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  1. Sep 4, 2021
    The first song, "Champagne Poetry", is very good, reminds me a lot of Take Care, Drake's 2011 album (his best record, in my opinion), especially it's intro "Over My Dead Body". Despite that, the album is awful, i almost fell asleep TWICE. Nothing new, just the same old Drake trying to make hits, and definitely making it, as his music is easily digestible by the average audience. No moreThe first song, "Champagne Poetry", is very good, reminds me a lot of Take Care, Drake's 2011 album (his best record, in my opinion), especially it's intro "Over My Dead Body". Despite that, the album is awful, i almost fell asleep TWICE. Nothing new, just the same old Drake trying to make hits, and definitely making it, as his music is easily digestible by the average audience. No more than two out of 21 songs on the album will make to my gym playlist, and I'll probably skip them. Expand
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 17 canciones con el mismo beat,enserio no se arriesga en absolutamente nada. Expand
  3. Sep 5, 2021
    gave it a second listen this morning and its even worst , theres only one very good song, Fair trade, but one of his worst work so far. Hes been so focus on the beef with Yé that he forgot to actually put any effort towars the album
  4. Sep 3, 2021
    Not what I expected fr, it was just average drake I expected more from this album after all the hype and delays even the album cover sucks
  5. Sep 8, 2021
    never seen such a lazy album, the problem was the antecipation of it, got me hyped up and didn’t correspond the expectations.
  6. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake is proving that he has zero versatility recently! Place hand on your heart and tell me a unique song from this album ! Almost all the songs sound same and are like a spectacular yawn fest! It never really picks anywhere in between.There are couple of great songs on this album but as a whole experience they are easily overshadowed by the bad songs having some if the corniest lyrics inDrake is proving that he has zero versatility recently! Place hand on your heart and tell me a unique song from this album ! Almost all the songs sound same and are like a spectacular yawn fest! It never really picks anywhere in between.There are couple of great songs on this album but as a whole experience they are easily overshadowed by the bad songs having some if the corniest lyrics in hiphop.I really wish drake will come up soon with something worth our time Expand
  7. Sep 4, 2021
    Very mediocre and dissapointing.
    I thought Drake would do better than this.
  8. Sep 3, 2021
    Is this supposed to be parody of himself? Drake, make something creative and not just something to try and get maximum airplay.
  9. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake has been in a rut for the better part of a decade now producing the same album over and over again. The quality cast of features still isn’t enough to break him out of a slide in quality that began in 2016. All that being said Drake appears to have no motivation to further himself creatively when his same old sound makes him richer by the day.
  10. Sep 4, 2021
    This album is terribly brining. Nothing new or innovative is being done here, the artwork is juvenile and embarrassing; drake needs to find a way to stay relevant, or stop saying he’s at the top of the game.
  11. Sep 3, 2021
    No artistic growth, the whole album is a Kanye diss and the tracks that aren’t were leaked before or just not good material. To be attacking Kanye in this way, it is important to note that Drake has never made an album as good as MBDTF and he’s older than Kanye was when he made that album.
  12. Sep 6, 2021
    Champagne Poetry starts off as a spectacular intro, but after some eyebrow raising lyrics, stale production and whack bars, Certified Lover Boy does not meet my expectations. IYRTITL was the last time I actually enjoyed a Drake album, I hope he changes his style a bit for the next album. Disappointing.
  13. Sep 7, 2021
    Fair Trade is legitimately the only good song on this album. One of the only tracks where Drake actually seems like he’s putting in some effort. Remainder of the tracks had a bad or boring beat, features dramatically outshined a disinterested Drake, or both. Dude knows he could put out an album with no sound on it and it would get streams. Honestly, why try when that’s the case? Do youFair Trade is legitimately the only good song on this album. One of the only tracks where Drake actually seems like he’s putting in some effort. Remainder of the tracks had a bad or boring beat, features dramatically outshined a disinterested Drake, or both. Dude knows he could put out an album with no sound on it and it would get streams. Honestly, why try when that’s the case? Do you blame him? 1 star because Fair Trade is actually a top Drake song IMO. Expand
  14. Sep 3, 2021
    Bore. Dull over inflated attempt at more of the same, not the banger he needed at this point. Miss.
  15. Sep 3, 2021
    Same ole same ole. Catchy tracks that have no depth or classic feel. Drake has not grown - he seems very immature and shallow for his age.
  16. Sep 3, 2021
    Meh, was ok, but couldn't help but feel it was too similar to everything else he has done. IDK, but would be fair to say i'm a fair bit let down.
  17. Sep 3, 2021
    Painfully slow and boring. I was waiting for the album to pick up the whole time but it's just 21 tracks of elevator music. If you need help falling asleep it's a 9.
  18. Sep 3, 2021
    1 good song and 3 decent. Every else was a complete waste of time and precious AirPod battery. I’d rather listen to a ten hour loop of a kid screaming in Walmart than listen to this absolutely **** album. Drake is and always has been trash
  19. Sep 3, 2021
    This album sucked. It was the worst Drake album to date. I don't know what was thinking. He SHOULD have delayed it two hours to put Smiley o, because if he would have, i would have been spared the two hours I had listening to it. Bro, you have no idea. i couldn't even finish the album the first time i heard it. I had to stop and go focus on something else. I went back, and listened to someThis album sucked. It was the worst Drake album to date. I don't know what was thinking. He SHOULD have delayed it two hours to put Smiley o, because if he would have, i would have been spared the two hours I had listening to it. Bro, you have no idea. i couldn't even finish the album the first time i heard it. I had to stop and go focus on something else. I went back, and listened to some better Drake songs. Drake could have done better. And how come he has the best features on it, but they all turnt down. It's like someone told them they could stay up past their bedtime cause they're the bog kids, but they have to be quiet. They're not even a lit as they are on other songs. Not even lit as they are on their own songs. Future. Young Thug, Travis Scott, Lil Baby. All wack on this album. Except Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne is still Lil Wayne, he's always been. And this album doesn't stop him from it. Oh and don't get me started on the man himself. the quote on quote. "Certified Lover boy". Drake. Come on man! I thought this was gonna be a straight up rap album?! Why are you humming and singing and just saying words that rhyme?! Drake, you need to rap more You lesbian! Drake called himself a lesbian and thought we all was just gonna let that slide? Like nah fam, I'm not letting that slide! You're gay! He's gay! He's a homosexual! A transgender! He confirmed it! Girl Want Girls! He's a girl! It's confirmed, it's official. It's Certified! Aubrey was better in that single, Laugh Now. Cry Later with Lil Durk. Who is also on the album. And os also not himself on the album. Drake is just better at singles man. Laugh Now, Cry Later. What's Next, In My Feelings, GODS PLAN, Best I Ever Had, Thank Me Later. Boom. There's your album. You're next, EP. Expand
  20. Sep 3, 2021
    Same old sh*t. I can't believe I wasted my time listening to this
    Only lil baby and cudi raised the level of this album a bit, the rest is a sleeping pill
  21. Sep 3, 2021
    Looks like they were in a hurry to insert something. It lacked cohesion as an album and it's more of the same
  22. Sep 3, 2021
    Worst album by Drake. I don’t know what Drake was thinking? Feels like he don’t want to prove him self anymore.
  23. Sep 3, 2021
    This was the first Drake album I was looking forward to since Views and it completely disappointed me. You can hear the lack of inspiration and passion on CLB through the whole album. There’s maybe 5-7 songs tops that are worthy of replay. The flows are boring and so are the beats. I believe Drake is becoming a prisoner of his own sound and it is starting to show. His sound is starting toThis was the first Drake album I was looking forward to since Views and it completely disappointed me. You can hear the lack of inspiration and passion on CLB through the whole album. There’s maybe 5-7 songs tops that are worthy of replay. The flows are boring and so are the beats. I believe Drake is becoming a prisoner of his own sound and it is starting to show. His sound is starting to become dated.

    Hopefully he redeems himself next year.
  24. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake albums haves been something I looked forward to every time they are announced. But this album is disappointing
  25. Sep 3, 2021
    Just another Drake's pop album, there's no good track. A few verses (from others rappers) are the only thing worth of your time.
  26. Sep 3, 2021
    Repetitive beats with sub-par lyricism , a staple for drake music since 2015
  27. Sep 3, 2021
    He gave us the same album again with more artist that bought nothing to it. Really didn't expected much from Drake as of recent months to years he's been putting out the same songs over and over.
  28. Sep 3, 2021
    Album doesn’t have a track to keep you engaged. Although it’s a long album it feels been longer with drawn out boring melodies . Might be good to put children to sleep
  29. Sep 4, 2021
    I went into this pretty optimistic thinking that drake would bring something new to the table and when the first track, Champagne Poetry went on I was hopeful and optimistic however by the 7th track, which i don't remember the name of because i thought i was still on the 2nd track, I became extremely bored and tired of this repetitive attitude drake has adopted with his music. FranklyI went into this pretty optimistic thinking that drake would bring something new to the table and when the first track, Champagne Poetry went on I was hopeful and optimistic however by the 7th track, which i don't remember the name of because i thought i was still on the 2nd track, I became extremely bored and tired of this repetitive attitude drake has adopted with his music. Frankly disappointing. Expand
  30. Sep 4, 2021
    Boring trash. Same ish different day but this time more forgettable. I guess calling it certified lover boy was meant to be ironic. His music seems to pander to men more than women even if women don’t know it themselves. Pipe down has hints of misogyny- how much do I gotta spend for you pipe down?? How about $0? Too sexy was painful but of course it will get play bc it will have an overBoring trash. Same ish different day but this time more forgettable. I guess calling it certified lover boy was meant to be ironic. His music seems to pander to men more than women even if women don’t know it themselves. Pipe down has hints of misogyny- how much do I gotta spend for you pipe down?? How about $0? Too sexy was painful but of course it will get play bc it will have an over the top comic visual to distract ppl from just how terrible it was even if it was meant to be a funny reincarnation of the equally funny but less terrible Right Said Fred version. I was really excited about this release but was so very disappointed by the lack of growth and maturity. It’s not even good sonically. I’m still trying to get through it in one sitting but that is proving to be next to impossible. Expand
  31. Sep 4, 2021
    Only thing makin it not a zero is him dropping Life of the party, best somg he ever dropped
  32. Sep 5, 2021
    Very bland sadly, was hoping for progression but Drake leans into his features heavily and shows little inspiration.
  33. Sep 5, 2021
    Amazingly boring and uninspired: and I'm talking about the album this time. It's ridiculous how people take Drake as a serious artist and it's a reflection of how poorly we allowed music to deteriorate. Outside of the Kanye diss (7AM) the album shows a lack of creativity and growth which is a part of Drake's brand these days.
  34. Sep 5, 2021
    80% of this album we have heard 10 Million times by different artist, 10% of this is straight trash. With songs like 2 sexy which I would rather kill myself than ever listen to that garbage a** song again. There are 1 or 2 decent songs on here but overall just a complete lack of effort & passion. Drake really need to grow up he is almost 40 years old & is still acting like a high school80% of this album we have heard 10 Million times by different artist, 10% of this is straight trash. With songs like 2 sexy which I would rather kill myself than ever listen to that garbage a** song again. There are 1 or 2 decent songs on here but overall just a complete lack of effort & passion. Drake really need to grow up he is almost 40 years old & is still acting like a high school kid talking about sex & how cool he is. This style of music is dying & real music lovers will never stand behind such a shallow album. I feel like drake is just laughing in our faces & running with all of our money. Pathetic effort Aubrey you should just invest in real estate & retire if this is the music you are going to give us! Expand
  35. Mar 30, 2022
    The highly anticipated "Certified Lover Boy" from superstar rapper Drake who I used to be a huge fan of back in 2016, has proved to be... almost complete garbage. Seriously, Drake is just lazy at this point since he reached a point where he doesn't have to care anymore and he's just going to make sales because his name is on it. The album has a long run time at almost 1 and a half hoursThe highly anticipated "Certified Lover Boy" from superstar rapper Drake who I used to be a huge fan of back in 2016, has proved to be... almost complete garbage. Seriously, Drake is just lazy at this point since he reached a point where he doesn't have to care anymore and he's just going to make sales because his name is on it. The album has a long run time at almost 1 and a half hours which if you ask me is an absurdly long runtime just to fill it with **** it pretty much wasted the most precious part of my day, waking up at 4pm and putting on new music to listen to while I grind something on PlayStation. The album, out of its runtime, is horrendous for about ! hour and 21 minutes of it, with the only decent to good tracks being "Champagne Poetry" which gives me heavy Tuscan Leather vibes for some reason and I thoroughly enjoy the track. The other being "7am on Bridle Path" which is also a decent to good cut from the rapper. I can't even talk about any of the rest of the tracks because of how bad they are. If i were to sum up the other 19 tracks, it would just be as lengthy as the album and all it would tell you is how poor the tracks are. So to summarize it, all the other songs are terrible and this is easily the worst project we've gotten from the "6 God". Really after this album, he really hasn't put out anything good since, might as well call him the "Mid God" at this point. Really if Drake put as much time and effort as he did into those 2 aforementioned songs and did it for every song on the album, and made it shorter because I think this run time is pretty lengthy and tedious to get through, I'd have no problem giving the album a higher rating, but the problem is he didn't so I will not, and I will probably never return to this album aside from those 2 songs. If I ever return to this album, it's either ironically to make fun of it or I've just declined and turned stupid.

    Oh and that album cover... what the **** drake, are you good bro? not music wise though because we already know he isn't good in that way anymore


    Favorite Tracks: Champagne Poetry, 7am On Bridle Path
    Worst Tracks: Papi's Home, Girls Want Girls, In the Bible, Love All, Fair Trade, Way 2 Sexy, Race My Mind, Fountains, Get Along Better, You Only Live Twice , IMY2 (Ft. Kid Cudi), ****ing Fans, The Remorse, TSU, N 2 Deep , Pipe Down, Yebba's Heartbreak, No Friends in the Industry
    Knife Talk
  36. Jun 21, 2022
    People trashing HN must have never listened to this one. This is pure trash and generic and lazy trap tracks.
  37. Feb 1, 2023
    The fact that this album was released alongside Simz' Sometimes I Might Be Introvert shows how far away Drake was and still is from the top. Lyrically, Drake is like a wet paper towel in his flows. His moaning, his fake damaged attitude, his lack of new ideas that have carried over to his newer albums. Did you hear he has a son? And that he **** Because its the only thing he mentions onThe fact that this album was released alongside Simz' Sometimes I Might Be Introvert shows how far away Drake was and still is from the top. Lyrically, Drake is like a wet paper towel in his flows. His moaning, his fake damaged attitude, his lack of new ideas that have carried over to his newer albums. Did you hear he has a son? And that he **** Because its the only thing he mentions on the entire album!
    The only reason this album gets a 1 and not a 0 is because of Knife Talk, which transforms from an absolute banger to one of the greatest unintentional comedies of all time after the first verse, when Drake says that "it's gettin' real oppy outside". The rest of the song consists of Drake dropping far too many bars about tennis and 21 Savage saying that he is "sticky". Greatest lyricists of all time.
  38. Mar 5, 2023
    His second worst album behind Honestly nevermind. Drake isn’t trying anymore
  39. Sep 3, 2021
    What a snooze fest. Even his biggest hype fan (DJ Akademics) fell asleep listening to this collection of boring ideas. Worst album of the year.
  40. Sep 3, 2021
    Super mid album in all honesty. Drake really walked into the studio to create the exact same album again. Crazy.
  41. Sep 3, 2021
    Otra chatarra del rapero mas simplón del planeta, toda su música suena igual, no trasciende, no influye y no progresa en lo absoluto.
  42. Sep 11, 2021
    Certified mid boy, drake dropped the worst album of the year.

    Ye literally won by a mile
  43. Sep 3, 2021
    I don’t see how anyone could listen to this a second time (unless they’re looking for a sleeping aid)
  44. Sep 3, 2021
    Very very bored, this album is so bad, terrible lyrics, the worst récord of Drake
  45. Sep 10, 2021
    This album is as original as their cover pretty disappointing after all the hype
  46. Sep 3, 2021
    Closest rap music came to ambient (though ambient is sometimes emotionally touching, which is simply not the case here). Boring to tears, standard beats, lazy bars, zero energy.
  47. Sep 5, 2021
    Nope Nope
    This is one of the safest blandest and most boring records I've heard in a minute
  48. Oct 22, 2022
    Just listen the album, no more explication (but i prefer to not hear it). Drake should take a little bit more serious his legacy, rather than make money, at least one time
  49. Sep 3, 2021
    Unfortunately bland. A senseless collection of stream grab insta worthy caption rap. On the opener meditative "Champagne Poetry" the highlight only due to it's attempt at substance as it goes through Aubreys ruminations on love,fatherhood and drake staple:heartbreak. It offers a redherring in the form of a warning. Almost making the claim for a meditative old drake record circaUnfortunately bland. A senseless collection of stream grab insta worthy caption rap. On the opener meditative "Champagne Poetry" the highlight only due to it's attempt at substance as it goes through Aubreys ruminations on love,fatherhood and drake staple:heartbreak. It offers a redherring in the form of a warning. Almost making the claim for a meditative old drake record circa "views"&"take care" but executes a somehow emptier "Scorpion ". The 2nd track "Papi's home" offers another blank assessment of heartbreak reaching an all time low at "supermodel's and they're all sexy" contradicting his own 'hopes' of domesticity. The record continues to hit commercial genre cliches in his discography. From tired 40 outros and beats that could fit comfortably in a 16yr olds soundcloud. I'd speak about other songs on the record if they didn't blend into each other so unfortunately. All in all im not dissapointed because to be disspointed might suggest elevated expectations which since the meme cover reveal or string of disappointing post "More Life" releases,haven't existed. Expand
  50. Sep 4, 2021
    Donda > CLB Every day
    Casual Drake nothing else
    I'm sure this album will be one of the most overrated album ever.
  51. Sep 3, 2021
    I think of all the albums Drake has dropped nothing has topped Nothing was the same. He's been just gliding on tracks cause he knows it'll sell no matter what
  52. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Honestly, it's boring to me. Literally nothing new... Maybe he should experience a little more... IDK but that's just my opinion. Expand
  53. Sep 5, 2021
    Same old formulas that Drake has been using for a while. Feels void of inspiration or an artistic vision.
  54. Sep 6, 2021
    in the words of Drake's
    "IM UPSET"
    disappointed is not even begins to describe how i feel about this Drop.
    CLB makes Scorpion sounds like album of the Decade
    WTF happened
  55. Sep 3, 2021
    Yikes this might as well been the same track for the entire album. Drake has not dropped a good project since IYRTITL
  56. Sep 3, 2021
    Absolutely disgusted by the title and album cover and the meaning. Basically a celebration of not only promiscuity but an album cover of many different pregnant woman who would ultimately give birth to fatherless children which is the biggest plight facing black americans today. What a shameful thing to promote.
  57. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake and Kanye should retire from music so should most men in the music industry. If you want to cleanse your ears after hearing this, listen to Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus!
  58. Sep 3, 2021
    Genuinely the worst album I've ever heard in my entire time on this planet. Hope Drake somehow unreleases this, Chance the Rappers latest album was better than this.
  59. Sep 3, 2021
    Mid asf album, 0/10 i cant listen to it without my ears bleeding
    even the good asf ft's couldnt save this piece of ass.
  60. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ué??? Não era esse álbum que ia surrar o donda? Tô ainda tentando achar a surra que esse album com conceito machista e com o r.kelly creditado deu no donda. Expand
  61. Sep 3, 2021
    “FAST FOOD MUSIC” This is what describes Drake’s music the best. Every song on this album follows a “Radio-friendly” “Hit” “TikTok” formula. He doesn’t take any creative risk. The album cover art by Damien Hirst is absolutely garbage, Kanye West’s Donda album cover (which is literally a black square) being miles better than whatever this was. Also, R. Kelly’s on here.
  62. Sep 3, 2021
    drake this was not it im really dissapointed nothing special sounds the same
  63. Sep 3, 2021
    That **** was trash. IMO……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  64. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake just keeps coming out with the same boring never evolving albums to keep his fan base broad because all he cares about is money. So therefore he makes shallow music.
  65. Sep 3, 2021
    Esse é o pior álbum da discografia do drake, ele quis repetir a fórmula de "scorpion" e parece que saiu tudo no automático
  66. Sep 3, 2021
    Wtf what this?? THE MOST GENERIC ALBUM OF ALL TIME. So much hype for nothing!
  67. Sep 3, 2021
    This is really awful and boring at the same time just like all his 3 previous albums.
  68. Sep 4, 2021
    Total garbage, drake is a talentless turd! I could slice together a recording of my own farts in the morning and it'd be better listening than this piece of crap album.
  69. Sep 3, 2021
    Album itself is just utterly boring. Yawn fest. Granted, The name of the album and cover should have been forewarning enough of the expected quality of the music. Shockingly bad. Drake should have known better, this is his worst work yet..
  70. Sep 3, 2021
    this is his worst album. all songs are the same and boring. drake has become an artist who doesn't bring new things anymore.
  71. Sep 5, 2021
    nem escutei e ja sei que é uma porcaria! stream plastic hearts by miley cyrus.
  72. Sep 3, 2021
    Every song had the same tune.. there were a few good songs but majority were boring.. Jay Z’s verse was amazing but that is pretty much it.
  73. Sep 3, 2021
    If I want to hear someone in their mid 30’s cry about failed relationships I’ll go on Xbox live.
  74. Sep 5, 2021
    Não há nada de novo nesse álbum. É cansativo e doloroso auvi-lo até o fim. Esperava bem mais do Drake
  75. Sep 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don’t get the hype whatsoever? This sounds like any of his last 3 efforts and y’all continue to support him? There’s no growth, versatility..and it’s not even that good. Expand
  76. Sep 3, 2021
    just awful. so disappointed. I literally fell asleep while listening to this. sorry but man, I'm unstanning u.
  77. Sep 5, 2021
    I have never fallen asleep listening to something in my life but I guess there's a first for everything
  78. Sep 3, 2021
    Lazy Album, Drake doesn't come as evolved or as energetic. The album seems like a previous album, with no sense of creativity, which is disrespectful for the fans.
  79. Sep 4, 2021
    **** pop album Donda sucked but after hearing CLB I find Donda a musical masterpiece
  80. Sep 4, 2021
    Literally sounds like his last three albums. Don't go into this expecting anything new. DJ Akademiks falling asleep on live while listening to it is evidence enough, the whole album was boring. Worst Drake album of all time
  81. Sep 3, 2021
    This album is just so bland and boring, we’re facing a Scorpion 2, just not fun and not quality music
  82. Sep 3, 2021
    Boring and predictable, a typical Drake album absolutely nothing to write home about.
  83. Sep 3, 2021
    When i see the score i thought it was because of te beef with kanye then i listen to de album and holly **** is bad, i really was expecting more, jay z is the best thing in this album.
  84. Sep 4, 2021
    VERY BORING!!! drake continues to realise underwhelming music. the only reason he breaks record id because his name is drake.
  85. dzk
    Sep 3, 2021
    Disappointment is the best I can describe this. Is this really what we were waiting for
  86. Sep 3, 2021
    A continuation of Drakes exponential decline in quality that started with views.
  87. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Drake's worst job so far. An album without coherence, with very basic and repetitive lyrics, does not convey anything. Wasted collaborations. He doesn't dare to take risks, so listening to the full album becomes monotonous and very boring. Expand
  88. Sep 3, 2021
    Yeah this was just booooring af…? All the hype for this?? Too long, some really cringe bars, all songs sounds like fillers
  89. Sep 3, 2021
    Nothing was the same to everything sounds the same. No growth in the last 3 years and even bringing old flows like from “Lord Knows” we in 2021 already Drizzy!
  90. Sep 7, 2021
    Músicas ruins e genéricas como só ele sabe fazer não entendo como a crítica conseguiu avaliar essa bomba radioativa com um verdinho, mas pra falar a verdade eu imagino que o Drake tenha passado o cheque assim como tudo que envolve a música dele tem dinheiro por trás pq só assim ele consegue ter sucesso e algo pra se orgulhar que são os Charts e não entendi o auê todo com o donda pq no cblMúsicas ruins e genéricas como só ele sabe fazer não entendo como a crítica conseguiu avaliar essa bomba radioativa com um verdinho, mas pra falar a verdade eu imagino que o Drake tenha passado o cheque assim como tudo que envolve a música dele tem dinheiro por trás pq só assim ele consegue ter sucesso e algo pra se orgulhar que são os Charts e não entendi o auê todo com o donda pq no cbl também tem um estuprador condenado creditado em uma das músicas e ninguém fez esse auê todo como foi com o donda, vcs querem muito é uma pika no cu de vcs com essa seletividade toda e por fim vou pontuar um oldy: Donda é melhor e maior que qualquer coisa que o Drake tenha ousado em fazer na indústria musical, bjs da painho. Expand
  91. Sep 7, 2021



  92. Sep 3, 2021
    Average drake album, most songs sound the same with lots of mid but with a couple of tiktok bangers it will get a ‘pass’ but highly disappointing album, still his best work since views
  93. Sep 4, 2021
    0 out of 10. Worst album I’ve ever heard. Drake, make better music or don’t drop music at all. This is pure garbage and I miss the person I was before I heard this. So much hype for such mediocre songs. Drake needs to be stopped. Anyways stream DONDA, a real masterpiece.
  94. Sep 3, 2021
    Very boring album. Probably one of drake's worst ones. Plays it safe and every track sounds the same..
  95. Sep 3, 2021
    Another album for tiktok, Drake couldn’t fit all this collabs, he could do an another aoty but only did one more album
  96. Sep 3, 2021
  97. Sep 3, 2021
    The most overrated artist of all time. His last good album was a decade ago.
  98. Sep 3, 2021
    I was hyped for this album, Donda dropped and that was a masterpiece so i thought CLB would also be a masterpiece but this album made me fall asleep. I have never been this bored listening to Drake music. Well it's back to Donda now after the first day of CLB dropping.
  99. Sep 3, 2021
    literally one of the worst albums i've ever listened, **** so boring and repetitive
  100. Sep 3, 2021
    Literally sounds like his last three albums. Don't go into this expecting anything new. DJ Akademiks falling asleep on live while listening to it is evidence enough, the whole album was boring. Worst Drake album of all time

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 19, 2021
    It’s beige, hollow music and that’s what ultimately frustrates your dedicated rap listener because it doesn’t make sense why it’s so damn popular. When you throw the poor writing on top of this, and some real hit-and-miss production into the mix, “Certified Lover Boy” may well be Drake’s worst album.
  2. Sep 13, 2021
    Drake comes across as an artist who’s bought into his mythos and persona a bit too ardently. ... The production on Certified Lover Boy is svelte yet airless, filled with lots of solemn piano lines and muted snares but absent of big flourishes or attempts at pop crossover. It’s an approach that’s likely aiming for tasteful restraint, but the effect is languid and rather directionless.
  3. Sep 13, 2021
    Things start promisingly with the undulating Champagne Poetry dextrously reflecting on loneliness (“career is going great, but now the rest of me is fading slowly”), while Papi’s Home recalls early Kanye, of all people, with its sped-up samples and laid-back flow. Later, however, that playfulness calcifies into headline-grabbing stunts. ... This is an album destined to be filleted for various #mood playlists, anchored only by its creator’s untouchable fame.