• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Jun 27, 2006

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Blender
    It's at once a distillation of all that drew tweeners to Dashboard... and a messy, multidimensional celebration of romance and regret. [Jul 2006, p.99]
  2. Rolling Stone
    Dusk and Summer can be as ponderous and precious as a Hallmark card, but it succeeds because Carrabba has found music as intense and bittersweet as his deep, deep feelings. [29 Jun 2006, p.68]
  3. They've never sounded so unoriginal. Or, frankly, better.
  4. Slower paced and more atmospheric than any of its predecessors, "Dusk" is an ambitious showcase of maturity.
  5. Spin
    Represents a major upgrade in Dashboard's sound. [Jul 2006, p.83]
  6. Dusk and Summer’s over-the-topness is relentless – most any second-banana Blink 182-er would sell an expendable internal organ to use one of these songs as a set-closer.
  7. The album is gentler and falls much closer to the feeling of The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most.
  8. Alternative Press
    Dusk And Summer is proof that Carrabba's ability to drop hugely emotive choruses into three-minute pop songs has become its own form of classic American songwriting. [Aug 2006, p.199]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 48
  2. Negative: 11 out of 48
  1. Apr 9, 2016
    Why do all these type of bands try to be overly dramatic? Any substance in the music is drowned out by the soap opera type drama they conveyWhy do all these type of bands try to be overly dramatic? Any substance in the music is drowned out by the soap opera type drama they convey to their listeners. If you start playing this album Don't Wait till it gets good because it won't. There is no Reason To Believe that any part of this can be remotely entertaining. The Stolen time from listening to this will never come back. The music feels So Long, So Long that I felt like the entire thing was one continuous song. Dusk & Summer is one of those albums that just feels long and tired, and on top of that everything is also incredibly annoying. I think this band can produce a good sound if they channel there sound into something that can produce a little more excitement. Then again advice from strangers is probably not a good idea either. The type of music they make is the kind were they no that most people won't like it, so they target people who like music that most people hear as gargled white noise. It is a good way to sell albums, but not the best way to be liked. Full Review »
  2. Nick
    Nov 20, 2006
    A different style to this cd.. i believe dashboard is trying to get more into the pop world and appeal to more people (probably because of A different style to this cd.. i believe dashboard is trying to get more into the pop world and appeal to more people (probably because of the influence of the record company)... personal i think chris's original sound (all of the dashboard albums up until now) were nothing short of brillance.. He is diffenently one of the best recording artist of the last 10 years and my opinion, is the best... No other artist can find a way to put so much energy in every song.. Anything with the name dashboard confessional is worth buying but i hope he sticks to more of the original sound in the albums to come Full Review »
  3. rayj
    Oct 11, 2006
    A very different album in my opinion than the preceding ones. Unique in its own rights... completely solid musically and-- lyrically is A very different album in my opinion than the preceding ones. Unique in its own rights... completely solid musically and-- lyrically is always original and refreshing. Full Review »