• Record Label: Caroline
  • Release Date: Jan 15, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Feb 16, 2016
    All in all, Curve of the Earth comes across a little on the self-indulgent side, and although most bands evolve and move on from past successes, over-complicating things can lead to that band losing their sense of character and identity.
  2. Mojo
    Feb 2, 2016
    A sense of growth, impermanence and yearning runs through these songs. [Mar 2016, p.96]
  3. 80
    The album may seem short at only nine tracks, but there are enough ideas crammed into Curve Of The Earth to call it one of the most well rounded records of 2016.
  4. Jan 27, 2016
    Curve of the Earth wastes little time in setting the controls for the heart of the sun with the lead single "Telomare," a big, atmospheric blast of anthemic, mid-'90s stadium rock that segues nicely into the equally dreamy "Bombay Blue." From there things bounce back and forth between the bucolic and the sublime.
  5. Jan 26, 2016
    Apart from a few tonal blips (Taken By The Tide may well be a smuggled-in Band of Horses track, and 1985’s piano ballad proves an idling mid-point), Curve... is a remarkably slick experience.
  6. Jan 26, 2016
    Curve of the Earth isn’t a complete rebound--there are too many fumbles, too many eye-rolls. But in its fits of brilliance, Mystery Jets reclaim their throne as rock’s savviest copycats.
  7. Jan 22, 2016
    The influences are certainly varied, and harsher critics might suggest a lack of editorial control--a perfect example being Blood Red Balloon, which manages to recall both Grizzly Bear and Toto. Only Saturnine manages to resist the temptation to explode, and is the freshest track as a result (albeit with a guitar break that evokes Brian May). Regardless of such artistic concerns, it sounds like it may be the album to propel Mystery Jets to commercial success.
  8. Jan 20, 2016
    It’s the balance of maturity and melody that will keep you going back to this album. They’ve grown up, but then so have their fans. Let's just see where they go from here.
  9. 75
    The result is a lengthy cinematic suite of songs.... and in the rest; a record’s worth of epic, towering soundscapes built on sturdy prog and indie rock foundations.
  10. Jan 19, 2016
    Mystery Jets are old hands at this now--and while this offering doesn’t have the immediacy that classics such as ‘Two Doors Down’ and ‘Serotonin’ bring, it is a necessary record from a band that needs to work out where it goes from here.
  11. Jan 19, 2016
    With a natural ebb and flow, Curve Of The Earth is both a new departure for the Mystery Jets and their most consistent and rewarding album yet.
  12. Jan 15, 2016
    An incredibly accomplished effort from a band who have truly found their feet.
  13. Q Magazine
    Jan 14, 2016
    The meticulous arranged synths, crackling guitars and electronic glitches ensure the attention never wavers. [Feb 2016, p.114]
  14. Jan 14, 2016
    There are flashes of brilliance.
  15. Uncut
    Jan 14, 2016
    What the Jets might have lost in terms of their early quirkiness, they make up for in melody and emotional heft. [Feb 2016, p.78]
  16. Jan 14, 2016
    Curve of the Earth is an ode to the uncertainty of the quarter-life crisis that somehow manages to make that awkward entry into maturity sound bittersweet and beautiful at once.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Feb 2, 2016
    Beautifully constructed and atmospheric, Curve of the Earth feels like a soaring triumphant exploration, even in its more pained andBeautifully constructed and atmospheric, Curve of the Earth feels like a soaring triumphant exploration, even in its more pained and introspective moments. There are moments of meandering, and moments of reflection but ultimately its as much a cosmic ride as you can get by looking inward...
    My Best tracks: Bombay Blue, Bubblegum, Blood Red Balloon
    Full Review »
  2. Jan 17, 2016
    A pleasing album in the style of Coldplay, but not as cheesy or hyperproduced. Nice selection of tracks for an afternoon or a walk, but noA pleasing album in the style of Coldplay, but not as cheesy or hyperproduced. Nice selection of tracks for an afternoon or a walk, but no specific track stood out for me. Very competent band, but not enough juice to go mainstream I guess. Full Review »