• Record Label: Wind-Up
  • Release Date: Oct 11, 2011
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Universal acclaim- based on 160 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 12 out of 160
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  1. Feb 25, 2022
    I love Amy Lee and Evanescence
  2. Nov 17, 2021
    I think they brought something new. It’s not like they lost their essence but improved it.
  3. May 22, 2021
    The first 5 tracks literally blew my mind!
    They're so dramatic and rich in sound.
    Stunning album.
  4. Apr 3, 2021
    My heart isn't broken 'cause I love this album. It's one of my favorite ones from Evanescense so far aside from Fallen and I plan on listening to more from 'em.
  5. Mar 26, 2021
    Evanescence did something they never did, experiment new guitar sounds with the same lyric energy. Its wonderfull.
  6. Mar 26, 2021
    Their second best album, underrated among fans. Lost In Paradise might be their best song ever.
  7. Dec 25, 2020
    Longer and happier than the others but I think that on thing is missing, a true hit song. What You Want was cool but I don't know way, I feel that people didn't like the song.
  8. Oct 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best evanescence album ever. So deep meaning. I like this hard rock style Expand
  9. Aug 27, 2020
    This album is so great! Realmente asombroso!!!! Icónico inalcanzables, Realmente nunca me aburriria de escucharlo
  10. Jun 22, 2020
    A really good album with one flaw for me. For clarification: I liked everything and then I noticed that I was skipping many songs without hesitation. After some thoughts I came to the conclusion that some songs are very similar in style and became boring after a while. This makes the rating more complex. For me the best songs are “What you want”, “A new way to bleed”, “My heart is broken”,A really good album with one flaw for me. For clarification: I liked everything and then I noticed that I was skipping many songs without hesitation. After some thoughts I came to the conclusion that some songs are very similar in style and became boring after a while. This makes the rating more complex. For me the best songs are “What you want”, “A new way to bleed”, “My heart is broken”, “Never go back” and “Secret door”. I must mention that 2 of these are on the Deluxe Edition only. I like the style of Evanescence and the beautiful singing voice of Amy Lee that fits perfect into the rest. However here like I already said I miss some more variation. Overall it is one of the albums I really enjoy but keep skipping many songs. Expand
  11. Mar 27, 2020
    Simply perfect. Wonderful album, strong and mature lyrics. The only thing that sins is the promotion and the art of the album, which is something sloppy.
  12. Jan 20, 2018
    Unfortunately, "Fallen" just can't be topped. While "Evanescence" is an improvement over "The Open Door" it's just not enough to be as good or better than "Fallen". There are some tracks that make it come close such as, "What You Want", "The Change", "My Heart is Broken", "Lost in Paradise", "Oceans", and "Never Go Back". They've stepped in a better direction from "The Open Door", but justUnfortunately, "Fallen" just can't be topped. While "Evanescence" is an improvement over "The Open Door" it's just not enough to be as good or better than "Fallen". There are some tracks that make it come close such as, "What You Want", "The Change", "My Heart is Broken", "Lost in Paradise", "Oceans", and "Never Go Back". They've stepped in a better direction from "The Open Door", but just can't top their biggest hit. Still, a really great album so even though it still isn't quite to the level of Fallen it still gets an A-. Expand
  13. Jul 21, 2017
    Evanescence finally leaves behind the dark, sad-toned atmosphere. In "The Open Door" Amy Lee sings about her love for darkness and how she wants to let it go and be happy. The previous album ended with a happy note. We have never seen Evanescence and Amy Lee so strong before. She really brought the new voice with this album. If in the past we loved her Gothic, dark character, in this albumEvanescence finally leaves behind the dark, sad-toned atmosphere. In "The Open Door" Amy Lee sings about her love for darkness and how she wants to let it go and be happy. The previous album ended with a happy note. We have never seen Evanescence and Amy Lee so strong before. She really brought the new voice with this album. If in the past we loved her Gothic, dark character, in this album we will love her more for how strong she became. Listeners can really feel the power that comes with her vocals when she sings "Do what you, what you want", "Don't want to play your game anymore", "there's nothing that can change the way I feel". Amy Lee also gave us a more soft version of her new self in "Lost In Paradise" to remind us what we originally fell in love with - a young girl trapped in confusion trying to figure out who she wants to be. Alongside content, the sound of Evanescence is also changed is music. "Evanescence" does not have the Gothic vibe or nu metal. It's more on the hard rock side and alternative and the group completely lost their mainstream sound they had on "Fallen". The style doesn't fall under innovative category as it has generic guitars and drums, typical to old hark rock and alternative. But the sheer positive vibe of the album makes it worth loving. 7/10 Expand
  14. Dec 15, 2016
    This a live album. Amazing, amazing, amazing vocals! A lot of layers and harmonies. Very hard and heavy guitars, great job by Terry Balsamo and Troy Mclawhorn. The drummer is a killer! Best drummer ever. A lot of synths that makes a new and unique sound. It does make justice to the other preview albums. I recomend: Never Go Back, Oceans, My Heart Is broken, Erase This and Lost In Paradise.
  15. Jul 20, 2016
    This album is my 3rd favorite one cause it has meaningful songs and they have a perfect chorus. This album is great and perfect just that. I love evanescence.
  16. Nov 12, 2014
    This album is sadly underestimated where I live, so I didn't even know Evanescence had released a new album until several months later! It's a shame because this is packed-full of energy, complex music with an awesome sound and of course Amy Lee's brilliant voice. My personal favorites (from the Deluxe version) are: Made of Stone, The Change, My Heart is Broken, Erase This (Got this on myThis album is sadly underestimated where I live, so I didn't even know Evanescence had released a new album until several months later! It's a shame because this is packed-full of energy, complex music with an awesome sound and of course Amy Lee's brilliant voice. My personal favorites (from the Deluxe version) are: Made of Stone, The Change, My Heart is Broken, Erase This (Got this on my running track music), Lost In Paradise (gives me goosebumps!), Sick (we live in a sick, twisted World when we think about it), Never Go Back (awesome energy!), New Way to Bleed (love the drums, big sound!), Secret Door (A typical Amy Lee Ballad).
    Give it a listen, you won't regret it. //LlemonFlame
  17. Aug 27, 2014
    Even in 2014, Evanescence's return in 2011—which came out half of a decade after 2006's The Open Door—disappoints me. To admittedly be one of their most enthusiastic fans for years and years and to love literally everything they've done to date—from their unreleased late-'90s material to their B-sides, Amy Lee and her fellow interchangeable band members made me feel let down. TheEven in 2014, Evanescence's return in 2011—which came out half of a decade after 2006's The Open Door—disappoints me. To admittedly be one of their most enthusiastic fans for years and years and to love literally everything they've done to date—from their unreleased late-'90s material to their B-sides, Amy Lee and her fellow interchangeable band members made me feel let down. The experimental and electronic music influenced album hyped during their work with producer Steve Lillywhite (U2, The Rolling Stones) was cancelled in favor of completely tossing out any refreshing ideas and recording songs that could've been B-sides from their Fallen days. It's the '10s, why do bands continue to try and resurrect nu-metal?

    That's not saying there aren't any redeeming records on here: "My Heart Is Broken" has that signature everything-I-touch-dies sort of melodrama within the musicianship + Lee's knock-out vocals belting out the album's catchiest chorus ("My heart is broken/Sweet sleep, my dark angel"); "Lost in Paradise" is musically My Immortal, Pt. 2, a completely dramatic and chill-inducing rock ballad where Lee apologizes to her fans for being human and wanting more than fame and fortune; "Swimming Home" is gloomy gothtronica at its finest and bonus track "Secret Door" has to be one of Lee's most breathtaking vocal performances in her career of many, many, well, breathtaking vocal performances.

    But all-in-all, nothing's very new. The influences of Bjork, Depeche Mode, and MGMT aren't visible in plain sight due to the forgettable and formulaic 'rock' moments, which sound more like re-written Disturbed or Korn songs rejected from the final cuts of the albums. Amy Lee is the heart and soul of Evanescence. Though her band members try their very best to make a really, really rad rock record, they hold Lee back from exploring her inner ambition she flirted with on her cover of The Nightmare Before Christmas' "Sally's Song" and her recent solo album for the 2014 film War Story. It's not terrible and I'd even recommend it to longtime Evanescence fans, however, it's just not what it could have been.
  18. Aug 29, 2013
    I feel that the music is so strong, still dark as always, and more gothic than ever also rocking!!
    My favorite is My heart is broken!! Love it!!!
    The darker for the music, the better for the sound..
  19. Jul 14, 2013
    One of the most under-rated Albums of 2011. Very heavy stuff for Evanescence and in the pop radio landscape it got very little promotion.

    The part of the album is some rocking out head banging fun. Some amazingly beautiful ballads intermixed throughout the middle and end make this a must buy!!
  20. Jul 8, 2013
    The vibes to the songs on this album are a little bit different from what we are use to hearing from this band but in the end the songs are still kick ass and it's a must own album
  21. May 25, 2013
    Absolutely great album. I can listen to the whole thing through without skipping any song. I highly recommend buying it. Standout songs are made of stone, the change, lost in paradise, and never go back. Weakest song is swimming home. BUY IT!!!
  22. Oct 18, 2012
    After a five-year hiatus, Evanescence have finally returned with their long awaited third-studio effort produced by English five-time Grammy award winning record producer Steve Lillywhite (U2, Morrisey, The Rolling Stones, etc.). And while Evanescence certainly deliver an album full of fan pleasers, it also fails reach outside that fan base by refusing to reach outside the band's foundingAfter a five-year hiatus, Evanescence have finally returned with their long awaited third-studio effort produced by English five-time Grammy award winning record producer Steve Lillywhite (U2, Morrisey, The Rolling Stones, etc.). And while Evanescence certainly deliver an album full of fan pleasers, it also fails reach outside that fan base by refusing to reach outside the band's founding sound and in stead chooses to play it safe. Its opening track, "What You Want", begins with a danceable drumbeat that quickly transforms into an arena-rocking anthem about a failing relationship, ultimately becoming one of the album's most favorable tracks. The most radio-friendly song on the album, "My Heart Is Broken", however, is the most familiar song when it comes to sound, but that's not a cons in this case, thanks to Lee's soaring vocals and dramatic lyrical content. Its "My Immortal"-esque ballad, "Lost In Paradise", will be favored by fans, as well as new listeners, thanks to, again, Lee's vocals and dramatic writing skills. However, the album ultimately fails to appeal through generic alt-metal/nu-metal tracks like "The Other Side", "Sick", and "Never Go Back". Lee has stated that originally, the band wanted to take a more experimental route by exploring more electronic genres, which could maybe saved this album from being forgettable. Expand
  23. Jan 12, 2012
    I'm a big fan of Evanescence and have been for a little while now. When I first listened to their new album - simply titled "Evanescence" - I thought it didn't compare to their older work. However, the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me and now I think it's some of their best work yet!

    The album carries the same hybrid of rock and classical instruments that the band have
    I'm a big fan of Evanescence and have been for a little while now. When I first listened to their new album - simply titled "Evanescence" - I thought it didn't compare to their older work. However, the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me and now I think it's some of their best work yet!

    The album carries the same hybrid of rock and classical instruments that the band have always had (despite the several line-up changes). Amy Lee is just as good as she always has been as the band's lead singer, and the rest of the group all prove their worth through some fantastic drum and guitar solos. But it's not all good. As per usual with Evanescence there are a few dud tracks. Most notable are "Swimming Home" which seems to lack the entire band's presence (with the exception of Amy). While this has proved to be a winning formula before with songs such as "My Immortal" this time it really doesn't work, and makes "Swimming Home" just very boring to listen to.

    The only other track I had a problem with was "Secret Door" - one of the four bonus tracks you get with the deluxe edition. It suffers a similar problem to "Swimming Home" in that both the lyrics and rhythm fail to grab your attention.

    Those two tracks aside though, Evanescence really is a great album. With the exception of the aforementioned two, all the songs are fantastic to listen to, and feature some great lyrics - and also some quite meaningful ones.

    Highlights of the album are "Made of Stone", "Lost In Paradise", "Oceans", and "Say You Will," and "My Heart Is Broken."

    The fact that they wrote these songs themselves is great too, as that feature is becoming increasingly difficult to find in music acts.

    The deluxe edition also comes with a behind-the-scenes DVD featuring the video to "What You Want," the first single of the new album as well as many interviews with the band. While this is a nice touch, it's not a reason to splash out for the deluxe edition. Although the 3 bonus tracks (not including Secret Door) are of high quality - but still the deluxe edition may be a fan-only thing.

    So all in all, apart from a couple of poor songs, this album is definitely one worth adding to your collection. If you liked any of Evanescence's previous work, or want to start listening to them, there's no better entry point than here. With some meaningful and catchy songs this album is unmissable.

  24. Nov 8, 2011
    While Evanescence's sophomore effort Open Door felt more like Amy Lee's experimental solo project accompanied by "chugga-chugga" guitars, Evanescence (claims) to be a heavier record that relies more on organic rock music rather than the electronic rock album Lee intended to make before meeting producer Nick Raskulinecz. The lead single, "What You Want", begins with stadium-shaking drumsWhile Evanescence's sophomore effort Open Door felt more like Amy Lee's experimental solo project accompanied by "chugga-chugga" guitars, Evanescence (claims) to be a heavier record that relies more on organic rock music rather than the electronic rock album Lee intended to make before meeting producer Nick Raskulinecz. The lead single, "What You Want", begins with stadium-shaking drums and Lee's powerful vocals, shouting: "Do what you, what you want!" And while it is certainly catchier than recent rock songs, it lacks the spunk of previous single "Call Me When You're Sober". More tracks that represent the album's rock intentions are "Made of Stone", an alternative metal song that includes Lee's etheral vocals, chunky, churning guitars throughout the verses, and a surprisingly well-thought out guitar solo towards the finale; "The Other Side", a song that relies on heavy metal influences whilst singing about dying and the afterlife. The standout tracks from the album are "The Change", that relies on an electronic feel, beginning with a gentle vibes that transform into typical Evanescence; "My Heart is Broken", the most faithful and seemingly familiar song from the album that contains the strings, piano, guitar riffs and catchy chorus fans adored from the previous albums; "Lost in Paradise", a tear-jerking ballad that begins with Lee's enchanting vocals accompanied by a beautiful piano before transforming quickly into traditional rock-ballad formula that's still beautiful. Overall, Evanescence probably would have been better if it were more explorative and experimental like the band's previous album. Nothing against traditional rock albums, but Evanescence just refuses to reinvent the genre, the band or Lee herself, making it more of a "check this out" than a recommendation. Expand
  25. Nov 7, 2011
    From start to final song Swimming Home, this album doesn't stop moving, and it's absolutely fantastic! From the roaring rage of 'Made of Stone', to the groovy head-banger 'Erase This', to the vulnerability of 'Lost in Paradise'' to stage anthem 'Sick', there's nothing to be disappointed in with this eponymous release by Evanescence. It's matured over the past two albums, but its varietyFrom start to final song Swimming Home, this album doesn't stop moving, and it's absolutely fantastic! From the roaring rage of 'Made of Stone', to the groovy head-banger 'Erase This', to the vulnerability of 'Lost in Paradise'' to stage anthem 'Sick', there's nothing to be disappointed in with this eponymous release by Evanescence. It's matured over the past two albums, but its variety doesn't beat previous release 'The Open Door'. This album is one of the must haves of the year! Expand
  26. Nov 7, 2011
    Generic, half hearted, and dull are the words that I think of when I hear the tracks off of this album. If one of the themes for this album is falling in love, then just who is this person so admired. From the look and sound of the album and media associated with it, the person is Amy Lee herself. After several line up changes, it seems like Amy Lee has begun to focus more on her own imageGeneric, half hearted, and dull are the words that I think of when I hear the tracks off of this album. If one of the themes for this album is falling in love, then just who is this person so admired. From the look and sound of the album and media associated with it, the person is Amy Lee herself. After several line up changes, it seems like Amy Lee has begun to focus more on her own image than maintaining a strong musical backing. Her vocals are there, but the guitar stylings are a dime a dozen in comparison to albums such as the first two released by Wind-Up-- Fallen and The Open Door. The repetitive nature of the album's first single is reminiscent of generic pop singers from the early '00s such as the one hit wonder Jojo and fallen starlet Lindsay Lohan. Drab with no real substance. Just the same stuff repeated over and over again. Expand
  27. Nov 3, 2011
    I personally think that this is their worst album so far. The guitar riffs blend into one another and the songs, in all honesty, sound pretty much the same to me. Amy's voice is good as usual, though I even don't think her vocals are as strong as they were on Fallen or The Open Door. Overall quite disappointing, even though I'm going to see them on Monday. I hope they play some older songs.
  28. Nov 1, 2011
    I'll be honest. The changes in the group components that Evanescence has suffered throughout its existence has clearly marked the style of its music. Some may like them more, some less, but something we cannot deny is the fact that they sound really good anyway. However, I must confess I'm such a fan of Evanescence that I am barely able to give an objective opinion without falling intoI'll be honest. The changes in the group components that Evanescence has suffered throughout its existence has clearly marked the style of its music. Some may like them more, some less, but something we cannot deny is the fact that they sound really good anyway. However, I must confess I'm such a fan of Evanescence that I am barely able to give an objective opinion without falling into flattery... Evanescence still rocking, and Amy is a goddess and a great artist! Expand
  29. Oct 27, 2011
    Definitely their best album yet. They finally sound more like a band rather than Amy Lee's backing band. Their songwriting skills come to show here, despite being occasionally a bit on the melodramatic side, that doesn't detract too much from the overall package.
  30. Oct 24, 2011
    Sometimes you just have to go back to go forward. This is the album I was expecting Evanescence to make after Fallen became a worldwide hit. Although The Open Door wasn't a complete failure, it derailed Evanescence's sound a little. Amy Lee's stepping back here to somewhere that seems to be between Fallen and the Open Door which is no bad thing. There are occasional glimpses of Origin inSometimes you just have to go back to go forward. This is the album I was expecting Evanescence to make after Fallen became a worldwide hit. Although The Open Door wasn't a complete failure, it derailed Evanescence's sound a little. Amy Lee's stepping back here to somewhere that seems to be between Fallen and the Open Door which is no bad thing. There are occasional glimpses of Origin in the album and they experiment with new sounds without straying too far from their trademark 'Evanescence' soul. Its a really great album! Its big, dramatic, epic and carries Evanescence to new heights. It did take a while for the album to 'grow' on me. Originally, I thought it was bland and uninteresting but the more I listened to it, the more I started to appreciate the music. Vocally, Lee takes it to a new level here. How she plans to replicate the vocals on the album in a live show is anyones guess but her voice is beautiful, powerful and emotive all at once. Its understandable how some would find 'Evanescence' to be a bland album as it does seem to be an album sat firmly in between Fallen and The Open Door but largely the experimentation and Origin influences stop it from being a complete deadweight. The only thing it misses is a deeply emotional song like My Immortal or Good Enough. Lost In Paradise is too chaotic to be considered in the same slow, enchanting form as the aforementioned two songs. However cynical this will make me sound, 'Swimming Home' is just too... happy. All in all, the album is the greatest material ever produced by the band. Creatively, its stepping in the right direction and I do hope that is outdoes Fallen commercially also. I can say with absolute confidence that the 'Evanescence' album is DEFINITELY WORTH BUYING. Expand
  31. Oct 24, 2011
    After a long wait, the much anticipated album is here and well worth the wait. Much of every song is powerful and emotionally charged. Not a single song felt weak. Unfortunately, this means that, with the exception of three songs, every track felt similar. The album itself starts of powerful with What You Want. The next few tracks are equally impressive. Unfortunately, I felt Lost InAfter a long wait, the much anticipated album is here and well worth the wait. Much of every song is powerful and emotionally charged. Not a single song felt weak. Unfortunately, this means that, with the exception of three songs, every track felt similar. The album itself starts of powerful with What You Want. The next few tracks are equally impressive. Unfortunately, I felt Lost In Paradise and Sick weren't up to tier with the rest of the album. Fortunately, the album picks back up with End of The Dream and Oceans and ends on a high note with Swimming Home. While this album is close in sound to The Open Door, 2006, overall it is much heavier with the instrumentals and a louder vocal. Expand
  32. Oct 21, 2011
    Its Beautiful but it is a bit heavy. I think it needed a few more gentle tunes that Amy Lee is In. Maybe the deluxe edition will have that!I still love you though Amy:-]
  33. Oct 19, 2011
    I would say this album is about on par with Open Door but not quite to the classic level of Fallen. That being said, I love this album more and more with every listen. At 1st it seemed to feel about the same but the more I've listened to it the more I can hear the subtle nuances. Also, I didn't feel as if there were a lot of "standout" songs however each time I listen they are almostI would say this album is about on par with Open Door but not quite to the classic level of Fallen. That being said, I love this album more and more with every listen. At 1st it seemed to feel about the same but the more I've listened to it the more I can hear the subtle nuances. Also, I didn't feel as if there were a lot of "standout" songs however each time I listen they are almost all standing out to me now. For those fans of theirs who have listened to it 1 or 2 times and aren't feeling it as much as they thought, just give it another couple listens and it will absolutely grow on you.

    Congrats on the #1 status on Billboard too! Let's see if enough people will buy it this week to make it 2 in a row!
  34. Oct 17, 2011
    This must be their best album yet!!!Every song is different and each one of them is worth listening to!My very favourite: The change, my heart is broken, the other side, erase this, lost in paradise, sick, never go back, swimming home, new way to bleed,disappear, secret door.I think I've said enough!!!Go BUY this album!!!
  35. Oct 16, 2011
    Mature, well written, well-composed are just 3 of the top terms that come to mind when listening to this album. Some artists, as they grow with their music, alter their style and lose their identity. Amy Lee and company has proved that their style is positively authentic, powerful, and unwavering. This album has great flavor and really moves the body and soul. The writing is amazing,Mature, well written, well-composed are just 3 of the top terms that come to mind when listening to this album. Some artists, as they grow with their music, alter their style and lose their identity. Amy Lee and company has proved that their style is positively authentic, powerful, and unwavering. This album has great flavor and really moves the body and soul. The writing is amazing, as usual. If it were possible for Amy Lee to sing any better, she just topped herself with this album. The vocals will blow you away like the didn't in the last 2 albums ...it's that good. God knows how she managed to improve her already amazing voice, but she did it. This album is a critical show of top notch musicianship and every artist who's "remaking" themselves would do well to take a page from this book. Beautiful album, beautiful music, welcome back Evanescence! Collapse
  36. Oct 15, 2011
    Amy Lee is finally creating her own sound, similar to the original, but definitely hers. Her voice is the highlight here (as it should be!). Welcome back you were certainly missed!
  37. Oct 14, 2011
    As a long-time fan of Evanescence, I expected more. Instead, most of the songs sound pretty alike, with only a few exceptions. The album lacks movement and feels more of a step backwards than forwards - like somewhere between 'Fallen' and 'The Open Door'. Lee's vocals are gorgeous as ever, however, and the good songs on the album are solid, though there are none that particularly standAs a long-time fan of Evanescence, I expected more. Instead, most of the songs sound pretty alike, with only a few exceptions. The album lacks movement and feels more of a step backwards than forwards - like somewhere between 'Fallen' and 'The Open Door'. Lee's vocals are gorgeous as ever, however, and the good songs on the album are solid, though there are none that particularly stand head and shoulders above the rest as with their previous offerings; when the bonus tracks could be considered, in my opinion, to be better than many of the album tracks, there's a big problem. It feels a little like the band have stepped back from the melodic drama they're so good at, and it doesn't pay off. Expand
  38. Oct 13, 2011
    Okay, I admit, it sounds a little different from the Evanescence we knew from Fallen and The Open Door. But do I mind? The answer is no. Amy Lee still sounds great as ever, totally finishing the songs. The new bands member do a great job at giving off the old Evanescence feeling. All in all, it's great! One thing though, I am missing a softer, sadder song, like My Immortal or Hello. So,Okay, I admit, it sounds a little different from the Evanescence we knew from Fallen and The Open Door. But do I mind? The answer is no. Amy Lee still sounds great as ever, totally finishing the songs. The new bands member do a great job at giving off the old Evanescence feeling. All in all, it's great! One thing though, I am missing a softer, sadder song, like My Immortal or Hello. So, yes, it sounds a little different, but it made me fall in love with Evanescence again! Expand
  39. Oct 12, 2011
    This album is not that different from their previous two albums. It's definitely more alive-trippin', but it still sounds like Evanescence, as we know them. Their 'new direction' is a use of harder drums, keyboard, harp and Amy's hard-knocking voice. This must be their best voice-album. Amy really challenges herself in this self-titled album. Try listening to the songs: 'My Heart IsThis album is not that different from their previous two albums. It's definitely more alive-trippin', but it still sounds like Evanescence, as we know them. Their 'new direction' is a use of harder drums, keyboard, harp and Amy's hard-knocking voice. This must be their best voice-album. Amy really challenges herself in this self-titled album. Try listening to the songs: 'My Heart Is Broken', Lost In Paradise', 'Oceans', 'Never Go back & 'Erase This'. You can hear the angelic-ballading-upstreaming-rocking voice. Amy should sometimes in the future definitely bring up a solo-album. A downtempo one. Her voice fits perfect when she's doing the downtempo songs. 'Swimming Home' & 'Secret Door' proves that, indeed. Anyway I gave the album 10/10, even though I miss the electronic part..But let's hope they'll bring that after this album. You will love this album. Then don't judge it like after one-time listening to it, but play the songs like many times & then you'll see the mature ongoing direction to it. Life is short. Then wake up, & do what you want. This albums is about freedom, life & a little bit drama too. This is the their best album to date. Buy this album. It's really worth it! Expand
  40. Oct 12, 2011
    Evanescence's most rocking album, "Evanescence" brings up more artistry rather than drama, really hard work and angelic voice of Amy. One cannot be satisfied by listening to this record a few times, it automatically requires repeat mode. Beat, synth, riffs, and the amazing voice of Amy is out of question. So exciting to see them rocking again.
  41. Oct 12, 2011
    Its been a long time coming, but the album is finally here! It was a truly refreshing experience, I loved the depth of the album...and I believe it stands out from today's music because most of it is just so monotonous and shallow. The best way to describe this album is with four words. Beautiful, dark, elegant, and heavy. The songs that stood out the most for me were "The Change", "MyIts been a long time coming, but the album is finally here! It was a truly refreshing experience, I loved the depth of the album...and I believe it stands out from today's music because most of it is just so monotonous and shallow. The best way to describe this album is with four words. Beautiful, dark, elegant, and heavy. The songs that stood out the most for me were "The Change", "My Heart is Broken", "A New way to Bleed (bonus track)", and "End of the Dream". The stylistc dirty bass and heavy guitars blend in seamlessly with Lee's voice...it really does create an elegant mixture. Its not a huge difference from their previous work, but its a bit more lively. Highly recommended. Expand
  42. Oct 11, 2011
    Hey, this album is a full-on assault. I can see the audience bobbing heads at the live shows. There are three beautiful softer "ballads" and that is welcome. This is a whole new band, save for Amy Lee, of course, and guitarist Terry Balsamo. What Evanescence does here is to exhale five years worth of living in New York City. Amy is married now, and she felt the time was right when she feltHey, this album is a full-on assault. I can see the audience bobbing heads at the live shows. There are three beautiful softer "ballads" and that is welcome. This is a whole new band, save for Amy Lee, of course, and guitarist Terry Balsamo. What Evanescence does here is to exhale five years worth of living in New York City. Amy is married now, and she felt the time was right when she felt inspired to create new material. This album will satisfy anyone who is a fan of both previous Ev records - it rocks and slows down in the right places. But, really, mostly it rocks! I see at least three singles here. Get the deluxe copy with the added DVD material. Amy does a lot of talking about the process of making the album and talks about the different songs. There is also footage of two days of making a video for the first single "What You Want." My two other fave songs on the album, besides the first single are "The Change", and "Lost in Paradise" which sounds very intimate. Deluxe copy song "Secret Door" is dreamy and beautiful. Expand
  43. Oct 11, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think this album is a little weird, it lacks something that I can't really define. When I listened to Evanescence felt like my fuel tank was charging, now it feels just like simple music, as everyone else could do that, and I think there's the flaw, It's very simple. Unlike most of the critics I've heard the album doesn't sound very hard, on the contrary... softer and more like teenager music in the end, specially with "Sleeping Home", board as hell... anyway, it's not crap, but it's halfway the rock it used to be. Expand
  44. Oct 11, 2011
    With The Open Door, Evanescence leaped into experimenting with electronic trip-hop styled songs as well as even spookier atmospheres and classical influence. With this new album it seems to take a step back and settle on the sound before The Open Door. Its actually a back step. The music is heavier and louder that's for sure but I believe that's caused more by the fact that this is theWith The Open Door, Evanescence leaped into experimenting with electronic trip-hop styled songs as well as even spookier atmospheres and classical influence. With this new album it seems to take a step back and settle on the sound before The Open Door. Its actually a back step. The music is heavier and louder that's for sure but I believe that's caused more by the fact that this is the first time most of the musicians are playing on an album (except Amy and Terry.) This makes it seem somewhat like a debut. Amy's vocals are on point and she definitely does some interesting things she hasn't done before. Overall the album is very mediocre. It lacks musical growth and doesn't really have anything interesting. I felt myself longing for a ballad to soothe my ears from Amy's constant shouting. The saviors of the album is the electronic other-worldly Swimming Home and the peacefully dreary Secret Door. both of which sound like solo songs. At this point it seems Amy Lee is being held back by Evanescence. She's stuck making rock music with no artistic merit. Fans of the more harder side of the band will definitely love this album. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Nov 8, 2011
    Maniacally narcissistic, Evanescence is corny in the way only music so grim and humorless--and yet irredeemably stupid--can be
  2. Oct 19, 2011
    Evanescence may not be doing anything fresh or positively controversial on this new record all about itself. But they sure know how to keep their diehard fans happy by largely repeating the same formula that worked for them in the past.
  3. Oct 12, 2011
    Too much of the time, Evanescence get lost in the cavernous spaces carved out by their unsecret weapon.