
Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. Jan 16, 2014
    The four new songs here are less blank than the four on the first, if only marginally.
  2. Mar 18, 2014
    Sad to say, there’s not a song on EP2 that sounds like it couldn’t have been banged out by a reasonably proficient group of session musicians.
  3. Jan 23, 2014
    I really wish that Pixies still had their magic, but they don't, and it's a terrible shame for all of the parties concerned. For us as the listener, and for them as the band that are running on empty.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. Sep 18, 2014
    First let me say, I'm very enthusiastic about the bands recent output and think its great we have new material to get into. The band areFirst let me say, I'm very enthusiastic about the bands recent output and think its great we have new material to get into. The band are showing the balls they've always had in releasing new stuff and ploughing ahead regardless of what the critics say. They've earned the right to do this.

    A step above EP1, EP2 is generally a heavier affair. "Blued Eyed Hex" starts things off sounding more like AC/DC than Pixies. Black Francis lets the vocal chords rip here and while not a bad song, it all seems a bit out of place for the band. Next we have "Magdalena", one of the highlights of Pixies more recent output. Sounding like something from Bossanova, its got that spacey vibe with a great guitar line chugging away underneath. "Greens and Blues" is straightforward pop, a pleasant, inoffensive track which is lifted and given a whole new dimension through Joey Santiago's guitar work. Finally we have "Snakes", which is what I have come to expect from the band these days, dark, melodic, heavy on the guitar work, the bass more in the background than before - there is a great contrast between the verses and choruses, not in terms of sound but in terms of mood. Overall, a solid EP which contains some of Indie Cindy's strongest tracks.
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  2. Mar 30, 2014
    I'm sure there's a lot of people who don't like the new Pixies music. What do you expect? It's been 20 years, they're a different band.I'm sure there's a lot of people who don't like the new Pixies music. What do you expect? It's been 20 years, they're a different band.

    After that, I think it's easier for people to get into the Pixies new music than their classic albums. Especially as they roll out EPs. I realize they announced a full length album comprised of the 3 EPs they've made in the last several months, but I honestly don't think this type of recording/release should be given up on. I think every band should at least try releasing 12 songs over 3-4 EPs every 6 months or so instead of a 12 track LP every 2 years. I think it prevents bands from getting burned out in the studio and allows them to experiment more. A fan wouldn't have to wait so long between albums and if the band wanted to take their creativity in a different direction that the fans didn't like, they wouldn't have one LP that lost money over two years, they'd just have one bad EP and they could redeem themselves in six months (if they chose to, I mean, a band every right to do what they want, but they'd have their finger closer to the pulse of their fans for sure.) And with making several EPs, there's no more filler songs.

    That being said, all the tracks on EP-2 are wicked good. Just as good as EP-1. "Blue Eyed Hexe" is a pure rock anthem you'll probably be screaming the chorus of until you're hoarse. "Magdalena 318" is a melodic rock with sweeping guitars that sound like the bridge between the old Pixies and the sometimes Weezer-ish new Pixies. "Greens and Blues" and "Snakes" are that Weezer-ish new Pixies.

    I loved the old Pixies and I love the new Pixies. You really can't go wrong with this EP, it's fantastic.
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 15, 2014
    9 EP2 has an excellent balance of originality and nostalgia as well a combination of both. It makes me very excited for EP2 has an excellent balance of originality and nostalgia as well a combination of both. It makes me very excited for the follow up releases to this and 2014 for music as a whole. Full Review »