• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Mar 10, 2023
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 320 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 42 out of 320
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  1. Mar 10, 2023
    Well, I always liked Miley and thought she's very talented, and it definitely shows in this album. Her vocals are astounding, and we get all kinds of Miley here. The rock-styled Miley that we were introduced to in the last few years, the country-ish Hannah Montana one, the soft pop 2010s Miley, and now we hear some 80-s disco-dance-pop Miley. I liked the concept but in my opinion, it hurtWell, I always liked Miley and thought she's very talented, and it definitely shows in this album. Her vocals are astounding, and we get all kinds of Miley here. The rock-styled Miley that we were introduced to in the last few years, the country-ish Hannah Montana one, the soft pop 2010s Miley, and now we hear some 80-s disco-dance-pop Miley. I liked the concept but in my opinion, it hurt the cohesiveness of the album and some songs felt completely unrelated to the concept (for example Handstand sounds like a soundtrack from an 80s sci-fi movie).
    The songwriting was OK and no more, nothing exceptional. The production is great on some songs and completely generic on others (like on River, or You).
    I feel like this album is perfect for road trips as it has a very chill vibe, and Miley's voice is just so good and relaxing.
    Island had a great potential in my opinion, but the chorus and outro is very dragged and there's something lacking in production. Muddy Feet should have had way more Sia. Thousand Miles is great and bring the country Miley back to the front in the best way possible. Wonder Woman is phenomenal, Miley's delivery is really exceptional, and the chord progression is unpredictable and pleasing.

    Favorite Tracks: Flowers, Thousand Miles, Wildcard, Wonder Woman
  2. Mar 10, 2023
    Su mejor álbum hasta el momento. Producción, música, letras, todo 1000/10.
  3. Mar 10, 2023
    His best album of his entire career. The more you listen to it, the more you like it. It is fresh, very pop and with influences from its roots, country and rock. He has found his place and has created a masterpiece. Fantastic.
  4. Mar 10, 2023
    The album is just perfect, with a nice sound and a powerful Miley's voice. She never disappoints. She's so talented!.
  5. Mar 10, 2023
    Un álbum que mantiene en estela todo lo que lo rodea. Mantiene ciertos cambios en canciones que pueden parecer muy repentinos. pero a mi parecer les da un aura muy interesante. Un solido 8,5 a 9,
  6. Mar 10, 2023
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.
  7. Mar 10, 2023
    Mostrando a grande artista que é, Miley se reinventa mais uma vez e entrega excelência.
  8. Mar 10, 2023
    One of her best albums tbh!!!!! So excited for this era! Let's gooooooo!!!!
  9. Mar 10, 2023
    She really disappointed us with this album, she messed up the production, she could've created an album like plastic hearts but more rock or something like bangerz 2.0 not this "endless summer vacation"
  10. Mar 10, 2023
    Endless Summer Vacation is potentially Miley's strongest album yet in her career. A blend of the best from Bangerz and Dead Petz, with a dash of Plastic Hearts, ESV showcases her skills as a songwriter and her phenomenal vocals. I predict a Grammy win for this release!
  11. Mar 10, 2023
    Tem um pouco de rock, de country, eletrônico, mas se faz único a partir disso, é pop. Se nos outros álbuns a Miley tava explorando versões diferentes dela, aqui ela é apenas ela mesma e é brilhante. É bom ver a Miley de novo!
  12. Mar 10, 2023
    Deep, sexy, intense... absolutely in love with these songs... Miley has given us her best work. Five stars
  13. Mar 10, 2023
    O álbum é maravilhoso, primeiro trabalho pop da Miley que é coeso e artisticamente bonito. Endless Summer Vacation de fato nos transporta ao fim do verão, onde aquela sensação de nostalgia e temor pelo frio que se aproxima toma conta de nós.
  14. Mar 10, 2023
    It’s an album with a new different vibe from her, she really grew in her lyrics and sound. I loved this new vibe, she never disappoints. It’s really interesting to see how she can change her genre with each era.
  15. Mar 10, 2023
    Cyrus has matured her sound more and more, and now she shows her full potential in endless summer vacation. He manages to transmit his soul into the project, managing to rescue his past in a sweet way, but also his vigor as an artist. The tracks show how his maturation brought even more talent and insight. This is definitely your best work.
  16. Mar 10, 2023
    Her best album to date. she is amazing. cant wait to experience this live! Cant pick my favs yet
  17. Mar 10, 2023
    Just perfect, she outdid herself. Combined different genres and still cohesive. Queen is back to her throne!
  18. Mar 10, 2023
  19. Mar 10, 2023
    This album is so good and it really feels like an endless summer vacation. She is so versatile and is never afraid to try out new things.
  20. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El álbum en general tiene sonidos frescos y retros que hacen que el público en general lo recuerde como algo que ya se ha escuchado antes. Una estrategia muy usada en la actualidad para poder perseverar en el mercado. Las letras son buenas pero la mayoría son algo planas y sosas, pero es de los mejores trabajos de Cyrus. Expand
  21. Mar 10, 2023
    Amazing album! A combination of every work done before but showing her growth in her music ! pop perfection!
  22. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es una obra de arte todo el álbum, mis top 5 serían:
  23. Mar 10, 2023
    Na média, faltou um pouco de essência, um pouco de tempero. Plastic Hearts continua sendo o melhor da carreira dela.
  24. Mar 10, 2023
    just pop perfection and a mature miley cyrus that estabishes her as a referent
  25. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Desde do lançamento do smash hit "Flowers", já percebemos que desde lá ia vim uma obra prima de álbum e estávamos certos. Um álbum cheio de músicas boas com melodias incríveis. Expand
  26. Mar 10, 2023
    The cohesive album I’ve heard in a few years. It’s not trying to be anything, it is Miley in her final form: fiercely unapologetic. You’ll get whatever she wants you to get. She’s not trying to shed an image, prove her adulthood or appeal to her critics. And now more than ever, you hear the sincerity and authenticity that attracts you to Miley’s shine.
  27. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is so good and it's bop after bop. Miley knows how to make us happy with her versatility and audacity and i wanna say thank you to her everyday for it. Expand
  28. Mar 10, 2023
    a big congratulations for this masterpiece, Album Of The Year worth.
    Miley is growing in a surreal rhythm.
  29. Mar 10, 2023
    Ela conseguiu entregar mais um álbum transitando por gêneros e provando que consegue fazer isso sem perder a qualidade e excelência.
  30. Mar 10, 2023
    her most mature, cohesive and diverse effort to date, hands down for miley!
  31. Mar 10, 2023
    This álbum is a masterpiece. This representing Miley and everything she pass across The years. The álbum remember Cant Be Tamed, Dead Petz, Younger Now, Plastic Hearts.
  32. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the best record of miley’s carreer. es el album que mas he esperado cin ganas y cada canción es una obra maestra que refleja sus sentimientos a flor de piel. la mayor artista con el mejor album de la historia. Expand
  33. Mar 10, 2023
    Miley macetou demais, um álbum coeso e redondinho, perfeito pra ouvir dirigindo na primeira parte do álbum e na segunda perfeito pra ir pra uma boate a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
  34. Mar 10, 2023
    This is a high quality album, Miley is at her best moment, her vocals and the production of the album gives a summer vibe which you can sing all along from the beginning
  35. Mar 10, 2023
    Certainly her best album to date. It was worth the wait. Favorite songs: rose colored glasses and river for now.
  36. Mar 10, 2023
    THE BEST ALBUM EVER!! LOVE MILEY! IS A BOP!!! Miley a maioral, álbum do ano
  37. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing album Album of the year Miley did her thing again with this masterpiece The lyrics and everything are unbelievable!!
    Good job miley
  38. Mar 10, 2023
    Álbum coeso, bem feito e incrível! Miley foi perspicaz e ousada nesse novo projeto.
  39. Mar 10, 2023
    Another excellent album from Miley which has a touch of everything she's done previously!
  40. Mar 10, 2023
    Very uninspiring. Not what you would expect after "Flowers", which would have been an unapologetic and empowering project. The narrative here is "i don't need men because I can buy my self flowers" on the first song and "I realy miss and need my man" for pretty much the rest of the album.
  41. Mar 10, 2023
    Endless Summer Vacation is the cumulation of all of Miley Cyrus' past work, all her genres into one skip-less pop album!

    Flowers is the perfect choice for the lead single. The perfect introduction to not only the album but to Miley herself as a pop artist. The idea of teaming up with the same producers as Harry’s House was just outstanding! Miley’s voice can hang with and easily carry
    Endless Summer Vacation is the cumulation of all of Miley Cyrus' past work, all her genres into one skip-less pop album!

    Flowers is the perfect choice for the lead single. The perfect introduction to not only the album but to Miley herself as a pop artist. The idea of teaming up with the same producers as Harry’s House was just outstanding! Miley’s voice can hang with and easily carry these minimalistic beats. Jaded is the song that perfectly pop-ifies her girthy rock vocals! Like i couldn’t have wanted it any other way.
    Harry Styles in the house again in Rose Colored Lenses as in most of the AM part of this album and you can feel it. You can imagine Harry sing ANY of these songs but Miley? She just knocks it out of the park. She gives you the missing piece. Rose Colored is soo simple yet effective. Miley’s previous albums all lacked a blender like Handstand! It perfect introduces us to the PM side of the album.
  42. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Love the sound and the album. Summer vibes and relaxed. I really enjoyed it Expand
  43. Mar 10, 2023
    Amazing, she just puts her entire soul and voice like in PH, with another gender
  44. Mar 10, 2023
    A master of all genres - that's what Miley has become. The greatest act of the younger generation. The album is pure perfection. It takes you through all her past experiences and all the emotions and it does so flawlessly.
  45. Mar 10, 2023
    it was good. I liked it. Jaded, Handstand and Wonder Woman are the best imo.
  46. Mar 10, 2023
    Amazing, gorgeous, spectacular, this álbum is a banger and is made of different pieces of art and with different styles leading you trough a rollercoaster of feelings
  47. Mar 10, 2023
    Wow this album is phenomenal. Miley was able to incorporate all her past selves into a cohesive body of work with top notch production. At the same time, she is coming on strong as a new version of herself. The chameleonic miss Cyrus never fails to disappoint when experimenting with new genes, something that many other mainstream pop artist have yet to achieve or master. Big productions,Wow this album is phenomenal. Miley was able to incorporate all her past selves into a cohesive body of work with top notch production. At the same time, she is coming on strong as a new version of herself. The chameleonic miss Cyrus never fails to disappoint when experimenting with new genes, something that many other mainstream pop artist have yet to achieve or master. Big productions, amazing ballads, electro op dance tracks and BANGERZ are what characterises this album. Expand
  48. Mar 10, 2023
    You get transported to an endless summer! She killed it with the intros. She gave us killer bridges. She devoured with the outros. Amazing!
  49. Mar 10, 2023
    Um álbum muito bem construído, Miley volta as suas raízes com a forma de canto, e os instrumentais nos dão nostalgia.
  50. Mar 10, 2023
    It has some really great tracks but some misses. Over all a great album from Miley!
  51. Mar 10, 2023
    Bop after bop! Miley's music just keeps getting better and better! ALBUM OF THE YEAR!
  52. Mar 10, 2023
    The lyrics are not that ambitious, I appreciate the effort of bringing some lost beats from the 2000, but they were also not used as good
  53. Mar 10, 2023
    an experience, very cohesive. production is flawless, handstand is an amazing interlude/between the AM and PM sides. great job miley!
  54. Mar 10, 2023
    Very mixed bag with this album, I must say I was disappointed. You get some tracks which are really strong like Jaded, Thousand Miles and Wildcard. But on some, Miley's vocals are really. manufactured that it ruins the song. I can't say I enjoy Rose Coloured Lenses, Handstand and River. I feel like if You had reworked vocals, then this album would be a really impressive EP. If you are aVery mixed bag with this album, I must say I was disappointed. You get some tracks which are really strong like Jaded, Thousand Miles and Wildcard. But on some, Miley's vocals are really. manufactured that it ruins the song. I can't say I enjoy Rose Coloured Lenses, Handstand and River. I feel like if You had reworked vocals, then this album would be a really impressive EP. If you are a fan of the song You, it sounds immaculate on the live album Attention! Expand
  55. Mar 10, 2023
    Miley really needs to take care of her voice, it really sounds that she have been smoking a lot.
    The album is not creative at all, the aesthetics reminds lana rel rey-ish filters, the sound is from a regular pop album (as always) and even her clothes are pretty common, nothing new.
  56. Mar 10, 2023
    Bop after bop! Miley's music just keeps getting better and better! ALBUM OF THE YEAR already
  57. Mar 10, 2023
    This album belongs to the type of music that leaves a bold mark on the stage of emotional being and shapes a persons mood for the next couple of weeks from the first full listen. Highly recommend ESV to people who are struggling with letting the worries go for even a moment to just have an ounce of pure fun.
  58. Mar 10, 2023
    This is the new shape of Miley Cyrus. She is always bring something else in the game. And this album has zero skip. Muddy Feet and River has stronf pieces. Violet Chemistry is the POP song you want to listen for long time. Jaded, Island and Wildcard growing super fast everytime you listening. But Handstand is another level of pop perfection. It's not something we see in Miley'sThis is the new shape of Miley Cyrus. She is always bring something else in the game. And this album has zero skip. Muddy Feet and River has stronf pieces. Violet Chemistry is the POP song you want to listen for long time. Jaded, Island and Wildcard growing super fast everytime you listening. But Handstand is another level of pop perfection. It's not something we see in Miley's discography. You, Wonder Woman, Thousand Miles has some pipes. They are slow but you can't skip them. Miley's mega hit Flowers is matching the album perfectly. Rose Colored Lenses is a definitely vacation song. You will enjoy while listening this at holiday! This summer will be better with Miley. Collapse
  59. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Trabalho incrivel, considero o melhor trabalho da Miley ja feito, com destaque para River, WildCard e Jades, sonoridade e letra perfeita! Expand
  60. Mar 10, 2023
    A cohesive and well-designed album which sees Miley with a combination of some of her previously explored sounds including pop (synth pop), rock, psychedelia and country.
  61. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A piece of art!! Her best album. Deserves all the success in the world. I can't stop boping ro this. Expand
  62. Mar 10, 2023
    Simplesmente incrível como a Miley traz um álbum vivo e bonito, simples e com muitos vocais.
  63. Mar 10, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her most cohesive and well-constructed body of work. Finally, Miley decided to express the all artistry she has. Just like BBC said, she is the "ultimate pop star of the 21st Century", and 'Endless Summer Vacation' can prove you that. Definitely, a 10/10. An album for all tastes. One of the most intelligents and creative records from this decade, standing with 'Future Nostalgia' and 'SAWAYAMA'. Expand
  64. Mar 10, 2023
    I love it, miley always makes art

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Mar 29, 2023
    Her singing is vivid enough on “Endless Summer Vacation” to make up for some mushy songwriting here and there.
  2. Mar 17, 2023
    Cyrus will probably never settle on just one or two sounds to express herself, but her voice and vision are strong enough on Endless Summer Vacation to suggest she'll never need to.
  3. Mar 14, 2023
    Not the sundazed party record that was promised but an exploration of how it feels when the party’s over.