• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Mar 21, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 86 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 79 out of 86
  2. Negative: 3 out of 86
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  1. MusicMaven
    Apr 16, 2007
    To my ears they definitely sound a lot like My Morning Jacket, but lighter and more refined. "The Funeral" and "The Great Salt Lake" rank with the best that MMJ has ever done, and the album as a whole is nearly at that level as well.
  2. JamesC
    Feb 1, 2007
    For me this was an unlikely find. I bought several other albums and this was one I was least excited about and proved to be the best of the bunch. I am a my morning jacket fan, but like these guys better, even if it flies in the face of conventional wisdom. Every song ranges from good to great and that means something when so many albums only have a handful of good songs.
  3. Jakeg
    Jan 31, 2007
    amazing. I don't ususally like music so slow, but BOH pulls it off amazingly. Ben's vocals are great, and love the lyrics. Best CD is bought in a while.
  4. ReubenF
    Dec 19, 2006
    There are three things to love about Band Of Horses: Ben Bridwell's vocals, Mat Brooke's songwriting, and oh, the cover of their LP. Unfortunately, Brooke is nolonger a member of this band, so for a debut that is not great, but sounds full of promise, it is quite sad to hear that Brooke is gone. Hopefully the band will find another gifted songwriter to complement those gorgeous vocals.
  5. Dave
    Dec 1, 2006
    This is one of the most over-hyped CD's this year. I've listened several times, and just don't understand why they are getting so much praise.
  6. RomanK
    Nov 27, 2006
    A great album and worth every penny. Saying this record is bland and lacking in atmosphere is a travesty in my opinion, Band of Horses create a poignant, profound and epic sound perfect for those moments when its raining outside and your as miserable as the weather. If your looking for The Strokes then don't come any closer, but if you like music which allows you to relax and ponder A great album and worth every penny. Saying this record is bland and lacking in atmosphere is a travesty in my opinion, Band of Horses create a poignant, profound and epic sound perfect for those moments when its raining outside and your as miserable as the weather. If your looking for The Strokes then don't come any closer, but if you like music which allows you to relax and ponder its intricasies then this is for you. :) Expand
  7. RockyN
    Oct 6, 2006
    Awesome CD, just got it yesterday and can't stop listening to it!
  8. KevinK
    Aug 27, 2006
    Nothing crazy but Good songwriting "St. Augustine" is my favorite.
  9. DonnyK
    Aug 19, 2006
    I do not want to sound like a jerk but I think you have to live in Seattle to really feel it....I mean music is transcendental but you have to know what it feels like to live 9 months under the rain to know how this speaks to you. For those that know, this music is like magic. It turns our skies into heavens and lets us know what the warm sun feels like even though it is onle a memory. Enjoy...
  10. MattB
    Aug 16, 2006
    I'm sorry but this just does not sound like My Morning Jacket or the Flaming Lips. Most of the songs are gloriously derivitive of a lot of early eighties stuff. If anything the shimmering, crackling guitars sound like the Cocteau Twins at their best. 'Funera'l is absolutely sublime and the vocals are stunning. If you think this album lacks soul, then I'm sorry but you I'm sorry but this just does not sound like My Morning Jacket or the Flaming Lips. Most of the songs are gloriously derivitive of a lot of early eighties stuff. If anything the shimmering, crackling guitars sound like the Cocteau Twins at their best. 'Funera'l is absolutely sublime and the vocals are stunning. If you think this album lacks soul, then I'm sorry but you don't have any. BUY IT. Expand
  11. EGold
    Jul 28, 2006
    Do not be tricked into buying this CD. Pitchfork's high review convinced me to give it a shot, and it was a complete waste of money. The CD is bland, derivative, and all of the songs sound the same. Their lyrics are laughably generic and there is a complete lack of catchy hooks. This is from someone who likes indie music, too.
  12. jonnylagk
    Jul 19, 2006
    This album rocks.It sounds a bit like an autistic Neil Young on acid.Very atmospheric and totally cool. It gets my vote.Best album of the year so far,"for sure,"as our european cousins might say.
  13. robertg
    Jun 18, 2006
    When this album first came out I thought it was very solid and then stopped playing it. A few months later I was in a store playing this album and I realized how good this album was. Saw them live a few nights ago and was really impressed. These guys are very genuine and charismatic in person and that really comes through in their music in person. Currently one of my favorite releases of When this album first came out I thought it was very solid and then stopped playing it. A few months later I was in a store playing this album and I realized how good this album was. Saw them live a few nights ago and was really impressed. These guys are very genuine and charismatic in person and that really comes through in their music in person. Currently one of my favorite releases of the year, as every song on the album is solid. Expand
  14. right8left33
    May 22, 2006
    Another gem. Gotta love the voice.
  15. EdwardS
    May 17, 2006
    A Beautiful Album.
  16. Chase
    May 14, 2006
    Band of Horses? More like Bland of Horses. I've given it about 4 listens now and I still don't get what the buzz is. It's not horrible, but not good either; very overrated and very average. It's heavily influenced by My Morning Jacket, but I much prefer My Morning Jacket to Band Of Horses.
  17. Tom
    May 12, 2006
    ignore the clueless alternative press review, this is a great album. maybe not quite as good as carissa's wierd, but a consistently great record. 'pitifully lacking in soul'? get bent. 'the great salt lake', 'the first song', 'our swords' and 'the funeral' are among the finest songs you'll hear all year. sublime. oh, and ignore ignore the clueless alternative press review, this is a great album. maybe not quite as good as carissa's wierd, but a consistently great record. 'pitifully lacking in soul'? get bent. 'the great salt lake', 'the first song', 'our swords' and 'the funeral' are among the finest songs you'll hear all year. sublime. oh, and ignore anyone who says they're a my morning jacket knock-off - the vocals are only slightly similar and band of horses have plenty of tricks of their own, thanks. Expand
  18. LeeG
    May 7, 2006
    Can't stop playing this CD. brilliant. Great Salt Lake, Funeral, Wicked Gil, Monsters, Weed Party, barely a bad song in the bunch. can't wait to see them next month.
  19. Vikk
    Apr 22, 2006
    Best album I've heard so far this year. Raw but complex. Emotional but not whiny. Definitely reminiscent of The Shins & My Morning Jacket but why is that a bad thing? Buy it. Enjoy it. Tthoroughly...
  20. Cables
    Apr 20, 2006
    What is this you ask? Freaking brilliant and possibly the best record you'll hear all year. Thats what.
  21. DonM
    Apr 18, 2006
    Solid album. While nothing really stands out as exceptional, there was enough depth here to keep me listening; and is a sign of greater things to come in the future
  22. dave
    Apr 17, 2006
    One of the most honest, gimmick-free records I've heard in the past year.
  23. BrandonH
    Apr 15, 2006
    The record is more effective than most of My Morning Jacket's catalogue. Each track shines as bright as the one before it. Certainly one of the best debuts anyone will hear this year.
  24. JakeW
    Apr 12, 2006
    what is this? a my morning jacket flaming lips clone? the songs are derivative and all sound the same - don't buy this
  25. tylerl
    Apr 9, 2006
    Great Debut! Thick, thin and full of charm. Tyler
  26. DougB
    Apr 7, 2006
    I love it. Great Album......great debut
  27. GabrielP
    Apr 6, 2006
    Magnificent debut. Great music, good lyrics, great voice.... one of the best albums this year so far, and i'm pretty sure it's going to stay on top all year long.
  28. Piss&Vinegar
    Apr 5, 2006
    Stellar record from start to finish... can't wait to see these guys when they come to town.
  29. WH
    Apr 5, 2006
    WOW! Wicked Gil is amazing. Funeral is tight. Love this album. Rock roots with alt. edge.
  30. SigurðurE
    Apr 4, 2006
    Grate album and funer are one of the best sog of the year

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. It gets a little long in the tooth in places and samey-sounding.
  2. It takes a few listens to sink in, but Everything is transcendent, shimmering, layered, and smartass emo-pop fully ready for stadium saturation.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    [They] show impressive mood-manipulation skills despite relatively simplistic songwriting. [24 Mar 2006, p.70]