
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Under The Radar
    DISCO2 exudes just as much leading-edge now-ness as its predecessor. [Summer 2010, p.89]
  2. Where DISCO drew on HEALTH's aggression, DISCO2 paints over that aggression with pastels and runs it through a Barbara Walters filter. It's all hazy, generally enjoyable pap, really pretty at its apex and cloying in its more trying passages.
  3. When these remixes succeed, it's when they take the original song and stay faithful to certain aspects of it that make it distinct, and luckily, the ratio of hits to misses leans heavily in favor of hits.
  4. 70
    This Los Angeles quartet augment the scathing buzz-saw noise and artillery percussion of last year's Get Color album with a batch of audaciously free-handed remixes.
  5. Swapping out crystalline shards of sound for tracks that swaddle instead of stab is no mean feat, but a roster of remixers that once again includes Crystal Castles and Pictureplane is up to the task.
  6. 70
    Balancing the dance floor with the off-center and the odd, HEALTH culled the indie electronica gamut for this twelve-track pastiche.
  7. Though Disco2 is ostensibly a collection about HEALTH, it also serves as a nice survey of some of the more interesting producers on the scene.
  8. And even though there are a few flatout stunners on here (along with Pictureplane and Javelin's contributions is Blindoldfreak's album closing take on "Before Tigers"), none compare to HEALTH's own contribution to DISCO2, the monstrous "USA Boys".
  9. This record is sexy instead of violent, reductive instead of dense. It's uneven, too.
  10. The trendsetting contributors all do their jobs and give the material new shape, by warming up the cold skronk of HEALTH's excellently gnarled 2009 album and transforming it into something more along the lines of "chillwave."
  11. It lacks the pace of some of HEALTH's very best thrashers, but is executed with such style it's impossible not to be immediately smitten by.
  12. Whilst not recommended for someone looking for an introduction to HEALTH as a band (it would be wholly misleading in this light) it is certainly a worthy companion piece both to Get Color and to the original Disco remixes.
  13. Who is doing who a favour? Either way this ["Eat Flesh"] is one of the stand out tracks from this patchy collection.
  14. As is their wont, LA noiseniks HEALTH breathe new life into a tired format (again) by handing over their second set Get Color to a few sonic visionaries of their choice.

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