• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Nov 24, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 220 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 220

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  1. Aug 29, 2020
    um álbum lendário, assim como 'Hot Fuss' e 'Sam's Town', un álbum incrível!
  2. Dec 31, 2013
    The Killers have hit their peak with this album. I can't say enough about this entire beauty of songs. Especially "Spaceman" and "Human" a perfect combination of mellow tones, upbeat lyrics, an encore of terrific sound. A favorite of mine to work out to, and... Wow....I'm blown away
  3. Jun 4, 2013
    "Day & Age" reaches all its goals. I can't see any problem with this album and all the tracks have potential because they are excellent. This is good pop music, people. Enjoy it!
  4. Dec 15, 2012
    A great album filled with emotion. It's definitely different. In fact, some of the songs are just plain odd but this album has variety and is filled with songs that you'll love to play over and over again.
  5. Sep 26, 2012
    "A Dustland Fairytale" and "Spaceman" are almost 5* songs, the rest is a solid 4*. The album is just like the last album, one point better than its predecessor. It's their best album yet (yes, I heard Battle Born) and as it's slower and more quiet than they were before, it's also more beautiful. I really enjoyed this album and I'm going to here it more often by now!
  6. May 26, 2012
    This is my favorite Killers album, and one of my favorite albums in general. I think the songs have tons of emotion, energy and catchy lyrics to make them memorable. The introduction of the saxophone also adds a nice touch to several of the songs. The songs are also very well balanced with upbeat tracks and downplayed ones, but none of the songs every sound boring or out of place on the record.
  7. Feb 8, 2012
    I remember this split a lot of Killers fans - it was a lot different to the first 2 albums and definitely didn't rock as much. Still, I quite like this record and have to give the band credit for changing their sound here. Although it doesn't have the pop rock anthems that were to be found earlier in their career, it's still full of pop melodies and it will be really interesting to seeI remember this split a lot of Killers fans - it was a lot different to the first 2 albums and definitely didn't rock as much. Still, I quite like this record and have to give the band credit for changing their sound here. Although it doesn't have the pop rock anthems that were to be found earlier in their career, it's still full of pop melodies and it will be really interesting to see what they do for their fourth album due out in 2012. Expand
  8. Dec 16, 2011
    Great album! Their roots are still underneath the new grass they are growing of new songs. The Killers are the new U2 - only missing some lyrical components, but made up for with the sensational, memorable hits.
  9. Oct 19, 2011
    The Killers shortened it up for this album and made it clear that they're finally veterans in music. It is a very good album with an absolutely stellar final track
  10. Sep 22, 2011
    Once again, The Killers fail to disappoint. While Spaceman and Human are hit songs, the true fan will discover that all the other songs are quite good as well.
  11. Nov 13, 2010
    More synth-laden 80's-throwback pomposity from Las Vegas' not-so sin-cititzens; all of it overwrought, vacuous, vaguely ridiculous and subtle as the neon lights at the Glitter Gultch. Too bad then that it all sounds amazing. Resist you may the sweep of "Human", its bizarro lyrics (almost) masquerading as profundities, but when the chorus kicks into high gear and the synths pump the songMore synth-laden 80's-throwback pomposity from Las Vegas' not-so sin-cititzens; all of it overwrought, vacuous, vaguely ridiculous and subtle as the neon lights at the Glitter Gultch. Too bad then that it all sounds amazing. Resist you may the sweep of "Human", its bizarro lyrics (almost) masquerading as profundities, but when the chorus kicks into high gear and the synths pump the song so full of sound and energy that you're swept away with unexpected feeling, you too will submit to the Killer's unique brand of Rock/Dance/Pop/Glam Rhapsodizing. In a decade in which most male bands were to prone to confessional emotional cramping, a decade where earnestness supplanted subversion as the primary mode of expression in Rock N' Roll, The Killers remained a refreshing throwback to 80's uber-male strutting with a nod to the gender identity excesses of 70's glam, even if only in frontman Brandon Flowers' guyliner. Lachrymose sincerity can't compete in wild west glitz of the Las Vegas wonderland conjured up in Day & Age. Expand
  12. Sep 14, 2010
    Spaceman and Human are fantastic , Goodnight , Travel Well and A Dustland Fairytale are both beautiful but sad and the albums quirkier moments like Joyride and I Cant Stay are great fun summery songs.
  13. Aug 24, 2010
    The Killers, in my opinion, had their peak with album number 1, Hot Fuss. Then, a less amazing album number 2, Sam's Town. And now this; a worthwhile album, but fails to touch any of the brain cells that go "WOW! Now THAT'S a song!"
    Pick it up if you can, but don't have any insanely high expectations. We, as Killers fans, can only hope that they will rise again to produce another
    The Killers, in my opinion, had their peak with album number 1, Hot Fuss. Then, a less amazing album number 2, Sam's Town. And now this; a worthwhile album, but fails to touch any of the brain cells that go "WOW! Now THAT'S a song!"
    Pick it up if you can, but don't have any insanely high expectations. We, as Killers fans, can only hope that they will rise again to produce another masterpiece such as Hot Fuss.
    7/10. Why? Some great songs, but it doesn't seem to reach any new levels. While great for a chilled, possibly background listen, it doesn't seem to have filled its full potential as a Killers album.
  14. donalr
    Jul 23, 2009
    Fantastic. best album yet! strong statement for album of the year. tracks 1-9 are fantastic! goodnight isnt bad but a little boring! eben the bonus tracks are phenomenal!
  15. SuleimanM.
    May 18, 2009
    Up there with Hot Fuss, but not nearly as edgy as Sam's Town, nevertheless, The killer's latest offering is a fantastic edition to an already impressive discography. Day & Age is definitely worth picking up for fans of the Las Vegas band, and most certainly worth a listen for new comers.
  16. MateoG
    May 12, 2009
    Superb album! With the exception of Goodnight Travell Well, which is not a bad track, but is the weakest one on the album, a little boring, although it has great lyrics. Even the bonus tracks on Day & Age are amazing!
  17. ScottW
    Apr 30, 2009
    Flower's needs to steep up with the voice. Other then that a real gem. This 4th album shows that this band will be going for a bit yet. The band is great in a the same way The Cars was with their owned sound and could go places like this jazzy killer album did. Just as with The Cars though its the voice of that owns this band.
  18. BrianS
    Mar 24, 2009
    Day & Age is a fantastic album; fresh and interesting with great melodies and hooks. Yes, it sounds different and is weirdly beautiful pop music. The "weird" loops, as one reviewer mentioned, are hypnotically bold. Best album I've heard in a while. Personally, I'm enjoying it much more than Viva la Vida by Coldplay or No Line on the Horizon by U2, both bands that the Killers Day & Age is a fantastic album; fresh and interesting with great melodies and hooks. Yes, it sounds different and is weirdly beautiful pop music. The "weird" loops, as one reviewer mentioned, are hypnotically bold. Best album I've heard in a while. Personally, I'm enjoying it much more than Viva la Vida by Coldplay or No Line on the Horizon by U2, both bands that the Killers allegedly "aspire to become." I think the Killers have outdone both of those bands. Expand
  19. NeilL
    Mar 13, 2009
    It's quite simple: if you are a fan of breezy, radio-friendly synth-pop happiness, and have a penchant for deliriously spastic lyrics and instrumentation, this is an album for you. If this kind of ecstatic, well, synth-porn does not sound like it is for you, look somewhere else for your entertainment.
  20. PurpleTiger
    Feb 28, 2009
    I found Day & Age bizarre on first listen, interesting on second and catchy on third. It's unpredictable, often sounding quite adult contemporary - like if Phil Collins took a load of drugs and then tried to play the synth - but not altogether unpleasant. For all the glitz of Vagas rock, this album is more effortless than either hot Fuss or Sam's Town. After the fourth listen I found Day & Age bizarre on first listen, interesting on second and catchy on third. It's unpredictable, often sounding quite adult contemporary - like if Phil Collins took a load of drugs and then tried to play the synth - but not altogether unpleasant. For all the glitz of Vagas rock, this album is more effortless than either hot Fuss or Sam's Town. After the fourth listen the magic does seem to dwindle however. Expand
  21. KylieO
    Feb 27, 2009
    The Killers are amazing! Day and Age is a fantastic record. Every song sounds totally different from the next, so you are never bored, but they all work together quite well. Brandon's voice sounds glorious throughout, even better than it has on previous cds. My favorite songs are Joyride, Dustland Fairytale, and This is Your Life. However, I also think Goodnight, Travel Well is very The Killers are amazing! Day and Age is a fantastic record. Every song sounds totally different from the next, so you are never bored, but they all work together quite well. Brandon's voice sounds glorious throughout, even better than it has on previous cds. My favorite songs are Joyride, Dustland Fairytale, and This is Your Life. However, I also think Goodnight, Travel Well is very lovely, and I commend them for trying a song so different from what they usually do. Though I think Sam's Town is their best album, Day and Age is superb and I eagerly await their next cd. Expand
  22. Amy
    Jan 30, 2009
    I am a huge fan of The Killers even though this album in my opinion isnt there strongest but none the less it is great n when i listen to an album without skipping any tracks...it must be gd.
  23. PaulB.
    Jan 30, 2009
    Unbelievable strong album. Can't stop listening to it...day & night.
  24. MikeE
    Jan 11, 2009
    To be honest The Killers have never been that CD amongst my giant collection that wants to make me listen to over and over again. "Hot Fuss" was a great ice breaker for them. Really good hits, that were catchy and interesting sound to boot. "Sams Town" was some what disappointing. The songs did not flow in a coherent manner. I think of it this way, it's those art kids who take To be honest The Killers have never been that CD amongst my giant collection that wants to make me listen to over and over again. "Hot Fuss" was a great ice breaker for them. Really good hits, that were catchy and interesting sound to boot. "Sams Town" was some what disappointing. The songs did not flow in a coherent manner. I think of it this way, it's those art kids who take themselves too seriously and produce below average work but is complimented greatly by their singles. Apparently they have another album out which I have not heard so I guess "Day and Age" would be their 4th, please correct me if I am wrong. Now on to "Day and Age." I have NEVER ever listened to a Killers album this much. I think I am on my 15th round with it. All this talk about drama with Flowers, I am not up to par with what happened but feel free to do so. "Day and Age" provides a wide variety sounds that mesh very well. It's always a treat to hear the vox synthesizer appropriately mixed with some trumpets, saxophones, and ambient noises. To me every song is very catchy in its own way. Each song stands out individually but as a whole it seems like the perfect package. I am happy to say that my skepticism was put to rest and the results have never been this satisfying. Congratulation boys! You found that particular sound(s) and executed them perfectly. *applauds* nicely done! Expand
  25. NickS
    Jan 3, 2009
    A quite brilliant album, needs around half a dozen listens but then every track seems to come alive and will take over the next couple of months of your life, seriously!!!!! Well done once again to the guys from Vegas, keep up the excellent work.
  26. AlanL.
    Dec 27, 2008
    In what I consider to be a bad year for good music, and after not exactly being bowled over by their previous efforts (a few catchy songs and mostly filler), I found the growth displayed by The Killers on "Day & Age" to be astounding. A solid, creative, highly enjoyable album, and my pick for best of 2008.
  27. TroyP.
    Dec 13, 2008
    There are very few albums that I purchase that have me hooked consistently on each song. In terms of album quality and performance, I consider this the Killer's Knock Out punch, I smell Grammy's in the offing.
  28. FelipeP.
    Dec 6, 2008
    Amazing record! It´s a Pandora´s Box: Roxy Music, Duran Duran, Talking Heads, Pet Shop Boys, Queen, U2. They are all there with the Flowers´voice!
  29. StephenF.
    Dec 3, 2008
    These guys have a good sound, and they always manage to change up their style with every album released. This band's going to be around for a long time.
  30. MattR.
    Nov 30, 2008
    This album did not disappoint really good fun with some great tracks including spaceman this is a step away from the original killers music but nevertheless i really enjoy it
  31. osvaldop.
    Nov 29, 2008
    Brilliant and strange album, eleven perfect pop songs, old and new keyboards everywhere, the bassline Order is the King, an amazing voice is the Queen and all the glorious 80´s in your face!
  32. BrandonM.
    Nov 29, 2008
    It's weird, yet insanely good.
  33. JosephA
    Nov 28, 2008
    I'm pretty surprised; it's a lot different from Sam's Town. I like it a lot. It's slick and pop-y, the pretension has been dialed down a bit and the pallet of instruments and rhythmic styles have been expanded. A welcome move forward.
  34. PatH.
    Nov 27, 2008
    Awesome, very different album. Takes a few listens just like Sam's Town did, but it really grows on you. A few catchy songs and a bunch that take a bit but you start to love and only 2-3 that are only average in my opinion( out of 10 tracks plus 3 various bonus songs). Better than Hot Fuss, but not quite as good as Sam's Town, almost though. Give it a chance and it will be a 10 Awesome, very different album. Takes a few listens just like Sam's Town did, but it really grows on you. A few catchy songs and a bunch that take a bit but you start to love and only 2-3 that are only average in my opinion( out of 10 tracks plus 3 various bonus songs). Better than Hot Fuss, but not quite as good as Sam's Town, almost though. Give it a chance and it will be a 10 for you as well. Highly recommend this album. Expand
  35. JeremyH.
    Nov 27, 2008
    They forgot the musicradar and clash music reviews which both gave perfect scores, wtf.
  36. HELENA
    Nov 27, 2008
    Another great Album by The Killers who never disappoint. Brandon Flowers is a musical genius.
  37. EvanB.
    Nov 25, 2008
    When I first listened to this album, I was struck by how different some of the songs were compared to their previous releases. Though this is exactly the same thing I went through with Sam's Town and when I was first introduced to the band with Hot Fuss. Already I'm starting to listen to the songs more and more and respect them for moving into different areas than just When I first listened to this album, I was struck by how different some of the songs were compared to their previous releases. Though this is exactly the same thing I went through with Sam's Town and when I was first introduced to the band with Hot Fuss. Already I'm starting to listen to the songs more and more and respect them for moving into different areas than just constantly the same thing. I have not been disappointed by one of my favorite bands out there with their new release. It's as good as Sam's Town and as good as Hot Fuss, I can't wait to see what comes next from them. Expand
  38. CesarV.
    Nov 25, 2008
    The real question to anyone that is reading the user comments... Is it worth it, the answer is Yes. Now, is this a great album, No, but is it a solid and fun album to listen or own. Oh ! Hell Yeah ! ! ! Considering the fiasco of "Sam's Town" which really had some music critics saying why ? and left some fans in-between, as for me I consider it as one the greatest awesomely bad albums The real question to anyone that is reading the user comments... Is it worth it, the answer is Yes. Now, is this a great album, No, but is it a solid and fun album to listen or own. Oh ! Hell Yeah ! ! ! Considering the fiasco of "Sam's Town" which really had some music critics saying why ? and left some fans in-between, as for me I consider it as one the greatest awesomely bad albums ever made. Now going back to The Killers new album Day & Age, which opens up to a synth/sax rock song called "Losing Touch" that reminds you of a good early Talking Head, that by the time the chorus comes up, you already would want to play it loud and hard, then is the single "Human" that has a wonderful early NEW ORDER feel to it and third song "SpaceMan" that reminds you of that great song by David Bowie "StarMan," now you may be asking yourself why all the refrence and if they remind me of those artist, then what is the point to buy or listen to The Killers new album, the POINT, is that this group reminds you what we love about early rock and why we keep listening to our old records and why musicians today are going back then forward. The Killers with this and there first album "Hot Fuss" reminds you what we have been missing in rock for the last ten years..... Which is fun, romanticism and one hell of a good chorus to get addicted to ! Expand
  39. FarrellJ.
    Nov 25, 2008
    What a great album! It combines rock and pop pretty well and producer Stuart Price does the band a favor by balancing their (usually) dark lyrics with a more upbeat sensibility. If you hate pop or dance music, or consider Gwen Stefani's foray into pop after No Doubt as a "Sellout", then stay away from this album. Everyone else: give it a listen!!
  40. will
    Nov 25, 2008
    Wtf, uhhh, I don't really know what to think. They've switched their style up and it still sounds good. Not many have pulled that off.
  41. lordolunch
    Nov 25, 2008
    Im not gonna lie, it is kind of a strange album. But like most other albums by the killers it has 2 or 3 songs you will like alot and never touch the rest. "Human" is cool song I like a lot, and "Spaceman" is also pretty neat. "This is your life" is another song I liked too. It is certainly another great work by the killers, if you like them, the cds great.
  42. jakamarra
    Nov 25, 2008
    The Killers' best album. Perhaps not the brilliant excitement of Brightside or Somebody Told Me, but overall the consistency and variety is extremely satisfying. I love the first 9 songs and only find Goodnight, Travel Well to be a little boring. Until then this album is relentlessly happy, warm and fun. I Can't Stay will be a divisive song but it's one of the best The Killers' best album. Perhaps not the brilliant excitement of Brightside or Somebody Told Me, but overall the consistency and variety is extremely satisfying. I love the first 9 songs and only find Goodnight, Travel Well to be a little boring. Until then this album is relentlessly happy, warm and fun. I Can't Stay will be a divisive song but it's one of the best they've ever done (thoug be warned - it's very different). Finally - a Killers album I can adore (nearly) all the way through. Expand
  43. SebH
    Nov 25, 2008
    This is easily the best Killers album so far - maybe not as hit-laced as Hot Fuss, but at least 7 out of the 10 songs are perfect. They've turned a real musical corner - Brandon Flowers is an excellent lyricist, no matter what the critics say, and the band match his camp OTT style very nicely. His voice is so soothing and sublime - one of the problems with Sam's Town was the This is easily the best Killers album so far - maybe not as hit-laced as Hot Fuss, but at least 7 out of the 10 songs are perfect. They've turned a real musical corner - Brandon Flowers is an excellent lyricist, no matter what the critics say, and the band match his camp OTT style very nicely. His voice is so soothing and sublime - one of the problems with Sam's Town was the fact that his voice didn't keep up with the music, but here they fit each other brilliantly. And they might be slightly camp and gawky in most aspects, but that's the whole damn point of them! They're being deliberately and possibly ironically like that, which most critics don't seem to get these days - what a shame. My only advice is that, if you only like intense broody seriousness then don't waste your money on this album. But if you're a normal person then you will not be disappointed. Expand
  44. ToddR.
    Nov 24, 2008
    Shows great progress for the Killers cementing their place at the top of the alternative rock world.
  45. RobertH.
    Nov 24, 2008
    I totally agree with the critics. It's a true The Killers album, but nothing more.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 31
  2. Negative: 2 out of 31
  1. With neither the sugar rush of "Hot Fuss" nor the blustery thrills of "Sam's Town," this is the Killers' most beguilingly strange record. As an accurate reflection of its frontman, it succeeds handsomely.
  2. Too bad all that drama sometimes weighs down Flowers.
  3. 70
    They remain fascinated by heartland mythos, but by becoming more comfortable with their glitzy roots, they've actually found the pulse of something more authentic.