
Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 25
  2. Negative: 3 out of 25
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  1. 37
    Unfortunately, Muse's efforts can barely get off the ground and wouldn't survive a war against a fly swatter.
  2. Jul 21, 2015
    Muse have always been ridiculous and overblown, but at least they used to be a ton of fun.
  3. Jun 30, 2015
    Aside from a few crunching riffs and a smattering of neat melodies, there’s very little to recommend within Drones.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 373 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 40 out of 373
  1. Jun 9, 2015
    The more I listen to it (10+ times), the more I find this to be a very satisfying record. Very heavy alt-rock-prog effort with a compellingThe more I listen to it (10+ times), the more I find this to be a very satisfying record. Very heavy alt-rock-prog effort with a compelling storyline that flows from song to song. Bellamy's guitar sounds crisp, crunchy and prominent where it should be; the rhythm section is thunderous and spot on. Vocally, Bellamy is untouchable - rock's best falsetto. The band are one of the top rock bands out there these days and this record is a welcome addition to their canon. Highly recommended by these old ears. (60+)
    These are MY opinions and should be treated as such.
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  2. Jun 9, 2015
    Muse's seventh offering sounds like they are revisiting their past and offering a bit of everything for everyone. Usually this results inMuse's seventh offering sounds like they are revisiting their past and offering a bit of everything for everyone. Usually this results in discombobulated albums that never really reach their goal, but this is not one of those. Most songs are very much to the point and they sound good in unison. This is achieved by a very deliberate focus on the guitar sound and the producer really did a good job there. Drones sounds vibrant, fresh and the songwriting is about as good as Muse has ever been (except for the lyrics).

    Not everything is great though. The album starts of with a series of great songs, but it kind of fizzles towards the end with a couple of somewhat uninteresting songs that also feel seriously underpowered compared to the rest of the album (not counting the de facto outro song). Second point: the lyrics. While these childish lyrics seem to kind of work, it tends to give every song a rather silly undertone, which I think is unfortunate.

    Muse has done a great job here, giving us a good set of new songs that work well as an album.

    Highlights for me: The Handler, Reapers, Mercy
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 10, 2015
    A brilliant album! You may have to listen to it a few times to start liking it more. I like almost every song on the album. The Globalist isA brilliant album! You may have to listen to it a few times to start liking it more. I like almost every song on the album. The Globalist is probably my favorite song on it(funny that I hated it at first listen, but after listening to it a few times, I started liking it and understanding it better). I like the way Matt handles the story and warns us that power can be destructive in wrong hands and what it can do in The Globalist. Well, at least that's what my interpretation is. Anyway, I truly like this album and am very satisfied with it. Full Review »