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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 1158 Ratings

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  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Very repetitive and boring album, carried by production at points. Some features come through but drake throughout the project to me is lackluster
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    This album might as well be called Scorpion 2. Very bland and boring with some decent features saving the day. It’s nothing too bad to listen to just nothing special enough that rewards the hype towards the Album. Meh.
  3. Sep 3, 2021
    this album is so boring and underwhelming.
    i mean it’s drake what do you expect.
    maybe like 3 out of the 21 songs were good.
  4. Sep 3, 2021
    Not the best album of his. not many good beats and slow flow on most of the songs
  5. Sep 3, 2021
    After three listens, the only good song is Papi’s Home, and even that one is way too embarrassing to put in any of my playlists. I can’t believe I sat through the I’m Too Sexy song three times on my own volition, but even worse was the realization that I’m now cursed to coexist with its inevitable meme status for the next few weeks.
  6. Sep 3, 2021
    Lazy and disappointing, wouldn’t expect this from such a long wait and anticipation, akademics reaction says it all.
  7. Sep 3, 2021
    I guess drake had a contract obligation to release an album because this is absolute dogsheet.
  8. Sep 3, 2021
    More like certified garbage. Every song on the album is the same. I feel like Drake isn't even trying at this point.
  9. Sep 3, 2021
    I don’t really like the album, also disappointing that Nicki didn’t have a verse.
  10. Sep 3, 2021
    Boring and not good, this is definitely one of drakes worst studio album with his flows over melodic beats being at best predictable and descent and at worst, blue face level of offbeat. About 4 out of the 21 songs are the only ones that I can get behind and is the reason this rating is a 2.
  11. Sep 3, 2021
    This is yet another generic drake album. Same recycled sonic trajectory we get in every drake album. Feature selection wasn’t great as almost all of the artists featured have done better tracks with him before. Content was the most frustrating part as there was zero evolution and corny cringe inducing lines over. Don’t even get me started on the album cover.
  12. Sep 3, 2021
    oh look, another drake album that sounds exactly the same as everything else he has released over the last 6 and a half years or so down to the production and flows so disappointing

    Tyler The Creator made CMIYGL at 30, there’s no excuse for this dude to be so sonically stagnant.
  13. Sep 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. You’ll be listening to hot trash. Donda sucks too, but be prepared for Drakes biggest disappointment since scorpion. Expand
  14. Sep 3, 2021
    Repetitive beats with sub-par lyricism , a staple for drake music since 2015
  15. Sep 3, 2021
    Album doesn’t have a track to keep you engaged. Although it’s a long album it feels been longer with drawn out boring melodies . Might be good to put children to sleep
  16. Sep 3, 2021
    Same old nonsense from a Mans who music hasn’t evolved in almost a decade
  17. Sep 4, 2021
    Just drake being the same boring drake… I was hoping for something new. After listening to it twice I had to wonder how anybody could find this interesting. Drake must be thanking god for people with odd taste in music
  18. Sep 4, 2021
    Uninspired and repetitive. This is easily drakes worst album. The first listen was hard, the second was even more so, the third.... Well I was out like DJ Akademiks. Only about 4 songs worth listening too, the rest is a snooze fest of songs that sound like B sides from views. I should have judged this album by its cover.
  19. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. “Spoiler alert” if you haven’t listened to it yet, don’t. Mans on cruise control, been dropping music thats mid at best. Better off listening to donda Expand
  20. Sep 4, 2021
    Same thing as the last album, Drake sounding criminally repetitive. Unacceptable for a artist of this dimension.
  21. Sep 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive Wow I did not like this album. It was so boring and very repetitive rurhjrhrrhrhrhrhehehjee Expand
  22. Sep 4, 2021
    Drake has made the same album for the past 10 years and it’s getting inexcusable. Had a few catchy tracks but sounds more like a mixtape.
  23. Sep 4, 2021
    Boring trash. Same ish different day but this time more forgettable. I guess calling it certified lover boy was meant to be ironic. His music seems to pander to men more than women even if women don’t know it themselves. Pipe down has hints of misogyny- how much do I gotta spend for you pipe down?? How about $0? Too sexy was painful but of course it will get play bc it will have an overBoring trash. Same ish different day but this time more forgettable. I guess calling it certified lover boy was meant to be ironic. His music seems to pander to men more than women even if women don’t know it themselves. Pipe down has hints of misogyny- how much do I gotta spend for you pipe down?? How about $0? Too sexy was painful but of course it will get play bc it will have an over the top comic visual to distract ppl from just how terrible it was even if it was meant to be a funny reincarnation of the equally funny but less terrible Right Said Fred version. I was really excited about this release but was so very disappointed by the lack of growth and maturity. It’s not even good sonically. I’m still trying to get through it in one sitting but that is proving to be next to impossible. Expand
  24. Sep 4, 2021
    Only thing makin it not a zero is him dropping Life of the party, best somg he ever dropped
  25. Sep 5, 2021
    An amazing album ! One of his best albums to date. Drake never misses when it comes to his art !
  26. Sep 5, 2021
    Genuinely love this album!!!! It’s my fav project from him since NWTS. Definitely Aoty so far.
  27. Sep 5, 2021
    Amazing album, good beats and well crafted lyrics. Excellently produced kudos to 40 . Timeless album has that classic Drake sound that we've all come to expect so much better than that rambling Donda album from Kanye. Im so glad he's still making music this man is the GOAT! A lot of people hating on him on metacritic because of this reason thats petty S%^t. Interesting that the CriticsAmazing album, good beats and well crafted lyrics. Excellently produced kudos to 40 . Timeless album has that classic Drake sound that we've all come to expect so much better than that rambling Donda album from Kanye. Im so glad he's still making music this man is the GOAT! A lot of people hating on him on metacritic because of this reason thats petty S%^t. Interesting that the Critics give an honest review and the users just post some trolling biased junk which shows in the ratings, exactly opposite to the junk Kanye Donda album. Expand
  28. Sep 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 'Certified Lover Boy' is one of my favorite Drake projects to date and I've been a fan since before 'Thank Me Later'. I'll say this I don't feel like there is that one standout banger on this record, except maybe Way 2 Sexy or Girls Want Girls, but there are A LOT (somewhere around 10) of really good songs that are highly repeatable and are like lowkey bangers. Plenty of bravado, real talk, THE KANYE DISS, but less of the vulnerable Drake which kind of disappoints me but it is also a little refreshing at the same time. Solid project, great production of course, and to me this is his best album since 'Views' but I almost feel like its better than that even. He went from Degrassi to Drizzy to 'The GOAT' and this project just solidified his status as Legend. High praise for the 6god. Expand
  29. Sep 6, 2021
    better than donda. drake at another lvl rn. Album is very relaxing, its a lot of good rappers on it. Drake= GOAT
  30. Oct 13, 2021
    WE OFF THE GRID GRID GRID THIS ALBUM MID MID MID. jk its trash, drizzy is washed and this only got a positive score from the critics because hes lightskin

Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 19, 2021
    It’s beige, hollow music and that’s what ultimately frustrates your dedicated rap listener because it doesn’t make sense why it’s so damn popular. When you throw the poor writing on top of this, and some real hit-and-miss production into the mix, “Certified Lover Boy” may well be Drake’s worst album.
  2. Sep 13, 2021
    Drake comes across as an artist who’s bought into his mythos and persona a bit too ardently. ... The production on Certified Lover Boy is svelte yet airless, filled with lots of solemn piano lines and muted snares but absent of big flourishes or attempts at pop crossover. It’s an approach that’s likely aiming for tasteful restraint, but the effect is languid and rather directionless.
  3. Sep 13, 2021
    Things start promisingly with the undulating Champagne Poetry dextrously reflecting on loneliness (“career is going great, but now the rest of me is fading slowly”), while Papi’s Home recalls early Kanye, of all people, with its sped-up samples and laid-back flow. Later, however, that playfulness calcifies into headline-grabbing stunts. ... This is an album destined to be filleted for various #mood playlists, anchored only by its creator’s untouchable fame.