• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: May 24, 2005
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Universal acclaim- based on 589 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 29 out of 589

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  1. Dec 3, 2010
    One of the greatest mix of music styles and imaginations - pleasant and disturbing, rough and smooth, apocalyptic and dreamy. Singles will make you feel fresh but whole album can leave huge mark on your attitude to modern music.
  2. GregB
    May 29, 2005
    AMAZING!!! Best Record i've Heard in Years. Danger Mouse is on fire these days, and Damon Albarn proves he is one of the best songwriters of our time. BRILLIIANT!!!!
  3. JonathanT
    May 29, 2005
    Its about time intelligence was brought to the 21st century. Futuristic with some elegant undertones just like Future Sound of London's ' Dead Cities'. A slightly apocalyptical post war undertone with the feeling of having your heaphones implanted through your brain. J'adore GORILLAZ c'est le meilleur album de cet decennie. Merci et continue !!!
  4. shellib
    Aug 25, 2005
    This album is the best album out for 2005, the gorillaz are tyhe best artists around at the moment! 5 stars!
  5. Dec 26, 2013
    Probably my favorite album of all time. despite the diversity of the music styles on the album, all of them are amazing tunes that I never skip should they arrive on a shuffled playlist.
  6. Jan 4, 2015
    Even though the album does get excessively weird for my taste, Demon Days is a great follow-up to their solid self-titled album. It's got great beats and some absolutely magnificent lyrics. This is one worth listening to.
  7. TylerF
    May 24, 2005
    wow!!! I'm blown away. i liked the Gorillaz debut album but this one just blows it out of water. I mean, it's so damn catchy. I'm just hope I don't have to wait another 4 years for the next album.
  8. j30
    Dec 9, 2011
    I'm really surprised by all the negative reviews for this excellent sophomore record from the Gorillaz. So many great lush pop songs that will make your head spin. There are a few fillers, but for the most part it's a killer release.
  9. jayman
    May 23, 2005
    A fun listen. I like the beats, and despite some early negative reviews, this may need a few more listens for some. Enjoyable off the bat for me...should be a great summer record.
  10. JamieM
    Aug 3, 2005
    Sure, it takes a while to get into, but eventually you realize that " Demon Days" is pure experimental genius. Best Song: Dare
  11. LelaTVF
    May 23, 2005
    An amazing CD, really. Excellent stuff here.
  12. FranciscusV
    May 24, 2005
    Very lovely album. Great after waiting 4 years!
  13. LucindaP
    May 24, 2005
    I ove this album its the best I've heard in AGES!!!
  14. Mar 29, 2021
    this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10
  15. LeonardoF
    Jun 6, 2005
    Damon at his best.
  16. JasonS
    May 26, 2005
    Excellent album. the first three tracks are a bit of repetative filler, but the rest is gold. pure gold.
  17. IllyaZ
    May 30, 2005
    Not bad at all...
  18. jw
    Jun 19, 2005
    it might sound bad at first.. but once you get into it, it's amazing.
  19. CraigC
    Jun 29, 2005
    Album of the year. It takes three or four listens (the best albums usually do) but once you "get it", you can't stop listening to it. I didn't know Damon Albarn was quite this brilliant a composer. Gorillaz first album provided glimpses but this is the real deal. This is the album the music industry needed as an anditote to all the wuss and crap rock being produced all over the world.
  20. SamM
    Jun 7, 2005
    After listening to Demon Days the first time I thought I'd blown my money on an over advertised CD not really worth of the hype. Oh how i was wrong. The CD needs some listening and its brilliance will emerge each time you hear it. Kids with Guns is a great song espercially the typical gorillaz drums near the end of the song as well as Dirty Harry with its hip hop flavour combined After listening to Demon Days the first time I thought I'd blown my money on an over advertised CD not really worth of the hype. Oh how i was wrong. The CD needs some listening and its brilliance will emerge each time you hear it. Kids with Guns is a great song espercially the typical gorillaz drums near the end of the song as well as Dirty Harry with its hip hop flavour combined with the choir in the beggining. Truly great album Expand
  21. ElfOz
    Jun 8, 2005
  22. bradc
    Jan 10, 2006
    the gorillaz are 2 for 2, this cd is one of the best of the year without a doubt. It's a rare thing anymore to be able to put a cd in and walk away knowing that every song is good, hope they make a third one soon.
  23. BobR
    Jul 21, 2007
    ridiculously hip... you'll fan over this band
  24. KurtF
    Dec 2, 2005
    All the non-rap songs are great. Where as two of the four with rap in it seem out of place and the other two work just fine. El Manana is a really beautiful song. I love how even the really dance pop parts of the album seem to have a dark foreboding. This is how sordonic is done fun! I think some poeple just see the cartoons and hear the radio "feel good inc" (which I do like) and think All the non-rap songs are great. Where as two of the four with rap in it seem out of place and the other two work just fine. El Manana is a really beautiful song. I love how even the really dance pop parts of the album seem to have a dark foreboding. This is how sordonic is done fun! I think some poeple just see the cartoons and hear the radio "feel good inc" (which I do like) and think they are just stupid. But if you listen to the album you realize that some of the songs are better than anything (any genre) out there. Collapse
  25. jb
    May 25, 2005
    This is a serious grower. I found it rather flat at first, as I was expecting a jaunty ride - not a subtle odyssey, but havng listened to it a few times I'm coming around to the view that this is one of the best things Albarn's ever done.
  26. EdM
    May 25, 2005
    An art-house Archies for the new millennium, Gorillaz seem less like a novelty act on
  27. VincentV
    May 26, 2005
    This CD is much better than the first. I'm not saying the first wasn't good, but this is beter.
  28. zega
    May 30, 2005
    Accessible and cross-genre,good like Groove Armada, K.I.A. and other artists doing multi-vocalist hybrid-electronica (rocktronica, dubtronica...). And, unlike the first Gorillaz, has some emotional weight (Kids With Guns...). Would be a 10 but for the spoken-word song ("Fire Coming Out of the Monkey"); when will artists learn that talk-tracks are unlistenable after the first time?
    May 30, 2005
    Wow!!! First when I listened the CD, bad bad bad But after in a dark room, wow this album has every aspect of music I know lots of people don
  30. JenniferM
    Jun 20, 2005
    I. Love. This. Album. So innovative and unique, but very listenable and unpretentious. My favourite track is Dare.
  31. markf
    Jun 6, 2005
    tracks 12-15 r great
  32. yashp
    Jun 6, 2005
    this album can turn your worst day into a your best day or even make your best day ever better!
  33. KvanV
    Jun 6, 2005
    There are some strong tracks on this album, and the rest grow on you with repeated listens. Feel Good Inc. is the most high energy song they have to offer. The rest is rather laid back and mid tempo, and the last three tracks can be written off completely as they are barely songs at all. I miss the energy and humor of the first album. Demon Days is a little darker, slower, and more There are some strong tracks on this album, and the rest grow on you with repeated listens. Feel Good Inc. is the most high energy song they have to offer. The rest is rather laid back and mid tempo, and the last three tracks can be written off completely as they are barely songs at all. I miss the energy and humor of the first album. Demon Days is a little darker, slower, and more political. Still it's a solid buy. Expand
  34. MackenzieF
    Aug 12, 2005
    I think this CD is a VERY awesome CD. I got it and I listen to it every day. I have had to make a million copies of it for my friends!!!
  35. DrewN
    Aug 20, 2005
    This album caught me by surprise really. After the first Gorillaz CD, which had a few good tracks, but not one of my favorites, I didn't expect much from this band. Boy was I wrong. After hearing "Feel Good Inc.", I felt I had to buy the album, and I wasn't dissapointed. Tracks that stand out: Feel Good Inc., DARE, Kids With Guns. Seriously buy the album.
  36. SaulV
    Aug 25, 2005
    I think the Cd " Demon Days " has al kind of songs. I LOVE IT!
  37. samuels
    Sep 10, 2005
    this cd is the best cd in this year it is wicked
  38. DaneC
    Sep 3, 2005
    Most of the tracks are fine, but its the collabrations that make this album great. De La Soul, one of the most respected groups in rap, and Mf Doom, one of the most respected artist in underground rap, appear on this album and make the usually unused repeat track button on your cd player so nesserary.
  39. Levi
    Jan 7, 2006
    Brilliant. Not perfect, but brilliant.
  40. DominicC
    Feb 11, 2006
    Amazing...... WE LOVE GORILLAZ!!!!!!
  41. SeamusS
    Mar 31, 2006
    As a die hard BLUR fan I always cringe at the sound of Damon working on something that's not...well..Blur Self titled was good no masterpeice but good this this is something else a groundbreaking venture into the world of avanthippoprock and well I just dont know what to make out of the fucker Brillaint Heavy for sure Go Buy It!
  42. LachlanW
    Apr 5, 2006
    A very strong album. Some tracks are filler, but for the most part, the CD is a fantastic accomplisment. 'Dare' is one of the coolest songs that I will ever hear.
  43. JimmyJazz
    Apr 8, 2006
    Don't listen to any other reviews but this one. I am not a fan of rap. Never have been never will be. When I got this cd i was scared there would be to much rap and hip hop in it. There's not. This cd has some rap songs (November has Come, Feel Good Inc.) but it has every other genre ever. Electronic (DARE) Dance (Dirty Harry) Rock ( O green World) rock/hip Don't listen to any other reviews but this one. I am not a fan of rap. Never have been never will be. When I got this cd i was scared there would be to much rap and hip hop in it. There's not. This cd has some rap songs (November has Come, Feel Good Inc.) but it has every other genre ever. Electronic (DARE) Dance (Dirty Harry) Rock ( O green World) rock/hip hop/dance/jazz/Electronic (Evrery planet we reach is dead). This Cd is a real suppriser. I enjoy listening to it and its different. Great Music, Great feel and if you happen to buy the cd from a store amazing 'drawings' in the booklet. This Cd can preety much be enjoyed be anyone. Who would know a fan of GREEN DAY. WHITE STRIPES, ARCADE FIRE and DAVID BOWIE could like this? Expand
  44. ElectricMonk
    May 10, 2006
    Dizzyingly brilliant and relentlessly intelligent, Gorillaz' "Demon Days" is among the first of the Top Ten Best Rock Albums of the New Millenium and--not surprisingly--there is absolutely nothing to suggest Gorillaz is a one-hit wonder, novelty band; the brainchild of Blur frontman Damon Albarn and "Tank Girl" creator Jamie Hewlett, Gorillaz utilizes influences like Beck and Air the Dizzyingly brilliant and relentlessly intelligent, Gorillaz' "Demon Days" is among the first of the Top Ten Best Rock Albums of the New Millenium and--not surprisingly--there is absolutely nothing to suggest Gorillaz is a one-hit wonder, novelty band; the brainchild of Blur frontman Damon Albarn and "Tank Girl" creator Jamie Hewlett, Gorillaz utilizes influences like Beck and Air the way truly legendary barkeeps mix drinks to keep their clients faithful, eclectic and happy. Grade: A for this award-winning, multi-platinum effort. Expand
  45. SierraH
    Feb 20, 2007
    Yes, a 10. And no, I'm not exaggerating. I used to be very mainstream and closed-minded about music, listening almost entirely to rap and pop in the charts. I heard Demon Days from a friend before I even knew who Gorillaaz were, and thought, 'This album is crap.' And forgot about it. One day, I decided to check out Gorillaz, after remembering Feel Good Inc. First listen, I Yes, a 10. And no, I'm not exaggerating. I used to be very mainstream and closed-minded about music, listening almost entirely to rap and pop in the charts. I heard Demon Days from a friend before I even knew who Gorillaaz were, and thought, 'This album is crap.' And forgot about it. One day, I decided to check out Gorillaz, after remembering Feel Good Inc. First listen, I liked Feel Good Inc., DARE, and El Manana. 2nd listen, Kids with Guns, Last Living Souls. 3rd listen, the entire album was absolutely brilliant. Damon Albarn is a genius, which shows in this masterpiece. I can't... think of any words to describe it, except to listen to it a couple of times, and this album will open up an entirely whole new world of music for you. Oh, and it's been a year. Still not tired of any of the songs, something I've never come across before. Brilliant. A work of art, not to mention Jamie Hewlett's absolutely fantastic drawings of Gorillaz. Through this band, I discovered music I thought I never like before. BUY IT! Expand
  46. Sam
    May 13, 2007
    Awesome, awesome album, any way you look at it. Passing over the obvious genius of hit "Feel Good, Inc." (and it is genius), DARE and El Manana are two other favorites. Check out the music video for Feel Good.
  47. DanA
    Jun 24, 2007
    Better than anything else Gorillaz has put out, which says something.
  48. JasperB
    Nov 13, 2005
    This CD is the epitome of cool
  49. ConnorW
    Dec 18, 2005
    Simply the best album of 2005!
  50. joeblow
    Dec 3, 2005
    Good album, but it would be better with less rapping.
  51. ZachL
    May 24, 2005
    I like how they strayed away from the poppiness (is that even a word?) that the first record had and went for a darker feel. However, I do miss Del a bit.
  52. JessicaB
    May 24, 2005
    This CD is so much more than their debut. It is less poppy and more political message. Who can listen to Dirty Harry without thinking about Iraq?
  53. NofsGrrl
    May 25, 2005
    Ahhhh... That is a sigh of relief in now knowing how good this album is. The first album was more mindless fun, whlle Demon Days is thoughtful fun. I will take my Gorillaz either way with a side of groove, please!
  54. MaxM
    May 25, 2005
    This is one of the best albums I ave heard in a long time, alhtough it is not as good as their original album which was my favorite album of all time! Very well done
  55. matthewa
    May 26, 2005
    There is definetely some filler here (O Green World, White Light) but most of is just toe-tapping brilliance. A step up from their last album.
  56. HunterB
    May 28, 2005
    This is a very good album, combining the exeplary producing skills of DJ Dangermouse with vocals from blur's Damon Albarn and wrapping it all up with art by "Tank Girl" creator Jamie Hewlett. Some tracks are better than others, of course ("Feel Good Inc." "Dirty Harry", "DARE" and the amazing "Fire coming out of the monkey's head" shine as the album's best tracks), but by This is a very good album, combining the exeplary producing skills of DJ Dangermouse with vocals from blur's Damon Albarn and wrapping it all up with art by "Tank Girl" creator Jamie Hewlett. Some tracks are better than others, of course ("Feel Good Inc." "Dirty Harry", "DARE" and the amazing "Fire coming out of the monkey's head" shine as the album's best tracks), but by the end of the album, this doesn't matter: it's all good. Expand
  57. FirstLast
    May 28, 2005
    Less sporadic and, thus, more cohesive than the debut record. Very fun. Only thing I'd say is that some of the rapping sections - while completely credible - might be tricky to distinguish from standard mainstream hip-hop/krunk; something that never happened on the eponymous record.
  58. [Anonymous]
    May 29, 2005
    Brilliant. While not on par with the debut album, the material here is far from thin. Danger Mouse has done a great job producing this and has helped to create a great follow up.
  59. RobA
    May 31, 2005
    It took me a few listens to get into it, but now I'm there I love it!
  60. GuillaumeP
    May 31, 2005
    Don't trust yourself too much on your first impressions. Its only after you'll have listened Demon Days 2 or 3 times you'll start to like it, then you'll love it and be careful, it becomes an adiction and the only word that can describe the way i see this record after listening 10 times is (love²+admiration).
  61. jboy
    Jun 14, 2005
    The brilliance in this CD is stunning....and the bonus track rocks also
  62. aaronl
    Jun 18, 2005
    Lots of lame hipster indie bands (postal service, go find) try to incorporate hip-hop/electronica/a beat into their music and ultimately fail, mainly because they just don't get what makes a good beat. this record understands hip-hop and has the pop-sensibility necessary to make a record like this work.
  63. formerwowplayer
    Jun 2, 2005
    This album is a much fun as it is smart and creative! A great listen and an BIG change in style since their debut. I can wait to see what Mr. Blur Frontman does next.
  64. PatrickC
    Jun 27, 2005
    This is the album of the year.
  65. CYRUSC
    Jun 3, 2005
    Wow, this album is near perfection. I say near because a couple songs dont appeal to me very much, but aside from that, the creativity, and the flow of the other songs, cannot be compared with anything else. I especially like Fire Coming out of the Monkeys Head. Honestly that just might be one of the best songs i have ever heard. BUY IT QUICK
  66. PeterS
    Jun 3, 2005
    As a nearly-40 guy who grew up listening to '60s' and '70's classic rock, etc. such as Pink Floyd, The Strawbs, Genesis and going through a world (literally) of musical tastes, I think that the music of Gorillaz and the team that drives them is at long last a sign that maybe ingenious and creativity is not dead in the corporate music biz. I see this is a highly As a nearly-40 guy who grew up listening to '60s' and '70's classic rock, etc. such as Pink Floyd, The Strawbs, Genesis and going through a world (literally) of musical tastes, I think that the music of Gorillaz and the team that drives them is at long last a sign that maybe ingenious and creativity is not dead in the corporate music biz. I see this is a highly artistic, conceptual album with lyrics that remind us of the demons - personal and otherwise - that confront us every day which leads to the last two tracks. "Don't Get Lost In Heaven" and "Demon Days" sums up the album beautifully! I just wish this "band" could tour! I could add so much more... Expand
  67. az
    Jun 9, 2005
    I just want to do the monster to this whole CD.... it kicks ass.
  68. mn
    Jul 21, 2005
    this cd rocks out loud !!!!
  69. SamH
    Jul 6, 2005
    Awesome beats, great vocals, refreshing album for the summer!
  70. ACDCritic
    Jul 6, 2005
    The single Feel Good Inc. was outstanding, so I decided to purchase this CD. I really disliked the CD at first, (it's nothing like the hit single,) but on a second listen, I discovered a few tracks I liked. On a 3rd listen, I found most of this CD to be great. The CD just kinda grows on you. You probably won't like the CD on a first listen, but give it some time, and you'll The single Feel Good Inc. was outstanding, so I decided to purchase this CD. I really disliked the CD at first, (it's nothing like the hit single,) but on a second listen, I discovered a few tracks I liked. On a 3rd listen, I found most of this CD to be great. The CD just kinda grows on you. You probably won't like the CD on a first listen, but give it some time, and you'll discover a great CD. There are a couple of filler tracks, such as songs like Last Living Souls, (which has no hook whatsoever,) Every Planet We Reach Is Dead, (which is just dull,) and O Green World, which turns into just a bunch of techno noise. Except for those tracks, (and a couple of other unmemorable ones,) this CD is great, and some of these tracks are excellent. The last 3 tracks seem to be telling a story, and are basically linked together, ending the CD on a very good note. Definitely a great, innovative CD, and probably not what you are expecting. (A couple more songs similar in style to Feel Good Inc. wouldn't have hurt, though.) I took a point off the score of this great CD because of a couple of annoying and filler tracks. But definitely worth it. You may not like it on your first listen, but give it a chance. Expand
  71. VincentC
    Aug 19, 2005
    Excellent. Funky beats, flows well. Loved the dialogue by Dennis Hopper
  72. MikeS
    Aug 3, 2005
    Truly original..the video for Feel good Inc. is mesmerizing. The music goes on and on, and each time you listen to the record you pull something new.
  73. fredrgf
    Aug 8, 2005
    fully sick wicked
  74. Wes
    Sep 14, 2005
    Great fucking album. I love every song, especially Every Planet We Reach is Dead and Feel Good Inc.
  75. Noodle2-D
    Sep 18, 2005
    WOW--what an incredible album. I can't stop listening to it. The variety of songs is exceptional. The beat moves from hip hop to techno to melodic ballad to early Pet Shop Boy-ish angst. Gorgeous compilation. Really. Get it. Don't be a loser.
  76. themouse
    Sep 30, 2005
    one of the best cds i own i love DARE and feel good inc.
  77. MelR.
    Sep 4, 2005
    smooth. One of the only albums I can listen to more than once.
  78. JoS
    Sep 4, 2005
  79. AaronD
    Jan 14, 2006
    Absolute wicked album and there est yet!!!!!
  80. IsaacR
    May 1, 2006
    you know this cd is cool when a black guy likes it. and i do!!!! i love it (track 10:all alone rocks)
  81. justinf
    Oct 13, 2008
    It is spectacular. the best songs from this album are: White Light, Dirty Harry, Feel Good Inc., el manana, and Kids with Guns. tHIS ALBUM IS A Must-buy!
  82. TomP.
    Jan 5, 2008
    No longer does the color of your skin make a suitable reason for your bad taste in music. I know this isn't really a full hip hop/rap CD, but you can play the few tracks that do include rap to your friends and keep your reputation as you begin to realize how much more that music, if you could call most rap that, has to offer. So for the sake of music, put down Soulja Boy....Oh god No longer does the color of your skin make a suitable reason for your bad taste in music. I know this isn't really a full hip hop/rap CD, but you can play the few tracks that do include rap to your friends and keep your reputation as you begin to realize how much more that music, if you could call most rap that, has to offer. So for the sake of music, put down Soulja Boy....Oh god PLEASE PUT DOWN SOULJA BOY...and get this CD, then show your friends this CD, THEN, after you've realized how shitty almost all the music you've been listening to is, pick up a radiohead CD or something. besisdes, you owe it to those that want to be able to hear good music on the radio. Expand
  83. PaulaG.
    Feb 13, 2008
    It's the best record I've ever listen to, no doubt.
  84. DavidH.
    Apr 9, 2008
    Definetly one of the best albums of the year! Original, experimental with dark and mysterious overtones. Every track stands out as different from the next. Overall, its near masterful. Intro is great gives u a real taster of the feel of the album. last living souls 9/10, kids with guns 10/10, o green world 7/10, dirty harry 9/10, feel good inc. 10/10, el manana 10/10, every planet we Definetly one of the best albums of the year! Original, experimental with dark and mysterious overtones. Every track stands out as different from the next. Overall, its near masterful. Intro is great gives u a real taster of the feel of the album. last living souls 9/10, kids with guns 10/10, o green world 7/10, dirty harry 9/10, feel good inc. 10/10, el manana 10/10, every planet we reach is dead 8/10, november has come 10/10, all alone 10/10, white light 5/10, dare 10/10, fire coming out of a monkeys head 9/10, don't get lost in heaven 10/10, demon days 10/10.every song great except white light! Expand
  85. PhilipD.
    Sep 22, 2008
    This is a tough one. Fans of Gorillaz will love it, fans of Feel Good Inc won't. I believe that every (decent) band comes up with one song which doesn't go with their style, yet is so amazing it is still worth releasing just to save that one idea. (I would say Linkin Park- Faint and California Dreaming by the Mamas and the Papas are other examples of this). I've heard of This is a tough one. Fans of Gorillaz will love it, fans of Feel Good Inc won't. I believe that every (decent) band comes up with one song which doesn't go with their style, yet is so amazing it is still worth releasing just to save that one idea. (I would say Linkin Park- Faint and California Dreaming by the Mamas and the Papas are other examples of this). I've heard of people who now hate Gorillaz because Feel Good brought them mainstream. All I can say is that this one song stands out above the other songs as being one of the finest pieces of music ever. So strange, yet so widely loved by all ages. So where does this leave the rest? I like Dare for its catchy beat but it doesn't have quite the same depth. Dirty Harry kind of falls under the same category. I can't help but rate this on how I feel the rest of the music compares to Feel Good Inc. The rest of the CD is still better than most CDs out there in my opinion, but I'm starting to wonder if they should have released Feel Good in the same album. Gorillaz beat themselves into a corner with that song but I am so pleased they released it I'm going to give this CD a rating of 8/10. Expand
  86. asfdsfd
    Nov 29, 2005
    its so disappointing....
  87. Gunner
    May 24, 2005
    This word may be cliched, but I think 'deep" is a good one to use as a description for the album. It delves further than thier first effort, and is definitely a creeper (a fast one though). Ilke one reviwer said, it has so many elements crammed in, it's really quite impressive. Wicked album!
  88. jasonb
    May 24, 2005
    new production sets this outing in the right direction...towards sonically soothing hip-pop
  89. EvilE
    May 25, 2005
    good catchy fun beats and tunes, but is a bit boring at times. I do recommend it to anyone who liked the first album!
  90. AnthonyE
    May 27, 2005
    the first gorillaz record was great, but this ones so much better.
  91. EmiliaH
    May 27, 2005
    Excellent! Damon is incredible, his voice is amazing. The rythms are so different between one another....... but it isn't a problem, all of them are combined perfectly!
  92. RoloR
    Jul 24, 2005
    This album was the best one ive bought this year, far surpasing any sound created anywhere the gorillaz have done it again and will continue i hope!
  93. jacobm
    Aug 29, 2005
    Great album, but I must say that the hip hop is lacking. I love the 8-bit sounding beats mixed in... excellent sound!
  94. keving
    Jan 28, 2006
  95. SamiS
    Apr 23, 2006
    This CD is the BEST!!!!! I listen to it all the time! I cant decide which song is my favorite, they are all so freaking cool!No matter what mood im in, I moving to the groove of the music, and my friends love it to!Great album,Great job,.....Great music!
  96. VidM
    Aug 13, 2007
    An improvement over their debut. There's some really good stuff here, but there's still a ton of crap to sift through to get to it.
  97. FrancescoR
    Dec 23, 2008
    It is impossible sayin' that this album belongs to a kind of music, because it is just a super-mix of everything, which makes a very pleasant listening. It is an album that will be remembered for years, for decades, and even if you don't know what's the meaning of the texts of the songs, you feel as if that innovative music, that the first time you heard sounded so strange It is impossible sayin' that this album belongs to a kind of music, because it is just a super-mix of everything, which makes a very pleasant listening. It is an album that will be remembered for years, for decades, and even if you don't know what's the meaning of the texts of the songs, you feel as if that innovative music, that the first time you heard sounded so strange and "different", tells you about something that you can't explain by words, something that we can feel in the air every day: it's just the life we live, in a world that too much times looks grey and empty...the world that we can find in "Demon Days"...ya, of course it is exaggerated, but the question is...how much? Expand
  98. RickW.
    Mar 28, 2008
    Probably my all-time favorite album...completely unique
  99. TurkRocks
    Nov 15, 2006
    I think this is one of the most CLEVER things I have ever experienced. Only thing I really have to say about people who do not enjoy the simple yet so full hearted affect that these 4 wonderful characters have on us are bitter, stuck up, and probably alone. This, while it may be a steryotype - most the times will hold fact. While being human - my accusation will not be perfect, and have I think this is one of the most CLEVER things I have ever experienced. Only thing I really have to say about people who do not enjoy the simple yet so full hearted affect that these 4 wonderful characters have on us are bitter, stuck up, and probably alone. This, while it may be a steryotype - most the times will hold fact. While being human - my accusation will not be perfect, and have its flaws but that does NOT diminish the stunning, amazing, fantastic, wonderous, dazzling, splended, breath taking album and series. Gorillaz - Original, simple, beautiful. Expand
  100. Oct 11, 2010
    This album should be given its own genre. It's neither here nor there with any one genre and is so vast it can't even be taken down to 2 or 3. You've got something like 'Last Living Souls' which is eeary melancholy pop mixed with 'Don't get lost in heaven' which verges on symphonic gospel. This is really a masterpiece from Albarn. An apex of his imagination. He deserves all the acclaim he gets.

Universal acclaim - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. Uncut
    A dazzlingly clever record--great beats, brilliant production, top tunes and some of Albarn's best singing. [Jun 2005, p.106]
  2. Demon Days actually is even better than its predecessor.
  3. Before you even consider the sonic and melodic innovation paraded through the album there’s so much crammed into each of these fifteen songs (without any one of them sounding overproduced or cluttered) that repeated listening is a must.