• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 3, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 476 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 34 out of 476

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  1. talis
    Jan 2, 2006
    i was afraid it will be crap after two great albums, but luckily i was wrong
  2. KrisB
    Jan 2, 2006
    I'm giving it a 10 although there are 3 forgetable songs on this album. The other 11 more than make up for it. This is, without a doubt, my favorite Strokes album to date. Their sound has evolved without them changing their style. WHAT AN ALBUM!!!!
  3. andrewf
    Jan 2, 2006
    Not bad, could do with a bit of pruning. On the Other Side is the worst song they've ever written, but other than that, it's solid. A disappointment but it could've been worse, so only the one major complaint. Just can't stand those lyrics.
  4. BenJ
    Jan 2, 2006
    The Strokes have perhaps tried to do too many things on this album, it's a tad incoherant, but it works as a collection of songs. There will be plenty of haters--but regardless its still the Strokes, meaning it's going to be one of the best of this year for me. The 8 is in comparison to the previous albums, otherwise it would be a 10 in comparison to other bands.
  5. vjason
    Jan 25, 2006
    I will not do a critic as a journalist but just express how much I love this album. In first time, before it was on the stores I had some songs like "razorblade" or "you only live once". I loved them ,the way they were going to, the guitars' sounds =>it made me feel better because they are the type of songs that strike you.And after a while I had "juicebox".I was so surprised because I will not do a critic as a journalist but just express how much I love this album. In first time, before it was on the stores I had some songs like "razorblade" or "you only live once". I loved them ,the way they were going to, the guitars' sounds =>it made me feel better because they are the type of songs that strike you.And after a while I had "juicebox".I was so surprised because of the intro , I don't really appreciated it(the intro).But the rest of the track don't deceive me. Finally I had three songs really cool : the strokes don't changed a lot finally , there was the same spirit in the songs:" the strokes'touch" was there.The melodies were worked ("razorblade", "you only live once"). So, now I have the album I can say that Julian really impressed me==> whoah! what an evolution! Julian control his voice it's awesome!(I don't say he was bad before but now he is very good) what an album! I can almost feel Julian's feelings , it's fantastic! "vision of division", "fear of sleep"==>those songs show the changement.the voice and the instruments are perfect. "electricityscape"=> I adore the way where Julian sing and the guitars..so beautiful when Julian stop.Fabrizio is fantastic in,with a cool entry. "heart in a cage"=>one of the tracks that resort from this album.There is a passage who make me think to "radiohead".=>like the album,fresh and well done "on the other side" is a cry Expand
  6. PeterP
    Jan 26, 2006
    The first six songs on this album are fantastic. "You Only Live Once" is one of the best songs they have ever written. "Juicebox" is an ourstanding song, "razorblade" is great with a chorus nicked from Berry Manilow's "mandy", "On the other Side" is another favorite. but After "Vision of Division", the album trails off. the only real standout in the 2nd half is "Ize of the World".
  7. Alex
    Jan 28, 2006
    I've listened to this album about 10 times now and I must say it keeps getting better. When I first listened to it, I was disapointed. It did not sound like The Strokes I knew and was expecting. After I forced myself to listen to them more, hoping there was something more here, I was pleasantly suprised. The songs grow on you, well for the most part. "On the Other Side" is pretty I've listened to this album about 10 times now and I must say it keeps getting better. When I first listened to it, I was disapointed. It did not sound like The Strokes I knew and was expecting. After I forced myself to listen to them more, hoping there was something more here, I was pleasantly suprised. The songs grow on you, well for the most part. "On the Other Side" is pretty weak, as well as "Ask Me Anything". The rest of the songs are pretty good. "Heart In A Cage", "Vision of Division", and "Fear Of Sleep" are the top tracks on the album. Overall there are far more strong tracks than weak. Overall, it is worth the buy, if you have the patience. Expand
  8. JoseCuervo
    Jan 3, 2006
    This is an album that requires a few listens before an accurate judgement can be made. Give it time and it will reveal it's genius to you.
  9. JohnnyK
    Jan 3, 2006
    A masterpiece. Early and nearly insurmountable contender for album of the year. Every track shines with techinically flawless precision. Those who decry the tautness of the performances seem to ignore the potency of the hooks within. And, of course, the lyrics matter much less than the attitude. This is glorious rock and roll circa 2006.
  10. EmmaW
    Jan 3, 2006
    You gotta give this album a chance. You may not like it the first time round, but keep listening because it's really a great album. It may be a different Strokes' sound, but it's still brillaint.
  11. BenjiG
    Jan 3, 2006
    Not perfect, but very very good. Highlights are "Heart In a Cage," opener "You Only Live Once," and the unexpected ballad "Ask Me Anything."
  12. HaggbarthEvil
    Jan 4, 2006
    Why write? Press play! I saw them play in Milan. Fuckin fantastic!
  13. Kingofcosmos
    Jan 4, 2006
    The bad reviews were coming from a mile away. The critics having been waiting a while to slam this band. The album has one or two tracks that it could do without. And it is not as cohesive as the others as almost all the songs on here have a particular attitude of its own. It starts off with a song that'll leave listeners questiionin themselves on who the singer is....it takes a The bad reviews were coming from a mile away. The critics having been waiting a while to slam this band. The album has one or two tracks that it could do without. And it is not as cohesive as the others as almost all the songs on here have a particular attitude of its own. It starts off with a song that'll leave listeners questiionin themselves on who the singer is....it takes a while to get used to....this album is a good one at the end of the day. Is this it > FIOE > room on fire....in my opinion. hope they make a fourth next year. Expand
  14. EthanS
    Jan 4, 2006
    I liked it a lot, but there were some tracks that were just not very enjoyable in the middle of the album.
  15. AnthonyW
    Jan 4, 2006
    Best album in the history of music.
  16. BrianS
    Jan 5, 2006
    People are insane if they think this is a let down album. Did they even listen to Vision of Division or 15 Minutes?? Those songs are incredibly original and blow away anything else on the radio today. With the exception of one or two songs, this album is their masterpiece.
  17. Jon
    Jan 5, 2006
    I was worried The Strokes would put out an album that might suffer like Franz Ferdinand's did from its excessive repetitiveness, but this album demonstrates their ability to be creative with their music while not becoming a different band. Favorite song so far: Ask Me Anything.
  18. VinceG
    Jan 5, 2006
    It is a amazing album, i don't think they have to live up to is this it, they changed a lot from that album which is a good thing
  19. AaronC.
    Jan 6, 2006
    It's as good if not a little better than Room on Fire. A lot of people are saying that the last half of the album isn't as good as the first half (which is true) but that doesn't mean it's "bad" by any means. I actually really like "Ize of the World" and "Evening Sun", 2 of the tail end songs. Either way I think you'll enjoy this album if you liked Room on Fire at all.
  20. PatricioR
    Jan 6, 2006
    it takes a while to digest it...but after that it absolutely rocks!
  21. PatrickA
    Jan 6, 2006
    The Strokes are at their best best when the two guitars are set free to find a melody, and the rest of the band has the good sense to play along. Mission accomplised on "Cage" , " Red Light" and the standout song, "Ize". The guitar solo here runs away to some carribean island, leaving you passed out on the dock.
  22. RyanB
    Jan 6, 2006
    Most songs sound great but a few of the songs sound weak. Like they ran out of the strong stuff and needed to fill a little time. Maybe The Strokes should just stick with making 30 minute albums instead of trying to fill 50. I would have been more satisfied.
  23. daveg
    Jan 7, 2006
    the band's working, but i wish i could say the same for julian.
  24. JeffC.
    Jan 7, 2006
    Great Album! Better than "Room On Fire"
  25. EllS
    Jan 8, 2006
    About half of the songs are good quality stokes numbers. THen there are 3 that are alright and experimental, and the other four are not good. The Strokes really should have not included these songs on the album, and it would have been a lot better. Maybe on your Ipod you could make a playlist of your ideal "First impressions" tracks and you might enjoy them more. Its not "Is this it?" but About half of the songs are good quality stokes numbers. THen there are 3 that are alright and experimental, and the other four are not good. The Strokes really should have not included these songs on the album, and it would have been a lot better. Maybe on your Ipod you could make a playlist of your ideal "First impressions" tracks and you might enjoy them more. Its not "Is this it?" but on first dozen listens im tempted to say that its better than room on fire, a little more experimental. A solid third album from the strokes. Expand
  26. JamesM
    Jan 8, 2006
    I have two friends who are music critics and they usually have 5 CDs to review in a couple of days on top of all their other work. So I would imagine most critics have listened to this album barely once over. Therefore they have not had a chance to let this album 'grow' on them. When I first listened to this album i instanly liked YOLO, J, HIAC & Ize but after about 8 listens I I have two friends who are music critics and they usually have 5 CDs to review in a couple of days on top of all their other work. So I would imagine most critics have listened to this album barely once over. Therefore they have not had a chance to let this album 'grow' on them. When I first listened to this album i instanly liked YOLO, J, HIAC & Ize but after about 8 listens I would say I like all bar 2. Here is a question if this was a totally different band and you knew nothing about them would you rate this album higher or lower than you think now. Expand
  27. DieterF
    Jan 9, 2006
    Very nice album indeed ! There are some huges songs on this album, but unfortunately there are also some less qualitative songs. Nevertheless this album will be one of the better of 2006. If they had omitted 3 songs or so this album might have been a huger hit, and it was possible because there are a lot of songs on this album, ant that's not strokeslike. And the ones that give a 10 Very nice album indeed ! There are some huges songs on this album, but unfortunately there are also some less qualitative songs. Nevertheless this album will be one of the better of 2006. If they had omitted 3 songs or so this album might have been a huger hit, and it was possible because there are a lot of songs on this album, ant that's not strokeslike. And the ones that give a 10 to this album are a little bit too close minded imo, so I give it an 8/10. Expand
  28. ZachV
    Jan 9, 2006
    Amazing through the first half, but should have been a 10 song album, can you bash an album for putting on toomany songs,i mean, if you dont like them,just skip them, the good songs are still there
  29. Stroked
    Jan 9, 2006
    awesome. highlights: definitely you only live once, juicyjuice, red light, 15 minutes and Hawaii on the b-side of juicyjuice is one hell of a good song
  30. layak
    Feb 12, 2006
    Shows the depth of the strokes, the musicianship is much better. Overall a great album, even haters might change their minds about the strokes. Highly recommended.
  31. RenanF
    Feb 18, 2006
    what to say about you only live once, juice box, razor blade, heart in a cage, the other side, evening sun and red light? It´s great!!!!!!
  32. SteveB
    Feb 18, 2006
    The Strokes needed to break out with something new or they were finished. The first 6 tracks of this album are fantastic and fresh. The rest, well, not so much. If they had trimmed the album down to 10 songs, critics would have loved it. My attitude is, the first 6 songs are so good that I don't care what the rest of the album sounds like. How many other albums can boast that many The Strokes needed to break out with something new or they were finished. The first 6 tracks of this album are fantastic and fresh. The rest, well, not so much. If they had trimmed the album down to 10 songs, critics would have loved it. My attitude is, the first 6 songs are so good that I don't care what the rest of the album sounds like. How many other albums can boast that many good songs? Expand
  33. BellaC
    Mar 21, 2006
    I love this album! Altough it is not as good as its predecessors Is This It and Room On Fire. The best song is definitly Heart In A Cage. Casablancas vocals are splendid.
  34. hfraza
    Apr 25, 2006
    Good, but not so good. But why all the critics say better things about some shitty new bands ( Kasabian, keyser chiefs...)
  35. AlexC
    Apr 6, 2006
    C'mon, this album deserves a better rating! The first 8 tracks are all killers so i'll give it an 8. The album dies a bit towards the end, which was not a tendency of the first two albums, but there are more tracks on here so that's understandable. God damn I love The Strokes!
  36. Hein
    May 21, 2006
    They lost it compleetly
  37. AlessandroO
    May 30, 2006
    Everybody said that The Strokes would have failed with the third album. I would say that Casablancas &co. have the talent to make "classic" almost every song they edit. Maybe ten minutes (and 4 tracks) less would be better, but please, from now on nobody say that The Strokes are over!
  38. blakew
    Jun 20, 2006
    nothing short of the best. And its ten times better than any band out there right now
  39. MaddyH
    Aug 27, 2006
    I personally don't know what some critics are on abou. All the songs are great and it REALLY does grow on you. The songs are amazing, julian is a great songwriter, and teh band has evolve into something new, but it is great.
  40. tommijo
    Aug 5, 2006
    great cd and the best indie post-rock album in a year
  41. killaben
    Jan 11, 2006
    Quite an improvement. I suppose it takes a couple of releases before a band is afforded the creative freedom to record something of this calibur. Casablancas's voice is at tImes Thom Yorke and at others, Bono. Besides Fischerspooner, this group is the closest thing the U.S. has to an A-tier band. The Strokes are on the right track, let's hope that on the next album, there are Quite an improvement. I suppose it takes a couple of releases before a band is afforded the creative freedom to record something of this calibur. Casablancas's voice is at tImes Thom Yorke and at others, Bono. Besides Fischerspooner, this group is the closest thing the U.S. has to an A-tier band. The Strokes are on the right track, let's hope that on the next album, there are even fewer guitars. Rock is soooo last century! Expand
  42. mikeb
    Jan 11, 2006
    Completely different from their previous two albums; but in a good way. Much more diverse and experimental.
  43. LorenaT
    Jan 11, 2006
    i love it.... i love it.... i love it........
  44. RobD.
    Jan 12, 2006
    This is a damn good album, it is promising and i think it is the best yet and the next will be even better probably. Critics always complain that they dont want a is this it 3 but when the album comes out and its not an is this it 3 they hate it. Critics dont know shit so dont listen to them its a good album.
  45. Tony
    Jan 12, 2006
    Very good, a definate leap forward from room on fire. The problem is, they run out of steam. It seems like after they wrote such awesome artsy intense crowd-pleasers as You Only Live Once, Juicebox, Razorblade, Heart in a Cage, Ize of the World, and Electricityscape they just wanted to fill up time. Julian needs to chill with the low, long mumbling and keep going with his kick-ass rock scream.
  46. GeoffS
    Jan 15, 2006
    The problem with this album is consistancy. The first five songs (yes, even Juicebox), are catchy, melodically complex, and even moving (see On the Other Side). But when the album transitions back to off-kilter songs like Ize of the World, we begin to see the limitations of The Strokes. Some songs like Evening Sun have fantastic verses, but morose and hookless chorus lines. Other songs, The problem with this album is consistancy. The first five songs (yes, even Juicebox), are catchy, melodically complex, and even moving (see On the Other Side). But when the album transitions back to off-kilter songs like Ize of the World, we begin to see the limitations of The Strokes. Some songs like Evening Sun have fantastic verses, but morose and hookless chorus lines. Other songs, notably Juicebox and Red Light, catch you after the third listen, ("You're so coooooold!") In all, I miss Is This It?, but the album shows improvement from Room on Fire; it seems that The Strokes have evolved from those lanky N.Y. kids to more realistic, fame-struck adults; a step up in the extent of Julian's songwriting, and a solid 7. Expand
  47. AukeM
    Jan 17, 2006
    It's perfect!!!
  48. MarioP
    Jan 29, 2006
    I had some reservations on this album, but after a few listens I must say it really is quite great. The first 4 songs are brilliant, as in my opinion is Electricityscape. The rest are interesting songs, barring Killing Lies, Fear of Sleep and Evening Sun: the album would be much more solid without those stinkers. Nonetheless, this CD marks a nice evolution for The Strokes and I'm I had some reservations on this album, but after a few listens I must say it really is quite great. The first 4 songs are brilliant, as in my opinion is Electricityscape. The rest are interesting songs, barring Killing Lies, Fear of Sleep and Evening Sun: the album would be much more solid without those stinkers. Nonetheless, this CD marks a nice evolution for The Strokes and I'm really enjoying it. Expand
  49. Elene
    Feb 11, 2006
    i don't know why everyone is saying it's not a good album. the album was great and had alot of really good songs. razorblade, you only live once, and on the other side are awesome tracks. everyone is complaining about julian's voice .. but on the other hand .. everyone is bitchin how they had the same sound. they changed, and now people are giving them crap. just deal. i don't know why everyone is saying it's not a good album. the album was great and had alot of really good songs. razorblade, you only live once, and on the other side are awesome tracks. everyone is complaining about julian's voice .. but on the other hand .. everyone is bitchin how they had the same sound. they changed, and now people are giving them crap. just deal. it's a sweet album from a sweet band. Expand
  50. mattl
    Feb 12, 2006
    Amazing album, truely pulled me in as a fan!
  51. TBone
    Feb 14, 2006
    There's some good stuff on this album. I can't figure out why critics hate this so much, maybe it' s because the Strokes have been around for a while. Critics seem to not like established acts at all. Razorblade is 5 stars, as is You Only Live Once. Heart in a Cage is pretty good. I really don't like Juicebox.
  52. nandog
    Feb 27, 2006
    it the greatest album yet to come
  53. BMikols
    Mar 21, 2006
    I also think this album is fantastic. It, like previous Strokes albums, gets better with each listen. Critics say it only has six or seven good songs. What other album in recent memory had that many good tracks? Not as good as Is This It? It will be hard to ever overachieve when held against such high criteria. Some of their best songs are on this album
  54. LeaA
    Apr 12, 2006
    Authentically expressed, musically and lyrically. It both rocks and stirs, makes me hungry for the growth that will have them producing even better stuff in the future. Someday, when this band achieves its greatness, people will be revisiting this album, appreciating it and seeking out its messages as if they are hearing it for the first time.
  55. funkink
    Apr 16, 2006
    I don't know what everyone's complaining about, I wore out the first two albums so quick, i was worried this was another candy coated attempt to win over the masses. These guys are changing, they're growing and getting better. don't worry, you'll catch on eventually.
  56. jyotirmayad
    Apr 27, 2006
    I like this CD. I thought the first two Strokes' CDs were kind of boring. they sounded so mcuh the same. This one had more musical variations in it -- both lyrically and musically -- which made all of the difference to me to buy it.
  57. amurabim
    Jun 19, 2006
    At first impression, the new Strokes album is precise. Rocking, well produced, with each member dominating its instrument. The first six roles falling with grace and applomb, but after that, the album feels a little bit boring (no hooks, nothing great). Julian sounds powerful, lyrics are dealing with the fame and the fortune but in a very NY context. After the monumental "You Only Live At first impression, the new Strokes album is precise. Rocking, well produced, with each member dominating its instrument. The first six roles falling with grace and applomb, but after that, the album feels a little bit boring (no hooks, nothing great). Julian sounds powerful, lyrics are dealing with the fame and the fortune but in a very NY context. After the monumental "You Only Live Once" (one of the greatest songs of the year), the album falls proggresively. Exhausting its energy (and our patience) in the latest tracks. It sounds as The Strokes repeating themselves, even with a clear, better sound. With a spirit that combines energy with melancholy and sense of humor. A sound bigger, crunchy. accesible. The voice is in first frame. Guitars are brilliant and some tracks are amazing ("Ask Me Anything" with strings and no drums). But the entire result does not take great heights in art-pop-punk ground. This is an attempt to break frontiers and a try to get attention musically instead comercially. Expand
  58. eotmetalhero
    Jul 21, 2006
    ithink this album is very fantastic, for lyric and song is hard and so easy in to heart and my head, for ecample is a song electricity escape ithink is good. THE STROKES IS MY HERO.thank for nick,julian,and all, make a good song!!!!!
  59. Dec 29, 2012
    I don't understand why Is This It got so much hype. This is my favorite album by them. Apart from one okay song, every song on this album was incredible. It was a great blend of rock and alternative, with some bluesy elements to it as well.
  60. Feb 22, 2020
    The new direction Julian took the band in was not for everyone but turned the Strokes from an outstanding band to the best rock band of all time. Razorblade, Ize of the World YOLO are amongst the best rock songs ever written.
  61. Mar 3, 2020
    This is certainly my favorite album by the strokes, and when I recently revisited it I was impressed once again. I find it interesting that their first two albums are rated so much higher. It's actually a pretty different style - their first few abums are obviously far more garage and from Angles onward they moved more toward synthpop. This album is very ornate, though, tons ofThis is certainly my favorite album by the strokes, and when I recently revisited it I was impressed once again. I find it interesting that their first two albums are rated so much higher. It's actually a pretty different style - their first few abums are obviously far more garage and from Angles onward they moved more toward synthpop. This album is very ornate, though, tons of multilayered melodies remind me of Steely Dan actually, but a far more modern flavor. Really this album doesn't let up, and it's pretty much packed front-to-back with earworms. Reminds me at times of Ratatat and Bloc Party as well. Expand
  62. RR
    Jan 4, 2008
    Great, great album. I lost interest in the Strokes after their first, which I'd played to death. Then saw them live and was blown away - Pearl Jam aside, this is the tightest rock band in the world right now. Most of the songs they played I hadn't heard before, and I was thrilled by all of them. Guess what? They're on this record. A song or two could have been dropped; Great, great album. I lost interest in the Strokes after their first, which I'd played to death. Then saw them live and was blown away - Pearl Jam aside, this is the tightest rock band in the world right now. Most of the songs they played I hadn't heard before, and I was thrilled by all of them. Guess what? They're on this record. A song or two could have been dropped; aside from that negligible fact, Impressions stands as one hell of an accomplished album. Can't get enough of it. And only Julian Casablancas can rip off Barry Manilow (in Razor Blade) and still sound cool. Great job. Expand
  63. Vinnyg
    Jan 20, 2010
    SO UNDERRATED. While not quite as good as "Is This It," it easily surpasses "Room on Fire." I personally love almost every single track. The Strokes are definitely a great band.
  64. EddieEinarMrtnsnN
    Dec 9, 2007
    First Impressions of Earth offers a matured the Strokes, and although they've lost the skipping and fast-moving appearance of the their two first albums, they've changed their style briefly in favor for something more ambitious. The album opens up as strong as anything, but midway through songs starts behaving half-formed, unusual for someone as Casablancas who's proven First Impressions of Earth offers a matured the Strokes, and although they've lost the skipping and fast-moving appearance of the their two first albums, they've changed their style briefly in favor for something more ambitious. The album opens up as strong as anything, but midway through songs starts behaving half-formed, unusual for someone as Casablancas who's proven himself such an early-matured songwriter. Either way, the band has learned new tricks and they behave just as smart as they did back in the early days, even a bit smarter. Lots of enjoy here, but you can't avoid feeling disappointed as 5 and maybe 6 of the 14 songs doesn't really punch as they could. Anyway; the Strokes rocks and still sounds refreshing. Expand
  65. MattK
    Jan 9, 2007
    This album is great, and if your a fan of previous work of the Strokes, you will not be disappointed with this effort. The music sounds fresh!
  66. Link
    Apr 20, 2007
    The most authentic rock-n-roll album to be released in the last ten years. Killer solos, catchy rhythms, and beautifully crafted lyrics. The Strokes have outdone themselves. And the music is AWESOME in concert
  67. bobR
    May 5, 2007
    "you only live once" is their best song yet... and it's in this album :)
  68. MarkK
    Jun 5, 2007
    it´s been a while since this was released and i recently heard it again. My impressions from back then were good , it sounded like a massive improvement in production, and i liked a couple of songs , but i never gave this album the atention i now know it deserved, mainly becuase i got distracted by other releases and frankly i got a little caught up in the critical reception it got it´s been a while since this was released and i recently heard it again. My impressions from back then were good , it sounded like a massive improvement in production, and i liked a couple of songs , but i never gave this album the atention i now know it deserved, mainly becuase i got distracted by other releases and frankly i got a little caught up in the critical reception it got and the overall sentiment that this was a dissapointment. Well , having listened to this again , for numerous times , i can say i LOVE it. IMHO, much better than the first two. It has such great guitar lines, with both sublime melodies and awesome tech.Nick and Albert just sound beautiful here, i´m impressed with these guys. Fab must have taken lessons or something , because he does some great drumming here and plays miles better than his old amateurish stuff. And Julian finally sounds like his singing and trying his best at it . And apart from the total upgrade in overall sound, the songs, while being still catchy and very strokes, are more diverse and interesting. Im not giving this a 10 becuase some songs frankly annoy me or i think are filler, like "Ask Me Anything", "Killing Lies" and "15 minutes" , but for the rest of them , a 9 seems fair enough. Expand
  69. marcyb
    Jul 2, 2007
    I think that they eally tried to grow on this album. they used a lot of experimental sounds, its great. julian really showed his talent as a singer.
  70. Jodan
    Jun 30, 2008
    Awesome! Every song is amazing. The strokes kick A**!!!
  71. BurwellW.
    Jul 12, 2008
    While the first two albums were damn near perfect (if not the second then certainly the first with room on fire trailing close by) first impressions of earth slightly misses its mark. The first two albums were filled with nostalgia entangled within the lyrics and the melodies. This is lost. Hopefully with a new album they can get their mojo back.
  72. tiega
    Nov 23, 2006
    rock on.
  73. AddlerS
    Dec 2, 2006
    The instruments sound great! The first half of this album is very good and then it declines, but nonetheless it is a good piece of work from The Strokes and we're interested to hear what's next from them, which will be a critical release.
  74. DylanR
    Feb 25, 2007
    Great album, it's awsome, I listen to it all the time.
  75. FrankieM.
    Jan 18, 2008
    I wasnt going to buy this album due to mixed reviews but then i heard you only live once and i thought why not buy it and now im so happy i did. my faviourite tracks are juicebox,vision of division, ize of the world and you only live once. also impressed by the guitar work the best ive heard from the strokes
  76. DanielB.
    Feb 6, 2008
    Good for most of the album but nothing more than solid and how the hell are the strokes indie rock?
  77. BenF
    Feb 14, 2009
    It is different than their previous two albums but still good. "You live only once" is pretty much my favorite track from this album. The rest are decent but not great.
  78. maria
    Nov 26, 2006
    This album is a-freakin-mazing. And to all the people who say it's crap, they probably don't evn like this kid of music. And hello, do they know anything about anything? It is, in fact, very common to use melodies from past songs for a totally new one. So get a life and go smoke your crack and don't even bother next time you want to say something bad about The Strokes. This album is a-freakin-mazing. And to all the people who say it's crap, they probably don't evn like this kid of music. And hello, do they know anything about anything? It is, in fact, very common to use melodies from past songs for a totally new one. So get a life and go smoke your crack and don't even bother next time you want to say something bad about The Strokes. Other than that I love every song on this album! Expand
  79. MC
    Dec 16, 2006
    A real grower. So very bold. The guiter riffs are awesome , and the drumming skills of Fab Moretti are really evident here. And only The Strokes could pull off a song like Ize of the World.
  80. JoeR
    Oct 27, 2006
    truly amazing. the opening five tracks are hands down the best opening five tracks of all time. what else could you want
  81. Precious
    Sep 27, 2006
    The critics who panned this album are closed minded. I don't know how anyone could not love it. The lyrics and music on this album are absolutely stunning. While I didn't like it as much when first purchased, Impressions is now the only album i've got going on a continuous loop in the car and on the iPod. It works its way into your mind and stays there. I'm The critics who panned this album are closed minded. I don't know how anyone could not love it. The lyrics and music on this album are absolutely stunning. While I didn't like it as much when first purchased, Impressions is now the only album i've got going on a continuous loop in the car and on the iPod. It works its way into your mind and stays there. I'm particularly loving Electricityscape and Razorblade. Expand
  82. williamDOE
    May 28, 2007
    not as bad as most critics will say, but not as good either. granted, their first album was great, so they'll always have to match it. they havent with this album. the album starts off great with their first 4 songs, but the rest just kind of drag on.
  83. daver
    Oct 13, 2009
    Love this cd as much of the other two, i don't care what the "critics" say about it, Their music is something refreshing.
  84. Amelia
    Dec 24, 2006
    I pity those who can't appreciate the brilliance of this album (nelson) and cheers to precious - I too love electricityscape and RED LIGHT is my absolute favourite - listen to that gutiar--- oh my goodness they are brilliant. and strokes lovers check out albert hammond jrs solo album - it is fantastic.
  85. Dec 13, 2010
    Sure, its not as good as Is This It. But really, this album is incredible in its own right. How can you give an album with such intensity and musical brilliance a 70? Julian clears up his singing, the guitars get more complex solos and clarity to create a stunning album. Can't get enough even 4 years after relese...
  86. Sep 16, 2018
    i Don't get the hate this is one of the best rock album of the 00s. 10/10 the strokes is love the strokes is life
  87. Apr 13, 2019
    After years of listening to this album, I’ve decided that it’s my favourite album of all time. It’s supposed to be the listeners’ First Impressions of Earth. The lyrics, instrumentals, themes, and vibes of each song vary from track to track, offering the listener a new experience with each track. You Only Live Once’s somewhat melancholic lyrics with that energetic and upbeat musicAfter years of listening to this album, I’ve decided that it’s my favourite album of all time. It’s supposed to be the listeners’ First Impressions of Earth. The lyrics, instrumentals, themes, and vibes of each song vary from track to track, offering the listener a new experience with each track. You Only Live Once’s somewhat melancholic lyrics with that energetic and upbeat music alongside it really starts it off strong. From there it stays strong with each following track. The edgy Juicebox and Heart in a Cage, and the lovey and somewhat ironic Razorblade all give the album a starting. We have a more political song like Ize of the World, and introspective tracks like On the Otherside, Ask me Anything, and Fear of Sleep. It’s all fantastic, and I can’t get over it. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. Blender
    Earth is the sound of a band coming to that inevitable realization: five patrician perfectionists who've resolved to sound sloppy, even (or especially) at the risk of fucking up. [Jan/Feb 2006, p.98]
  2. Turns out what the world was waiting for really was those that saved guitars finally making a record that truly reaped the rewards of their efforts. Is this it? OH GOD YES!
  3. First Impressions introduces some subtle new colors to the band's musical palette... but the pervasive sense of inert boredom, which has been noted as a strength in the past, is difficult to shake.