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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 1158 Ratings

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  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Only 2 songs that are okay:

    No friends in the industry
    Fair trade (even though Travis messed it up)

    Such a let down of an album.
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    Its trash, songs are boring and features were not that good but it is what it is Donda is better
  3. Sep 3, 2021
    drake can do way better than this. Had really high expections from this but..
  4. Sep 3, 2021
    Super over hated album already. People are comparing to Donda. But in reality, this album is just better. The features are better, it’s more structured and it just sounds better. People love to hate on drake but will be calling this album great in a year.
  5. Sep 4, 2021
    Don't listen at 8am on your phone. Turn it up! Some songs could get cut for sure, but some songs can be listened to like 10 times back there are just so many barz. Another Drake album where he feels the pressure to appeal to everybody, and the arrogance to appeal to nobody in particular either.
  6. Sep 4, 2021
    Another Classic from the 6️⃣ god. Sad it’s getting reviewed bombed by a bunch of Ye stans.
  7. Sep 4, 2021
    The beats represent the song and vocals very well, great sounding vocals, amazing features, incredible lyricism. Don’t hate, 10/10 album.
  8. Sep 3, 2021
    Meh. It’s an okay album. Not bad. Good at times. Not amazing. Same old Drake we’ve been hearing for almost a decade now.
  9. Sep 3, 2021
    Esse é o pior álbum da discografia do drake, ele quis repetir a fórmula de "scorpion" e parece que saiu tudo no automático
  10. Sep 3, 2021
    His worst album so far! Making it free in Spotify for a week was just too desperate
  11. dzk
    Sep 3, 2021
    Disappointment is the best I can describe this. Is this really what we were waiting for
  12. Sep 3, 2021
    A continuation of Drakes exponential decline in quality that started with views.
  13. Sep 3, 2021
    Trash! He’s so full of himself it’s actually kinda embarrassing lol. Anyways I wasted my time with this album don’t waste yours. For something that was delayed it felt rushed..? Everything felt the same. It was so boring. Normally he’ll drop some songs that aren’t too bad that are sprinkled in his albums but this was all bad. The ft. he had were decent I feel like but they couldn’t saveTrash! He’s so full of himself it’s actually kinda embarrassing lol. Anyways I wasted my time with this album don’t waste yours. For something that was delayed it felt rushed..? Everything felt the same. It was so boring. Normally he’ll drop some songs that aren’t too bad that are sprinkled in his albums but this was all bad. The ft. he had were decent I feel like but they couldn’t save this album. Expand
  14. Sep 3, 2021
    All of Drake's projects after Never Was The Same, it seemed like Drake had figured out the formula to endless bangers and radio hits. There's not a single song that is even sonically pleasing for more than a minute other than N 2 deep, and that song is not even that good. The bars are kind of corny and pseudo-deep, literally only good for Instagram captions. I'm really not digging thisAll of Drake's projects after Never Was The Same, it seemed like Drake had figured out the formula to endless bangers and radio hits. There's not a single song that is even sonically pleasing for more than a minute other than N 2 deep, and that song is not even that good. The bars are kind of corny and pseudo-deep, literally only good for Instagram captions. I'm really not digging this project at all, and I don't think I'm going to ever listen to any of these songs ever again. This was a very disappointing album and he is def falling off. Expand
  15. Sep 3, 2021
    Meh, was ok, but couldn't help but feel it was too similar to everything else he has done. IDK, but would be fair to say i'm a fair bit let down.
  16. Sep 3, 2021
    One of the worst albums of 2021 easily.. This is literally no match for Donda, there is nothing special AT ALL on this album, just the usual drake type song where he talks about how rich he is and how cool he is, except its 10 times cornier with all the Lover Boy things he has going on. This was one of the most boring albums I've ever heard. My ears are bleeding.
  17. Sep 3, 2021
    I expected there to be a few bangers that can act as a single, turns out all the songs are mind-numbingly bad, with the same beat, same flow while the features (Travis and Lil Wayne) did well they could not overcome those basic ass beats.
  18. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Same **** different year.

    Sus lyrics, same dead flow and this whole album is literally the most light skin thing you’ll ever listen to. “She said she’s a lesbian, I said me too” ????

    Seriously what the actual ****
  19. Sep 3, 2021
    Giving it a zero because it deserves. Blend, generic, washed out piece of bad music.
  20. Sep 3, 2021
    So many filler tracks. Unmatched with previous albums. Does not deserve to be released and feels like a rushed mixtape despite being delayed by 9 months.
  21. Sep 3, 2021
    No major hits on this one but The album serves the Lover Boy theme though.
    Cohesion is Good and the production is excellent. More features than usual for a Drake album that are also spot on. If you go to the Movies to watch a great Love story while expecting an action movie with Bruce Willis you shouldn't go in the first place. I expect good reviews on this one in contrast with Kanye's DONDA.
  22. Sep 3, 2021
    Mid asf album, 0/10 i cant listen to it without my ears bleeding
    even the good asf ft's couldnt save this piece of ass.
  23. Sep 3, 2021
    This pains me to say as an honest Drake fan, but this is probably the worst album that I have heard this year. There’s nothing that stands out or that pushes the boundaries of Drake’s music. Every song is either a generic Drake love song or about how he’s “at the top of the music game and no one can touch him!" Look, sorry Mr. Graham, but this album is an absolute DISASTER!
  24. Sep 3, 2021
    Expectations and hype. The two words you should avoid while waiting for a new release. I tried my best not to be hyped for this album, but it was impossible. Felt like it was a decisive moment on Drake's career after his last lacklust projects. Unfortunately he simply refuses to deliver once again. Out of 21 songs, I can remember 4 or 5 that actually have replay value. The rest make up anExpectations and hype. The two words you should avoid while waiting for a new release. I tried my best not to be hyped for this album, but it was impossible. Felt like it was a decisive moment on Drake's career after his last lacklust projects. Unfortunately he simply refuses to deliver once again. Out of 21 songs, I can remember 4 or 5 that actually have replay value. The rest make up an uninspiring and unoriginal body of work that could have been recorded by any generic artist out there. There was a time when Drake felt relevant and important to the music industry. Can't say whether that time is at an end or if it's just a long hiatus, but if you're looking for classic bangers and songs that will stick with you in the long run, you won't find them here. Maybe next time... Expand
  25. Sep 3, 2021
    Im dissapointed in what Drake did I feel like in 1 hour and 40 minutes Drake did not have single good bar.
    Beats are good but I still almost fell a sleep when Drake was rappin.
  26. Sep 3, 2021
    certified minor lover.
    another crappy record from alleged artist that doesnt write his own lyrics. perhaps texting underage girls **** him up, who knows.
  27. Sep 3, 2021
    1 good song and 3 decent. Every else was a complete waste of time and precious AirPod battery. I’d rather listen to a ten hour loop of a kid screaming in Walmart than listen to this absolutely **** album. Drake is and always has been trash
  28. Sep 3, 2021
    truly his best work since 2015. the negative reviews are just people who want change. this man has been running a decade with "no change" okay
  29. Sep 3, 2021
    No es lo mejor de Drake, pero para los estandares de 2021 es el mejor disco del año hasta la fecha, se defiende y logra hacer lo que sabe.
  30. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album brought back a drake who does R&B like no one else. It remembers part of the beginning of your career and that is very good. Perfect rhymes and sounds. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 19, 2021
    It’s beige, hollow music and that’s what ultimately frustrates your dedicated rap listener because it doesn’t make sense why it’s so damn popular. When you throw the poor writing on top of this, and some real hit-and-miss production into the mix, “Certified Lover Boy” may well be Drake’s worst album.
  2. Sep 13, 2021
    Drake comes across as an artist who’s bought into his mythos and persona a bit too ardently. ... The production on Certified Lover Boy is svelte yet airless, filled with lots of solemn piano lines and muted snares but absent of big flourishes or attempts at pop crossover. It’s an approach that’s likely aiming for tasteful restraint, but the effect is languid and rather directionless.
  3. Sep 13, 2021
    Things start promisingly with the undulating Champagne Poetry dextrously reflecting on loneliness (“career is going great, but now the rest of me is fading slowly”), while Papi’s Home recalls early Kanye, of all people, with its sped-up samples and laid-back flow. Later, however, that playfulness calcifies into headline-grabbing stunts. ... This is an album destined to be filleted for various #mood playlists, anchored only by its creator’s untouchable fame.