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Generally favorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 41
  2. Negative: 8 out of 41

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  1. TylerB
    Nov 22, 2008
    This is NOT Queen. It's not supposed to be Queen. It's an entirely new band, and the Cosmos do indeed rock.
  2. ClaudeS.
    Dec 22, 2008
    Don't compare it with the old band... this new combo is definately worth a listen. They do make the Cosmos rock.
  3. RobertP.
    Nov 16, 2008
    Don't believe a review you get from someone who gets a paycheck writing reviews((( what moron put Fallout Boy on the map??? note: C-Lebrity)))... This Album ROCKS!!! It was long awaited, and it is a gem for anyone who loves Queen and Paul Rodgers trademark sounds. Together they have accomplished the very thing no one believed was possible. This collection is thoughtful in the Don't believe a review you get from someone who gets a paycheck writing reviews((( what moron put Fallout Boy on the map??? note: C-Lebrity)))... This Album ROCKS!!! It was long awaited, and it is a gem for anyone who loves Queen and Paul Rodgers trademark sounds. Together they have accomplished the very thing no one believed was possible. This collection is thoughtful in the songwriting to the past standards of an epic Queen Album..( Let's be honest.. there are a couple with Freddie that were pure formula hash until Innuendo....) This is crafted, and the Guitar and Drums parts are memorable, exciting and fun... Paul Has lent an excellent tone that should be radio friendly to American Audiences. The subject matter herein is eerily relevant to the News of the World for the November 08 edition...Give a listen...Enjoy.. Turn this up, and just drive. Expand
  4. JohnP.
    Nov 21, 2008
    HI: It's just music for God's sake said Freddie Mercury. Just look at all the former great bands that don't have it anymore, should I list them? Compared to the Pretty People crap that is out there this is a masterpiece, Long live Tonal Harmony!
  5. Joe
    Dec 22, 2008
    Paul Rodgers has long been a moving force (Free, Bad Company, The Firm, The Law, solo projects, etc.) that this is a surprisingly good fit for both Rodgers and Queen. No, he's not Freddie Mercury, nor is anyone quite as vocally unique as Paul Rodgers. Cosmos Rocks allows Rodgers to flourish and he's surrounded by a quality, creative and extremely talented group of musicians. Paul Rodgers has long been a moving force (Free, Bad Company, The Firm, The Law, solo projects, etc.) that this is a surprisingly good fit for both Rodgers and Queen. No, he's not Freddie Mercury, nor is anyone quite as vocally unique as Paul Rodgers. Cosmos Rocks allows Rodgers to flourish and he's surrounded by a quality, creative and extremely talented group of musicians. Stop dreaming of a Queen without Freddie. Instead, imagine a reborn Bad Company with rich guitars, powerful musical arrangements, and outstanding vocals by Rodgers. Any fan of his voice will not want to miss this disc. Expand
  6. AndrewS.
    Nov 2, 2008
    This is not Queen, not Bad Company. It is something new and very cool. It is addictive rock and roll, and fresh but old school at the same time. Forget the critics. This band works.
  7. GeorgeB.
    Oct 31, 2008
    Ignore those elitist reviewers, this album is fantastic. I'm a die-hard Queen fan, and whilst this album was never going to live up to the likes of Sheer Heart Attack, Queen II and Night at the Opera, it is still a joy to listen to. Paul Rodgers isn't trying to replace Freddie, because I'm sure he knows more than anyone else that he could never be replaced. He's just Ignore those elitist reviewers, this album is fantastic. I'm a die-hard Queen fan, and whilst this album was never going to live up to the likes of Sheer Heart Attack, Queen II and Night at the Opera, it is still a joy to listen to. Paul Rodgers isn't trying to replace Freddie, because I'm sure he knows more than anyone else that he could never be replaced. He's just helping Queen, now Brian May and Rodger Taylor, continue the legacy left behind in Freddie's wake. Expand
  8. BelindaB
    Nov 21, 2008
    This would have gotten a 10 if it hadn't been for Warboys. I personally am not fond of that one. The rest, however, ROCKS!! I love this album and can't wait for them to tour state-side again!! I just saw the Ukraine concert, and they're even better now than they were in '06!!
  9. GrantL.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Great cd - nice guitar - great to hear new classic rock these days.
  10. IngieB.
    Nov 24, 2008
    I can see having a bit more interesting and mature lyrics on some of the songs, but mostly this album does rock, and swing and even has a bluesy feel. I really love the voodoo song, mostly because it
  11. Apr 8, 2019
    I think allout of people listen to this thinking its gonna be Paul Rodgers Brian May and Roger Taylor making a new masterpiece....well the thing is that they never wanted to make a masterpiece...this album is clearly Brian Roger and Paul having fun making new material. Saying this album is bad because its not Queen is probably coming from the same people who defend Hot Space for beingI think allout of people listen to this thinking its gonna be Paul Rodgers Brian May and Roger Taylor making a new masterpiece....well the thing is that they never wanted to make a masterpiece...this album is clearly Brian Roger and Paul having fun making new material. Saying this album is bad because its not Queen is probably coming from the same people who defend Hot Space for being different. Some of the best songs on the album would be Cosmos Rockin' , Still Burnin' , Call Me , Warboys , C-lebrity , Voodoo , Surf's Up...School's Out and Say It's Not True. The other songs on the album aren't bad but I just don't like them as much as the songs I mentioned above.
    Cosmos Rocks is bassicly a classic Rock n Roll song from the 60s-70s and its god damn awesome.
    Time To Shine is one of the weaker songs on the album in my opinion...It's just not as good as the next song on the album.
    Still Burnin' is the 2nd best song on the album... the song sounds good and I think the part where they play a bit of We Will Rock You about 2:47 mins into the song works really well...the chorus is just so good.
    Small is one of the slower songs on the album and i think the lyrics are a bit generic...
    Warboys is a really good song about soldiers going to war, you can hear explosions and people shooting around 2 mins into the song...overall the song is a really good song and i recommend it,
    We Believe is....the most generic song in this album in terms of lyrics...this song should have been taken out of the album and replaced with Take Love, a song only played live I think once...they said it would be coming to the Cosmos Rocks album but sadly never made it into the album.
    Call Me for me should be considered a classic by all means...the chorus is so catchy , everyone should listen to this song in my opinion...
    Voodoo is another good song and another one of the slower songs on the album..
    Some Things That Glitter is an okay song ...I dont really have anything to say about it...its an okay song...not good not bad
    C-lebrity favourite song on the album and i think its the best on the was the second single from this album. The song is about someone with no talents trying to become a's clearly a joke about celebrities with no talents or reasons to be celebrities other then why not...the chorus is super catchy , almoust as catchy as the one for Call Me.
    Through The Night is another okay song on the album ...the lyrics are okay and the chorus is meh...another song that could have been replaced by Take Love...
    Say It's Not True is the saddest songs on this album and one of the saddest songs made by Queen... its about AIDS...the song has some great lyrics and I think putting this song right before the heaviest song on the album was a bad choice.
    Surf's Up....School's Out is the heaviest song on the album and it's a kick-ass song...would have been the perfect end to this album but...
    small reprise....I mean its just a different version of Small....i don't know why they couldn't just choose one version and maybe work on finishing Take Love or making some of the weaker tracks a bit better...
    At the end of the day this album has some great songs and is worth a listen for both Queen and Paul Rodgers/Free/Bad Company/The Firm/The Law fans, I give this album a 9/10
  12. KeithA.
    Oct 31, 2008
    People, Freddie is dead! I mourned as much as anybody out there, maybe more. But let these musicians move on with their careers! It's not a bad album. No, it's not the Queen of old, but you've got to get over it.
  13. JohnB.
    Nov 17, 2008
    Once again people try to make something what its not. This is not a Queen album with Freddie Mercury! It is a good rock album with Paul Rodgers singing. The lyrics are a little lame at points but the musicisnship, vocals and songs are top notch. It kind of takes me back to earlier Queen, which for me is a breath of fresh air. Queen rocked prior to 1980. What this album needed was a couple Once again people try to make something what its not. This is not a Queen album with Freddie Mercury! It is a good rock album with Paul Rodgers singing. The lyrics are a little lame at points but the musicisnship, vocals and songs are top notch. It kind of takes me back to earlier Queen, which for me is a breath of fresh air. Queen rocked prior to 1980. What this album needed was a couple more "rocking" songs. It is a little slow (reminiscent of the Burning Sky era of Bad Company) but all in all its a very good album that I think is worth giving a couple listens. They're back and they sound great, lets not compare. Lets enjoy! Expand
  14. RobynD.
    Nov 22, 2008
    Ok. Enough about this not being "Queen" enough or "Freddie" enough for you. If you hadn't noticed, dear Freddie is gone. We all miss him. We all love him. Some of us worship him. However, there are still living members of the band remaining on Earth and those gentlemen are musicians. What they PLAY MUSIC. Is it going to be Queen? No. They are missing two Ok. Enough about this not being "Queen" enough or "Freddie" enough for you. If you hadn't noticed, dear Freddie is gone. We all miss him. We all love him. Some of us worship him. However, there are still living members of the band remaining on Earth and those gentlemen are musicians. What they PLAY MUSIC. Is it going to be Queen? No. They are missing two integral members. Paul Rodgers is a rock icon on his own. He didn't need to join with Brian and Roger to find his fame. This album is a NEW band for all three guys. It isn't Queen, it isn't Bad Co, it isn't Free. This is Q+PR. Let's judge it as if we never heard of Brian, Roger or Paul...not based on their past. The rock songs, do just that "Rock". Cosmos Rocks and C-lebrity have great guitar riffs and driving drumbeats. The bluesier songs have Paul's strong vocals and show a side of Brian and Roger that we haven't had opportunity to see before. Voodoo is definitely worth a listen, as is Still Burning. The song "Call Me" is the next sing-a-long hit at a Q+PR concert. "Small" shows a softer side and the vocals/lyrics are so engaging you find yourself hard pressed to not sing-a-long. This isn't a perfect album.. Are some lyrics a bit tired? What album have you heard that doesn't have a few tired lyrics? This is a great debut album from a new band. It is definitely worth listening to. Expand
  15. JeffH.
    Nov 3, 2008
    Since I saw Queen opening for Mott the Hoople in Memphis, TN on April 20, 1974 I've been in love with the band. I've read some pretty crappy comments about this album but I loved Freddy and I really like this album. I haven't seen any classic rockers putting anything out close to this, think about it!!!!
  16. jimd.
    Dec 16, 2008
    Been a long time coming...and even tho there is no freddie this band continues to rock ! don't think they have anything to prove to the public they play a blend of music to satisfy almost everyone a little blues a little lighthearted ditty and plenty of good guitar by brian....instead of a lot of noise that you see in some music we also get one with a message we need to BELIEVE in Been a long time coming...and even tho there is no freddie this band continues to rock ! don't think they have anything to prove to the public they play a blend of music to satisfy almost everyone a little blues a little lighthearted ditty and plenty of good guitar by brian....instead of a lot of noise that you see in some music we also get one with a message we need to BELIEVE in ourselves and make changes in that direction...we are indeed "small" in the global picture....react !!! Expand
  17. JesseS.
    Oct 31, 2008
    Roger and Brian continue to be great musicians and studio wizards.
  18. TG
    Oct 31, 2008
    What is wrong with good old fashioned Rock? Its not like there is anything out there better. I swear people just can't let go and have a good time anymore. Its rock and roll enjoy!! and let the Cosmos Rock.
  19. MikeMusicguy
    Feb 7, 2009
    I like Paul Rodgers and was very fond of Queen. I don't expect mensa lyrics but I want fun sassy and something great. The songwriting is appalling everything about it is trite and hackneyed. It tries to hard rock like old queen but second rate melodies, I really wanted to like it. Honest. It is awful. I didn't download a single song into my MP3 player I'd everwant to hear I like Paul Rodgers and was very fond of Queen. I don't expect mensa lyrics but I want fun sassy and something great. The songwriting is appalling everything about it is trite and hackneyed. It tries to hard rock like old queen but second rate melodies, I really wanted to like it. Honest. It is awful. I didn't download a single song into my MP3 player I'd everwant to hear again. Tie your mother down? Tie this crap to a raft and float it out to sea. Expand
  20. MarcosN.
    Oct 31, 2008
    Sorry but this is not the old Queen we are used to hear. Rodger's voice doesn't fit with the old songs, and to make him kind of be useful to the (new) band they had to try something different, and it didn't work. It sounds more like a bad Bad Company album than anything Queen ever did, even the worst stuff.
  21. MaureenP.
    Dec 18, 2008
    I think it is sad that a bunch of old men are trying to cash in on past glory with a completely pedestrain album - nothing memorable or extraordinary here. And they all take is so seriously - just the opposite of Queen's delightful tongue-in-cheek attitude toward rock music and life in general. Just grabbing at the cash cow that the name Queen brings them. And Paul Rodgers? His voice I think it is sad that a bunch of old men are trying to cash in on past glory with a completely pedestrain album - nothing memorable or extraordinary here. And they all take is so seriously - just the opposite of Queen's delightful tongue-in-cheek attitude toward rock music and life in general. Just grabbing at the cash cow that the name Queen brings them. And Paul Rodgers? His voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Do all rock groups (except the real Queen) have to feature bad singers as their frontmen? Expand
  22. IvanK.
    Dec 21, 2008
    I was expecting the intensity of Queen's older work, but this new album is a gray, muddy pool of slime. Call it a black hole.
  23. zippychimpzippychimp
    Oct 28, 2008
    I was the biggest queen fan growing up. I even bought all the solo albums from Freddie, Brian May, and Roger Taylor. This, however, is an abomination. Dumb lyrics, weak melodies...embarrassing. They are pissing on their legacy. On behalf of all Queen fans, PLEASE STOP!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 10
  2. Negative: 3 out of 10
  1. What an astronomically bad parallel universe. Queen's star is dead.
  2. As with a lot of The Cosmos Rocks, you listen to Warboys boggling that Queen--famously intelligent men--didn't at any point notice that the lyrics were stupid, trite, a bit offensive and bound to have an undermining effect on whatever musical efforts they put behind it.
  3. Mojo
    Occasionally they stumble, as on the clunky 'Warboys.' But with Rogers imperious, Queen's second coming is vindicated. [Oct 2008, p.100]