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Generally favorable reviews- based on 715 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 79 out of 715

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  1. WadeW.
    Sep 12, 2008
    A definite return to form. Bravo.
  2. LC
    Sep 13, 2008
    Metallica are back!
  3. TonyM.
    Sep 13, 2008
    This is easily their best work since ...And Justice For All and the best album of the new millenium. Old Metallica fans will feel right at home with that kick ass, in your face metal sound found on Death Magnetic. Kirk Hammet basically reinvents the speed metal guitar with some of his riffs and solos, and James's voice has changed a bit, yes, but I think it's for the better. If This is easily their best work since ...And Justice For All and the best album of the new millenium. Old Metallica fans will feel right at home with that kick ass, in your face metal sound found on Death Magnetic. Kirk Hammet basically reinvents the speed metal guitar with some of his riffs and solos, and James's voice has changed a bit, yes, but I think it's for the better. If you're a music fan in general, DO NOT pass up this album! Expand
  4. JohnD.
    Sep 14, 2008
    Great Album - love the opener and Cynide, maybe not up the with ...and Justice but I've had 20 years for that to grow on me - I've heard this album once and I felt like I was 20 years old again - this is Metaliica back at their best - Loved it!
  5. MadM.
    Sep 17, 2008
    I feel like i'm living in 1988-1991 again!! A welcome return. To fall in love with their new album most people will have to listen to it twice. For me, the first song That Was Just Your Life blew me away, it was as if they forgot to put it on ..And Justice For All. I listen to it every day and i'm still not sick of it. St Anger Who?
  6. RudyS.
    Sep 20, 2008
    I bought St Anger the day it was released here in South Africa, and gave it away 30 minutes after listening it, that was crud. I'm a fan of Load and Reload, as they have their own hidden gems. Death Magnetic is as everyone says not up there with MoP or Justice...but I think this is the first album Metallica can be proud of in a very long while! Really really really good!
  7. JasonP.
    Sep 26, 2008
    Iv'e been waiting 17 years its about time metallica comes back strong.
  8. ChrisK
    Jul 20, 2009
    Metallica's new album is sure to please those who were disappointed with St. Anger, as well as all other Metallica fans! Some great songs on here, with classic Metallica style guitar riffs and solos. Some of the songs do feel like they last longer than they should, however.
  9. ARipper
    Oct 11, 2008
    Best Album Since AJFA. Sounds Like The Metallica I Grew Up Listening To.
  10. KeithW.
    Oct 1, 2008
    Thank god, they are Rocking again.
  11. SCottD
    Oct 2, 2008
    This is the best stuff in a really long time. This should have came out after "....And Justice for All". People have wrote them off as sell outs. I am a long time fan from way back in the 80's. I was a harsh critic of St Anger. I am guilty of thinking they were done as a group. I will admit that I am way wrong on this. Death Magnetic is a real powerful. Its a return of the band that This is the best stuff in a really long time. This should have came out after "....And Justice for All". People have wrote them off as sell outs. I am a long time fan from way back in the 80's. I was a harsh critic of St Anger. I am guilty of thinking they were done as a group. I will admit that I am way wrong on this. Death Magnetic is a real powerful. Its a return of the band that for the most part invented speed metal. Sure there were a lot of British bands and some underground stuff but these guys wrote the manifesto of a new way of thinking of music. This is a brilliant step forward for them. Now they return as the gods of metal. Its time for these guys to show all these new generations of bands how to throw out the violence and power and make it work. "All Nightmare long", "Suicide and Redemption" , and "Cyanide" are way cool. Expand
  12. Jack
    Dec 3, 2008
    A return to their form best, this is Metallica at their thrash metal best. Bringing back the stripped down guitars, snare drums, and throaty lyrics, Metallica is back to kick ass.
  13. MetalL.
    Oct 27, 2008
    This album is the best effort from Metallica in 15 years. The guitars are where they should be and has many catchy riffs. Don't listen to the critics! Buy it and listen, if you're a true Metallica fan you'll agree this is the SH*T! They nailed it! You people who say Metallica is 40 somethings trying to recapture their youth obviously don't understand music. They are This album is the best effort from Metallica in 15 years. The guitars are where they should be and has many catchy riffs. Don't listen to the critics! Buy it and listen, if you're a true Metallica fan you'll agree this is the SH*T! They nailed it! You people who say Metallica is 40 somethings trying to recapture their youth obviously don't understand music. They are being themselves at 40. Most bands usually are not around at this point, and for sure not writing and recording like this! Set of horns from me! Keep~N~ it HEAVY!! Thanks Metallica! Expand
  14. TimJ.
    Oct 8, 2008
    Nice to see Metallica back on form with some music that has not left my cd player since its release. I'm not too keen on 'The end of the line' but that aside I love the rest of it deeply and there are a few songs that I just can't get out of my head. And 'My Apocalypse' is just perfectly, utterly METAAAL!!!
  15. JasonB.
    Sep 11, 2008
    Brilliant return to form.
  16. William
    Sep 11, 2008
    This is not Metallica's first four albums. Get over it. The best music the band has put out since 1990, in my humble opinion. Very good metal (albeit with a few glaring hiccups) that should put a smile on the face of any old school Metallica fan.
  17. JCL.
    Sep 12, 2008
    the best of the old and the newest metallica mixed in one album. Even do some people might have been disappointed by the three previous metallica albums (I never was), this chapter add a new dimension to Death Magetic, great album!
  18. MattW.
    Sep 12, 2008
    In the midst of a modern metal scene in which banality and recycled cliches are the order of the day, Metallica reminds devotees of the genre that it isn't impossible to make fast, heavy and aggressive music that also takes into account melody and vocal hooks. They have been masters of that art right from the beginning, (who doesn't get the riff from Seek & Destroy stuck in his In the midst of a modern metal scene in which banality and recycled cliches are the order of the day, Metallica reminds devotees of the genre that it isn't impossible to make fast, heavy and aggressive music that also takes into account melody and vocal hooks. They have been masters of that art right from the beginning, (who doesn't get the riff from Seek & Destroy stuck in his head after every listen) and have reverted to their old ways after the directionless abortion of an album that was St. Anger. Expand
  19. ArcariS.
    Sep 12, 2008
    Welcome back Horsemen!!!!!
  20. johnc
    Sep 12, 2008
    WOW Metallica is back sounds great cant wait till see them in Boston.
  21. DylanD.
    Sep 12, 2008
    A return to form. This album has everything an Metallica fan could ever want. Those who like post-Black Album will like Unforgiven 3, and those who like pre-Black Album will like everything, especially my personal recommendation, All Nightmare Long. Album did lag sometimes, but you quickly forget it. Metal Performance of the Year, my friends.
  22. ShaneJ
    Sep 12, 2008
    Best Metallica Album since ..And Justice for All. Ripping guitar's, hard drumming, its definitely not that piece of crap St. Anger. Favourite tracks include All Nightmare Long, Tommorrow never comes and Unforgiven III.
  23. JeromeV.
    Sep 12, 2008
    Best album since and justice for all . The band returned to their roots. Pitcchfork critic is a real bullshit about this album. This the one to get after all this years, fuck off if the men are older now.
  24. DanielA.
    Sep 13, 2008
    I don't know how could any Metallica fan complain about 'Death Magnetic', including the naysayers and whiners who have been calling them sell-outs since the video for 'One' was on rotation on MTV. It's indeed the best Metallica album since 'The Black Album', and to some it might not be superior to the '84-'91 era of Metallica, but I don't know how could any Metallica fan complain about 'Death Magnetic', including the naysayers and whiners who have been calling them sell-outs since the video for 'One' was on rotation on MTV. It's indeed the best Metallica album since 'The Black Album', and to some it might not be superior to the '84-'91 era of Metallica, but it's quite close. Metallica fans are getting back what they've been asking for through all these years, heavier riffs, louder snares, longer guitar solos, and James screaming his lungs out. A solid effort that puts Metallica back on the right track. Expand
  25. MarkM.
    Sep 13, 2008
    Thank you Rick Rubin for freeing Kirk Hammett--his solos have been sorely missed.
  26. whiplash
    Sep 13, 2008
    Big dose of metal. Actually the biggest since the 80's. This album is their best since AJFA. Great job Metallica!
  27. Talos
    Sep 13, 2008
    Epic riffs. Strong performance from James and Kirk goes ballistic. Energetic and brutal album which sounds like the band is having fun again. Best album since AJFA.
  28. BrianF.
    Sep 14, 2008
    The album does not disappoint me in any way. Great riffs and solos. The only thing lacking is the drums.
  29. EliecerN.
    Sep 14, 2008
    The music is excellent, but the production leaves a lot to be desired. Metallica did their homework, but not Rick Rubin. That´s why this album is not a 10.
  30. AaronK
    Sep 14, 2008
    Once again, Pitchfork Media has made me laugh, by again, giving the lowest score to a Metallica album, twice in a row. It was ridiculous when it gave 2003's St.Anger an 8/100. Now, don't get me wrong, St.Anger was not a good record, but it didn't deserve an 8. In addition to that, the score that it gave to that album and this one was FAR below what every other critic gave Once again, Pitchfork Media has made me laugh, by again, giving the lowest score to a Metallica album, twice in a row. It was ridiculous when it gave 2003's St.Anger an 8/100. Now, don't get me wrong, St.Anger was not a good record, but it didn't deserve an 8. In addition to that, the score that it gave to that album and this one was FAR below what every other critic gave it. Pitchfork also says in their review that Death Magnetic is "essentially St. Anger with better riffs". Now tell me, in what damn way was this album ANYTHING like St. Anger. That album's theme was anger, this album's theme is death. St. Anger didn't have solos, this one does. St. Anger used different tuning, drums, and song structures than Death Magnetic. All in all, this shows how naive the critics at Pitchfork can be. Bias much as well? Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Sometimes the album's mini-epics come off as we've still got it! stunts. But when it's working, the effect is like ceding your senses to a particularly well-engineered roller coaster in the dark.
  2. The best ones spit in the face of death; this album instead finds aging men trying to reclaim their youth.
  3. The musicianship feels thrillingly live throughout, and nimble new bassist Robert Trujillo helps, even though he's mostly heard as a distant, ominous rumble.