
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Q Magazine
    May 5, 2020
    Though their lyrical scope remains limited, they work hard to deliver the kind of catharsis you'd associate with a cherished coming-of-age movie. [Jul 2020, p.106]
  2. May 4, 2020
    Ultimately, the project is still a little lightweight, if not a solid effort.
  3. May 6, 2020
    Sticking to a playbook can be a great approach, but Diet Cig seem to be always aiming for “proficient”, while the “exemplary” boxes languish unchecked.
  4. May 1, 2020
    On Do You Wonder About Me?, it sounds as if the more professional in-studio approach rounded off the edges that made the band's best moments so compelling.
  5. Classic Rock Magazine
    May 6, 2020
    Post-pop indie rock at its drabbest. [Jun 2020, p.89]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Apr 26, 2021
    I(6.5/10) loved this album... when it came out. Now that i sat with it for over 1 year i have to admit that a lot of its flaws have madeI(6.5/10) loved this album... when it came out. Now that i sat with it for over 1 year i have to admit that a lot of its flaws have made themselves noticeable. The lyrics tend to be pretty cringe but it is all made up for since Alex has such a nice voice. Noah's drums are the most overlooked thing about this band since he delivers great drumbeats on every track.
    Best Songs: Who Are You?, Thriving, Worth the Wait, Broken Body
    Worst Songs: Priority Mail, Makeout (Interlude), Night Terrors (Reprise)
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  2. Jun 21, 2020
    ( 77/100 )

    Diet Cig es una banda muy nueva con un sentido musical promedio. No solo no hay anda nuevo en su música, sino que tocan con una
    ( 77/100 )

    Diet Cig es una banda muy nueva con un sentido musical promedio. No solo no hay anda nuevo en su música, sino que tocan con una formula de Rock popular y breve que anula cualquier discurso o intención instrumental que podría ser de valor. Sin embargo, hay cierta contemporaneidad en el cliché de su Rock Alternativo que los hace sentir que todavía no se ha reciclado lo suficiente y, sinceramente, ellos no tocan mal ese cliché. Aún con su sensibilidad y su narrativa musical, si este álbum está destinado a ser invisible, tardará para que suceda. Producido por, Christopher Daly, Diet Cig son Alex Luciano y Noah Bowman que presentan "Do You Wonder About Me?".
    Diet Cig is a very new band with an average musical sense. There's not just nothing new in their music, but they also play with a popular and brief Rock formula that nullifies any speech or instrumental intention of value. Nevertheless, there is certain contemporaneity in their Alternative Rock cliche that makes them feel like it hasn't been recycled enough and, sincerely, they don't play wrong than cliche. Yet, with their sensibility and the musical narrative, if this album is destined to be invisible, it will last until that happens. Produced by Christopher Daly, Diet Cig are Alex Luciano and Noah Bowman presenting "Do You Wonder About Me?".
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