
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Aug 29, 2023
    Still producing some of their best material. And on this form there's plenty of bite in this cranky old dog yet. [Sep 2023, p.78]
  2. Aug 11, 2023
    It hasn’t exactly all been easy listening, but still definitely Lydon’s most approachable album ever. It sounds as though it was hard-earnt light relief for him, fun for its chief protagonist to make, and with repeat plays it only proves increasingly infectious.
  3. Mojo
    Aug 10, 2023
    An undeniably enjoyable career-twilight collection. [Sep 2023, p.82]
  4. Aug 10, 2023
    End of World is hellishly inconsistent, its mid section adrift in ’80s funk-rock sheen, like INXS being harassed by an angry wasp. But when it works, End of World, more than any other recent PiL album, offers the winning combination of instrumental oddity and vocal drama.
  5. Aug 10, 2023
    The past might be an albatross around Lydon’s neck, but he demonstrates superhuman strength at times, achieving lift-off in a way that nobody was really expecting. If the end of the world is nigh then PiL are going out with a bang.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Aug 18, 2023
    The first three tracks {Car Chase in particular] are great but the rest of the album disappoints. Pretty Awful is aptly titled although reallyThe first three tracks {Car Chase in particular] are great but the rest of the album disappoints. Pretty Awful is aptly titled although really awful would be better. The Do That and Dirty Murky Delight are so bad it's hard to fathom how they made it onto the album. Full Review »