
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. While nothing on Dark Light Daybreak is mind-blowingly original, it's all very good, and each song only adds on to the effectiveness and beauty of the next, layering one upon another like the instruments themselves, and making a very solid, even great, album.
  2. Alternative Press
    Though lifeless songs such as "Estranged" still remind you of LeMaster's yawn-inducing past, the rest of Dark Light Daybreak suggests he should've stretched out like this a long time ago. [Nov 2006, p.200]
  3. The brilliant new album Dark Light Daybreak sees Now It's Overhead mixing the smoldering and beautifully layered guitar sounds from 2001's self-titled debut with the haunting synth-pop beats from 2004's Fall Back Open and taking them a step further by including more intricate melodies, polished arrangements and even grander guitar-scapes.
  4. Magnet
    On Dark Light Daybreak... Now It's Overhead cuts back on its former haze to graze in cleaner pastures. [#73, p.103]
  5. For an album with such a diverse sound palette, it spends too much time in one mode-- sincere, mid-tempo grandeur-- to be more than another solid, perfectly listenable album.
  6. Urb
    This album pays less attention to the club lights and feels more clubbed over the head emotionally. [Sep 2006, p.136]
User Score

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. BigTomCasual
    Dec 7, 2006
    Yeah, I'm not sure what is up with the backlash against this album. I'm very picky about what I listen to, and yet there are Yeah, I'm not sure what is up with the backlash against this album. I'm very picky about what I listen to, and yet there are multiple tracks on this album that I can NOT get enough of. If you like catchy tunes that don't treat you like you're an idiot - check this out. Full Review »
  2. ChristineR.
    Sep 29, 2006
    Possibly not as enticing as 2004s Fall Back Open (would that be because we don't hear Maria Taylor & Orenda Fink as much as we used to?) Possibly not as enticing as 2004s Fall Back Open (would that be because we don't hear Maria Taylor & Orenda Fink as much as we used to?) but still GORGEOUS album full of hummable tunes (don't believe the reviews!) AND moody atmospheres... Not a step forward, but a great step sideways... Full Review »