
Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Oct 19, 2020
    The resulting project is Headie's most complete and compelling set to date. Pulling out all the stops for an expansive statement of self, in EDNA the Tottenham great provides an impeccable portfolio of his varied sonics, concretizing his place among London's finest.
  2. Oct 8, 2020
    The twenty-track project, dedicated to his late mother, features Headie’s strongest, most reflective writing to date. Distance offers clarity, and the further he navigates away from his past life, the more vivid the pictures he paints of it.
  3. ‘Edna’ is proof that he’s the unmistakeable, global ‘King of drill’, and much more besides.
  4. Nov 3, 2020
    There's a palpable lust for life throughout the 20 tracks, but Edna is at its most arresting when Headie details his journey from custodial sentences to commercial success with unflinching candor.
  5. 90
    An album that delivers on all fronts, from the ratatat of drill or the swinging hip-hop beats, EDNA explores as much as it uncovers more sides to its voice. Throughout, the littered guest posts each represent a facet of Headie’s journey perfectly.
  6. 80
    Drill is a music aimed at dedicated acolytes rather than general listeners. But strip away the lyrics, and the strange mix of electro loops, nervous beats, sad melodies and sci-fi sounds is utterly compelling and contemporary, evidence of a cutting edge local music scene that continues to thrive even with venue doors barred shut.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Oct 9, 2020
    I dont like when artists make their albums 20+ tracks, but in this case this was a really great album with a lot of variety. Sure, there wereI dont like when artists make their albums 20+ tracks, but in this case this was a really great album with a lot of variety. Sure, there were some fillers, but overall it was pretty awesome and Headie will become a superstar after this release, which he deserves to. Full Review »
  2. Oct 21, 2020
    How are there only 4 user score’s? This album is hard front to back, Headie has found a perfect balance between the drill and radio soundHow are there only 4 user score’s? This album is hard front to back, Headie has found a perfect balance between the drill and radio sound without compromising his grass roots. Tonnes of bangers and every feature comes through, Ivorian Doll, Aitch, Skep and Future especially. Don’t know how it hasn’t gotten more attention globally. The king of drill Full Review »