• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Mar 30, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 120 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 70 out of 120
  2. Negative: 32 out of 120

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  1. Jul 2, 2022
    Damita Jo needed a lot to liven up her career after the personal disaster of All For You, and it certainly went down a similar road to All For You. Damita Jo can be tedious at times, but eventually, you'll hear the songs you'll know you'll eventually grow to love or to love em' instantly. But it took two years to record?! Damita Jo doesn't always sound like it did take that long to record,Damita Jo needed a lot to liven up her career after the personal disaster of All For You, and it certainly went down a similar road to All For You. Damita Jo can be tedious at times, but eventually, you'll hear the songs you'll know you'll eventually grow to love or to love em' instantly. But it took two years to record?! Damita Jo doesn't always sound like it did take that long to record, as most songs sound fast and over in a second. Expand
  2. EliotT
    Apr 16, 2005
    This album is nowhere near as good as any of her past work...I can see why the album needed controversy...
  3. bryana
    Aug 7, 2004
    this is another typical janet album. many songs, only few are good. this is not the type of album you cn play repeatedly without being cloyed. this one is overly sexual too. nice beats for sexhibition, island life, all nite, rnb junkie, and just a little while. but warmth and truly are bland. janet will never be my fave artist. and i expected more from such a big name.
  4. SamT
    Jun 14, 2004
    Well first of all, I would like to say that I love Janet as much as one of her siblings would if not more and I love her music---BUT.....I am so glad that I named my first daughter, Justice and not Damita Jo, because I would have regretted it after hearing this album. I know Janet is one of the best--(the best in my book) singer/songwriter/dancer/actress/performer/etc. but I have a 6 year Well first of all, I would like to say that I love Janet as much as one of her siblings would if not more and I love her music---BUT.....I am so glad that I named my first daughter, Justice and not Damita Jo, because I would have regretted it after hearing this album. I know Janet is one of the best--(the best in my book) singer/songwriter/dancer/actress/performer/etc. but I have a 6 year old little girl that I named Justice after Janet and I can not and will not let her listen to this album. My daughters--I have three--do not need to hear this stuff. I have talked about Janet to all my children and have expressed my love for her as a person/artist and now I can't say much at all to them. The last three albums have had too much filth in them and I think she should think about all of the young girls that are following her and how they look at her now. I would like to talk to Janet and explain this to her so that she will stop with all of the vulgarity and sexual songs and get back to upbeat, fun songs and some powerful ballads--this is what I look forward to--not porno on cd. Don't get me wrong--I love Janet to death but enough is enough. We could use another Rhythm Nation 1814 (ie. Fun Nation 2005) Expand
  5. SydneyC
    Apr 12, 2004
    I think this is a very sexy CD of which i like. But for a singer as Janet trying to compete with other singers, this CD will not do it. The first two songs she had release have been a mistake. She should release Strawberry bounce and then one she has the attention of music fans, she can follow up with some more slow and intimate. Damita Jo and All for You have been flop CDs in my opinion. I think this is a very sexy CD of which i like. But for a singer as Janet trying to compete with other singers, this CD will not do it. The first two songs she had release have been a mistake. She should release Strawberry bounce and then one she has the attention of music fans, she can follow up with some more slow and intimate. Damita Jo and All for You have been flop CDs in my opinion. I love Janet, but the only thing she can do to promote this CD and to get the sells, is chosing the right songs to release. There are only about 3 or 4 that could make good hits. I don't know why she just didn't make a single with her brother michael, that would have sold!!! Expand
  6. ChristopherL
    Apr 1, 2004
    Not up to par with Jackson's usual excellence. It's an album with trite lyrics, even more lame beats, that's preoccupied with sex. Let's hope this isn't a trend for her music. Bottom line: her first bad album since Dream Street.
  7. DrewD
    Mar 31, 2004
    Very disappointing for a Janet Jackson album. Janet has always been a pioneer with her work, but her latest album just shows us that all Janet can offer today, like the rest of what the media mostly offers today, is sex. I understand that Janet writes about what's currently happening in her life and I respect that. Still, her innovation in music and song-writing has faded which is Very disappointing for a Janet Jackson album. Janet has always been a pioneer with her work, but her latest album just shows us that all Janet can offer today, like the rest of what the media mostly offers today, is sex. I understand that Janet writes about what's currently happening in her life and I respect that. Still, her innovation in music and song-writing has faded which is evident through the lyrics in Damito Jo. Utterly depressing. Expand
  8. [Anonymous]
    Mar 31, 2004
    This ain't no rhythm nation

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. Strong and sensual.
  2. Without strong rhythmic or melodic hooks, the album's slow grooves blend together and Jackson disappears into the productions.
  3. At 22 tracks, "Damita Jo" has its fair share of hits and misses.