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Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 59
  2. Negative: 11 out of 59

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  1. BilyBil
    Feb 10, 2008
  2. AndyS
    May 30, 2003
    This album Simply kicks ass! And the songs are very great especially Serenity.GODSMACK RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. GaryM
    Jun 3, 2003
    In one word: a masterpiece. Rolling Stone should hire some people who actually understand music. The critics can say whatever they want to, another platinum for Sully and the guys!
  4. SaraP.
    Jun 5, 2006
    Awesome band, rock is just good al over
  5. GInoS.
    Jun 12, 2007
    Godsmack is not for everybody, but for those of us who like angry ass-kickin' rock and roll, they're perfect. While some of their music sounds similar, it's the aggression that attracts me to their sound, and Sully's introspective lyrics bring it home. Godsmack rocks!
  6. AmberW
    Apr 21, 2003
    I really love the music of Godsmack no matter what the critis say, the words of Sully are poetic and meaningful. As far as I'm concerned, the critis can kiss my a**!
  7. bryanc
    Mar 5, 2005
    OMG! wen i saw wat the critics gave this cd i almost crapped my pants. This is like the best cd ever! I really dont know why the critics hate it so much. And that nickelback coment.....just stop. u really dont know wat ur talking about if u even compare godsmack to nickelback. Everyone who loves hard rock and metal will love this album. F**K this critics on this one!
  8. laura
    Jan 22, 2007
    this album is the best and i don't give a shit on those critics who don't know how to apreciate an awesome cd. good work and keep on going like this
  9. johnc
    May 15, 2003
    what is the world coming to when a rock magazine trashes such a great cd. Faceless is the best of the three (in my opinion) by Godsmack. reviewers who do not agree, you are entitled to your opinion, but it does nit matter if you do not know good straight ahead rock. I am old school and this cd kicks ass. Re-alighn is the best track on the cd and should be released as the nest single.
  10. kathleenc
    Jan 19, 2004
    this album kicks ass!
  11. justins
    Nov 6, 2005
    best band of all time
  12. Alicia
    Mar 22, 2007
    Everyone has different opinions on music and that's fine, but I absolutely love Godsmack. There music, lyrics and who they are as people help me out on personal level like nothing else has. I think they are unbelivable. I think Faceless is a wicked album and now with the addition of Shannon Larkin it just rocks even more. I love you guys so don't listen to any bad reviews.
  13. BrettB.
    Jan 31, 2008
    Godsmack is fucking awesome and you dumb fucks saying Godsmack is like Alice in Chains they sound nothing alike and apprently you have no taste for music Sully Erna writes lyrics that always make me want to jump up and fucking hit somebody its badass music Alica in Chains were also a great band i love Alice in Chains. This CD is awesome i like it just as much as the 1st album which is Godsmack is fucking awesome and you dumb fucks saying Godsmack is like Alice in Chains they sound nothing alike and apprently you have no taste for music Sully Erna writes lyrics that always make me want to jump up and fucking hit somebody its badass music Alica in Chains were also a great band i love Alice in Chains. This CD is awesome i like it just as much as the 1st album which is what made Godsmack stand out in the music world i play guitar i have an ear for music this is genuine, original, jamming, metal and yes they are a metal band for any idiots thinking it is rock n roll and yes Mastadon is a great band too but how do they push the envelope any more than Godsmack? Whatever all you people who think Godsmack is overrated and not original apparently are music dumb asses. Expand
  14. Rusk
    Jul 13, 2003
    This is one of the finest CD's in my collection. Rolling Stones is smoking some serious shit. That reviewer should just go back to his Britney Spears CDs if he wants to be happy. Re-Align (although simple...until the solo...) is one of the finest songs that I have ever heard. Some songs just don't get old and this is one of them. I can see myself headbanging to that song many This is one of the finest CD's in my collection. Rolling Stones is smoking some serious shit. That reviewer should just go back to his Britney Spears CDs if he wants to be happy. Re-Align (although simple...until the solo...) is one of the finest songs that I have ever heard. Some songs just don't get old and this is one of them. I can see myself headbanging to that song many years from now. Changes is another fine one. The inclusion of I Stand Alone made this an even better buy. If you like solid, hard rock (they did take some material from their previous effort but the new stuff more than makes up for it) then Faceless is definitely for you. Expand
  15. stevenk
    Mar 17, 2005
    this is a fucken good album
  16. TomB
    May 1, 2006
    The user review page just goes to show why some people have no business writing reviews in the media. The people who listen to this genre are those only one who should review it. The guy who gave it a 0 obviously doesnt like rock. As well as the media reviewers. Godsmack kicks ass and always will. Dont like rock? dont listen to it then. I for one, cant stand rap, so if you ask me to The user review page just goes to show why some people have no business writing reviews in the media. The people who listen to this genre are those only one who should review it. The guy who gave it a 0 obviously doesnt like rock. As well as the media reviewers. Godsmack kicks ass and always will. Dont like rock? dont listen to it then. I for one, cant stand rap, so if you ask me to review a rap artist im going to give it a 0. Expand
  17. AngelO
    Apr 27, 2003
    Good, loud music, what more could you ask for? It's Godsmack for godness sake!
  18. ChrisN
    Jan 29, 2006
    This album is great. I may be a bit biased because I'm a Godsmack fanboy, but screw that. Mainstream critics mainly consist of morons, simply because if the fact some of them consider bands like Disturbed and Slipknot to be metal... A bit unrelated, but you get the point. How good the album is is an opinion, but as far as I'm concerned, this is the best Godsmack album yet. It This album is great. I may be a bit biased because I'm a Godsmack fanboy, but screw that. Mainstream critics mainly consist of morons, simply because if the fact some of them consider bands like Disturbed and Slipknot to be metal... A bit unrelated, but you get the point. How good the album is is an opinion, but as far as I'm concerned, this is the best Godsmack album yet. It has some of their best songs on it, such as I Stand Alone and Straight Out Of Line. The lyrics are somewhat repetitive, but that's pretty much it. The Awakening's the only problem I see with the album... = Expand
  19. Zac
    Sep 29, 2008
    This is one of the best Godsmack albums created yet.I hate it when critics give good bands a bad review because I would like to see them create their own album which most critics can't because they don't have the talent as most musicians.I hate it when people think Godsmack is an Alice In Chains rip-off because they are really nothing alike.Just because Godsmack got their name This is one of the best Godsmack albums created yet.I hate it when critics give good bands a bad review because I would like to see them create their own album which most critics can't because they don't have the talent as most musicians.I hate it when people think Godsmack is an Alice In Chains rip-off because they are really nothing alike.Just because Godsmack got their name from the Alice In Chains song God Smack.And for the guy who said his balls dropped and learned that Godsmack sucked...go listen to your Lil' Wayne cause he sucks way more than Godsmack. Expand
  20. JP
    Nov 21, 2008
    Not their best, (that's IV), but there second best. These guys are heavier than Alice in Chains ever was, and Godsmack's albums are all better as a whole than any Alice in Chain's albums. They did not copy they got influence from a great band and ended up greater.
  21. Mar 29, 2011
    A fantastic album, it's brutal and fans of the band will highly enjoy, and if your a metal fan or a hard rock fan you will enjoy, a truly enjoyable album.
  22. Avi
    Jun 17, 2005
    I love hard rock, but 4 songs from this one, are noisy and loudy, even for me. I love the feelings, emotions this album appears to have. Although not many tunes, but there's art and heart in there.
  23. ShaunT.
    Dec 15, 2003
    Godsmack is one of the best heavy metal acts around, and 'Faceless' is one of the most enjoyable metal albums of the year. This is the kind of album that you would purchase for the singles, however, because of the lack of variations in the songs. Godsmack still rocks and 'Serenity' is a nice departure from the norm (although it's also a throwback to the ultimately Godsmack is one of the best heavy metal acts around, and 'Faceless' is one of the most enjoyable metal albums of the year. This is the kind of album that you would purchase for the singles, however, because of the lack of variations in the songs. Godsmack still rocks and 'Serenity' is a nice departure from the norm (although it's also a throwback to the ultimately better song, 'Voodoo' from their self-titled debut). Nothing on the CD is quite as potent as 'Whatever' or 'Alive', but it still sounds awesome, especially for fans of the group. A small sidenote: with the exception of the track, 'I F*cking Hate You', there is very little profanity on the record. Expand
  24. mitch
    Apr 24, 2005
    kick ass album. super-heavy, crushing guitar riffs with great drumming, and sully erna's eerie howl. the lyrics can get a bit generic, though ("you made me out to be responsible for your self inflicted misery"), but the aforementioned meaty riffs and drumming more than make up for it. fuck the critics, this cd rocks.
  25. SkippS
    Jan 28, 2007
    A very good Album, not as good as IV in my opinion but is still very good. Comparing Godsmack to Nickelback is a compliment in my opinion, i love both bands. Tell me, what is better then Godsmack for those of you who gave them a 0? Slipknot? Slayer? Pantera? All 0's compared to the power of the band and beautiful lyrcs of Sully
  26. Patrick
    Jan 28, 2009
    Has good songs like "Straight Out of Line" and "Releasing the Demons"
  27. eveo
    Feb 5, 2007
    Matt, seriously, love, just telling you to fuck off since obviously you don't know jackshit about music. & when you use Alice in Chains to insult somebody think twice. Alice in Chains is one of the big bands of the eighties, nineties, & hell has even seeped over into today. If you think that this "shit is poser and unoriginal", as you so aptly put it, you can fucking take a cold Matt, seriously, love, just telling you to fuck off since obviously you don't know jackshit about music. & when you use Alice in Chains to insult somebody think twice. Alice in Chains is one of the big bands of the eighties, nineties, & hell has even seeped over into today. If you think that this "shit is poser and unoriginal", as you so aptly put it, you can fucking take a cold plunge. By the way, I'm twenty-seven, somehow I don't think that qualifies as a "stupid high school teen." Expand
  28. May 30, 2017
    This album is actually okay. Not as great as Awake, but it still has its strong points like "I Stand Alone" and "Re-Align". I also should notice "Straight Out of Line".
  29. Feb 11, 2011
    Godsmack bring nothing new to the table here. Some great "pump up" songs, but I ended up giving this album to a friend. They like to talk about how mad they are but never really say what they are mad at. They just like being negative for the sake of it and that clearly attracts the angsty teen audience like moths to a flame. The weakest of their albums, still listenable though
  30. JimT
    May 2, 2006
    OMG!! PWNZERIZED!! GODSMAcK is E1IT3 HAXXORS!! LOL! I used to like Godsmack, then my balls dropped. I guess everyone has to go through it, its just that some never grow out of that phase.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Q Magazine
    At least Nickelback know how to write a tune. [Jul 2003, p.104]
  2. Mixes arena rock in the vein of an Alice in Chains with the aggression of Pantera.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Mostly it's the same staccato riffing, constipated vocals, and generic, rage-against-the-kidney-stone angst. [11 Apr 2003, p.78]