drake feels like a slap in the face. This album gets a 2.
  65. Sep 3, 2021
    Lazy, terrible tracks and even worst lyrics. The jay z featured track was good but I couldn’t add it to my playlist due to how bad drake was on it.

    Best tracks for me out of the lot:
    7am on Bridle Path

    Every good thing must come to an end I guess. Drake is no longer the bar for good music
  66. Sep 3, 2021
    Esperava muito mais de um album do drake..
    Nem as musicas com feat tão esperado, como travsi ficaram em um vibe boa.. pra um cantor que só canta musicas comerciais.
    Apresenta musicas cansativas de se ouvir.
    Musicas que não ouviriamos mais de 1 vez em 1 dia.
  67. Sep 3, 2021
    Only 2 songs that are okay:

    No friends in the industry
    Fair trade (even though Travis messed it up)

    Such a let down of an album.
  68. Sep 3, 2021
    Almost fell asleep… all songs sound similar.. was expecting it to be better than Donda
  69. Sep 3, 2021
    I'm a big fan and to have waited this long for a album this bad is unfathomable. This album sounds like 21 tracks of filler/rejects. It's a whole album of previously rejected material.

    It's kind of shocking that he would push back the release date for something this bad. Like, what was he doing that made it better? Is there anything he could did or could've done to make this album
    I'm a big fan and to have waited this long for a album this bad is unfathomable. This album sounds like 21 tracks of filler/rejects. It's a whole album of previously rejected material.

    It's kind of shocking that he would push back the release date for something this bad. Like, what was he doing that made it better? Is there anything he could did or could've done to make this album better, other than scrapping it entirely?

    Drake has been one of the biggest, if not the top. global artists over the last decade. Between albums he's released songs that have kept his name and legacy moving upwards. This album feels like a signal that his reign at the top is derailed trainwreck over.
  70. Sep 3, 2021
    drake can do way better than this. Had really high expections from this but..
  71. Sep 3, 2021
    Absolute garbage. Posturing and quiet narcissism and years of #1 hits have made the man forget that he may actually be completely devoid of anything even passing as talent. His camp is clearly full of yes-men who allowed this stinking turd to be 21 songs long. There is nothing compelling about an album written (poorly) in response to (well-earned) and Kanye West, the most easy-to-insultAbsolute garbage. Posturing and quiet narcissism and years of #1 hits have made the man forget that he may actually be completely devoid of anything even passing as talent. His camp is clearly full of yes-men who allowed this stinking turd to be 21 songs long. There is nothing compelling about an album written (poorly) in response to (well-earned) and Kanye West, the most easy-to-insult man in the industry. 21 droning, benign, dull, uninspired songs about this nonsense - a beef no one but those two clowns actually cares about.

    Drake is a blight on the music industry.
  72. Sep 3, 2021
    Garbage, most boring Drake album yet and that’s saying something. At least Scorpion had some bangers ffs.
  73. Sep 3, 2021
    Boring and not good, this is definitely one of drakes worst studio album with his flows over melodic beats being at best predictable and descent and at worst, blue face level of offbeat. About 4 out of the 21 songs are the only ones that I can get behind and is the reason this rating is a 2.
  74. Sep 4, 2021
    So bland. Drake hasn’t evolved in the past 6 years. In fact his albums have got gradually worse each time since Nothing Was The Same.
  75. Sep 4, 2021
    Just drake being the same boring drake… I was hoping for something new. After listening to it twice I had to wonder how anybody could find this interesting. Drake must be thanking god for people with odd taste in music
  76. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake really just f'ing with us
  77. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake has made the same album for the past 10 years and it’s getting inexcusable. Had a few catchy tracks but sounds more like a mixtape.
  78. Sep 4, 2021
    Boring a lot of corny lines.
    CLB has a lot of good features but drake lacks to do anything new on this album.
  79. Sep 5, 2021
    Mid donda is better in every single way you can’t even argue with that
  80. Sep 5, 2021
    My favorite part of this album is when he calls himself a lesbian on girls want girls.

    (rating a 2 because knife talk goes hard)
  81. Sep 6, 2021
    Donda was better. Drake didn’t bring anything new to the table that we didn’t hear in 2018 with scorpion
  82. Sep 7, 2021
    I created an account just to review this album for how bad it was. Aside from Champagne Poetry the entire album is boring and uninspiring. Drake is one of the greatest artists of the 21st century and seeing him release such a basic record was truly disappointing. Oh and the album cover is corny too. For the love of God do better on your next album Drake
  83. Sep 8, 2021
    Lacks imagination, a copy, and a paste of previous work. The album carried by samples and features I had to listen to this in small doses as Drake's own tone became monotonous. No real memorable track and the first single drop Way to Sexy was the worst track to drop as first single. He had bars for days, will give him that but everything else seemed done before which made this work quite lazy.
  84. Sep 8, 2021
    This is the most boring **** ive ever listened to. Not a 0 because 2 Sexy is a good Future song. He is constantly outshined by his features. Drake will be drake but this is a little too drakey. Trash
  85. Sep 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think Drake thinks we are stupid, CLB is another mediocre album , a recycled Drake, same tones same flows no diversity and no respect for hiphop. He's a decent mumble rapper. his substance is dated, i was disappointed by his offering , he sounded so lazy. Expand
  86. Sep 24, 2021
    We were all expecting this to be horrible. But no one was expecting this bad. It’s truly ear grating and horrifying to listen to. If I hear drakes voice just one more **** time this year I will cry.
  87. Oct 23, 2021
    CLF Really sucked i was expecting a good album. only has one "nice song" called Way 2 Sexy. The rest of the album is just tiktok esque cringey songs. The Old Drake was wayyyyyy better.
  88. Jun 21, 2022
    If it weren’t for the features this would be a 1.
    Also “said that you’re a lesbian, girl, me too” is quite literally a **** Chris Chan bar.
  89. Sep 25, 2022
    (censoring myself 'cause I aint risking shii) I rarely/barely review albums but I feel like this one deserves one... in all the wrong ways possible.

    This was actually so much torture to my ears that our favorite lsbian artist Drake actually made me feel uninterested in life after departing from the record, altough I felt relief that it was over, the Certified Boy Lover himself would later
    (censoring myself 'cause I aint risking shii) I rarely/barely review albums but I feel like this one deserves one... in all the wrong ways possible.

    This was actually so much torture to my ears that our favorite lsbian artist Drake actually made me feel uninterested in life after departing from the record, altough I felt relief that it was over, the Certified Boy Lover himself would later haunt my dreams with the expertisely captured theme of BOREDOM, like I thought my everyday life was boring, this album makes it (my life) seem like a grand finale to your favorite film.

    Drake seemingly confesses to us that he is a lsbian in the line that goes sumthin like, "you're a lsbian, girl? me too", now although I am not a lsbian myself, I would not let this man/woman into my community if I was on the receiving end of this. This is a horrendously boring record with no effort from Drake whatsoever, the features carry this man like was done to my grandmas body after she was found dead in her apartment (rest in peace). Every song sounds like a trip, not like a Travis Scott trip - no - like I was trapped in a room, force-fed to listen to an album and am suffering from the side effects type trip.

    Don't even compare this man to Kanye, or ya'll are a disgrace to the face of this earth. 2/10 (all that score going to the features)
  90. Sep 3, 2021
    Certified sleeper boy, Travis Scott feature only thing earning it a 1, Drake the McGregor of the rap game no heart left in it
  91. Sep 3, 2021
    It's that time of year again. Let's see what the artist of the decade has released... Oh wait, the decline since Views continues. Enjoy :/
  92. Sep 3, 2021
    Absolutely tragic this. Same beat recycled over and over with drake rinsing his previous albums dry. What a waste of features.
  93. Sep 6, 2021
    An album with lack of creativity. Very weak. One of the worst I've listened to, from the trap/rap genre.
  94. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Same **** different year.

    Sus lyrics, same dead flow and this whole album is literally the most light skin thing you’ll ever listen to. “She said she’s a lesbian, I said me too” ????

    Seriously what the actual ****
  95. Sep 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great for when you can't fall asleep at night. Boring, uninspired, clearly just a cash grab off the donda vs clb hype Expand
  96. Sep 5, 2021
    This album is simply disappointing. By Drake's standards, this is just piss poor.
  97. Sep 19, 2021
    Super disappointing - boring, nothing new, no progression. The production is ok, the lyricism was lazy.
  98. Sep 4, 2021
  99. Sep 3, 2021
    Its midcore as most of drakes new projects it will do numbers but no one will praise it as good album in future
  100. Sep 3, 2021
    i'm sorry, but donda is better. I really had hopes for this drake album....

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 19, 2021
    It’s beige, hollow music and that’s what ultimately frustrates your dedicated rap listener because it doesn’t make sense why it’s so damn popular. When you throw the poor writing on top of this, and some real hit-and-miss production into the mix, “Certified Lover Boy” may well be Drake’s worst album.
  2. Sep 13, 2021
    Drake comes across as an artist who’s bought into his mythos and persona a bit too ardently. ... The production on Certified Lover Boy is svelte yet airless, filled with lots of solemn piano lines and muted snares but absent of big flourishes or attempts at pop crossover. It’s an approach that’s likely aiming for tasteful restraint, but the effect is languid and rather directionless.
  3. Sep 13, 2021
    Things start promisingly with the undulating Champagne Poetry dextrously reflecting on loneliness (“career is going great, but now the rest of me is fading slowly”), while Papi’s Home recalls early Kanye, of all people, with its sped-up samples and laid-back flow. Later, however, that playfulness calcifies into headline-grabbing stunts. ... This is an album destined to be filleted for various #mood playlists, anchored only by its creator’s untouchable fame.