• Record Label: Partisan
  • Release Date: Apr 21, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Apr 20, 2017
    If you're in the market for an album that will summon the dark atmospheres, Death Song certainly delivers the goods, and it demonstrates that the Black Angels slowly but surely improve each time they go into the studio.
  2. 80
    On Death Song, their greatest strength is harnessing the aesthetic they’ve worked for more than a decade to refine, and it’s as rich and powerful as they’ve ever sounded.
  3. 80
    Death Song (their first album in four years and one whose title neatly appends their name to the VU classic that first inspired them) is their heaviest to date, a toxic draught of garage-rock and booming psychedelia that buzzes with echo and reverb.
  4. Magnet
    May 18, 2017
    Death Song isn't a wild step in any new direction but instead a grindstone-polished showcase of what the group does best. [No.142, p.52]
  5. Apr 19, 2017
    Death Song, their fifth full-length, is both unlike anything they’ve done before and also the most purely Black Angels album they have released.
  6. Apr 19, 2017
    Their most socially aware record yet. Whether they address political issues, genocides (both historic and contemporary) or anxieties caused by alienation or inability to cope with the overwhelming pace of the 21st century, the band smoothly blends the beautiful with the ugly. In between the loud, razor wired guitar attack you also get lovely picked chords or bouncy bass lines.
  7. Apr 21, 2017
    Death Song confirms there’s no end to the kinds of hurt and frustration that can be channeled into its cathartic music.
  8. Apr 17, 2017
    Pleasingly, following a hit-and-miss attempt to incorporate more whimsical strains of psychedelia into their sound on 2013’s Indigo Meadow, their fifth album marks a return to the threatening drones that made their first two so powerful.
  9. Jun 12, 2017
    All told, Death Song might be their finest hour.
  10. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2017
    The more spacious likes of "Comanche Moon" and "Life Song" suggest an ambition to nail a headline spot at the UFO Club, which may not boast much novelty a half-century after the fact, but can still elicit a contact high. [Jun 2017, p.23]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Apr 27, 2017
    The Black Angels have yet again burst out of obscurity with yet another haunting, hallucinogenically extreme garage rock record, with stabs atThe Black Angels have yet again burst out of obscurity with yet another haunting, hallucinogenically extreme garage rock record, with stabs at corruption and greed abound, as well as extreme wealth. Full Review »