• Record Label: Heavenly
  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Sep 25, 2018
    There’s not a single track on European Heartbreak that isn’t a beautifully composed, shining picture postcard of emotion from a songwriter you should be listening to right now.
  2. Oct 11, 2018
    Some may be turned off by the sheer melancholy on European Heartbreak, and yearn for the drive and verve of songs like It Changes. Yet, for anyone who enjoys soaking in sorrow, this makes for perfect listening. For anyone from other states of the European Union dreading the uncertainties of life post-March 2019, this album could at least be a security blanket.
  3. Mojo
    Oct 3, 2018
    European Heartbreak feels wonderfully whole, bound together by De Graaf's sweetly inscrutable voice and the unshowy, languid complexity of her songs. [Nov 2018, p.92]
  4. Sep 28, 2018
    It’s an album in tune with sometimes grim social realities but one which doesn’t get wrapped up in them, privileging lovely tunes and a broad appeal. European Heartbreak is a triumphant wodge of sparkling pop.
  5. Sep 28, 2018
    European Heartbreak has a lovely, human optimism, and leaves a warm glow and a feeling that all things--however uncomfortable--eventually pass.
  6. Uncut
    Sep 25, 2018
    Her faintly punch-drunk voice sometimes sounds just a kilojoule of energy (or lack thereof) from uninterested, but just as often she's as winsomely weary as she is vulnerable, and the impeccably stylish decoration seals our seduction. [Nov 2018, p.25]
  7. Oct 8, 2018
    European Heartbreak is charming, clever and quietly confident. If the world really is about to fall apart, then Amber Arcades has produced something that is more than a worthwhile distraction.
  8. Oct 4, 2018
    While it does contain a few songs that could be split off and saved, it mainly goes to show that she makes for a better melancholy dream pop artist than a singer/songwriter with her toes dipped in Americana and soft soul.
  9. Sep 28, 2018
    Full of lilting indie-pop, often swelling with trumpets, string sections and a sense of wistfulness, European Heartbreak sounds nostalgic for a dream, the realisation of which has long since passed.
  10. Q Magazine
    Sep 25, 2018
    Pleasing, interesting, but not especially gripping. [Nov 2018, p.102]
  11. Sep 25, 2018
    Ultimately the uninspired songwriting renders European Heartbreak incapable of being a worthwhile investment of your listening time. [Aug - Oct 2018, p.75]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Nov 14, 2018
    ( 78/100 )

    Desde Dutchland, Annelotte De Graff, quien se denomina como Amber Arcades, nos presenta su segundo disco: "European Heartbreak",
    ( 78/100 )

    Desde Dutchland, Annelotte De Graff, quien se denomina como Amber Arcades, nos presenta su segundo disco: "European Heartbreak", después de su álbum debut del 2016 llamado "Fading Lines". En "European Heartbreak" deja claro que tiene una de las voces más dulces y bonitas de la industria, junto a las atribuciones que Snail Mail, Luluc, Tomberlin y Amanda Shires en la música Indie Folk de éste año, Amber Arcades se une a ese movimiento que explora una sensación personal con la seguridad de su talento. Producido por Chris Cohen y Trey Pollard, el ritmo suave como un bombón juega con diferentes arreglos para qué, entre esa dulzura y la postura inconforme de las letras, la dinámica sea totalmente accesible. Si hay problemas es gracias a una que otra propuesta musical, pues el intento de incluir y fusionar varias intenciones a veces no es la correcta y se queda en lo melódico, sin un sazón o intensidad. Realmente no pretende tener ese cuidado, especialmente en su segunda mitad, pero, de alguna forma, eso deja a su público con ganas de una ancla emocional. Fuera de eso considero que éste proyecto reluce en sensibilidad y cierto dinamismo que logra consolar y acompañar a la gente en sus momentos más cotidianos. El tema que explora De Graff es el sueño, esa sensación que se siente en la vida estando despierto; esas experiencias que nos envuelven en una emoción de temporalidad: las ilusiones que nos llevan a actuar en contra de la conciencia, las memorias locales, los arrepentimientos, los dilemas personales y sentir no ser parte del sistema social en el que se convive y que arruina amistades con amor y el amor con falta de experiencias. Éste álbum está lleno de versos y melodías que, por más comunes que sean, nos hacen sentirnos tan diferentes y fuera de nosotros mismos que flotamos sobre la sociedad y la vida, fuera ella, como si estuviéramos soñando. Dormidos en el deseo.
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  2. Oct 2, 2018
    Actually, you can listen European Heartbreak like one time in a life, and that's all. First song is the most beautiful and perhaps talented.Actually, you can listen European Heartbreak like one time in a life, and that's all. First song is the most beautiful and perhaps talented. Rest of them — the same, so it's boring.
    And all this Lana Del Ray-stuff only in major — looks pity.
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