• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: May 24, 2005
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Universal acclaim- based on 589 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 29 out of 589

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  1. Sep 26, 2010
    After the success of their first album, they went farther in producing Demon Days, where this time it is set in a Apocalyptic world. This one fuses more pop than the last one, but less rap. They still have their great vibe, with the help of new guests on this album. Their a ton of great songs on this album, especially "Feel Good Inc." This wasn't the best album Albarn has produced, but oneAfter the success of their first album, they went farther in producing Demon Days, where this time it is set in a Apocalyptic world. This one fuses more pop than the last one, but less rap. They still have their great vibe, with the help of new guests on this album. Their a ton of great songs on this album, especially "Feel Good Inc." This wasn't the best album Albarn has produced, but one of the most inspiring albums. The end of the album wraps up the mood perfectly, when the basic strumming of the guitar on "Demon Days" tells what Damon has experienced himself. This album is easier to listen and get used to than the first album. Standouts : "Kids With Guns", "Feel Good Inc.", "DARE" Overall Score : 8.7 Collapse
  2. Jan 18, 2011
    This album blends a bunch of musical elements together. I heard rap, rock, reggae, and funk. It's a great listen. The beats are catchy and the production is just great. Took me awhile to get into it but after a few tries, I really enjoy it now. All In All, a great album. B+
  3. Feb 9, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This unexpected mix of many (mainly the laid back type) music styles is really enjoyable and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys them. Of course, it's not perfect, but it's really good. My personal favourites are Feel Good inc. and O Green World. They really suck me in. The first is more fun and the beat is "clearly visible". The second, however, is more moody and the guitar kicks in most of the time. I like how Damon sounds good in many types of different songs.
    So, if you like having fun while listening to music, this album is for you, even if it lacks certain momentum from the first album. Try it for yourself and see!
    Score: 9.0
  4. Dec 15, 2011
    Despite it's many faults, Demon Days still â
  5. Mar 20, 2012
    Demon Days represents an amazing blend of genre's and styles. After Gorillaz hit in 2001, I instantly fell in love with the band and it style. And from then to the release of Demon Days I kept wondering in what direction the group would go in. Demon Days thrusts Gorillaz in a much more ominous atmosphere and tosses out some great tracks, mixing various collaborators for a mezmorizingDemon Days represents an amazing blend of genre's and styles. After Gorillaz hit in 2001, I instantly fell in love with the band and it style. And from then to the release of Demon Days I kept wondering in what direction the group would go in. Demon Days thrusts Gorillaz in a much more ominous atmosphere and tosses out some great tracks, mixing various collaborators for a mezmorizing journey through a snapshot in the gorillaz universe. Expand
  6. Jul 8, 2014
    Another well done album by Gorillaz. My favorite song from this album is "Feel Good Inc.". The rock they have has become really modern if you know what I mean. It showcases alternative hip hop with funk rock and I like that. The collaborations are really cool though.
  7. Dec 26, 2013
    The single most musically intriguing record I have ever heard, still stands up as my all time favourite album, ever. To describe it in one word, I would have to say that this album is "Perfect".
  8. Nov 19, 2015
    A few disappointing tracks, but Demon Days has some real classics in it. Some really innovative and majestic songs such as Dare, Dirty Harry and Feel good inc
  9. Oct 21, 2017
    My fav from the Gorillaz Discography. It's got some hits, got some slow songs. And it's an emotional rollercoaster. Damon Albarn's vocals are the highlight of the album. It's punchy and beautiful.
  10. Mar 27, 2013
    I personally don't give a f*ck about what, these haters think, we're all aloud our opinion on things, but a lot of people are seeing this album as the type of music tailored for the average person to listen to as he or she is driving to work on their weekly grind. Its not. This music is an acquired taste sure, but not in the rotten fish sushi manner where some people say its delicious, butI personally don't give a f*ck about what, these haters think, we're all aloud our opinion on things, but a lot of people are seeing this album as the type of music tailored for the average person to listen to as he or she is driving to work on their weekly grind. Its not. This music is an acquired taste sure, but not in the rotten fish sushi manner where some people say its delicious, but its really just a pile of rotten fish. No, this album is a creation. Try and see it through Damon Albarn's eyes. A massive collaboration with many people, and a telling of the high concept band's story. Sure, there are some tracks that I wasn't that into, but with an open mind you can easily say that most of the songs are just as good as "Dare or "Feel Good inc." but simply passed under the radar and didn't make it as mainstream, playing-on-every-station hits. And lets face it, what was the last Album you bought where you loved EVERY SINGLE F*CKING SONG...I've never had such an experience. Looking at the reviews now, you'd think that it really is a love-it-or-hate it album. By the way, thank you if you're still reading this far, it means a lot that my opinion is so important to you. People are either to narrow minded to see the beauty of, and the brilliance, this album brings to the table. Its not perfect, nothing is, but compared to other albums on the market? Yes, it is perfect. Its hard to see how some of the songs like "All Alone" didn't make it to the charts.

    In conclusion, you will not regret buying this album if you love Gorillaz, hell even Damon Albarn's works in general, if you're not afraid to try new things or any way patient to savour music goodness. If you base your opinion of music on what people say and how distracting it is then you should probably get back to the weekly grind...
  11. Jun 6, 2013
    10/10 is too low. But I can't go up to 20/10 so whatever.
    Demon Days is The Gorillaz follow up album to their mega hit. Demon Days easily is better, which is a testament to just how good this album is. Feel Good Inc. and Dirty Harry are cult classics and help this album rise to Cult Classic status.
  12. May 22, 2015
    Instant classic, and even now, 10 years later it is still more modern than many many other artists. It is a timeless album, full of original arrangements, social critique and stellar mixing.
  13. Nov 21, 2014
    Demon Days is a fantastic follow up to Gorillaz's first album. However there is a slight problem, if you could indeed call it a problem, the album is very hard to quantify, to put into a genre. Demon Days takes influence from rap, rock, R'nB, pop and country however at the same time it manages to filter out the negative tropes of the genres, meaning both those who like or dislike theDemon Days is a fantastic follow up to Gorillaz's first album. However there is a slight problem, if you could indeed call it a problem, the album is very hard to quantify, to put into a genre. Demon Days takes influence from rap, rock, R'nB, pop and country however at the same time it manages to filter out the negative tropes of the genres, meaning both those who like or dislike the influences will still very much enjoy the music, for example I normally dislike the aforementioned styles of music, yet still fell in love with Demon Days, which is very much a hard thing to do.
    The fell of the album is also incredibly dark, without trying to be edgy, yet at the same time manages to sound fairly upbeat, which is a rare talent amongst artists. This album really is quite special, it manages to appeal to all without compromising, to have repetitive vocals without being annoying, to have every song sound different without it being forced or the quality being downplayed.
    Shortly put this really does manage to both have all the advantages and near none of the disadvantages, it's only once a while music manages to do this and with how cheap the album is, I absolutely recommend you buy this.
  14. Oct 27, 2014
    This album is (and was) an instant classic and arguably Gorillaz's best work. Nearly every track oozes with creativity and there are only two tracks that I would say are lacking overall (O Green World and All Alone). The production is amazing with nearly every track making fantastic use of a wide, wide array of diverse musical ideas and sounds. The only thing I could ask from this albumThis album is (and was) an instant classic and arguably Gorillaz's best work. Nearly every track oozes with creativity and there are only two tracks that I would say are lacking overall (O Green World and All Alone). The production is amazing with nearly every track making fantastic use of a wide, wide array of diverse musical ideas and sounds. The only thing I could ask from this album is: more please. Expand
  15. Feb 26, 2017
    Gorillaz. It's complicate. Their music is not for everyone for being unique and weird, but soon as you enter "inside" the songs, it's a complete masterpiece as good as the self-titled album and Plastic Beach.

    Feel Good Inc. is the only song all agree it's, at least, cool, and personally I think it's because it is the best song in the album that is so good, that even being weird, almost
    Gorillaz. It's complicate. Their music is not for everyone for being unique and weird, but soon as you enter "inside" the songs, it's a complete masterpiece as good as the self-titled album and Plastic Beach.

    Feel Good Inc. is the only song all agree it's, at least, cool, and personally I think it's because it is the best song in the album that is so good, that even being weird, almost everyone like it. But it's not the unique masterpiece in the album. All the first half is full of amazing tunes, and the second, while presenting excellent songs, there are some more "normal" ones. But this con is recovered by the union of all the songs, that are like one hour story, telling you about loneliness, hedonism, self esteem, war and so many more negative things that happens in the world... and it's expressed incredibly well. For example, there is one song, Dare, that is very "happy" compared to other work in Demon Days, but that's because fits perfectly the message (improve your self auto esteem, to cheer).

    Then appears the Demon Days song, were it's an amazing finale for the album, telling you that besides all the sadness and crude true, there is hope and light to it, making a "happy ending" for the story.
  16. Aug 6, 2015
    Gorillaz's most accessible album and their most successful. They turn up the rock and hip hop while adding other elements such as trip hop. Every track is brilliant, with amazing singles and a three-part finale that tells an epic tale.
  17. Feb 4, 2016
    Demon Days: the ape that could. Not afraid to be a little political and reeks of energy. Ugly, even, in a good way that is because it is like no other.
  18. Aug 11, 2017
    When I realise that this album was released 12 years ago, I start to appreciate the forward-thinking, avant-garde quirks on it that extra little bit more. The record boasts a smorgasbord of genres with indie rock, hip-hop and electronic music all intertwining with each other to make for a remarkable, captivating experience. There are many varying singing styles here from Damon Albarn andWhen I realise that this album was released 12 years ago, I start to appreciate the forward-thinking, avant-garde quirks on it that extra little bit more. The record boasts a smorgasbord of genres with indie rock, hip-hop and electronic music all intertwining with each other to make for a remarkable, captivating experience. There are many varying singing styles here from Damon Albarn and co. Their vocals sit on top of impressive instrumentation with alternative flair. Trouble is, some of them grow tiresome quicker than expected and effectively become filler. Some fall flat from the first listen and never really recover.

    This album sneaks into my great category by the skin of its teeth. Despite its apparent flaws, it has many redeeming qualities. The most impressive quality being how well it has aged. Demon Days could be released this year and still be pretty good by today's standards.
  19. Apr 26, 2016
    When I listen to the latest Gorillaz songs, their music gets better and better. This album can beat their first album into shreds because they always get better!. Literally I recommend the entire collection of Gorillaz for new Gorillaz fans!. So yeah
  20. May 16, 2016
    Do not hate me for this, but walking into this critically acclaimed album I expected something amazing, however, when I started listening, I was confused for about the first 4 or so songs. The reason that I give an eight is because it got MUCH better when the 5th song, Dirty Harry, kicked in giving a funky synth groove. Where it falls for the first few minutes, it instantly recovers andDo not hate me for this, but walking into this critically acclaimed album I expected something amazing, however, when I started listening, I was confused for about the first 4 or so songs. The reason that I give an eight is because it got MUCH better when the 5th song, Dirty Harry, kicked in giving a funky synth groove. Where it falls for the first few minutes, it instantly recovers and delivers excellently. Expand
  21. Nov 19, 2016
    This is the best album by my favourite band of all time, I love all songs, I never skip one, this album just makes me Feel Good when I'm All Alone over DARE at the Green World.
  22. Apr 9, 2017
    best **** album ever i was 3 when this came out and i still love it! i don't see why people can not like it its great and better then gorillaz. LOVE IT
  23. May 1, 2017
    Magnum opus of the Gorillaz. While many were expecting them to disappoint after a really promising debut, Damon and Jamie manage to top it with a more creative and more polished record. One of the very best in its decade.
  24. May 2, 2017
    Love it! A **** legendary album by Gorillaz and my fav album also! I really like the tracks, especially "Feel Good Inc.", "Kids With Guns", "DARE", "Dirty Harry" and more.
  25. Dec 9, 2018
    Very solid album. My only complaint is that some of the non-single songs were a little same-samey or boring, not bad but just kinda forgettable. Other than that, this album sounds fantastic. The lyrics are beautiful, and the album has a classic rock sound, with hip hop influence. I must also say though, this album is overrated in the Gorillaz community.
  26. Jun 1, 2020
    Demon Days is a superb evolution of its predecessor, a quirky, spastic hip-hop pop album masterminded by Damon Albarn of Blur. While Gorillaz's debut was the band figuring out exactly what its vision was, Demon Days sees something much more fully realized, with catchy, meandering, and interesting songs fleshed out by a number of guest musicians. The balance between experimentalism andDemon Days is a superb evolution of its predecessor, a quirky, spastic hip-hop pop album masterminded by Damon Albarn of Blur. While Gorillaz's debut was the band figuring out exactly what its vision was, Demon Days sees something much more fully realized, with catchy, meandering, and interesting songs fleshed out by a number of guest musicians. The balance between experimentalism and mainstream pop is subtle and expertly done, and we are left with a side project that is on the brink of rising to the musicality of its parent. Expand
  27. Feb 18, 2018
    Gorillaz's sophomore album Demon Days is another fantastic, if not better, album by this incredibly unique and amazing band. The songs are even more catchy and fun to listen to. This album, in my opinion, is even better than the previous and I'm gonna give it an 8.7/10.
  28. Jan 8, 2018
    My favorite album by Gorillaz. I think it is their most political and dark album to date. They deal with many terrifying subject matters, such as abandonment, alchaholism, pollution, child soldiers etc. I find every track extremely enjoyable and it’s like a rollercoaster of insane songs. I love how it starts with an ominous intro and continues with hard hitting songs and as the end of theMy favorite album by Gorillaz. I think it is their most political and dark album to date. They deal with many terrifying subject matters, such as abandonment, alchaholism, pollution, child soldiers etc. I find every track extremely enjoyable and it’s like a rollercoaster of insane songs. I love how it starts with an ominous intro and continues with hard hitting songs and as the end of the album, it almost becomes angelic. Don’t get lost in heaven is sort of an escape from the hectic manors of the album and when Demon Days rolls in, its heavenly. It reminds me of coming in from a heavy rainstorm into a lovely warm place. I don’t know why I think that. So overall, Demon Days is the epitome of what makes a perfect album. Expand
  29. Jan 30, 2018
    Demon Days is great! not my favorite Gorillaz album but is definitely high up there!
  30. Jun 11, 2018
    This album is honestly one of the best I've heard. It doesn't stick to one specific genre such as hip-hop; it revels in mixing different genres or themes while all sounding similar to the Gorillaz style, such as mixing hip-hop and alt-rock in "Feel Good Inc", or the space-themed "Every Planet We Reach is Dead". The instrumentals are excellent with a lot of melodies and bass lines and theThis album is honestly one of the best I've heard. It doesn't stick to one specific genre such as hip-hop; it revels in mixing different genres or themes while all sounding similar to the Gorillaz style, such as mixing hip-hop and alt-rock in "Feel Good Inc", or the space-themed "Every Planet We Reach is Dead". The instrumentals are excellent with a lot of melodies and bass lines and the vocals of 2D (or Damon Albarn) being so varied in range, making each song memorable from lyrics alone. Speaking of which, the lyrics in most of the songs are great and have a lot of thought that go into a good amount of them, with the exception of "DARE" and others. Honestly, this album holds up a lot better than most others today and I think it deserves a lot of the praise it did back in 2005, with only 1 or 2 songs not being completely up to the same standard that the other songs make.

    Least Favourites: Last Living Souls, November Has Come, All Alone
    The rest are great in my opinion
  31. Sep 29, 2018
    Even after 13 years, Demon Days remains as good as it was when it first came out. I still have it on CD, and as soon as I get a record player, I plan on getting it on vinyl.
  32. Jun 25, 2019
    Amazing album! A lot of my favorite Gorillaz songs are on Demon Days. If I had to list my favourites it would probably be most of the album...
  33. Jul 11, 2019
    Are you kidding? Few albums are this good, and will ever be this good. This is one of the best albums I have ever listened to. It is just jam-packed with great songs, from the melancholic Last Living Souls, Don't Get Lost and Every Planet, to the upbeat and booming DARE, Dirty Harry and Feel Good. This album is undoubtedly a modern classic at this point and I don't think anyone, includingAre you kidding? Few albums are this good, and will ever be this good. This is one of the best albums I have ever listened to. It is just jam-packed with great songs, from the melancholic Last Living Souls, Don't Get Lost and Every Planet, to the upbeat and booming DARE, Dirty Harry and Feel Good. This album is undoubtedly a modern classic at this point and I don't think anyone, including Goriilaz will be able to match the creativity, the fun, the emotion in Demon Days. One of my favorites. Expand
  34. Sep 12, 2021
    If iconic had to be put into two words, they’d be „DEMON DAYS“. Phenomenally produced & refreshingly demanding: This album stands out, even to this very day.
  35. Sep 5, 2019
    One of the greatest albums releases in the 21st century. Completely ahead of its time. Masterpiece.
  36. Jan 22, 2020
    Lovely and timeless album. It mixes countless genres and develops new styles to enjoy.
  37. Mar 31, 2020
    masterpiece. I choose this rating because iv'e been listening to this lp for so long
  38. May 3, 2020
    Funky sounds, innovative, unique, and a total classic. You won’t be disappointed. Feel Good Inc. has one of the best basslines to ever hit a bass guitar.
  39. May 25, 2021
    Demon Days has some of the best 00s production I've ever heard. It's slightly let down by the clashing lyrics and/or vocals throughout some tracks, but is overall a great work.

    LEAST FAV TRACK: White Light
  40. Jul 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well, this is a very great album. All tracks on this album is masterpiece. 10/10 Expand
  41. Sep 3, 2020
    when 2D goes *singing noises* I stop beating my son for a second to admire the beauty
  42. Nov 9, 2020
    It's one of my top favorite albums, it's great, I love Gorillaz and this is their best project to this day, There's some absolutely classics in this album, it has what I really love about Gorillaz. A must hear album, 10/10.
  43. Apr 19, 2021
    My absolute favorite album ever. This has all sorts of genres and all of the ones I like. Every song on here is a banger. Its dark elements and post-apocalyptic topics fit so well. I feel like every time I listen to this album it gets better and better, no matter how many times I listen to it. And the production on this thing is absolutely amazing. The hard bass on some tracks and theMy absolute favorite album ever. This has all sorts of genres and all of the ones I like. Every song on here is a banger. Its dark elements and post-apocalyptic topics fit so well. I feel like every time I listen to this album it gets better and better, no matter how many times I listen to it. And the production on this thing is absolutely amazing. The hard bass on some tracks and the vocals are mixed very well. The song writing on this thing is frickin amazing.

    Favorite Song: Feel Good Inc
    Least Favorite Song: White Light
  44. Aug 12, 2021
    A great sound, very defining for the mid-2000s. A very smooth album part of, with some mean strings like 'Kids With Guns' and 'Feel Good Inc', but also very melancholy in songs like 'El Manana'. It has an awesome track listing, you can listen through the whole album and it is a joy how perfectly placed the tracks are on the list, nothing mediocre or boring, this is the definition of aA great sound, very defining for the mid-2000s. A very smooth album part of, with some mean strings like 'Kids With Guns' and 'Feel Good Inc', but also very melancholy in songs like 'El Manana'. It has an awesome track listing, you can listen through the whole album and it is a joy how perfectly placed the tracks are on the list, nothing mediocre or boring, this is the definition of a perfect album in my opinion. Expand
  45. Dec 17, 2021
    Very good not as good as plastic beach or song machine 8f4u9j5hu84nmu45hku35hmjnu5h3
  46. Jun 2, 2022
    A good commentary for it's time and great sounds all around. This is one of those albums I have absolutely no complaints with. I don't have a single problem with it. All of the features are fantastic, Damon's voice is on point, the beats and instrumentation are great, and MF DOOM is on this album, what is there not to love?
  47. Mar 15, 2023
    A cult album, unique and exceptional. For me Demon Days marked the music industry.
  48. Jan 22, 2023
    Gorillaz's music isn't for everyone but when you decide to navigate into their music and the story behind every album, you will appreciate every detail because you know Damon's lyrics and sounds are not something to miss. His lyricism keeps evolving through the years, but he did it so well in this album.
    A concept that probably isn't the taste of a certain people, a mix of sounds that can
    Gorillaz's music isn't for everyone but when you decide to navigate into their music and the story behind every album, you will appreciate every detail because you know Damon's lyrics and sounds are not something to miss. His lyricism keeps evolving through the years, but he did it so well in this album.
    A concept that probably isn't the taste of a certain people, a mix of sounds that can make you crave for more of it. 'Feel Good Inc.', the single that attracted the most public and views, it's great any way you look at it. I still like that bass line like the first time I heard it, magnificent.
    It it also features a track that might appeal to those looking for a specific sound, a danceable one, 'DARE'. I want to make a special mention for track number eight of the album, 'Every Planet We Reach Is Dead', a song that for years I consider one of the best I've ever heard. From minute 2:07, the magic begins to flow with a captivating voice that Damon Albarn decides to bring in this melody melody that follows what I consider the best instrumental on the album. An unmissable fusion of instruments, a violin that is at the exact point of the song, a synthesizer that steals a few seconds to simply perfect the song, it never ceases to amaze me every time I hear it, the best song on the album in my opinion.
    Years go by and Demon Days continues to be one of Gorillaz's best projects, each of their singles had something that surprised me, and the album as a whole was like a gift to me. Without a doubt, deserves all the support and appreciation fans of the fictional band give to Demon Days.

Universal acclaim - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. Uncut
    A dazzlingly clever record--great beats, brilliant production, top tunes and some of Albarn's best singing. [Jun 2005, p.106]
  2. Demon Days actually is even better than its predecessor.
  3. Before you even consider the sonic and melodic innovation paraded through the album there’s so much crammed into each of these fifteen songs (without any one of them sounding overproduced or cluttered) that repeated listening is a must.