• Record Label: Sire
  • Release Date: Sep 27, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 92 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 73 out of 92
  2. Negative: 17 out of 92

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  1. Jacob...
    Oct 1, 2006
    Not HIM's best CD. it is filled with 2 of there best singles. "Join me" is still (to me) there best work. The United States just dosnt like HIM because it was never shown to us. Now i hope a new Generation of people will come to love it like I do.
  2. minzem
    Dec 3, 2005
    very good album!liked heavy riffs!
  3. ChristinaL
    Dec 1, 2005
    This CD kicks ass. It is the best yet. I cant help but listen to this CD over and over again.
  4. KaylaD
    Dec 5, 2005
    This is not one of HIMs best albums yet and I think inspires the emotional sides of most goths out there today. It says that you can still be emotional and romantic, but dark and diabolical at the same time.
  5. chipa
    Nov 18, 2006
    It's about time a band conveyed itself outside the ideals of such a compromising society. This is a clear example, existence of mere talent at it's best. And I happy to realize that they are the first Finnish band ever to go gold in the U.S.. Well, it goes to show that critiques don't know squat when it comes to music; for bellowing this autominous sound.
  6. AN
    Apr 20, 2006
    The Best!
  7. TrentonJ
    May 20, 2006
    I've been a HIM fan for almost 2 years now and I must say, this isn't their best cd, but it's better that any other cd from a nother band
  8. SandyO
    Jun 20, 2006
    really great ablem
  9. jakec
    Jun 24, 2006
    him are the best band in the world ever
  10. JillP
    Jul 13, 2006
    come into the heartagram
  11. IvonaZ
    Aug 22, 2006
    my favourite is razorblade romance but i'd give them 10 for each and every one of their albums...i admire ville for the stile he uses while writing songs and i just love his voice...
  12. iowahimlover
    Sep 30, 2006
    HIM is wonderful. Why is it that if the album isn't ear shattering or has endless drum and guitar rifts its no good. If people just took the time to LISTEN with their ears and heart they would see and HEAR the beauty in the music. At the very minimum, you can actually understand what is being said. Unlike some other metal bands. The average person feels like they are being blasted by HIM is wonderful. Why is it that if the album isn't ear shattering or has endless drum and guitar rifts its no good. If people just took the time to LISTEN with their ears and heart they would see and HEAR the beauty in the music. At the very minimum, you can actually understand what is being said. Unlike some other metal bands. The average person feels like they are being blasted by the noise and undecernable vomit emiiting from the vocalist. If you don't like HIM and their music, just don't listen and quit complaining. Let those of us who enjoy them, ENJOY them, period. Expand
  13. VenusDoom
    Apr 1, 2009
    This album blew me away!
  14. Jeremy
    Nov 10, 2005
    They're incredible. If you disagree go to a concert and deal with their fans.
  15. KristinaA
    Nov 6, 2005
    I think the album is GREAT!! I had the pleasure of seeing H.I.M live last night in St. Pete. Was as equally great as the album. Wish the guys well in the U.S. so I can see them again.
  16. ChrisH
    Dec 14, 2005
    Once again the critics have got it wrong this is the first time i heard HIM now i love them, no offence but you need new critics only the real people seem to know what they are on about
  17. BrittaniJ
    Dec 1, 2005
    Beautiful!!! I love it! Ville has an amazing voice! Such a great singer!
  18. AmandaN.
    Dec 21, 2005
    This album is beautiful! Those other people like John S who said that Ville needs to be shot I guess listens to horrible music like Ashlee Simpson, Rappers, and Madonna. So they must have brainwashed him. Those people need to be shot with a tranq gun to rest their poor poisoned brains that are full of that horrible music. At least Ville sings beautifully and doesn't sing about people This album is beautiful! Those other people like John S who said that Ville needs to be shot I guess listens to horrible music like Ashlee Simpson, Rappers, and Madonna. So they must have brainwashed him. Those people need to be shot with a tranq gun to rest their poor poisoned brains that are full of that horrible music. At least Ville sings beautifully and doesn't sing about people getting shot, raped, and the likes. This album is one of the best, along with his other albums; Greatest Lovesongs vol. 666, Love Metal, Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights, Razorblade Romance, and the cd collections. Oh and P.S. At least Ville can sing unlike *cough* Ashlee Simpson, and Rappers Expand
  19. dustinm
    Dec 5, 2005
    i love this cd it is a true example of ville at his best
  20. [Anonymous]
    Oct 26, 2005
    HIM simply rocks!
  21. TristanL
    Dec 8, 2005
    Deeper, and more emotional than the other albums. Not as good as the classic and classy razorblade romance, but should entertain the kiddies.
  22. mindez
    Oct 29, 2005
    Very melancholic and heavy album
  23. KaraP
    Jan 1, 2006
    I'm a really BIG H.I.M. fan and I think every C.D. is wonderful and I think, being a Goth myself, the album shows that Goths aren't all 'I want to die!' But we're romantic, we care even if we really don't. You need better critics! I think you guys just found the ones that said bad/nuetral(so to speak) things about it. I guess that's why this is a I'm a really BIG H.I.M. fan and I think every C.D. is wonderful and I think, being a Goth myself, the album shows that Goths aren't all 'I want to die!' But we're romantic, we care even if we really don't. You need better critics! I think you guys just found the ones that said bad/nuetral(so to speak) things about it. I guess that's why this is a 'critic' website. Even though I prefer Razorblade Romance and how it shows you that Goths are Romantic and emotional, this shows a gentle, sweet side of Goths people rarely ever see! I think it's beautiful and You seriously need better critics. Expand
  24. katerid
    Jan 14, 2006
    it's no doubt their best album yet
  25. GaripS
    Jan 30, 2006
    Damn it people, how the hell can a H.I.M. album not have a full 10 rating?!?!?! The lady of my life dies for Ville Valo, so vote H.I.M. to the fullest and keep on Killing (your) Loneliness
  26. TahniG
    Feb 27, 2006
    HIM hasnt failed me yet. Their music is awesome i too wish it was longer. Now im just waiting for them to go on tour in the U.S
  27. anthonym
    Mar 13, 2006
  28. AmyT.
    Apr 8, 2006
    I agree with Garip S. HIM deserves no less than 10. Or 11.
  29. SusanS
    Aug 18, 2006
    HIM is the best band ever. Villes' vocal is really great. The lyrics is deep & personal. I love this band, still they've changed. I can't say this album is the best (I like RR the most), but I adore their music, for 3,5 years already. Russia loves you, gyus =)
  30. kristyvampire
    Aug 20, 2006
    I LOVE HIM!!!!!!! THEY F***ING ROCK!! i particularly like this album, not they're best but still sexy and deep. i havbe every album of they'res and I think they're storngest album would be RAZORBLADE ROMANCE. DARK LIGHT is good. I like it. I LOVE VILLE VALO!!!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 2 out of 10
  1. Spin
    Listening to this disc sorta gives new meaning to the phrase virgin sacrifice. [Oct 2005, p.142]
  2. A solid, if not wholly overwhelming album.
  3. Blender
    It's refreshing to hear a band approach the form's familiar imagery from a place of romance, not cynicism. [Oct 2005, p.138]